1) The Thinker
Great minds think alike. There is no doubt that these two have the same thoughts in mind. Everyone will see their own likeness between these two but what stands out the most I think is the brows. Only thing missing here are the glasses.

2) Spike A Like
Nailed it. This is a great anime character look alike. This guy looks like Kuroko bang on. The hair and the spikes are the biggest similarity feature.

3) Carrot Top
It is an amazing likeness between these two. Aside from the carrot top hair, their chins are almost identical. Even their eyes and smiles are almost exact. My favorite though is the carrot top hair.

4) Short And Sweet
She did a great job on this anime. Both images have tiny features and a narrow chin. The hair colour is almost the same, however she needed to add some spikes and a choker style necklace.

5) Muscles Galore
It’s not hard to see what stands out in these comparison anime photos. This person is very proud of his physique. The thing that catches my eye the most is the elbow similarity. Their faces do look quite similar also.

6) Patched Match
Just add an eye patch and you’ll be a perfect match. Hair and ears are pretty close as well. Wear a collared shirt under that sweater for a better effect.

7) Kung Fu Fighter
The serious look that both of these images have means don’t mess with me. They are both ready to take on their enemies. The similarities are amazing.

8) Attitude Done Right
She couldn’t have done a better job capturing the attitude of the anime. Her facial expression is almost identical. Hair and cleavage is pretty much the same also.

9) Funky Hair
The wild hair comparison is quite funny. They both have huge eyes as well. A very good impression of
Edward. The only thing missing is the huge glasses.

10) White Lightning
The hair couldn’t be any whiter. Very close resemblance. The shape of their eyes, face and neck are almost exactly the same.

11) Blonde Bomber
These two could definitely be twins. They share all the same features. Even the hair is the same. Both are very attractive.

12) Pinkest Pink
The pink hair does the trick in this anime look alike. The hair style is also almost the same. High cheekbones and the nose are very close as well.

13) Skaters Delight
Aside from both images wearing a costume, the facial similarities are what defines this comparison. They both have pointy noses and high cheekbones. The bleached blonde hair is the same too.

14) Mashima Model
This guy looks like he could be a model. A very close resemblance to Mashima. They both have a perplexed look on their faces.

15) Spiked Hair
The most obvious likeness in these two photos is the extreme spiked hair. Although it is hard to see both facial expressions, the side profile does look as if he is mimicking Goku.

16) China Doll
This one is really cute. She looks like a China Doll. She has done a really good job imitating her anime. The shapes of their faces and hair colour and styles are very similar.

17) Gorgeous Green
She did a really good job at simulating C.C. The green hair and style is bang on. Her makeup job on her eyes is amazing.

18) Pure Funk
This funky looking guy did a great job looking like this anime. His facial shape is the same. Hair colour and style is right on the money.

19) Bulma Blue
This person captured her Bulma look alike shot. The shape of their faces are almost identical. Great job on the hair style and colour blue.

20) Pussycats And Butterflies
These two pussycats are identical. They could pass for twins. Adding the choker was a great idea. Wearing similar tops also helps capture this anime.

21) Sexy Magenta
She couldn’t have gotten the hair colour any closer. The sexy image both photos depict shows a Rias Gremory look alike.

22) Opposite Expressions
Even though their hair styles and colour are the same. Their expressions are exactly the opposite. I wonder what he would look like sad.

23) Bald Is Sexy
The bald sexy business look in both these photos captures Saitama’s personality to a T. The shape of both faces and the closeness of the ears to the head is the same. The only thing missing on the anime is beard stubble.

24) No Curls Please
This guy would have absolutely nailed it if he straightened his hair. Shaving off his moustache would have helped to. However he has his attire down pat.

25) Head Tilting
This is a great impersonation of Nenene Sumiregawa right down to the position of her head. However the anime has bangs. If she styled her hair a little differently she would have been bang on.

26) Close Your Mouth
This guy should have closed his mouth to compare himself to an anime. It would have looked much better. However he nailed it with his hair style but that’s about it.

27) Bold Black
The bold black bowl hair style is pretty close. However her eyes a little overdone as Rock Lee’s eyes are not quite that black underneath.

28) Scary Bride
This girl would make a very scary anime bride. Her hair length and colour are similar to her anime but she is too scary looking. Adding false eyelashes was a good idea though.

29) Pointy Chin
The biggest similarity in these photos are their chins. This person was able to capture Gaara’s hairstyle as well. The colour is close, however he could have done a few spikes to make it better.

30) Hooded Capture

31) Sassy Girl
Good job on this one, right down to the sparkle in the eye. Hair colour is really close, however she needs bangs to finish it off. Lose the lip piercing too.

32) Mirror Image
This guy and his anime are like looking in the mirror. Aside from the moustache, they do look very much alike. Evening the clothing styles are very similar.

33) Kyouko Twins
Great job on this one right down to the long braid in the hair. However she is just missing the bangs. The shape of their faces are identical.

34) Sad Eyes
Both images here show a level of sadness in their eyes. Not only do they look alike, it also appears they are experiencing the same feelings.

35) White Blazer
Nice try, however the only thing I see that is similar is the white blazer and maybe the length of the hair. Perhaps a hair colour change and the V style bangs would have been better. Eyebrows should be straight across and not shaped.

36) Sail Away
Put a sailor suit on her and any guy would be prepared to sail away with her. She looks very similar to her anime. However, she is much prettier.

37) Rena Hack
Not even close. This person did a real hack job on Rena. Rena has no curls and hair colour is totally off. The eye shapes are very different as well. The joker style jewellry is the only thing I see that is similar.

38) Eye Catching
Wearing the eyeglasses draws your attention to their eyes. The guy looks like he’s looking at anime and is not really sure that’s what he looks like. He seems unimpressed.

39) Saber Swift
Good job Taylor you captured the Saber look. Although your hair should be a bit blonder, the style is very similar. Face shapes are close too.

40) Angry Birds
The girl and her anime both look very angry. The anime is better dressed. This makes the anime look angry and attractive. The girl looks angry and unimpressed.

41) Mellow Yellow
This guys hair needs to be longer and include bangs over one eye to capture the Sanji image he is trying to portray. Take out the earrings and shave everything but the chin stubble. Put a smoke in your mouth and you will be a match.

42) Serious Singer
This serious singer has captured his anime look alike even down to the clothing colour. Their hair and clothing compliment one another. Great job on the hair.

43) Waxed Stache
Moustache is identical. Both shapes of faces are very close. The stern look they both share is very close as well. Very similar in body builds also.

44) Dread Locks
The dread locks are the biggest similarity in these photos. The guys expression makes him look like he’s lost in space. The anime has a very surprised look in his eyes.

45) Curly Queen
Both hair textures are identical. The curls are beautiful. The shape of their faces right down to the eyes are very close.

46) Zac Attack
Zac Efron’s total anime look alike is Light Yagami. There are obvious similarities like the hair and eyes. Sporting the exact clothing helps too.

47) Young Stud
This young stud is very close to his anime. Just add a few hair spikes and that’s all that is needed. The ears and face shapes are exactly the same. The black jacket was a good addition.

48) Ponytail Dream
This girl looks very close to her anime character. They both look like they are dreaming about not so pleasant and serious things. The girl should have coloured her hair a different colour purple.

49) Hair Explosion
Holy hair. Great job on resembling this anime. You could actually pass for an anime. Same facial features and shape. Body image is also very close.

50) Cana Cyrus
Miley Cyrus looks so much like Cana Alberona anime. She should change her name to Cana Cyrus. She is extremely beautiful. She represents a strong woman.

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