Evolving together with another species definitely has its perks.
For thousands of years, humans and dogs have evolved together, and our canine friends may have turned into something not quite what they were used to.
They can get a little soft.
Dog ancestors are known to be fierce hunters but their descendants prove that sometimes, the apple falls so far from the tree.
These people got dogs in hopes they will be staunch protectors of the household.
But of course, as other dog owners would attest, our favorite furry companions have lost some of their more “defensive” instincts and have instead gained a certain level of, for lack of a better term, stupidity.
From daring to derpy, they’re the best.
Like this dog who got his own doggie door.
The dog’s owner even held up the door but it seems like it can’t even figure out how to go through it.
So, using doggie problem-solving skills, the dog barged through the screen instead.
Some dogs are self-aware, even.
When an owner stepped into the room and saw piles and piles of pillow fluff covering the floor, they knew they just walked into a crime scene.
How long did the investigation last, you ask? Less than 10 seconds. The dog in question “brought itself in” when the owner found the dog facing the wall. If only humans could be this honest!
Have you ever seen a dog with poor frustration tolerance?
We love sharpening our dogs’ problem-solving skills. This dog owner took a video of their mixed Frenchie taking sticks out from a basin of water.
One of the sticks, though, kept on falling back into the basin. Thinking the container was playing tricks, the next shot showed the dog flailing the basin about like it owed the dog some money.
Dogs see us as different things.
Some dogs see their owners as leaders of the pack, as providers, or as their families. But some dogs see humans as mere props.
A dog even sat on the face of its owner like he was part of the couch or something. So much disrespect!
Dogs have also lost some of their hunting instincts along the way.
Dogs nowadays just wait for their bowls to be magically filled up every mealtime. Some of them even push the envelope further.
Imagine cooking a sumptuous meal for your family when suddenly, you hear the clanging of a dog bowl. Next thing you know, your dog is carrying their bowl as if telling you “Well, I’m family so I guess that meal is for me.”
People all over the internet loved the antics and shenanigans of these dogs.
“Had a dog once who would sing along when someone played the piano. Not exactly an audition for The Three Tenors, but she was enthusiastic.” Shared one commenter.
“Excellent! The true definition of comedy and with my favorite characters. Thanks for a great video.” Said another.
“I’ve been watching videos for an hour and this is the only one that made me laugh. I love dogs OMG!” said one, and safe to say, we love dogs too!
Watch how these dogs made everyone laugh with their antics in the video below!
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