Kids are a lot of things that the rest of us aren’t. They’re still full of imagination and happiness, and they’re always ready for a game. What’s more, they’re eager to believe that anything is possible, which means they’re also very gullible.
However, kids’ brains are still developing and that means a couple of things. For one, their centers of logic and reasoning aren’t mature yet. They can’t necessarily think their way through situations and come up with logical conclusions about what’ll happen next. Kids just can’t make inferences yet.
Why is all of this relevant to playing hide and seek? Well, just so we all can understand what is going through these little minds.
Kids…are not very good at hide and seek. Their still-developing brains don’t understand that you can see their feet poking out from behind a chair or that it’s not enough to just hide their face. But that doesn’t really matter, does it? They’re just happy to play with you and giggle as they wait for you to find them!
So, the next time you play hide and seek with a little guy or gal, pretend like it was really hard to find them — but take a picture, too.
You know what’s not suspicious at all? A toy alligator standing up against the wall. Either it’s a really fancy toy or that alligator has come to life. Or, you know, a kid is hiding behind it.
Unless your kitchen cabinets usually have feet (and wear socks), you probably won’t have to look too hard. Poor kid probably thinks she’s totally invisible.
This child hasn’t yet caught on to the concept of something being translucent. This box is over him and he’s underneath it, so he’s clearly completely hidden.
Some kids are still fooled by the idea that if they can’t see you, you must not be able to see them. By that logic, just covering their own eyes is enough.
This wouldn’t be the worst hiding place of all time, but that pesky sun decided to ruin the game. Now it’s time for the parents to pretend like they’re looking really hard for a couple of minutes.
Okay, let’s review something here: your parents might not be able to see you, kids, but they’re sure going to notice the large lumps under the blanket in the middle of the kitchen!
This tiny girl must be, well — REALLY tiny to fit behind the toilet. But you can’t help but laugh at the sight of her little head poking up over the tank.
This little guy won’t be winning any hide and seek prizes, but it’s not a terrible hiding spot! Of course, his head’s sticking out and he’s wearing bright blue jammies, so there’s that.
Ah, kids. They think they can just pull any object over any part of their body and they’ll be hidden. While it’s not real effective, they’re pretty cute while they do it!
These tricky brothers are convinced they’re totally hidden, but they’ve forgotten one critical piece of information: their parents know the curtains don’t usually have feet.
This child actually had a pretty good hiding spot — he’s got the “hidden in plain sight” thing down. Unfortunately, the view through the glass looks like a scene straight from a horror movie.
This toddler’s hiding place is hilariously obvious, but there’s a second reason why it’s making us laugh/cringe. By hiding under a toy car, he made a pretty gruesome tableau.
I get what she was going for, but next time, she might want to skip the sheers, which are literally designed to be, well, see-through. Are there any light-blocking curtains in the house?
We all saw it happen during our childhood: the seeker starts to count, and everyone flies in a panic under the nearest object they see. For instance, the rug in the middle of the room.
If you’re trying to fit in a space designed for shoes or art projects, I’m going to take a guess and say it’s too small for you. Another clue is if your feet are hanging out!
Some kids are almost weirdly good at hide and seek. This kid managed to make it kind of creepy. Did the seeker have a heart attack when they found them?
This cute little girl found a great hiding place — so great in fact, that it took the seeker a while to find her. In the meantime, she decided to snuggle up for a nap.
This hilarious kid thinks they can disguise themselves as a puppy. Not under the puppy, but actually as the puppy — as you can see from the fact that their entire body, minus their head, is visible.
Kids don’t yet have the awareness of space or the reasoning abilities to realize that things like trees are too small to hide them. That leads to hilarious pictures like this one.
I suspect this little boy couldn’t find a hiding spot and just threw himself on the stairs in a panic. He might feel like he’s hidden, but he’s very visible.
This kid managed to pull off hiding behind the glass doors, which is pretty impressive in itself — but I can’t help but wonder how on earth they fit in there!
This kiddo actually hit on a pretty good spot! Most people might not think to look there since the space between the wall and the ottoman looks too small to hide behind.
This hiding spot leaves a lot to be desired. But it’s also a bit of an alarming sight to see a person lying face down on the floor, covered in a blanket. The seeker probably got a scare!
This little girl’s parent posted this picture and said she was giggling like crazy while hiding, which immediately gave her away. I think they’d have noticed even if she hadn’t giggled
Kids don’t exactly have the greatest awareness of their bodies, and they don’t have the reasoning capabilities to understand their feet need to be hidden too. In their minds, as long as they feel hidden, they are hidden.
See above: for kids, it’s not important that they’re actually concealed, just as long as they feel like they are. Case in point — this little girl, who’s convinced that a floating Lego bucket won’t be noticed.
This child has truly won the prize for “fantastically obvious hiding spot.” However, according to her parents who shared the picture, she was stunned they found her so quickly.
The only way this little girl could get away with this is if you were looking from a bird’s-eye view …and also not questioning why the couch cushions are a mess.
It’s sweet to see evidence of so much innocence. This toddler honestly thought that standing in the middle of a room with her blanket over her face made her invisible. Let’s pretend to look for her for a bit, okay?
You kind of start to wonder if most kids just don’t understand the concept of hiding yet. Sure, they’ll find a spot, but it’s mostly about making sure they can’t see you
This little cutie got caught right away, and her expression says it all. The funny thing is she might actually be able to fit in that cabinet if she tried!
Kids also can’t quite understand the nuances of hide and go seek. For example, they don’t know why people would notice a cabinet door hanging open. But bless his heart, he’s trying his hardest.
This kiddo doesn’t quite fit in this little chair but she’s willing to die trying. Just overlook the awkward crab creature on the floor for a moment and pretend you’re still looking.
Yes, he’s technically behind the blinds, which would be a fine spot except that he doesn’t realize the blinds are open. He’s clearly visible through them — but he’s so pleased with himself.
This little girl is enjoying a holiday-themed game of hide and go seek during a long winter. Maybe she’ll ask Santa for a better hiding spot this year.
Boxes are great places to hide if you’re trying to win a game of hide and seek! Of course, you should probably make sure the box is big enough to cover more than, say, your forehead.
Okay, this one is actually impressive. I don’t know how many times this kid’s parent walked by him before they found him, but I’m betting he stayed in that little bag for a long time.
This picture might be upside down, but that baby isn’t hanging from the ceiling. Nope, she just decided to take refuge in a regular basket and hope that her makeshift hat hid her.
Kids always think, “I’ll hide under the chair! They’ll never find me there!” Don’t deny it, you did it when you were a kid, too. Unfortunately, most of us didn’t realize that chairs are terrible hiding spots.
Blinds are not a great spot in and of themselves, for reasons we’ve already covered in this essay (okay, it’s not an essay). But this guy didn’t even quite manage to get more than his head behind the blinds.
Then there’s this little champion, who thinks that to play hide and seek, you don’t even have to find a secluded spot. All you have to do is turn your face to the wall.
We’ll cut this cutie a break and say that maybe they just didn’t have time to close the door. Or, you know, perhaps they forgot they were completely visible with the door open.
That skinny little Christmas tree doesn’t do anything to hide this little sweetie, but it’s hard not to smile at that adorable face. Plus, they’re just so proud of themselves!
Desperate times call for desperate measures and I get the feeling that that’s what happened here. Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily mean ACCURATE measures.
This kid either dove for cover at the last possible second or she’s just over playing hide and seek. Either way, I don’t think she has a future in the professional hide and seek game.
This little guy might just be small enough to curl up behind one of those pillows…but that requires, you know, actually curling up. It’s not going to do a thing if we can see the sneakers hanging out!
This guy or girl actually had a good idea when they ran for the closet! Unfortunately, they didn’t think to hide their feet. Their sneakers were instantly spotted.
If you needed a moment to actually spot the kid in this picture, you’re not alone. She’s got a rare talent for hide and seek, which will serve her well…in the future when she plays games with her kids.
Unless you usually have random blankets trailing across your floor, this probably isn’t the best hiding place. Plus, it’s notoriously difficult to hide a child-shaped lump under a blanket.
Finding a good hiding spot can be hard. But whatever you do, don’t do what this kid did, which was to fall face down in the middle of the floor and wait to be found.
Maybe if you barely glanced at the bed and you were at exactly the right angle, you might dismiss this picture. Otherwise, nice try, kid, but you’re caught.
69. “I can’t find our daughter, but there’s a ghost on the bed”
Those little baby feet haven’t yet learned they’re pretty conspicuous down at the bottom of the bed. You know, since most beds don’t have teeny tiny feet.
I can see this kid’s line of thought. The lamp has nice, long, dangling sequins so it serves as a natural curtain. Unfortunately, it does very little to hide those little legs.
This kid might have gotten away with it for a moment or two! At first glance they kind of blend in with the stuff in the corner, but that outstretched hand gives them away.
Kids are a lot of things that the rest of us aren’t. They’re still full of imagination and happiness, and they’re always ready for a game. What’s more, they’re eager to believe that anything is possible, which means they’re also very gullible.
However, kids’ brains are still developing and that means a couple of things. For one, their centers of logic and reasoning aren’t mature yet. They can’t necessarily think their way through situations and come up with logical conclusions about what’ll happen next. Kids just can’t make inferences yet.
Why is all of this relevant to playing hide and seek? Well, just so we all can understand what is going through these little minds.
Kids…are not very good at hide and seek. Their still-developing brains don’t understand that you can see their feet poking out from behind a chair or that it’s not enough to just hide their face. But that doesn’t really matter, does it? They’re just happy to play with you and giggle as they wait for you to find them!
So, the next time you play hide and seek with a little guy or gal, pretend like it was really hard to find them — but take a picture, too.