In this day and age, there’s a lot of tension between police officers and civilians. Many people feel like they can’t trust the police. In fact, there are a lot of problems in society that probably need to be fixed in order for people to trust law enforcement.
But the good news is that many police officers are making it their mission to better serve their communities. They want people to see them as public servants and helpers, not just authorities. Thankfully, with the rise of social media, that’s easier than ever before.
Around the world, police departments are now running dedicated social media campaigns. The point is to reach out to regular people and show them that police officers are just like them. Yes, they hand out speeding tickets — but they’re also there to make sure everyone in the community is safe.
And sometimes, that means their job gets, well…funny. Police officers have days where they chase naked people through the streets or have to apprehend wild animals. It’s a strange job and for that reason, you have to have a sense of humor to do it. Here are 75 cops who showed their funnier sides.
1. The protestors couldn’t take the snow
With a protest in the works, the riot police showed up to make sure everything stayed civil. They arrived to find the protest was canceled due to snow. But that didn’t stop them from having some fun.
During a labor dispute, the police officers in Montreal expressed their feelings by refusing to wear their uniform pants. Instead, they wore some more…colorful pants of their own choosing.
When this college student ran into a police officer on campus, he enlisted him for a prank on his parents. Together, they took a picture to show his mom and dad that he was having a great first day at school.
You know things are serious when a local 4-year-old boy has two police officers trapped with the Force. Or maybe it’s just May 4, International Star Wars Day.
When an iguana made a bid for freedom out the back door, it was captured by police. Its owner had to go pick it up in jail — but hopefully, they didn’t have to pay any bail.
If dogs could use the phone, they’d be calling the police all the time. Their owner walks away for a few seconds, they have an empty food dish, and they don’t get any belly rubs — all reasons to call the cops right away.
7. The best officer in the Queensland Police Service
The Queensland Police Service posted this picture of their newest officer along with a rating. Meet Maisie, the sweetest police dog to ever strike a heroic pose.
With the release of the new “It” movie, it’s wise to warn citizens to be on high alert. After all, you never know when a wily clown will try to lure someone — even police officers — into the sewers.
When you’re talking about a drunk half-naked man and you use the words “rather large,” it’s safe to say that clarification might be a good idea. Thankfully, this police Twitter account realized its mistake.
This police report had a creative way to describe what was going on with the siren. It’s helpful to have such a thorough description so they know what to fix.
This is Jix the police dog. She’s been with the force since she was a tiny puppy. Now that she’s a big girl, she finds it easier to stay awake through her shifts.
After a college campus was plagued with drug problems, they hired a security officer to do patrol. But then he made friends and started playing Magic the Gathering with them.
Police officers often work long shifts so they need occasional breaks just like the rest of us. This police officer from Sweden took a break to join some kids on a snowy hill.
Talk about a high-speed chase: the Sacramento Police Department was led to run after a tortoise that got stuck in the road. They posted this hilarious picture on their social media page.
When you go to a wedding where both the bride and groom are police officers, you might see a wedding cake — or you might see a big cake stand stuffed to the brim with doughnuts.
When the cops rolled up to monitor this Canadian half-marathon, they weren’t just there for crowd control. They were also there to cheer on the runners.
A person in a convenience store was thrilled to see a female police officer carrying pink handcuffs. The officer said she loves slapping them on big tough criminals.
When the community of North Fork Valley tried to warn drivers about a speed trap, the cops played along. They even took this silly picture to poke fun at the sign.
No matter what your opinion on cannabis use, you can probably still laugh at this tweet from the UK police. They know exactly what’s going on in that house.
You might think police officers are out of touch with the rest of us, but not the New South Wales Police Force. They’re proof that just like everyone else, cops love doggos.
Sure, this police officer might not be tall enough to get on the rides at this amusement park, but don’t be fooled by her size. She’s tougher than the rest of us by far.
Potholes can be a serious problem during the winter, especially after waterways wash out. This 6-foot-5-inch officer climbed into one to show just how big it was.
When students in Montreal staged a partially-nude demonstration to protest tuition costs, the riot police showed up. They spent their day laughing at the naked protestors.
When the Irish police apprehended an uninsured driver, they had to have a friend come pick them up. Unfortunately, the friend was driving an unregistered car, too.
With April 20 coming up, one police department wanted everyone to know they would be on the lookout. They even set up these elaborate traps to trick those with the munchies.
The police were called to a house for a well check, but they found themselves a little distracted by the home’s unusual pet — a bearded dragon. So of course, they had to stay and play.
When a police officer was assigned to do security at a middle school, he had to have his first day of school photo taken. If he was lucky, his mom packed him a Froot by the Foot treat.
Whenever a new episode of “Game of Thrones” came out, the fans understandably got excited. But the Queensland Police had a very serious threat for anyone who dared to break the law on their way home.
When a Portland police officer ran across some tourists on a scavenger hunt, they told him they only needed one more thing on their list. They needed to take a picture planking by a police car. Of course, he was there to serve.
The police are always out on St. Patrick’s Day doing crowd control and making sure everyone gets home safe. Of course, that doesn’t mean they — and their dogs — can’t also have some fun.
Firefighters and police officers often have long-standing rivalries. In this town, the two stations were right beside one another, which made them prime ground for pranks.
When the cops in this unit were assigned partners, they took to social media to share some photos. Of course, their photoshoot was in the style of over-the-top sorority girls.
When the neighborhood kids hit you in the face with a snowball, you might regret becoming a police officer. But it’s moments like those when you have to remind yourself why you got into this career.
For the cops in small towns, things can be a little slow and boring at times. The Lawrence, Kansas Police Department had an interesting way of trying to spice things up.
Some police officers are so highly trained in the art of disguise that they can go undercover. Clearly, this officer is one of them. But with a discerning eye, you’ll see she’s actually a dog.
The holidays can be a stressful time for university students. Vacation is coming up, but so are final exams. This officer decided to spread some Christmas cheer around campus.
With the New Year approaching, local police decided to share their plans for a new hotel open for any drunk drivers. You can’t get room rates like these anywhere else.
We’ll never know exactly how the Queensland police officer ended up with a goat, but it made for a great selfie. It seems like being a cop is a pretty exciting job.
Ah, the optimism of the New Year. The Lawrence Police Department was so excited thinking they’d had a break in bar fights. Of course, it’s a “speak of the devil” situation.
The police around here really know how to motivate people to stop speeding. Just put up a big sign that shows exactly how expensive speeding tickets can be.
When a police officer found out that motorcycles don’t drive on grass, his partner was there to support him. Well, by “support” we mean “point and laugh.”
It’s hard to see kids get in trouble with lady law, but the police can’t make exceptions. This little guy was taken in for being asleep behind the wheel. And of course, he was milk-drunk.
A good rule of thumb: don’t carry a fake ID. And if you do, don’t ever show it to a police officer. It’ll make everything much more complex than it needs to be.
Texting while driving is incredibly dangerous and even illegal in most places. But don’t worry, the local police had an effective way to spread the word.
When a local cop was briefly detained by a guy in a cat costume, he didn’t let it stop him. He just gave the “cat” a quick scratch behind the ears and continued on his way.
Online dating is so hard, especially considering how easy it is for people to lie about themselves. It’s better to stick with dogs, like this very good boy.
You might not think of cops as people with skateboarding skills, but this guy would prove you wrong. He even did this while wearing 30 pounds of police gear.
Wasn’t it nice of this police department to reach out to the person who lost their weed? Losing 14 bags of marijuana is a lot. Surely they’re looking for it.
Poke all the fun you want, but I’m sure this cop is pretty tough. Sure, she’s on the shorter side, but don’t underestimate her, whatever you do.
65. This is a good question
Ah, the days when “YOLO” was still a trend. It’s the slightly more hipster way to say, “Hey guys, watch this.” To answer the question, I’m sure it’s a lot.
66. “I’m afraid I’ll have to give you a ticket, sir”
When local cops saw this toddler going for a joyride, they knew they had to step in. The look on that little boy’s face says it all: “Am I being detained, Officer?”
A word to the wise: when the police are involved, don’t ever ask a question like “What are you going to do, arrest me?” Let’s just say that everybody likes a challenge.
Remember when every radio station was playing Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You around the clock? The New South Wales Police Force heard it, too — but they had a slightly different interpretation.
When the season for finals rolls around, you know all the local college students are stressed. This police officer decided to stop in at the campus library to offer everyone doughnuts.
Whoever said police officers don’t know how to have fun? These ones rolled up at their local Target, but not for shopping — for some good old-fashioned horseplay.
Ah, the days when planking was the latest trend and none of us really understood why. But this officer from Germany decided to show off his skills. Color us impressed.
When the Norwegian mounted police were on patrol, this officer took a special friend with her. Of course, he had to guard her horse while she was gone.
In this day and age, there’s a lot of tension between police officers and civilians. Many people feel like they can’t trust the police. In fact, there are a lot of problems in society that probably need to be fixed in order for people to trust law enforcement.
But the good news is that many police officers are making it their mission to better serve their communities. They want people to see them as public servants and helpers, not just authorities. Thankfully, with the rise of social media, that’s easier than ever before.
Around the world, police departments are now running dedicated social media campaigns. The point is to reach out to regular people and show them that police officers are just like them. Yes, they hand out speeding tickets — but they’re also there to make sure everyone in the community is safe.
And sometimes, that means their job gets, well…funny. Police officers have days where they chase naked people through the streets or have to apprehend wild animals. It’s a strange job and for that reason, you have to have a sense of humor to do it. Here are 75 cops who showed their funnier sides.