Bored Panda
Bored Panda

Camouflage is an amazing evolutionary design that helps animals blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators. It’s something that’s evolved over millions of years until it’s almost perfect.

Also, camouflage is found in hundreds of different species. One of the most famous is the chameleon, which can literally change its skin to match its surroundings. The chameleon is one of the more extreme examples of this phenomenon. Most animals can’t change their actual skin, but they have evolved to where they have patterned or textured skin that match their environment.

However, camouflage is also found across many additional kinds of animal species, including birds, mammals, fish, and other reptiles. Some animals like the sloth do it to protect themselves from predators. Others, like the leopard, use camouflage as a way of hiding while stalking their prey.

Although many animals have the ability to camouflage themselves, unfortunately, humans aren’t one of them. Our only method of hiding is to change our clothes to match different surroundings. In that way, we’re sort of chameleons, ourselves!

But hilariously, human camouflage isn’t always intentional. We can wear outfits and then find that we match our environment perfectly — without meaning to. Here are 75 people who did just that.