Kids are a lot of things that the rest of us aren’t. They’re still full of imagination and happiness, and they’re always ready for a game. What’s more, they’re eager to believe that anything is possible, which means they’re also very gullible.

However, kids’ brains are still developing and that means a couple of things. For one, their centers of logic and reasoning aren’t mature yet. They can’t necessarily think their way through situations and come up with logical conclusions about what’ll happen next. Kids just can’t make inferences yet.

Why is all of this relevant to playing hide and seek? Well, just so we all can understand what is going through these little minds.

Kids…are not very good at hide and seek. Their still-developing brains don’t understand that you can see their feet poking out from behind a chair or that it’s not enough to just hide their face. But that doesn’t really matter, does it? They’re just happy to play with you and giggle as they wait for you to find them!

So, the next time you play hide and seek with a little guy or gal, pretend like it was really hard to find them — but take a picture, too.

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