Life is full of surprises. Considering that, you can’t expect all of your days to be filled with laughter, smiles, and happiness. Annoying situations are bound to happen at one point or another.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you should always have negative thoughts o negative expectations. The trick is to find humor in every situation, particularly the bad ones.
With that, here are 55 photos of people’s day that are both hilarious and irritating.
1. Refund, please.
There are two issues here: 1:) They used a different pattern for the middle part. 2.) They didn’t even think about filling the gaps. If this was my yard, I’d definitely ask for a refund.

2. The odd one
I don’t think that single blue piece accidentally got there. It looks like it’s a spy and it’s trying to figure out what the red pieces were planning against his team.

3. Not even
It looks like someone forgot to bring their measuring tools to work. The cabinets are clearly not even. The longer you stare at it, the more annoying it gets.

4. Wrong direction
Whoever packed this clearly got distracted. Otherwise, that piece wouldn’t be facing the wrong direction.

5. That one DVD
The designer had a change of heart all of a sudden. He chose to do a different design for that one DVD. For collectors, that’s seriously irritating.

6. Ironic
This tool is supposed to make opening packages easier. You just have to find a way to get it out of its packaging before you can experience its benefit.

7. Strong
Don’t be fooled by that tiny opening. It doesn’t make the pistachio easier to crack. It’s actually the other way around.

8. Bitter
This is why you don’t let chocolates sit on one side for too long. As soon as you get one, eat it right away. That’s the only way for you to avoid regrets.

9. Unfit
Locks are supposed to secure doors. They aren’t supposed to create gaps where people can see you doing your business.

10. Too much pressure
The process of inserting a plastic straw isn’t easy. You need to use the right pressure. Otherwise, you might end up with something like this.


12. Exact
Being specific is great, but this one’s a different story. The opening times are seriously confusing. I’d probably look for another shop than spend a lot of time figuring out the time slots.

13. Weak
I guess the knife was not strong enough to do its job. It’s time to invest in another one. Hopefully, this person’s next purchase is durable enough to cut an avocado.

14. Skipped
This is definitely annoying. Imagine waiting for several minutes only to hear that the person behind you is getting his orders first.

15. What to do?
There are two things you can do in this type of situation. You can either get the sticky fork out and wipe it with clean tissue or you can just ask for another one. Both options are annoying when you’re simply out to enjoy a good meal.

16. Upside down
Some people like to do unconventional things. I guess this person is one of them.

17. Challenge
Don’t underestimate a spider for its size. You’ll never know what “scary” things it can do to annoy you.

18. Always
The peel-open seal is a lie. You can’t pop the whole thing off in one just clean motion.

19. Breakfast fail
Well, it looks like someone’s day wasn’t off on a great start. I hope he had a few more eggs to cook for breakfast.

20. Too much
If you need immediate relief, you better start unpacking this medicine early and quickly. You need to go through three layers just to get the medicince out.

21. No window
A window seat without a window. I hope his family didn’t spend a lot of money just to get him that spot.

22. No sense of personal space
On most times, dogs are adorable creatures. It becomes a different story when they invade their human’s personal space.

23. Bad day
I guess someone had a bad day at the grocery store. It must have been heartbreaking to watch those beautiful cupcakes fall on the cart.

24. The tips
This mom likes to eat fries, except for the tips. I don’t understand why but I feel sorry for the fries.

25. Leaving items
There’s a reason why products are sorted into different aisles in grocery stores. Whoever left this fruit in the school supplies section clearly needs to be oriented.

26. Finding the culplrit
I hope they found whoever did this horrible thing in the office. Scraping off the icing and leaving the cake part is just unacceptable.

27. Not following directions
Whoever opened this pack of wet wipes clearly doesn’t know what the tab in the middle is for. He chose to cut one of its corner.

28. When your fish burger is a scam
The good thing? The burger has a lot of bread. The bad thing? It was too much for the fish nugget.

29. All the hair
Getting your hair all over your face might feel uncomfortable when you’re traveling. However, that doesn’t mean that you can just gather your hair and do this. It’s rude and impolite to the person behind you.

30. Wrong size
The wife brought the wrong size for their phone’s screen protector and she had no issues about it. The husband, on the other hand, had a hard time getting over it. I complete understand the man’s reaction. This screen protector isn’t enough to keep the phone safe!

31. Terrifying
Without a doubt, this is the scariest bathroom. Looking at those people, it feels like they’re going to grab your feet while you’re doing your business. I don’t think I’ll be able to pee with all those eyes staring at me.

32. Taking all the parking spaces
This car was parked in not just two or three parking spaces. Its owner chose to take up four parking spaces. That’s way beyond rude.

33. Two seats
She took two seats and placed her things there. The annoying part was that she didn’t sit down even once. I guess she prioritizes her things over her safety and comfort.

34. Danger
It’s hard to get drunk when you live in this house. There’s the risk of falling off that cliff.

35. Just one socket
This clearly spells fire hazard. If the family can buy several appliances and gadgets, I’m pretty sure they can afford another socket.

36. Rude server
The server took his plate while he was still eating. It’s safe to say that he wasn’t impressed. I hope he was able to finish his food.

37. This pants.
Wearing this kind of pants isn’t completely annoying. Just make sure that you’re wearing one that fits properly and doesn’t show your underwear.

38. No respect
It’s rude to sit this way when you’re riding public transportation. Putting your feet up while sitting this way is a lot worse.

39. Not lying
You can’t consider this as false advertising. It’s actually a pepperoni and cheese pizza. The only thing they failed to clarify was the number of pepperoni slices on the pizza.

40. Tags
The shirt came with 15 tags. I wonder if the designer wrote a mini novel on them.

41. Taking all the space
The owner of this motorcycle chose to park his car in the middle of two parking spaces. That’s definitely a selfish move.

42. No manners
It’s hard to understand how some people are able to leave their mess in public places like this train. It’s like cleaning up after themselves is so hard.

43. The problem with jackets
Believe it or not, a lot of people are trying to find how they can stop their jackets from looking like this. Some say airdrying fixes this while others believe that washing hoodies in cold water helps.

44. How?
It’s hard to understand how keys end up like this when your hands are full. They seem to know the perfect time to get themselves tangled.

45. Every. Single. Time
Cords always get tangled. Even if you put them neatly in your purse, they always end up looking like this.

46. No sense of privacy
Doors are installed in bathroom cubicles to give people a sense of privacy. With this door, it’s going to be hard doing your business without worrying about other people seeing you.

47. A sink’s purpose
The sink should catch the water and prevent it from getting all over you and the floor. I don’t think whoever made this knew that.

48. Organization
It’s hard to live with people who can’t keep things organized. No matter how many time you arrange things at home, they always end up in chaos.

49. Why?
It’s not hard to determine which part goes up and which part goes down. Despite the glaring indication, this person still managed to open this box of cereal the wrong way.

50. No consideration
If you’re not sure about the things you pick up from the grocery store, make sure to bring them back to their proper aisles. Leaving them on random spots is just rude for other customers and the people who work there.

51. Permanent mistake
This is one of those mistakes you can’t correct. Once you punch a hole on your paper, there’s no way you can undo it.

52. Opening packages
This woman has no shame Her husband must be a really patient man. There’s nothing mild about the way she opens things.

53. Ooops.
This is one good reason why you should never wait when it comes to eating donuts. If you wait too long, you might end up not getting the good stuff.

54. All that space
The woman occupied 3 chairs- one for her and two for her things. Clearly, that’s a selfish move.

55. Poor aim
You know what’s more annoying than realizing someone missed their aim while using the toilet? It’s having to clean up someone else’s piss.

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