Baby Boomers Are The Only Ones Who Can Ace Naming These American Icons
I knew I would know all of these!
Kate Miano

Us baby boomers are lucky. We grew up in an era of huge cultural and scientific achievement, and the icons of our time have gone down in history as American icons.

flickr - Natalia Sheppard
flickr - Natalia Sheppard

But you’d be surprised by how many people nowadays can’t identify the changemakers we knew and loved. Sure, everyone has heard of Rosa Parks, but do you know what she looked like?

So many things of note happened during the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

flickr - celiafen
flickr - celiafen

It was truly a time to be alive! From the Free Love and hippie movements, to the civil rights movement, to the birth of rock and roll, and even to landing a man on the moon, us Baby Boomers have lived through events that still impact us today.

Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons

But these events didn’t happen on their own. It’s thanks to the icons of our time that so much change took place. Behind every significant historical moment are the people who made it happen. Nobody would know those iconic paintings of Marilyn Monroe and Campbell’s Soup cans without Andy Warhol, and guitars wouldn’t quite mean the same thing without rockers like Jimi Hendrix.

Apparently Baby Boomers have the best knowledge of American icons.

Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons

So take a trip down memory lane and match the photo to the name. Refamiliarize yourself with the icons of our childhood and youth, and remind yourself why you love being a boomer so much, by taking this quiz.

Take our quiz below!

When you’re done with the quiz, check out this adorable video of dogs showing off their best American icon outfits!

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