Boys will be boys.
That’s what they say, right?
And as the only girl stuck between older and younger brothers, I can tell you that it doesn’t matter how old they are, they are still giant kids at heart. Even my dad could start suddenly acting like a toddler.
But some may argue that this is an unfair observation. In fact, they may feel that it’s not on observation at all, but sheer fantasy.
In answer to those people, here is proof. 75 times men were caught proving they never really grow up.
1. Flight delay
I think we can all agree that a 12 hour flight delay would test the patience of anyone. This guy just joined the kids and seems quite content.
2. The contractors’ isle
Who can’t find something of interest in Home Depot? Most of us don’t take it to this level though, do we?
3. And sometimes…
Being a big kid and an awesome dad collide. Like when there is a storm during a solar eclipse. You improvise.
4. Cat
There are many useful reasons to have a label maker. And then there is this, which happened when the boyfriend bought one.
5. Googly eyes
I’m not sure there are a lot of useful applications for googly eyes, but someone’s boyfriend bought 500 of them “for reasons.” This was one of the reasons. You have to admit that’s pretty funny, right?
6. Magic!
What’s really funny is the child just standing there watching as dad does his thing. Apparently, he didn’t realize the security camera was recording.
7. He’s stuck
It all started with a spider that lives in the bush. He wanted to feed a dead bee to it. I wonder how long his wife left him like that.
8. Caught in the act
This dad thought he was home alone. But one of his children heard his hysterical laughter and went to see what was so funny. I bet they didn’t expect to find him riding T-rex!
9. Relaxing aromas
Someone’s husband printed this out and attached it to an air freshener. Now it seems to spit acid every 30 minutes.
10. So exhausting
Hey honey, I’m just going to go work out. Oopsie! You caught me.
11. This is serious
His fiancée had a request. Only serious shots taken of him and his groomsmen. He did a good job of keeping his promise, right?
12. The toy department
Man-child alert in isle five! They are packed two-deep. I get it’s Star Wars, but it’s still the toy department.
13. Bubbles are always fun
This guy was blowing bubbles in the train station. When caught, he admitted, “No one suspects the adult.”
14. It doesn’t matter how old they are
Look at this dirty old man having some fun! Apparently, this was part of a day of sightseeing. Uh-huh.
15. Bet the wife loved this
It seems she purchased some pillows you could draw on. This is what he chose to do with them.
16. Best dressed man
His friends asked him to stand up for them at their wedding. This was the only suit he had. And you know? I don’t think it really mattered.
17. Sippy cup
So this happened when someone spilled their drink. The waitress brought a refill and childproofed it. To be fair, anyone can spill their drink by accident.
18. No impulse control
When you send him to the store to buy ice cream. And ice cream is on sale. Mind you, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, right?
19. Decorating
Wall art is for any wall, even one in the bathroom. This husband decided the wall art is his bathroom needed an addition.
20. What a ham
This is what happens when you take your laundry to your parent’s house to do. And your dad finds your footie pajamas.
21. Pyro!
Am I the only one who thinks he looks a bit crazed? This is at a wedding reception. The new father-in-law found the sparklers.
22. Their faces!
Even in profile you can see how perturbed she looks. And how gleeful he looks. Such a mean thing to do!
23. Hilarious
But apparently, the wife didn’t like the look of this amigo. The Mexican Christmas tree only lasted for about 3 minutes.
24. Um, wow
I’m just imaging the conversation around this one. “Hey honey, look what I ordered from Thailand. It’s a bit big and will take up a whole corner of the living room.”
25. Long live the king
This is the kind of thing that can ensue when they hubby decides to clean the fridge—inside and out. Why not have some fun with the fridge magnets too?
26. All artists sign their work
It seems this contractor does as well. He’s installing a mirror in someone’s home.
27. Swim with the dolphins?
Nope. This is someone who has a pet turtle. And really wanted a chance to swim with it. So, yeah. Okay.
28. Questionable choices
Sometimes it’s better to make your buying choices on your own. This is what happened when one woman gave her boyfriend the option of choosing the shower curtain. Now she has this in her bathroom.
29. Something to remember by
So you ask your boyfriend to take a picture when you were out for a meal. And he does this.
30. Hmm
Before I call him a man-child, I want to know the climate here. Because if it’s stinking hot, and this is the only way to cool down, I would be doing this too.
31. Oh, boy
I’m not sure about this. Things are getting a bit crazy when your guy starts turning the cat into a machine gun kitty.
32. Boss baby
They grow up so fast. Look at what can happen when you leave your husband alone with the baby for just one hour.
33. Rearranging the arrangement
Just a simple reassembling of the garden décor. And you have something that gives a different message.
34. That’s… disturbing
So it seems hubby bought a 2 person tent years ago. Seeing it looks like only his head and shoulders fit in there, I’m not sure what size these two people were supposed to be. But he still took it to a festival when he needed it.
35. Lost and found
Imagine getting a text from your sister informing you she’d lost her husband. At Babies R Us. Fortunately, she found him 20 minutes later. Poor little tike.
36. It took a minute
I had to look at this before I saw what I was supposed to be looking for. And apparently, this guy’s wife still hasn’t noticed, even though he did this a week ago.
37. Study partners
He’s studying for finals. Which can be exhausting, right?
38. At least the floor will get cleaned
Well, hopefully, he will be the one to clean the floor as well. After lying in there giggling to himself.
39. Boys!
I’m a girl so boobs aren’t that big of a deal to me. And I needed to be educated by a male to learn the significance of this. Apparently, that says BOOBS and someone needed to pull over so they could get a picture of it.
40. Well, I don’t know
Our kids spend too much time in front of a monitor or screen. Isn’t this teaching them that it’s okay? Even if it means you need to barricade yourself away?
41. This is brilliant
I wonder what store this is? Someone in design and marketing is pretty clever to set up an instore arcade for your guy to play while you shop.
42. Gettin’ in the mood?
I don’t really know any extreme gamers. Is this the norm? Dressing up to play?
43. This is too funny
Some guys are in their man cave watching porn. He’s watching My Little Pony!
44. Left alone for a moment
Sometimes it doesn’t matter where they are. Someone left her husband alone in Target and he did some rearranging.
45. Winemaking is fun
So is designing your own labels. But it might be a good idea to supervise your man if you give him the job.
46. Tense moments
A big kid at heart. Things are getting tense for his team, and this is how he positions himself.
47. Who knew?
It seems cardboard boxes never get old. Kids love them… and so do grownups.
48. Well, they are kind of creepy
If you leave your husband in charge of the Elves on Shelves, you should expect the worst. They will come to a brutal and violent end.
49. It is creative
Does this remind anyone of Jabba the Hutt? How else would you cut vents in a pie?
50. OMG
I would scream for sure. This is a strategically placed fake rat. In the grocery section at Walmart.
51. Ongoing joke
Someone likes to leave their sock money in various poses for his wife to find. Apparently, she is never as amused as he is.
52. Striptease
Are those brussels sprout eyes? Since that’s hardly the focal point, I guess it doesn’t matter.
53. Snicker, snicker
Hey look! I found a potato shaped like a butt. A buttato! Snicker…
54. I don’t know
Someone is accusing their dad of acting like a kid with his new PlayStation. But you know, it could just be middle-aged eyesight.
55. Be suspicious
It’s always nice when they do something sweet, but sometimes you need to question their motives. Like why are you rubbing my back? Oh, you’re making patterns in the nap.
56. Lights out
I can think of other things to do if the power goes out. But this guy has his Legos.
57. A giant clue
When you’re wondering around the craft store and see something like this, you know, don’t you? There’s been a male through recently.
58. Technology
So you’ve got a new 3D printer. So many ideas. Let’s do this first.
59. LOL
Okay, Worf rocks, but if I pulled back the shower curtain and saw this, I was shriek so loud the neighbors would call the cops. I wonder how long he had to wait there to scare her?
60. This is what happens
If you drag your husband on a shopping trip he isn’t interested in, you can expect this kind of behavior. You should have just gone looking for vases by yourself.
61. Never miss an opportunity
Some guys just have to get that funny shot. No matter how old they are, or how inconvenient it might be.
62. Labeling
It’s funny, I’ll say that. And it’s one less pen stroke than it takes to print it out. At least the plural.
63. What’s with the eyes?
I’ve noticed that guys seem to have fun sticking googly eyes to things. What’s with that?
64. More labeling fun
Sometimes I think it’s just their way of making sure we don’t ask for their help again in the future. I mean who wants to go looking for chicken and find tits in the freezer?
65. Street art
Some people in the neighborhood will think this is hysterical. Some will be highly offended.
66. I’m hearing 21 Pilots in my head
When was the last time you sat on a Big Wheels? And who knew they made them in adult size?
67. You see!
What did I say earlier about googly eyes? Here they are again!
68. Would this stop you?
If your husband took a bite out of each cookie, what would you do? Would it stop you from eating your own share?
69. LOL
The cat in the background is like, WTH? Apparently, this is what happens when you complain your boyfriend won’t let you pet him.
70. That’s not an ironing board
Which really isn’t the point, right? Image coming home and finding this going on. Even if your boyfriend does sell these suits on Amazon, why?
71. Cornucopia?
I’m not sure what the intent was here. Artwork maybe? But yeah, dad decorated baby with plastic fruit.
72. New age vacuum?
Is this what you do when you have a cat ad see bugs? You use the catch to get them? I just suck them up with the vacuum.
73. Morning, honey…
Whoa! Imagine seeing this when you walked into the kitchen one morning. I’m sure it would momentarily freak you out.
74. As if!
So he was challenged to beat the “Cheerio stack” record. It took 10 hours—and some creative cheating—because no baby is that still.
75. First, why?
Why does anyone have a life-sized Mr. Bean? And can you imagine your husband setting him up around the house—and in the shower—to scare you?
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