These ideas will make your head spin but don’t be quick to judge. If people always dismissed their crazy and different ideas, we wouldn’t have vaccines or airplanes. The next time you skip the flu or travel across the country, you can thank someone’s insane idea.
Some of these ideas could actually work, and some are just outright funny. Will you have a favorite?
A special thanks to everyone who posted on their out-of-the-box thoughts on CrazyIdeas. Don’t be shy, post your idea too! Then please share this with your friends and family.
1) Cylon Prevention
“Siri and Alexia should only work if you say “please” and “thank you”. This could improve people’s manners to each other.”
2) The One-Hit-Wonder Marathon Concert
“A concert with like thirty one hit wonders. They literally only play their popular song and then it’s the next band’s turn”
3) Sanitation Station
“Public bathrooms should have semi-loud music constantly playing so you don’t have to be self conscious of the sounds you make”
4) We’ll Call It, “Endangered No More!”
“Poaching is only illegal if you use a weapon. If you think you can take a rhino or a lion with your bare hands, go ahead.”
5) Culture Expanding Experiment
“Everyday, hang the Mona Lisa in a different part of the Louvre. That way people might take the time to look at the other paintings while they search for it.”
6) Title it “Sexual Orientation Fake-Out”
“A reality show idea with gay men. 11 gay men and 1 straight man are locked in a house. The object for the gay men is to find out who isn’t gay. Once a week someone gets outvoted, until 2 are left, or the straight man is out. If the gays manage to outvote him, they win 1 million dollars. If the straight man is among the 2 last people in the house in the end, he wins 1 million dollars. Now here’s the twist: None of the men are actually gay, they just all think they are the one straight man.”
7) Google, Make Driving Less Stressful Please
“A Google Maps feature that allows you to put in multiple destinations and then automatically organizes them so you don’t have to do any backtracking.”
8) Call It, “Poor-llionaire”
“A reality TV show where billionaires try living on minimum wage for at least a month.”
9) Take the Shot
“Make all the Anti-Vaxxers live together in one community, make them experience first hand what happens when you lose herd immunity.”
10) Burn Fat Or Burn Money… Your Choice
“A gym membership where you pay less money the more often you go.”
11) Movie Un-madness
“If you pay to see a movie in theaters, you get a free digital copy when it’s released.”
12) Everyone’s Gone Metric
“Google switches entirely to the metric system (searches, maps, everything) and the world unifies to that standard in under a year.”
13) Mealtime Entertainment For the Future
“A microwave that goes to YouTube and finds a video the exact length of the time you just typed in and plays it on the microwave door.”
14) Police Politics Undone
“Mandatory training for police: They each visit another precinct as a prisoner, can’t tell those cops the truth, they experience the other side of things. Other officers never know who’s a cop or perp, and the experience will remind officers that we’re all human.”
15) The Opposite Of Reality TV
“They should have a TV show called “Help, I’m Wasting My Life” where relatively smart, talented people who are doing nothing useful with their skills are given life makeovers and useful jobs.”
16) Come On Hollywood!
“Make ten movies from the same script, but use ten different directors, cast and crew. Release them all on the same day.”
17) Very Punny
“A remake of “127 Hours”, but Dwayne Johnson plays the rock.”
18) Pope-lympics
“Vatican City should have an untrained Olympic Team that rely solely on prayers to win.”
19) The Most Brilliant Book Of All Time
“Write a book called How to Fix a Wonky Table. All the pages are blank, except for the first one that says: put this under one of the legs. It will have perforated pages they can be ripped out to fit any table.”
20) The Wild Wild Nightlife
“Start a western themed bar, where the music stops randomly when the door opens, so that everyone can turn around and look at who entered and then go back to their drinks.”
21) Hand Washing Alert!
“A group of motion sensors and alarms that goes off if you don’t wash your hands.”
22) Make It a Rainbow Year
“Buy 365 near-identical, solid color shirts that range through the entire color spectrum in a loop. It will appear as though you wear the same color shirt every day, but in photos from previous months you’ll be wearing a completely different color.”
23) The IKEA Races
“Buy an IKEA, make the paths in it bigger, and turn it into a go kart track.”
24) I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Popcorn
“Write into your will that you want to be cremated. Before you die, swallow as many popcorn kernals as you can.”
25) Wifi Trickery
“Set your wifi password to 2444666668888888 so that when someone asks for password you can just tell them it’s 12345678”
26) Title It “1% Reality”
“Seeing as the 1% have nearly everything, lets just give them all the money, and start a new currency and they’re not allowed any.”
27) The Dog Matrix
“101 Dalmatians, but its in binary so there’s really only 5.”
28) A Moving Picture On the Internet: Pronounced “Jjiff” or “Ggiff”?
“Start a peanut butter company named Gif, wait for the inevitable lawsuit, let a court of law decide the pronunciation once and for all.”
29) No Smoking (In America)
“Increase the legal cigarette purchasing age by 1 each year. Current smokers would be able to continue, but in 100 years time, there will be no more smokers.”
30) Real Reality TV: Sponsored By The Government
“Netflix should make a show called “your life” and when I click on it I can watch all the footage that the government has taken of me through my webcam and cellphone”
31) Acting President
“Every four years elect an actor to play the president in all movies and TV shows.”
32) Democratic Vacations
“mystery plane tickets where everyone boards the plane and then theres rounds of voting as to what the destination will be”
33) Shrunken T-Rex
“The process that preserves animals as fossils also makes them much larger over time, and scientists have no way of knowing that, so dinosaurs were actually much smaller and more comparable to the size of a human”
34) Real Life Monopoly
“Every year, the richest person in America is declared the “Winner of Capitalism.” They get a badge. Then all of their wealth is donated to charity and they have to start over at $0.”
35) Share the Social Media Love
“Randomly message old friends on Facebook, not because you want to sell them a pyramid scheme, but because you actually care about how they’re doing.”
36) Lottery Loser
“Reverse lottery. The entry fee is $10,000. The vast majority of people get their entry fee back plus a little more. One person gets nothing.”
37) Reward Warehouse Workers
“Amazon Prime members should have this shipping option “click here to pay for actual shipping costs and we will give the money to the people who work in our warehouses “”
38) Bicycle Safety Goes Beyond a Helmet
“Waze introduces bicylist feature, so vehicles using app can be alerted of cyclists nearby and around blind curves.”
39) Obesity Olympics
“Olympic athletes are chosen by lottery so countries are encouraged to increase the average athleticism of their citizens and not just elite athletes.”
40) Warcrime or War = Crime
“In society, violence not from the position of self defense is a crime. By this logic, any act of war not in self defense should be a war crime.”
41) Vote You Out
“A ‘none of the above’ option in elections. If that option wins, the election is reheald with all new candidates.”
42) Blind Judge For Blind Judging
“Make Stevie Wonder a judge on ‘The Voice’ so every audition is a true blind audition.”
43) Restaurant Reservation Equality
“Next time the United Airlines CEO has a restaurant reservation, allow him to take his seat, then shortly thereafter tell him he must give up his table for restaurant employees and take a later reservation as he has been involuntarily bumped. Film the fit he has and then call the police.”
44) Try Your Luck With a Self-Driving Car
“A self-driving car made by Google that has an ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button that would take you to a random location.”
45) Free the Internet!
“Companies such as Microsoft / Google / Facebook / LinkedIn / Apple / Netflix / Wikipedia / Twitter / etc. should throttle accounts belonging to politicians opposing Net Neutrality to 0.1KB/s for a month. From tech standpoint – flag their accounts and move them to throttled infrastructure. This way they’ll be calling the ISPs who are trying to push net neutrality aside complaining about speeds.”
46) That’s Not What Happened…
“Give youtube comments % of video watched next to them”
47) Unbeatable Band Name
“Start a band named Torrent and name your subsequent albums Seed, Leech, Kickass, Client, etc, and watch people struggle to pirate your music.”
48) Who’s “Good”, Who’s “Bad”?
“One T.V. show that is split into two shows, that air at the same-exact-time showing the perspectives of the “Bad Guy” and the “Good Guy” – but each show portrays their characters as “The Good Guy.””
49) Buying Fame
“Guinness World Records should create a record called “Person Who Spent The Most Money To Buy This World Record”, and then let rich narcissists give them millions for the title.”
50) That’ll Cost You a Slice
“Make a new law that says if after the pizza man tells you, “Enjoy the pizza” you respond with “you too” the pizza man can grab a slice of your pizza.’”
51) Weird Out Your New Friend
“Ask a stranger to watch your bag for you but never actually leave, just sit there and watch your bag together with your new friend.”
52) Terrorist Take-Over
“We all join ISIS so there isn’t anyone left for them to attack. Then we dismantle it from the inside.”
53) Vertical Bed
“A bed that gradually angles itself so that by the time you have to be awake, you’re already standing. Sleep any longer and it makes you fall on your face.”
54) Pay It Forward
“Kindness and gratitude are both studied to be healthy, so secretly leaving happy surprises everywhere around us for random strangers to find would probably solve a lot of problems (loneliness, feelings of worthlessness etc.)”
55) I’m Self-Taught
“As you learn the most by teaching others there should be an app where you teach a personal AI for example a language or math.”
56) I Learned Something At School I Can Actually Use In Life!
“Introduce “life lessons” to school curriculums.”
57) The Stories That Connect Us
“”Remember me”: An app where every day you are presented the story of an ordinary person who just died at this very day.”
58) Helpful Missiles
“Intercontinental missiles, but with humanitarian relief packages instead of warheads”
59) Building Online Communities One Lottery At a Time
“An daily online lottery where people can buy in for $1 and at midnight one person wins the daily pool.”
60) Real Life “Space Invaders”
“If the Earth got its water from an icy asteroid impact, mayb we could try terraforming other planets and moons by somehow diverting an asteroid’s trajectory towards them.”
61) Star Trek Inspirations
“A “lofi beats to relax/study to” channel on YouTube where Captain Picard’s inspirational speeches are played on top of the music.”
62) Helpful Horror
“An app that runs in the background and plays ever increasing Jaws music the closer you get to a registered sex offender.”
63) Comic Kids
“If your last name is Mann, name all your kids Spider, Super, Bat, Iron, etc. Name the youngest Hugh.”
64) Put It On the Big Screen
“Netflix should buy a large movie theater chain. Rename it Netflix. Free admission for Netflix subscribers, otherwise tickets are $5. Popcorn and Soda sold at cost.”
65) Changing Times, Changing Maps
“Google maps should allow you to view world borders from different years”
66) Literal Lego-Land Island
“How about we use the plastic in the sea to make giant Lego blocks or puzzle pieces to built artificial islands. We can put them Airbnb and built more with the profit we make from it.”
67) Cleaning Cookie Dispenser
“A kids toy box with a built in cookie dispenser attached. It automatically dispenses a cookie when all toys are put away.”
68) Quack Attack Takeover
“Show a newborn duckling a mirror so that it thinks it is it’s own mother and proceeds to take over the world because it knows no limits”
69) Snowball Sports League
“A televised snowball fight where both teams consist of MLB pitchers.”
70) Get Off The Couch and Save Bank!
“Real life “community challenges”. Ex. Plant 500 million trees by next Sunday and everyone pays 2% less in taxes.”
71) Dig Deep In To Your Date
“Take a girl on a first date to couples counseling.”
72) Paintball Retaliation
“Give inner city gang members free paintball guns and paintballs and see if they’ll agree to use them for a month instead of real guns, and respect the results as if they were real.”
73) Money, Money, Money
“If you can prove that your job brings more than twice your wage in revenue to your employer, they are obligated to raise your wage.”
74) True Minority Television
“A Television Channel were kids from 5-10 direct and produce a show, then teenagers from 13-15 direct and produce another, then care home old people produce and direct another one then repeats”
75) Warped Windows
“Prescription windows. For when you want to look out a window without wearing your glasses.”
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