Kids are always hilarious! Sometimes, they’re hilarious on purpose. Other times, they do something funny without realizing it. Whenever a kid does something funny, their parents will usually reach for a camera so they can document the moment. Back in the old days, parents had no way of sharing these sidesplitting photos. But now, it’s easy for parents to share funny photos of their kids!
We’ve collected some of the most hilarious examples of kids being their typical cute selves. There are photos of kids’ creative notes, photos of kids doing funny things, and photos of hilarious gifts kids have made. These photos are sure to make you smile!
The kids in these photos are all adorable, quirky, and amazingly funny. If you need a good laugh today, check out this list of the funniest kids on the internet.
While on a trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas, this little boy got to swim with dolphins. The little boy was so excited, he had trouble listening to the animal instructor’s directions. And so, when the instructor said to ‘kiss the dolphin,’ the little boy misheard him and licked the animal instead! Judging by the dolphin’s expression, he was a bit shocked by this turn of events.
One evening, a woman got a call from her police officer neighbor. He sounded frantic as he told her his wife was gone and he needed help. The woman rushed over to her neighbor’s house, and when she got there, she couldn’t stop laughing when she saw this scene. This funny story goes to show that determined kids can fluster even the most experienced cop!
This journalist always makes sure to read the newspaper first thing in the morning. His daughter realized this, and she decided to use the newspaper to deliver an important statement to her dad. The hilarious trick worked—the family now has not one, but two dogs!
4) Spiderman In Bethlehem
A Christmas nativity play typically always has the same cast of characters: a few Wise Men, some barn animals, and baby Jesus of course. But one little boy decided to shake things up a bit by bringing his own costume. And that’s how Spiderman ended up in this Nativity scene!
This little boy was concerned when he saw a stranger at McDonald’s with his pants hanging low on his hips. The little boy gently told the man his pants were falling off, and while the man was a bit confused, he appreciated the little boy’s help.
What do you get when you let your two-year-old daughter pick out her own Halloween costume? An ice cream clown, of course! This creative costume is both hilarious and also a little bit terrifying.
When this mom left her tablet unattended, her son decided to play on it for a bit. But the tablet has a passcode, and so the little boy wasn’t able to get in. The tablet took photos of the son’s many attempts to hack into the tablet, but in the end, he wasn’t able to make it in. Hopefully, his mom realized what was happening and unlocked it for him!
This five-month-old took his first-ever school photo, and it’s hard to imagine that he’ll ever top it! We love everything about the photo, from the little boy’s cheerful expression to his amazing thumbs up. All-in-all, this photo is as cute as can be.
When a preschool asked their kids what they wanted to be when they grew up, they got some
very creative answers. We particularly like ‘sprinkle red-frosted donut’—it’s such a hilariously specific answer.
When these toddler basketball players took a team photo, the results were…interesting. There are all sorts of emotions in the photo, from glee to confusion to crankiness. We’re sure the kids will laugh about these photos when they’re older!
This little girl only wants one thing for Christmas, and she found a very unique way of telling her parents. We’re impressed by the research she did to create her Christmas list, and we hope she gets the cat she so badly wants!
This little boy loves eating sugar straight out of the packet at restaurants, but his parents naturally don’t want him to eat too much sugar. The little boy realized that if he wanted to eat sugar packets, he would have to sneak them out in a very creative way. When his dad realized what his son had done, all he could do was laugh!
When a seven-year-old boy was asked what he would look like in 100 years, he went for a very realistic answer. The little boy even added some artistic flourishes to his photo, like the flowers growing out of the ground.
We absolutely love this little girl’s fashion sense! In this photo, she’s watching her older brother get on the bus. She decided a Peppa Pig hat and sunglasses were the perfect outfit to wear as she said goodbye to him.
When this man was in the hospital with pancreatitis, his daughter decided she wanted to do something very special for him. And so, she made him a cute and clever card that features a very impressive drawing of a pancreas. We’re sure this card made the little girl’s dad feel much better.
This little boy may be young, but he’s already an impressive photobomber. While his mom was taking a photo of his younger brother, the little boy found the perfect way to photobomb him. We’re sure the boys’ mom cracked up when she saw this photo!
At first glance, you may think this little girl is just playing. That’s what her mom thought too—until the little girl started snoring. The little girl’s mom was impressed that her daughter could do yoga and sleep at the same time!
These two siblings have two very different reactions to the first day of school. While the little girl is excited to start a new school year, the little boy looks like he’s going to have to be dragged out of the house. Hopefully, the little girl can convince her brother that school is sometimes fun!
When this little boy went to take his school photo, he was told not to blink. The little boy took the photographer’s directions very seriously, and the result is a photo that’s sure to make you smile.
When this boy’s older brother starting to learn how to drive, the boy was understandably a bit nervous. To be safe, he decided to use three different seatbelts! We’re glad this boy is taking car safety seriously.
A relaxing bath is always better with snacks! This little boy took that idea to the extreme, and he decided to enjoy some chicken wings while he was in the bath. When his mom caught him, she started cracking up.
This little boy loves potatoes more than anything else. As proof, his older sister shared this adorable photo to her Twitter page. The toddler loves potatoes so much, he’s willing to do chin-ups to get a better view of one!
When this little girl’s birthday rolled around, she decided she didn’t want a regular old vanilla or chocolate cake. No, she wanted a cake made out of lasagna. It makes sense in a way—lasagna really is just a savory, pasta layer cake!
We applaud this little girl’s creativeness—she thought of a truly unique way to get out of school. Unfortunately, though, her dad didn’t quite fall for the ruse. Still, she definitely has an incredible imagination.
At this Redditor’s wedding, guests were given a sheet of paper where they could write down wishes for the bride and groom. The Redditor’s 11-year-old niece decided to get a bit silly with the assignment, and she simply wrote variations of ‘great’ on each line. Still, there actually is some pretty great advice in here!
When this man got a package delivered, he let his five-year-old son sign for the delivery. The little boy got very creative with his John Hancock—we’re sure the deliveryman hasn’t seen too many stick figure signatures before!
Kids nowadays have very little experience with payphones, and many kids don’t even know what one is when they see one. That’s just what happened with this Redditor and his daughter. When the Redditor told his daughter this was a phone, she immediately called him a liar, which made her dad laugh.
This man’s five-year-old niece can’t read yet, and so she ended up picking out a very…unique birthday card for her uncle! We’re sure Bethany’s mom had a good chuckle when she saw the card Bethany picked out for her uncle.
This 11-year-old girl decided to draw a weekly schedule, and we’re very impressed with how accurate it is. This young girl was able to perfectly capture everyone’s feelings as the weekend ends and the work week begins!
When this little girl was out for dinner with her parents, she decided she wanted to try doing a gymnastics routine. After doing gymnastics, we’re sure the little girl worked up a good appetite. Luckily, she had chicken nuggets waiting for her!
When a police officer spotted a little boy riding around in a toy car, he decided to play a little joke on him. We’re not sure what the little boy was pulled over for—parking by a fire hydrant? Driving with an open juice box? One thing is for sure, though: the boy’s mom got a hilarious photo of this moment!
This little boy’s dad says that the toddler has only ever made this face once, and we’re so glad he was able to capture it on camera! When this toddler is older, we’re sure he’ll crack up when he sees this photo.
33) Take Your Kid To Work Day
On ‘Take your Kid to Work Day’, this boy took lots of notes about what his dad does during the day. Technically, everything the boy wrote down was correct, and the boy’s dad got a good laugh when he saw the list.
This toddler was disappointed when her baby sister was born and she realized she wasn’t an only child anymore. She was so disappointed, she decided to run away. We’re impressed by how much the little girl packed for her journey—she even brought keys with her!
When this Twitter user saw a note on the fridge saying the milk had gone bad, he was a bit confused. But then he opened the door and realized what his little brother had done. He was so impressed by his little brother’s pun skills, he shared the photo on Twitter, where it went viral!
While his parents were shopping, this boy went from row to row and took funny photos. He made sure to stop at every single tablet, and he made the same expression over and over again. We’re sure this cute prank made all the store employees laugh.
Funny Kid Photos
These kids are all cute, clever, and completely hilarious! We love how creative these kids are, and we also love that they aren’t afraid to be themselves. These cute kids are all sure to make you laugh.
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Kids are always hilarious! Sometimes, they’re hilarious on purpose. Other times, they do something funny without realizing it. Whenever a kid does something funny, their parents will usually reach for a camera so they can document the moment. Back in the old days, parents had no way of sharing these sidesplitting photos. But now, it’s easy for parents to share funny photos of their kids!
We’ve collected some of the most hilarious examples of kids being their typical cute selves. There are photos of kids’ creative notes, photos of kids doing funny things, and photos of hilarious gifts kids have made. These photos are sure to make you smile!
The kids in these photos are all adorable, quirky, and amazingly funny. If you need a good laugh today, check out this list of the funniest kids on the internet.