Don‘t you just love it when you see a photo that is more than just ordinary? The Internet has made this possible and allowed us to see photos that will play tricks on our minds.
From the things that will make us question reality to what our perception would be depending on what we see. Our eyes can play tricks on us and some can make us believe and some can make us realize that nature and reality is indeed amazing.
From amazing animals, to natural phenomenon, to beautiful paintings, optical illusions, and even amazing inventions – all of these can just make us say “wow”.
So, let’s enjoy these 75 collection of eye-catching photos that is obviously cannot be unseen!
1) The floating kid
This kid chose to sit on the fence than to stand like the rest of the spectators. Because of that, she looked like she’s floating and missing half of her body.
2) A geisha at the shop
The world is full of interesting things. If you just pay close attention to what’s happening around you, you’ll find something as interesting as this perfectly timed photo.
3) When someone robs your ideas
The smoke on this man’s head looks like ideas literally coming out of his mind. It’s like someone’s taking them out by some kind of magic.
4) No fried chicken
With how brown these puppies are, it’s easy to think that they’re pieces of fried chicken. The grills on the bottom added to the illusion.
5) Realistic leggings
Women’s leggings aren’t just getting more and more comfortable these days. Looking at this picture, it’s safe to say that leggings are getting more realistic, too.
6) Looking for Mr. Bond, James Bond!
Looking at this photo, you’d think you’d finally be able to meet the famous Mr. James Bond. Sorry but this is actually a fire-station. A very sexy and stylish fire-station in Italy!
7) What a beautiful painting, or is it?
This is so dreamy and in fact, it looks like a painting! Though, it’s not. It’s actually an amazing view from Faroe Islands! Now, who wants to live here?
8) Unexpected aquarium
An amazing discovery on an abandoned shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand. It is actually flooded by rainwater and is now home to thousands of fishes. This is so beautiful!
9) Extra effort from a teacher
This extraordinary teacher made it a point to draw what a computer looks like so he would be able to show it to his students.
Being a teacher is indeed hard but rewarding. In one of the comments, it was said that they now have computers!
10) The tomb
If you think this is from a movie, you’re wrong. This is the Tomb of Ramesses VI, Valley of the Kings, Thebes.
Look at those intricate details!
11) When you see it
When you realize this picture’s mistake, you’ll be creeped out. If that’s a mirror, it’s not supposed to see the girl’s face when she’s not facing it.
12) A warning
Most health experts warn us about the negative effects of drinking alcohol. This bottle is clearly showing agreement.
13) The bubble butt
Someone made a bubble butt by accident. Based on how it was formed, I think it was intentional.
14) The cat and the regret on its face
This cat is probably regretting its decision to play with his brother. The look on his face says it all.
15) That hairstyle
That man has a really weird taste in fashion. Apart from his outfit, his choice of hairstyle is quite odd, too.
16) The face of a 100-year old turtle
Just wow! Look at that face. This turtle is already one hundred years old and he looks so sweet.
Fun fact! Did you know that turtles have special glands which help remove salt from the water they drink?
17) The Mammatus Clouds
Did you know that the mammatus are pouch-like cloud structures and are considered as rare example of clouds in sinking air?
This beautiful photo show a beautiful sea of mammatus clouds that looks like a serene painting.
18) Have you seen an angel?
No wonder they are called sea-angels! Look at this one, swimming peacefully under the White Sea Ice.
Did you know that Sea angels are actually sea slugs? They are translucent and shell-less but none-the-less, they are beautiful!
19) A plant or a Hummingbird?
Nature is indeed freaking awesome! Look at this plant! Nope, they aren’t Hummingbird, they are actually leaves.
They are called Green Birdflower for a very obvious reason.
20) Don’t worry, it’s a costume
Yep, this is a costume and it’s really convincing. You’d have to really do a research to know how this amazing costume was done.
The amazing creator of this costume is H. “RAH” ESDAILE who said that this is called a Kenku. Kenkus are actually a race of Raven/crow like people
21) The cat and his gun
This is probably one of the most dangerous cats you’ll see. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at that mini-machine gun it’s holding.
22) The glass of martini
If this is what you’ll see in your glass of martini, I don’t think you’ll find it fun to drink. The guy doesn’t even look like it’s pleased with itself.
23) The unicorn
They say unicorns are real and this photo might prove that. I can see one horn so it must be true.
24) That clear water
Taking a dip into clear water isn’t just relaxing. It can also be a really magical experience.
25) A different kind of fight scene
This photo looks like it has been taken from a movie. A giant ant trying to win against humans on a helicopter- that’s a pretty interesting fight scene.
26) The Night Sky Petuna
This maybe one of the most beautiful flowers that we have seen! Who agrees with us?
We love the stunning plethora of white stars resembling the beauty of a distant clusters of galaxies.
27) A tree with a face
Well, this isn’t something that you see everyday. Clearly, this tree has a human face and it’s very obvious that he’s not at all happy.
28) He’s too adorable!
This is actually a Leopard Shark and he’s super duper cute! Look at those cute nostrils that actually look like cute eyes? He also seems to be smiling. Awww!
29) You are here
This amazing photo was actually taken from Mars. Yup, the planet Mars and that tiny star-like white dot there is our beloved Earth!
30) Dental work
This photo is truly jaw dropping – literally! This is actually a dental work found on a 4,000- year old mummy in ancient Egypt!
Yes! It’s an amazing work but we’re wondering how painful this was. Ouch!
31) The cat and its dog
That dog looks like it’s calling out for help. Well, I don’t really blame him. Life must be hard for a dog when its owner is a cat.
32) An odd dog
Have you ever seen a dog with antlers? This is probably the closest one you’ll see.
33) The cool dog
That dog is living his best life. With his cool sunglasses, he’s always enjoying jet ski rides with his human.
34) A superhero?
The shadow of that window doesn’t look anything like a window. It looks more like a cat- or is it Bat Cat?
35) A seat with its own legs
This seat has a funny looking set of legs. It looks like it’s about to stand up anytime and get off the bus.
36) An amazing bridge
Based on the story of this brilliant photo, these bridges were made of the entwined branches and roots of LIVING trees!
These bridges last for hundreds of years and is more than just a labor of love. It’s nature’s gift.
37) The 3D crosswalk
The persons who designed and painted this surely loved their jobs. Just look at the intricate detail and the awesome 3D effect of these crosswalk!
38) What a cool taxi!
Want to ride a taxi? Sure, just get one of these cool taxis from Iasi, Romania and you’re sure to have a wonderful time!
39) The mystery of the 4000-year old rock
This is no ordinary giant rock. It’s actually 4000 years old and can be found in Saudi Arabia.
It’s called A1-Naslaa and it’s obvious that it was cut in half with laser like precision! Now, this is a mystery we all want to know.
40) Crazy but beautiful hair day!
Want your hair fixed but still look unique? Well, this hairstylist will surely have you covered. Look at these hairstyles!
41) Anyone knows how to stop it?
This is one cute but weird-looking sink. It’s just unfortunate that it has a very leaky nose.
42) The magic trick
This is probably the first time I’ve seen a cat perform this magic trick and I must say, I’m super impressed. It looks extremely real.
43) An illusion
If you want to have a candid photo of you and your girlfriend on the beach, make sure to double-check your poses before having someone click the camera.
Otherwise, you might end up looking like a man with a male and female body.
44) Ears or puppies?
The intriguing part of this photo isn’t the dog watching another dog on TV. It’s the fact that the dog has ears that look like two puppies.
45) When it’s the summer
If you are planning to get tanned, make sure you aren’t wearing a cap on your head. Otherwise, you’d end up looking as silly as this man.
46) Electric blue lava
This isn’t a painting or an amazing graphic. It’s actually real lava that glows electric blue at night.
The sulfur in the Ijen volcano is what’s causing this amazing yet beautiful effect.
47) Yep, that’s exactly what it looks like!
Fun fact. In 1913 it was actually legal to mail children.
That’s right, real babies with stamps attached to their clothing.
Children were able to ride trains to their destinations, accompanied by letter carriers for 53 cents.
48) Beautiful Atlas moth
This isn’t fantasy! This is the Atlas moth. It is considered among the largest moths in the world! They are pretty beautiful and awesome too.
Have you already seen one of these amazing creatures?
49) Amazing street art
This amazing work of art is actually a street art in Berlin.
Look at the detail of this painting, the amount of passion and love of the people who created this is commendable.
50) Beautiful Delahaye 175
Wow, just look at this beauty! This 1949 Delahaye 175 S Saoutchik Roadster is truly an attention grabber. We’re wishing they still existed today!
51) The Sorting Hat
It looks like the Sorting Hat decided to try a different job. I must say, it looks good in orange.
52) The bees
Contrary to what you might be thinking, those yellow balloons represent bees. The white balloons are wings and not some manly parts.
53) A demon blanket
I had to look twice to make sure that there wasn’t an actual person under that red sheet. And even if I saw no one there, it’s still creepy.
54) The man bum
No, you’re not seeing things. Those are actually man bum on a wooden door.
55) Just shaking hands with a friendly harpy eagle
Harpy eagles are considered as the largest and most powerful raptors in rain-forests.
Their rear talons can grow as big as a grizzly bear’s claws.
Just look at how small that human hand looked against the bird’s talons.
56) So close, yet so far away.
Imagine finding $500,000 on the trash. You’d probably think you’ll be rich, but you won’t. Even if you glue the pieces together, the old bills won’t cost anything.
57) A door for the milk
It must have been cool to have your milk delivered straight through that door. You won’t have to go outside or open the entire door just to get your warm milk.
58) Next-level self check-out machine
This self check-out machine is on a whole new level. You just have to put your basket at the bottom slot and the machine will total everything inside it. There’s no need to take out the items one by one.
59) Plantable pencils
This is quite cool and interesting. With each pencil, you’ll be able to grow either chili, tomato or coriander.
60) A street art
This street art in Lancashire, UK is quite mesmerizing. The 3D effect and reflection are brilliant.
61) A globe for the blind
This is a globe with Braille keys. It’s supposed to help visually impaired people to have a better understanding of geographical representations.
62) A cylinder for dice
If there was a video showing how this dice agitator works, it would have been a lot more satisfying. Nonetheless, it’s interesting how this cylinder was able to push 25,000 dice to form concentric circles.
63) A beehive
Bees travel at a fast speed. If you were to take a time lapse photo of them, you’d get something like this.
64) The cows that made this yogurt possible
This farm wanted to make sure that all the cows that donated milk for this yogurt got the appreciation they deserve. Now, we can all say thank you to the 10 generous cows.
65) A unique bathroom sink
This bathroom sink was constructed using an igneous rock that was formed from volcanic lava. And while it does look beautiful, cleaning it must be a totally different story.
66) When buttons are mined
This is quite an unusual “mineral”. You don’t get to see this much button deposits along the road often, right?
67) The vomit sink
There is such a thing as vomit sink and Germany has a couple of them. You’ll find them in places where Oktoberfest, a beer festival, is commonly held.
68) Horse’s lungs
Horses are big creatures. Their fully inflated lungs, such as the one in the photo, prove that.
69) The mummy’s passport
This passport proves that dead people and mummies need passports to travel, too. Ramesses II, a mummy pharaoh, was required to have a valid Egyptian visa before his body was allowed to be transported to Paris.
70) Individual packed grapes
These grapes need to be the best-tasting grapes ever. Each of them is sold for about $12 each.
71) That plane’s tail
At first glance, you’d think that the plane’s tail is just an accessory to that enormous garage. Once the doors open up, however, you’d realize that it’s the tail of an actual plane that’s too big for the garage.
72) The combo for your kitchen
If you live in a tiny house, you’ll definitely appreciate this. It’s a sink/stove/fridge combo. It’s nearly like the Swiss Army knife of kitchen appliances.
73) The funny looking white deer
This deer wasn’t in pain or distraught. It wasn’t trying to make you laugh either. It’s just letting out a good sneeze.
74) The biggest pumpkin
People are probably doing something different with their plants these days. Weighing over 2528 pounds, this pumpkin was declared as the largest pumpkin in the U.S.
75) Creepy carrot
This is probably one of the biggest and creepiest carrots you’ll see. It looks like it has arms that will wrap around that man’s neck at any time.
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