As long as we’ve had the capacity, human beings have trolled each other. Sometimes, it’s just too fun to resist! If you’ve ever looked at centuries-old graffiti or texts, you’ll find that people have always enjoyed making fun of others or getting people riled up.

Trolling is a slang term that came about with the rise of the internet. Originally, it meant deliberately making inflammatory comments on social media just to get other people upset. Trolls were people who wanted to get an over-the-top emotional response. We’ve all seen someone say, “Ignore him — he’s just a troll.”

But the term has evolved to refer to almost anything done to get a rise out of someone. It could be on the internet or in person. The whole point is to try to provoke a person into a reaction.

But that doesn’t mean all trolling is mean-spirited. You can absolutely mess with someone in a lighthearted way and still have it be “trolling.” In those cases, it’s closer to pranking or teasing. But as long as you meet those criteria, you’re a troll.

So, trolls of the world unite! And enjoy these 75 people who like trolling, too.