How familiar are you with a blizzard? Nope, we are not talking about the brand of ice cream. We’re talking about the real thing here. The kind severe snowstorm that will cause nothing but damage and inconvenience.
According to Wikipedia, it can have strong sustained winds of at least 56 km/h and can last for a prolonged period of time.
After the blizzard, expect to have lots of work and we mean it. Even Santa will have a hard time delivering gifts for sure.
To better understand how extensive the damage can be, we’ve compiled 75 photos that will show you how snow can totally ruin your plans.
1) Stuck in traffic
No one wants to be stuck in traffic, right? However, it’s one thing to be stuck in traffic and another to be stuck in snow and traffic. Better call your spouse and let them know that you might be late, really “late”.
2) Choo choo train
Do you also love looking at the view when you’re riding a train? Nice right? However, when the snow is too deep, and in this case too high, we get the feeling that the passengers aren’t thrilled.
3) Hate to skip work but…
Looks like this employee was about to go to work when he saw this situation. He posted that he can’t go to work because his door was blocked by the firn that had slipped down from the roof. We’re hoping he has lots of beer and food in his pantry.
4) Are you up for the challenge?
That’s massive and it looks like whipped cream too but what if you need to get to the other side? Will you take the risk or will you stay on your safe zone? What will be your choice?
5) Where’s my truck?
You leave your truck outside and you wake up confused looking for it. Only to notice that there’s an ice sculpture that looks kinda like it.
Oh, wait, that’s your truck. Now, what do you do about it? This truck looked like it had dealt with a rough and icy night.
6) Excited for snow angels
One of the things to look forward to when it comes to winter is the fact that you can create snow angels.
It makes us feel like kids again, it’s fun and oh wait, it’s then when you realize that you will not be able to create a snow angel. Bummer.
7) Adorable corgi trail
Aren’t they adorable? These corgis are well-disciplined and they seem to be going somewhere. Instead of running, they are carefully following a leader in the heavy snow.
8) Need a hand?
After a huge blizzard, these motorists are literally digging their vehicles out. Might as well cancel all their plans for the week ahead.
9) Heavy snow in Cervinia
When we think about winter wonderland we think about lots of snow, right?
Though the people who live in Cervinia aren’t thrilled about the snow that has lasted days and has given them trouble.
The snow in their houses had to be removed urgently before they collapse. No fun there!
10) A walk in the snow
As they say, a walk in the snow is very relaxing.
In fact, many people are looking forward to this experience each year.
However, this seem to be a little too much, guess plans would be cancelled.
11) Up the snowy mountain
Do you remember when you were kids and you used to climb snow mountain?
It was really fun! However, these men aren’t playing around. With all these snow, they need to release the kids in them and climb that snowy mountain.
12) How to survive an intense blizzard
When you have snow this big and you have nothing else to do – why not get your favorite drink and just chill? If you can’t do anything about the situation, might as well enjoy it.
13) Frozen
Watching an animated film about snow and ice may seem really cool. Not unless it actually happens to you. Now, you might consider singing “Let it go.”
14) Hello there big snow guy
When you open the door and you come face to face with a giant snow drift on your porch?
What would you do?
The sister of the sender had a clever and fun idea. She put eyes on the snow drift and now it looks so much more fun! We’re loving the blue eyes!
15) Where do you begin?
When you have a busy schedule and you’re faced with this. Where do you begin to fix this?
Bye to all your plans for the weekend, that’s for sure. For those who have had the same experience, what can you suggest?
16) Care to join?
Go snow skiing they said
It’ll be fun they said
Thanks a lot snow
So much fun!
17) Coffee is life
Are you someone who can’t start your day without coffee? We feel you!
Now, spilling your coffee on a very snowy and cold day, well, it doesn’t even stay cold, it just freezes. There goes your morning coffee.
18) The walkway no more
We all know how walkway in Central Park in NYC is packed with people but with that amount of snow? Many plans were canceled and the place literally looks sad and cold.
19) Christmas is here
“It’s beginning to look a lot like…”
Well, stop it and no, people aren’t thrilled celebrating the holiday with a blizzard.
20) Don’t waste all the beer
When you have plans to get together with the boys and a blizzard hits, don’t waste the beer, create a DIY refrigirator and put all those beer.
Now, all that snow has been put to good use.
21) Please, mother earth!
Still waiting for Mother Earth to see this sign. Please, stop the snow! No one has been out of their home for days now.
22) Unstoppable
Will you let a blizzard stop you from having fun? This group of friends won’t. Reddit sender sent this as his friend decided to still have fun in the cold cold weather.
23) Truckstuck
What used to be a truck stop-over is now a group of stuck trucks. If only they were transformers, at least they can get out of the snow. What do you think?
24) When you need to buy something
When the snow is so bad that no one is going out but you need to. Okay, so hoping there is a store open at this situation, only one tough man can do this. Good-luck!
25) When a snowman gets bored
Too much snow and can’t even play outside? Poor snowman is a little bit bored here and decided to play. We’re loving the art here.
26) Creative use of snow
When you’re buddies with your neighbors and you have deep snow? Well, no need to stay home?
Why not create your own snow house? We love the how they seem so relaxed.
27) Nope, not today
This might be the cutest “nope, not today” ever.
Seems this cutie is trying to check if it’s okay but we’re guessing he figured it out on the first paw.
Sooo adorable!
28) Stubborn much?
Even after hearing the forecast for the weather, you still choose to go out. Well, we can all see what happened next. Now, how do we thaw this guy?
29) Model employee
Just when you think the snow will be a great excuse to go to work, your boss tells you to still report for work. Yippee, what a day!
30) New career?
Now, if you are lucky and you can skip work because of the show, don’t feel like a winner yet.
You’ll need your shovel because you’ll have to work more harder now, and expect to start shoveling every day.
31) Dude, where’s my car?
Just when you think you know where you parked your car, then you see this.
Now, you just have to make a very good guess. You wouldn’t want to dig out a car that ain’t yours, right?
32) Trapped
Well, it’s obvious that this woman ain’t going anywhere. Let’s cheer her for reaching this far. We’re hoping she reaches her car as well. Then what’s next?
33) A happy face
When too much snow has gotten you in a bad mood, well, maybe it’s time to realize that we just have to stop trying.
This guy right here just decided to put on a happy face on his car.
34) A friendly note
This guy right here is so sweet that he decided to put a note on a snow covered car.
Just in case someone doesn’t remember where they parked their car. We just hope that it won’t snow tonight though.
35) A positive attitude
When all you are seeing is snow after snow after snow, maybe you need to create your own spring.
This one is too beautiful not to share. You just have to create your own spring flowers.
36) Before you finish removing all the snow
Well, after all the hard time you’ve spent clearing all those snow, why not make the most out of it?
This guy right here decided to use the remaining snow for a giant snow ramp. So much fun!
37) Knock knock
When you open the door and there’s another door made from snow.
Sender Marsha Batchellor has a minor problem to solve here. We are wondering what she did.
38) Snow status
When all you have is a white canvass, why not put a status on the snow?
This guy made sure that people will read his thoughts. We actually agree.
39) Make it stop
When creativity hits you while you are shoveling the pile of snow, then you might come up with something like this. Cool and funny as well.
40) Practice is practice
When the snow is so bad but you and the guys need to practice.
What should you do?
Well, these group of guys decided to practice in snow. Great chances of winning!
41) Warp speed activated
When you check your car after a strong blizzard and it seems that it went warp speed. We are getting this back to the future feels here.
42) The only way out
You gotta do what you gotta do. Because reality is, if you’ll wait until the coast is clear, you ain’t gonna finish anything.
43) The dedicated diner
Not even a blizzard can stop this Rainbow Diner in Brick, NJ. When they said they were dedicated with their work – they were very very serious!
44) Ice cold lemonade
When life gives you a blizzard and lots of lemonade, then why not make ice-cold lemonade?
We’re wishing this business the best of luck!
We’re loving the T-rex costume as well!
45) Always a chance to be funny
When your hands, arms, and your whole body is tired shoveling all that deep snow, then why not just have fun? This one right here had a clever idea to distract the people and the drivers.
46) Improvised mailbox
With too deep of snow, one might not even be able to locate their mailboxes.
That’s why this person had a clever idea. He wanted to make sure that he gets his mail and the mailman won’t have a hard time.
We’re wondering if there is any mailman around.
47) Giant Olaf
Apparently, this neighborhood had enough snow to make Olaf – how cool is that? Oh, did we forget to mention that it’s a giant Olaf?
48) When life gives you a blizzard
What will you do with all these snow? Well, why not create your own snow bar? Literally, you can chill and relax. Don’t forget to bring your neighbors.
49) The giant snow mountain
This thing is huge! Mt. Cambridgemanjaro or even Mt. Simmons are just some of the names that people call this massive snow pile.
Well, we must admit, it looks fun to play there.
50) Angel of death in the blizzard
Sender convinced her husband to go out in a blizzard dressed as Death. Cool as he was, he did it and she was able to add another photo to her macabre collection. This is epic!
51) Look at ’em deers
With this much snow? What else can you expect? Seeing deers frolicking in the street in this park just shows that it’s theirs now. Also waiting for Santa.
52) Too cool to frown
This dude over here is too cool to frown.
He may be all smiles and being handsome but he is actually stuck in over 7 feet of snow.
He’s not chillin’ there, he is tunneling his way out.
53) Plans canceled
When this cheetah though he can hunt, he seems to be a little disappointed that all he sees is snow. What should a dad do now? If only he can have takeout meat instead.
54) Too much snow can cause this
When you want to play golf and the snow literally stops you. What should a determined guy do?
Well, this man right here made sure that he still gets to play. We’re proud of you!
55) On a positive note
Look at here, come to think of it, we haven’t seen any mosquitoes around for a while now. That’s good news, right? See, not even a single one!
56) Once in a lifetime opportunity
If you wake up one day and you see that everything is covered in snow. Don’t feel disappointed, instead, know that this is a new opportunity to try skiing! Way to go!
57) In the mood for snow?
When you prepared on time and you are so excited – then this happens. So much for preparations going. Don’t want to even clean this up.
58) Clever detour option
Twitter photo shows how this awesome tunnel on commonwealth avenue mall in Boston was made. It’s clever and it works! Great job, now everyone back to work.
59) Snow show
While in his office, this guy has seen how the snow keeps piling up. When he took the photo, it was about 6 feet in their lobby window. That’s a lot to clean up.
60) DIY Snow slide
When everything you see is snow, snow, and snow, what else can you do? Well, these family right here decided to create their own snow slide. No need to pay a fee to go to a snow park.
61) It’s a sign
This sign right here is a witness. A witness to the strong blizzard that happened. Now, it looks like it has gone into warp zone.
62) No one can stop this guy
Snow? That’s not even a problem with this guy! Looks like he is one man who doesn’t back out. Goodluck!
63) Dangerous commute
This bus driver is still able to go to work with this weather, kudos to this person. However, driving through this snow is really dangerous, not quite something to look forward to.
64) 7-11 is still ready to serve
No matter how terrible the weather is, 7-11 will still be open. Instagram user posted that it’s worth the 2-hour trek.
We agree. Just have to make sure that you list everything you want and need so you won’t have to make a second trip.
65) Making a tunnel isn’t a fun job
Twitter user WxmanFranz explains that this tunnel that he made connecting the back of his driveway to the front door is the only way to get to his garage.
66) Snowmageddon
When you’re too excited to plan once your plane lands and then you see this. Oh no… Looks like you need to cancel a lot of plans now.
67) What to do with too much snow?
When you are tired with too much snow, what else can you do? This person decides to “give it away”. We’re pretty sure no one is interested right now.
68) Hi, there!
When it’s been snowing that this happens when you open the door. Well, at least her pretty face is still showing, right?
69) Oooppsie
When you forgot to close the window and this happens. Oh, how about when you realize you really need to “go”. What do you do now?
70) Here, kitty kitty
When you think your cat is missing and you try to keep her warm and she’s no where to be found. Oh, there she is. Looks like she can literally crash through that door.
71) Unacceptable snow
When you have been waiting for a long time for this day for your date and this happens? Unacceptable! This cat is determined to go out.
72) Sorry to cancel buddy
Poor little dog. Too eager for the promised bonding and walking. Now, it’s it’s impossible to do it. Sorry to burst your bubble little one.
73) Where am I?
In a neighborhood that is very familiar to you, you might still think it’s impossible to get lost. Nope, it still possible. Now what street is this again?
74) Who says you can’t take a bath?
Snow? No problem.
Lots of snow? Again, no problem.
If there is a will, there is a way.
He just forgot something, a cold beer.
75) What a day!
When your plans were canceled because of the snow and now you just want to go home early.
Then you see this.
Oh, of all the parking areas, this has to happen in this spot. What a day!
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friends and family.
75 Times snow was so deep it completely changed people’s plans
Ma Fatima Garcia
How familiar are you with a blizzard? Nope, we are not talking about the brand of ice cream. We’re talking about the real thing here. The kind severe snowstorm that will cause nothing but damage and inconvenience.
According to Wikipedia, it can have strong sustained winds of at least 56 km/h and can last for a prolonged period of time.
After the blizzard, expect to have lots of work and we mean it. Even Santa will have a hard time delivering gifts for sure.
To better understand how extensive the damage can be, we’ve compiled 75 photos that will show you how snow can totally ruin your plans.