Little Boy Melts Hearts Walking His Horse
What a sweet little boy!
Caryl Jane Espiritu

Sometimes, you can’t totally believe that something has happened unless you witness it with your own eyes. You’ve heard about horses being gentle creatures around humans, especially children, but it may seem difficult to imagine such a large animal being so tender and sweet to a little child. However, this adorable video of a tiny boy walking his horse will make you believe that horses really are gentle animals!


Little Arthur from Perth, Australia was walking a baby horse back to his paddock after Arthur’s mum trained the pony so that the boy could eventually learn to ride him. Although the horse is what we consider a baby, it is clear that it is still a huge animal compared to the tiny boy. Plus, him being a young horse can mean that he is harder to control.


However, it can be seen in their footage that the horse is every bit the gentle animal that we expect him to be. Showing patience he was going along with his tiny leader and following young Arthur towards his paddock. Anybody witnessing the adorable sight can see that these two already share a bond like no other.

Did you know that being around horses is actually great for kids? Why? For one, horseback riding is a nice way to spend time outdoors and for kids to learn that an active lifestyle is beneficial for them. It can be a perfect chance for the family to get together and for the kids to enjoy being out in the sun while riding horses.


Another amazing benefit that kids can get from interacting with horses is that they learn to be disciplined, caring and respectful at an early age. Horses are instinctive, just like any other animal, and they know how to show respect to those who give the same kind of respect to them. Being around horses can teach a young child to have patience. It will also teach them responsibility and to be careful of their actions towards the horse because if they’re not carful the horse may lose trust in their owner and their bond may never be the same again.


Horses are also great pets and can be treated as a person’s best friend. They are not only reliable, but their presence is also proven to be very calming. Kids will surely learn the perks of being calm and collected through constant interaction with their equine friends.


Letting kids handle horses also awakens their leadership skills. This is because when it comes to training and making horses follow their lead, kids need to learn to establish a healthy and positive sense of leadership that makes the horses more giving and submissive. Stepping into a leadership role early on is certainly something that can impact a child’s future endeavors.


But, apart from all the benefits mentioned, the best perk would have to be the joy a child gets whenever he is on top of a horse enjoying the fresh air outdoors. Horseback riding is not necessarily a means of transportation these days. More so, it is a beautiful way to enjoy nature and find peace in it.


Little Arthur may be young and has not yet ridden his baby horse, but we all can see just how marvelous his connection with the animal already is. He is comfortable with going near his baby horse and interacting with him. It is a great sign that both already demonstrate a calm and collected vibe towards one another.

I’m sure little Arthur can’t wait for the day when he can finally ride his lovely horse!

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