As humans, we sometimes succeed and, other times, we fail. Making mistakes is simply part of life. Even when you try your hardest, the results might come up short of what you expected. But in some instances, people fail miserably.
These 75 designers failed so badly at the job they were hired to do, their stories hit the internet with full force. Although we feel a little sorry for them, we also appreciate having the opportunity to laugh. Sorry…okay, not sorry.
1. Huh?
Have you ever wondered what happens when a tee-shirt designer works too many hours without getting adequate sleep? Well, it seems they forget their colors as indicated by this hilarious fail.
(snickering behind their back).
2. No explanation
“You see, officer, I didn’t know the light was red. Honestly, I couldn’t see it. And if you don’t believe me, here’s proof.” This case would never hold up in court.
3. Something doesn’t seem quite right
We’re not sure why Pikachu’s tail ended up on his head and his ears on the butt. Perhaps this designer is trying to start a new fad. We have a feeling his idea isn’t going to go over very well.
4. Migraine headache in 3, 2, 1…
Whoever designed this elevator board must’ve been super mad at someone that day. This person was determined to give everyone the biggest migraine of their life. And we’re betting they succeeded.
5. Living on the edge
Usually, adrenaline junkies get involved with high-risk sports. But in this case, someone wanted to bring the adventure to the workplace. We’re just wondering which option they chose…although it probably doesn’t matter.
6. Mathematics 101
If an individual is going to design a carton that holds a dozen eggs, they might want to make sure they understand basic math. FYI…one dozen equals 12, not 11. This person needs to go back to school or get out of the design business.
7. Seriously?
These slippers are downright ghastly. Look, there’s only one type of buyer for these and that would be an old man who used to fish but had to quit because he lost his sight.
8. “It’ll attract all the guys”
One designer made this promise when promoting their new swimwear line. Our only question. What kind of guys? What on earth was the designer thinking? We get it, they weren’t thinking at all.
9. A lawsuit waiting to happen
If someone’s going to design carpet for stairs that looks like this, they better have their liability insurance paid up. This is so bad that it wouldn’t take anything for a person to misjudge the next step.
10. Three possibilities
Either this homeowner only wanted a small amount of natural light to filter inside, this is a fancy jail cell complete with artwork, or the designer just didn’t care. We’re going with option number 3.
11. Cheap curbside service
One designer offers a cool service. He paints lines on sidewalks and for a super low price, customers can pull their vehicles right up to the curb and have a racing stripe added.
12. True identity
No, this isn’t a beautiful princess but the Terminator’s little sister. Doesn’t this designer realize that not only did they just ruin some sweet girl’s birthday but they also scarred her for life?
13. Poor kid
She’s probably been looking forward to going to the park all day. And her favorite thing to do while there? Go down the slide. But this jerk designer rained on her parade.
14. For trick riders only
Let’s just hope there was a sign about 50 feet back that notified bicyclists that this lane was only for professional trick riders. Otherwise, they’re in for a huge surprise…and not the good kind.
15. It ‘s fine
We can see it now…people fighting to pull up the staircase so they can put the fire out in the building where they live. Hey, the sign doesn’t say to evacuate. They’re simply following the instructions provided.
16. Was it revenge?
What do you want to bet the designer who came up with this idea used to play basketball? But now as a disgruntled ex-professional, he decided to take his anger out on innocent people or this is a candid camera prank.
17. Poor planning
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to first even out the bike path? Of course, then the trip to the store wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Personally, we think both the road crew and designer are lazy.
18. No sense of fun
If there was a banister in your home growing up, more than likely, you slid down it a time or two. It seems as though this designer doesn’t approve of fun. They probably doesn’t hand out Christmas presents either.
19. We don’t get it
People buy designer furniture because it doesn’t look like anything available in stores. But this designer went a little too far…maybe they made it for the disgruntled ex-basketball player.
20. No way
Do consumers really buy these? And if so, why? They’re beyond hideous. The only good purpose for them is as a gag gift at a frat party…not a bad idea.
21. Virus proof
With the pandemic going on, people know to cover their face and be careful what they touch. Here’s a product that does both…as long as you don’t mind walking around looking like an elephant.
22. Unique combination
Some people really love their carbs. For those individuals, here’s an item with a super punch. But somehow, we don’t think pasta wrapped in freshly baked bread sounds all that appetizing.
23. Painful experience
This looks like a very painful bike trail. Of course, if you have a bicycle that can fly, you’d be just fine.
24. These must be trick shoes
Let’s hope those sandals have some kind of hidden button that when pressed they turn into snow boots. Either this is an incredible design or the store owners weren’t paying attention.
25. A new art form
What, you’ve never heard of art that depicts a woman with her head hanging off? It’s happening — somewhere — on a different planet. Maybe this is a perfect replica of what people there look like and the designer didn’t fail.
26. No inhibitions
You know, some individuals have no shame. To them, using something like this is just part of everyday life. The designer was simply trying to offer those people what they want.
27. Drinking on the job?
That’s the only explanation we can come up with as to why anyone, especially a professional carpet designer, would do this. Perhaps they took a few swigs too many and to them, this looked perfectly normal.
28. The Harry Potter door
This designer must be a huge Harry Potter fan. In their mind, placing a door here would lead to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We wonder how many people thought the same thing and tried it only to walk away with a lump on the head.
29. So relaxing
This would be an amazing bath experience if only the designer had done their job correctly. But for anyone who prefers a dry bath, this tub is ideal.
30. Hysterical yet genius
We might have to give this designer some kudos. While this is certainly strange, it’s also practical. But overall, we’d have to call it a fail.
31. Is that you Nemo?
We’re sure this designer gave it their best shot but sadly, it looks like Nemo was placed inside a glass globe filled with air instead of water. Now, these fish are memorialized with that goofy look on their faces.
32. Just creepy
We always thought Shrek was such a nice guy. Perhaps this designer knows something about him that we don’t. It seems as though there’s a different side to this character and it’s not very nice.
33. If they’re really small
The only kids that’ll ever get to enjoy this carousel can’t be more than 12 inches tall. Even then, they’ll probably have to duck their heads every time it goes under the concrete.
34. Hang on for dear life
The stairs seem challenging as it is. But if you’re in a wheelchair and need to use the ramp, you better buckle up. You’re going for the ride of your life…literally.
35. Missed it by that much
Some designer had their glasses on crooked when they designed this window. Sure, it has angles. Just not the right ones.
36. It’s time for a new profession
A customer ordered a cake for a very special occasion. She even provided the cake decorator with a flash drive showing the exact design she wanted. Well, this is what she ended up with. There’s no excuse.
37. Where’s the body?
When designing this sign for a family-friendly restroom, the designer only forgot one thing — the kid’s body. Either that or only kids with super long arms and no torso are allowed to enter.
38. Early training
One designer thought it was a good idea to offer something that would teach little ones all about thongs at a very early age. Hey, we said it was an idea…just not a good one.
39. Just a tad too late
The warning is nice but it’d be far more effective if it were placed about 20 feet before the grate instead of after. The way it is, riders only find out about it after face-planting on the bike path.
40. Setting priorities
This sign designer certainly made their priorities known when creating this. Perhaps they should’ve added a third sign that told people to keep their colors together. It’s just a suggestion.
41. A, B, C, D, E, F, G…
We’re thinking this designer didn’t go any further than first grade. The last time we checked, the word “birthday” started with the letter B. Are we wrong?
42. Big time fail
When growing up, kids like all sorts of things. Some enjoy playing sports, others like music, and then some are more into super heroes. There’s no question this designer had no interest in the latter.
43. The untouchable
When designers determine where electrical outlets should go, they might want to coordinate with the people who install the doors. Here’s a question…which party is to blame?
44. Space saving and cleaning in one
With limited space, designers have to get creative. But this solution seems a little gross. We suppose it’d work but somehow, it seems so wrong.
45. It’s a joke, right?
This can’t be real — but it is — dead baby alligator shoes. The designer made these for people who love being the life of the party…or enjoy scaring guests away.
46. Does this remind you of a song?
You know, “It’s just my imagination.” This is one of those things that you can’t unsee. Maybe the glass isn’t transparent on the other side and people have no clue.
47. Yep…looks just like eggs
This display is so well done, customers don’t even need to look at the sign to know those are eggs. Seriously…whoever designed this display must not eat breakfast or bake since they obviously don’t have a clue what an egg looks like. Try again.
48. Oops
Well, that’s interesting. If the manufacturing company only sold a few of these it wouldn’t be that bad. But it probably got thousands of phone calls from angry or confused customers. If it were us, we’d just forward all of those to the designer and let them deal with the problem.
49. Confusing children everywhere
Parenting is hard enough as it is. Moms and dads have a lot of responsibility in teaching their children right from wrong. Then a designer comes along that makes their task even more challenging. Thanks a lot.
50. Not a movie buff
It seems as though this designer isn’t a big fan of movies … or a fan at all. While they got the names right, they didn’t fare so well with the photos.
51. Have a nice trip
The next time this business needs work done, it should make sure the designer knows what they’re doing. At the same time, they should go with a contractor who checks the designer’s plan. If not, they could end up with another life-threatening risk like this.
52. The divorce mug
For anyone looking for a way out of their marriage, this mug will do the trick. And it’ll only cost $5 to get the ball rolling. What vendetta does this designer have toward married people?
53. How nice
After a long day standing on your feet, you can come home and slip into a soft, warm pair of slippers. And if you get hunger, you can simply pull off a few bites here and there. Hopefully, you don’t mind a little bit of sweat, dirt, and grime.
54. Always check credentials
If you’re going to hire someone to do work on your home, you better get as much information as possible. It seems as though the person who came up with this solution didn’t put much thought into the work. Hopefully, the upstairs floor won’t give away anytime soon.
55. An open floor plan
People who visit this homeowner are going to be in for a rude awakening…twice. First when they walk in the front door. Second when they need to use the restroom. It’s time to fire the designer and start over.
56. They went all out
A lot of the products that Suave sells are really good. But some are exceptional. A prime example…they made body wash with homemade almond cookies. You can shower and snack at the same time.
57. A slight detour
Either this designer had no clue what they were doing or the homeowner ran out of money. The only positive thing…there’s no other house in the neighborhood like it. Actually, there’s probably no other house in the world like it.
58. Who’s worried about safety?
“Just don’t get any water in the plug and you’ll be perfectly safe,” the designer said. That was just before someone decided to plug in a radio. We’re kidding but that could happen.
59. A little trick
This designer created a special place where people can put their wheelchairs. But he failed to follow current ADA guidelines. We suppose someone could tilt the chair just right to get it up on one wheel.
60. Can you hear it?
You know, the sound track to the movie Mission Impossible? Probably not due to the sound of your laughter drowning it out. Maybe this was the designer’s interpretation of a keyless door lock.
61. Ludicrous
For some reason, that’s what comes to mind. The words “foam rubber” should never be used in the same sentence with glass dishes, especially expensive ones. The writing is on the wall.
62. Don’t waste your money
It doesn’t matter if you eat at the finest Five Star restaurant in the world. No one, and we mean, no one, cuts their grapes. Talk about a designer looking to make a quick buck.
63. It only takes 30 minutes to open
If you look closely, you’ll notice the designer didn’t make all the screws universal. Nope…for this, you need three screwdrivers, one for each battery. In the designer’s eyes, that makes this look more prestigious. Maybe they should stick to pumpkins.
64. What a lovely balcony
It’s just a shame the people who live in this apartment can’t use it. When they chose this place based on having outdoor space, this wasn’t exactly what they were expecting.
65. Whatcha doing?
This would be so embarrassing. People who design bathroom stalls for public places need to remember that not everyone is short. They need to think outside of the box a little more.
66. “What do you mean it didn’t pass inspection?”
After finding this in a newly built home, we don’t think the inspector was too happy. The designer has a lot of explaining to do.
67. There it is…
…the stairway to Heaven. Oh, never mind. It’s just a closet designed and built for people who stand 20 feet tall. Nice touch.
68. That’s a problem
What’s up with people who design signage? On the other hand, this might be another case of blaming the issue on the contractor. Either way you look at it, we’re not sure we’d hire this company considering their field of “expertise.”
69. It’s a…okay, we don’t have a clue
Perhaps this doll designer was going for a woman who wanted to be a cyclops but didn’t quite qualify. Man, these kids, we feel so sorry for them.
70. Just lean to the right
We have a feeling the designer of this cup holder didn’t intend for it to be installed this way. Then again, we could be wrong. If the person sitting there leans just a little bit to the right, it might work.
71. Mixed message
With this door, you have no idea if you’re coming or going. And it seems the designer felt the same way. So, he included both options. There, problem solved.
72. No stops on 6
If you live in an apartment on the sixth floor, you’d better be in really good shape. You’ll either have to climb up a flight after getting off on five or go down a flight if you head to seven.
73. Futuristic design
If this designer plans to sell any of these, they’re going to have to convince people to do their personal business differently. It’d probably be a lot easier to just redesign the toilet seat.
74. Feeling dizzy
Mosaic tile is beautiful…if it’s done right. But this designer took things in an entirely different direction and it wasn’t a good one. Whether at the toilet or sink, it makes your head spin.
75. Too close to lunchtime
When you see a website design like this, you have to wonder if the designer’s stomach is growling. It seems as though Mexican food is their favorite type of cuisine. Of course, we’re just taking an educated guess.
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Source: Brightside, Brightside, Brightside, Brightside