Family members: we love them, but boy they’re weird. As a family, you live on top of one another in every sense of the phrase. And that means you get exposed to a lot of each other’s personal quirks. To be fair, we all have them. But some people’s oddities are, well, a little stranger than others.

When it comes to our family, we don’t always know how weird they are until we leave home. Many of us grew up doing and hearing things that we thought were normal…until the real world taught us otherwise. Do you mean other families don’t host a personal Christmas pageant every year?

And then there are the individual members of our families with their strange habits. Sometimes, we can’t make heads or tails of them.

Here’s the biggest secret: if you don’t have a family member with a weird habit, there’s a good chance you’re the weird one. Think about that while you read these stories of 75 families with odd habits. Then go ask your family what they think.

Quotes have been left as they were originally found. Any errors are the result of the original posters and have not been changed.

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