If you’ve ever come across a Southerner who says “Bless your heart” to your face, congratulations, you’ve just been insulted in a very sneaky, backhanded way! It’s the equivalent of patting you on the head like a child and dismissing you like the dummy they think you are.
But, as sweet with words as Southerners are, the best verbal hit-and-run tactics don’t actually use any words at all.
Check out these 75 passive-aggressive neighbors who are skilled masters at cutting to the chase in hilarious, non-verbal ways.
1) The Finger
Before we invented language, everyone was gesturing with their hands to communicate their thoughts. Looks like we’ve come full circle!
“The HOA in my friend’s neighborhood recently threatened her neighbors with a fine if they didn’t hide their trash cans, even though they’ve been in the same spot for over a decade. This is their solution.”
2) The Arctic Cold Front
I’m pretty sure that’s what winter coats are for. This pup looks pretty comfy to me!
“My neighbors complained that its too cold for my dog to be outside all day during the winter. I sent them this.”
3) Canadians Eh-holes
But they’re nice eh-holes. This person was kind enough to use smiley-faced Bandaid to stick the note the wall.
“To the person who stopped the washer in the middle of my wash cycle and took my clothes out just to wash yours… Yeah, you’re an ***hole! Unfortunately for you, so am I. You can find your wet clothes frozen outside in the snow. Any problems? Come see me in 301.”
4) Sign Language
There’s no possible way for their neighbors to misread this sign. It’s spelled out “brown” and clear.
“Our elderly neighbors have this sign posted on the bike path in their backyard.”
5) Digital Savagery
Passive-aggressiveness has gone digital! These two creative blokes are silently communicating via their wireless connection. Their hotspot names read:
“You’re music is annoying” and the retort, “Your grammar is more annoying.”
6) The Naked Truth
These Peeping Tom neighbors could tell no lie. The truth was just too blinding to ignore!
“My sister and her husband live in a small town, they came home to this note on their door.”
7) Fine And Dandy-lion
This neighbor called a truce by giving a peace offering of dandelions. How sweet!
“When you receive a complaint from your neighbors, it’s important that you do your best to resolve it.”
8) Spreading Christmas Cheer
The holidays are all about giving. These neighbors gave the thief who nicked their reindeer exactly what was coming to him – photos of him in the act of being a grinch.
“My neighbor got his reindeer decorations stolen so they put out grinch ones instead.”
9) One-Man Dog Band
This neighbor apparently wasn’t a rabid fan of the solo barking performance going on next door.
“When & Where, Apt 114. Literally anytime the owner isn’t home. It could last between 2-12 hours. The fun never f***ing stops!”
10) Frosty Treat
Frosty the snowman was a jolly, happy soul. Especially after he ate the neighbor’s kid for lunch.
“My neighbour’s kid is always playing in my yard and leaving his toys. When he left two broomsticks, I left this in his yard as a warning. And yes, it is still winter in Canada.”
11) Love & Fishes
If your cat has a death wish, then you need to read this sign. He could be in danger!
“Danielle in Baltimore says copies of this notice were posted on electrical poles, fences, and doors all around her apartment complex.”
12) Checkmate!
There was probably only one or two pink flamingos in the yard. Thanks to a nosey neighbor, they’ve multiplied!
“To whoever called the police on my lawn instead of talking to me like a good neighbor: YOUR MOVE.”
13) 50 Shades Of Midnight Gray
It’s probably best to keep your bedroom antics a little bit on the quieter side. Especially when everyone can hear you.
“Saw this on a neighbors door coming home at midnight.”
14) This One Really “Stings”
Instead of calling the cops, this neighbor got creative and wrote some new lyrics to go with an 80’s classic tune. Just like Sting, he’ll be watching you.
“Every breath you take, every move you make, every bound you break, every step you take…is really audible through the floor.”
15) He Crossed The Line
Because when you’re a d-bag, you deserve your own designated princess parking spot. Next time, don’t cross the line!
“My friend parked like a d-bag. The neighbor kids left him a message.”
16) Battle Lines
This militant neighbor clearly outlined the battle – and property – lines on the wall.
“Our neighbours very precisely only cleaned their part of the wall”
17) The Grammar Cop
The grammar police are everywhere. They’re even hiding on public wi-fi feeds!
“My neighbour’s wifi name was bugging me for ages…”
18) All About That Bass
This noisy neighbor had amazing bass speakers that just couldn’t be ignored. The compliment posted by their envious neighbors speaks volumes!
“Somebody in my apartment complex posted this at our mailboxes”
19) Pretty Petty Doormat
Being petty works. After this doormat was taped to the floor (so it too, would not get stolen), the original magically re-appeared!
20) Cuts So Deep
This is what happens when crop circles go ghetto. Unlike the enigmatic geometric patterns found over in England, there’s no mistaking what this one means.
“An anonymous neighbor called code enforcement on a friend of mine for not cutting his grass. Here’s his response.”
21) He’s Got Balls
There’s basketballs, soccer balls, beach balls, you name it! I guess the ball is now in his court.
“Whenever a ball goes into my neighbors yard, he puts them in his tree so no one can get them back.”
22) Dear Neighborhood Hobo
This sign was found on a neighbor’s porch. The author admits that they’re into cats and binge drinking, but bags of poop tied to their fence are just not their thing.
23) Birds & The Bees
Getting that awkward “birds and the bees” talk from your parents is one thing. But getting the downlow from a stranger is just plain embarrassing!
24) Not So Peachy Keen
Ask, and ye shall probably not receive. This is Mark’s sourpuss way of saying “No way Jose!”
“One of my neighbors, Mark, has a lemon tree and he always tells everyone to ‘Help themselves!’ However, last week, someone took the last lemon — which really upset Mark. A couple hours later, we noticed what looked like a peach on the lemon tree.”
25) Barking Mad
This is the kind of neighbor that makes you glad to have a watch dog. You never know who is going to keep a scorecard of the number of barks your pup makes!
“Of course the dog is barking; you’re creepily standing by the front door of his house.”
26) Trash Talk
Well that’s certainly one one to get your point across. To put it in context, here’s how the situation unfolded.
“From what I gathered the homeowner had cleaned the garage and had some garbage out for pickup one day early. Neighbor called city to complain. City stopped by and made homeowner put it back for a day. Cops showed up today and made homeowner edit the profanity out of the sign. Good times.”
27) Tomato Thief!
Attention Beacon Hill: hide your kids, the dog, and even grandpa! There’s a hungry tomato thief on the prowl.
“Two giant cherry tomato plants were kidnapped in the night. Lock up your veggies. This is not a joke!”
28) Pennies For Your Thoughts
Well, you know what they say about payback. At least they got a free wheelbarrow out of the deal.
“My neighbor owed me $288.66 for my vet bills after his Great Dane attacked my Golden. This is how he paid me, one day before I was going to take him to small claims court.”
29) This Doesn’t Belong Here
This guy got sick of his neighbor not cleaning up their dog’s mess. So he took it upon himself to point out what doesn’t actually belong on the grass.
“Well, if he’s lucky maybe the owner of the dog will respond with a sign of his own. He’s turned his lawn into an extremely slow message board.”
30) Curious George
This neighbor was very polite in their passive-aggressive request. They just wanted a recommendation on which show to watch on Netflix.
31) No Butts About It
It’s one thing when you have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to your front door. It’s another thing altogether when they purposely forget to clean up after themselves.
“Passive Aggression level: Angry Neighbor, or, What Happens When You Ignore Your Downstairs Neighbors Request to Pick Up Cigarette Butts That He Says Are Yours”
32) Garbage 101
This neighbor got schooled on how garbage disposal works. A free diagram of the process was included as part of this very valuable life lesson.
“Do you not understand how rubbish disposal works? Let me help you.”
33) Hopefully The Point Was “Taken”
Someone had been leaving bags of garbage in the building’s common area even though there was a trash bin a couple of feet away. So, it was time to have Liam Neeson take care of business.
34) So Close, And Yet So Far
This doggy owner went to all the effort of picking up after their pooch. But it was just too much trouble to lift up the lid on the garbage can to throw the bag away.
35) Hidden Treasures From Above
This is what happens when you’re a little bit shy about your passive-aggressiveness. The only people who know about it are people who can read Google Maps.
“Just outside Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK. Map ref 52.804923, -“
36) Peeling Out Is For Douches
When a passive-aggressive poem starts with “Roses are red,” you know you’re in for a lyrical treat. Love and kisses!
“My neighbor peels out daily, so I wrote him a nice poem!”
37) When Passive-Aggressive Kids Play
“Nuh uh, my wife may be ugly, but your wife is the uglier!” This is what happens when two immature guys go at it over public network wifi.
38) Yep, He’s That Neighbor
But he’s also sick of his flat smelling like cow booty. At least he was very politely British in his note!
“Looks like my neighbours are getting a bit sick of the bin chute being blocked. This note was left in our lift.”
39) “Thanks in advance, Random Neighbor”
Thanking people in advance is a trick that only amateur passive-aggressor’s employ. True masters at the art would have dumped the mess in front of the perpetrator’s front door.
40) Stupid Doesn’t Pay
This is how management gave notice to their tenant about their “open door” – or rather, open window – policy. They won’t for all the extra electricity it takes to heat the apartment.
Or as they put it, “I won’t pay for stupid.”
41) Parking Lot Essentials
On this parking map, “C” does not mark the spot. In case you’re confused about where to park, here’s a visual representation.
“A friend got a tad tired of the neighbor parking in his spot. Note with diagram!”
42) Clap Your Hands
It wasn’t all fun and games when Anna in Oakland had to listen to her neighbor’s strange clapping every morning. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who thought it was annoying!
“For the past couple of weeks, someone in the alley or the building next door to mine has started clapping every day at 8:30 a.m. Just clapping. For at least ten minutes at a time. It’s been driving me crazy, and apparently I’m not the only one.”
43) Dog Eat Dog Wifi World
When you can beat ’em, join ’em! The passive-aggressiveness at this apartment complex is pretty competitive!
“The passive aggressiveness is real in my new apartment complex”
44) He Likes Drumming
But, after reading the wifi network name, he might decide that he likes his feet better.
“I have an electronic drum-kit in my apartment. I think one of my neighbours may know.”
45) Please Fix Your Headboard
When you want to get your message across, then don’t call, text or write. Just rename your wifi network device.
“My passive aggressive message to my neighbor.”
46) SO Happy You’ve Made A New Friend!
Hey neighbor, in case you were wondering…the walls aren’t made of 6-foot soundproof steel. Everyone can hear you.
“After being subjected to ridiculously loud sex noises morning, noon, and night for the last two weeks, I left this friendly reminder on my upstairs neighbor’s car today.”
47) In Order Of Importance
This was spotted in an Oakland, California neighborhood. Be warned – the cute little squirrels may be carrying the Bubonic Plague!
48) So Shut Up, Maybe
This is a very confusing diagram. Where is a person who is not passive-aggressive supposed to start? Maybe at the very bottom, where it says to have a nice day.
49) Bumpity Bump Bump
This poetic masterpiece was slipped under a neighbors door. Apparently she stomps “real loud like a hefalump.” That’s the elephant from Winnie the Pooh.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, you’re real loud, here’s a list of things you do.”
50) Please, Think Of The Children!
This comes from Chris in Ft. Worth, Texas, who noticed the note and its subsequent response in his apartment complex.
“I thought it was pretty funny, but it wasn’t until the thief wrote a response that I had to take a picture.”
51) It’s Biodegradable On The Ground
This is how the neighbors reacted to a dog walker’s poop bag. They went to great lengths to get their message across, and even had it framed.
52) The Bad Side Of Portland
Not everyone in Portlandia is as laid back as they are on TV. Katie, who spotted this over-the-top sign, said:
“I don’t know the back story here, but it seems like a better solution would have been to just, I don’t know, not park illegally?”
53) Are You A Closer, Or A Slammer?
If you don’t know, then please take some quiet time out to think about it before you go anywhere near the door. If you pick the right one, you can become a founding member of the Quiet Club!
54) #EnoughAlready!
This was spotted at an apartment complex in San Francisco. It was obviously posted by a more mature crowd.
55) Dirty Birds Are NOT Acceptable
No one has any idea what prompted this peculiar note in New York City. But it was urgent enough to warrant attention at the next Farmville meeting.
66) Rainbow Pride
It’s not known if the lights will go back in the closet after Christmas is over. But it’s certainly out and about right now!
“Our new neighbors are bigots. Since regular aggression leads to assault charges, I went with passive aggression. 10,000 lights later:”
57) Dear Pumpkin Snatcher
This mom thought it’d be nice to thank the thief for the life lesson he taught her 2-year-old. Even though her son can’t read, the pumpkin snatcher can’t miss that last bit.
58) It’s MY Spot
Don’t you hate it when people park in your spot? Well here’s a clever solution to that problem. Just park your toy golf cart there to save your spot.
59) I’m Recording You
This neighbor recorded all the shenanigans going on next door. Next time he may end up on Soundcloud.
60) Out Of Sight
So the trash bins are technically out of sight. But, not really.
“Trash Trompe-l’œil – neighbor anonymously reported us to the city because our trash cans were not behind a barrier. Now they are.”
61) When You Neighbor Calls You Out
This portrait of their loud neighbor, wearing brick flip-flops. It’s also passive-aggressiveness at it’s finest!
62) More Passive Than Aggressive
Sometimes you just have to concede that you’re not the greatest. At least this was a friendly sort of tug-of-war!
“My friend’s neighbor knows when to accept defeat.”
63) He Has A Permit
Larry, quit calling the cops! He has a permit number, and it’s #4595 in case you want to look it up.
“How my dad deals with his a**hole neighbor who checks with the city whenever anyone does any work on their property”
64) He Has Good Aim
Well, wouldn’t that stink if he actually made a hit. Message has been received.
65) Pooper Scooper Alert
Friendly neighborhood pooper scooper at your service! In case you forgot to pick up after your pup, you’ll get a special delivery right on your doorstep.
66) Happy New Year!
Hey neighbor, since it’s a brand new year, it’s probably a good time to get that squeaky bed frame fixed. You really don’t want to embarrass yourself for the entire 60 seconds.
67) Butt…
The sidewalk is not an ashtray. It’s clearly spelled out using discarded cigarette butts.
68) Wu Tang Potato Clan Has A Message
Watch out! The creepy potato clan are about to invade.
“That’ll teach me to park in my neighbor’s parking spot…”
69) Dear Amazon Package Thief
Guess he really needed teepee for his bunghole. This one came from Philadelphia:
“In our apartment building, packages are left by the block of mailboxes, relatively near where your individual mailbox is. I’ve never had a problem, but apparently not everyone was so lucky…this sign was on every floor of the building.”
70) Neighborly Love Is Blind
This man got sick of being blinded by his neighbor’s bright spotlight at night. So he came up with this clever fix to reflect it right back.
“My dad hates our neighbour so much that he’s installing one way mirrors facing his house.”
71) Do Not Cross
Some people draw battle lines in ink. This neighbor did it in grass.
“I mowed my elderly neighbors lawn. The people on the left of her mowed a day after. I guess i didnt mow right to the property line. I officially hate these people now.”
72) Better Watch Out!
Hey neighbor, everyone can see what you’re doing. Maybe it’s time to pull the blinds shut?
73) From The Apt Under The Stairs
This neighbor got real cute with his passive-aggressiveness and got Harry Potter involved. How Riddikulus!
74) If He Had Only Been Nicer
If he had only been nicer, then maybe Macolm would have thwarted the Amazon package thief. Too bad he was a jerk!
75) Here Lies Your Dog
This neighbor paid for the nice headstone and everything. Too bad the message wasn’t as sweet. This one come from the suburbs of Minnesota.
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