Stop and think for a moment about the most embarrassing experience of your life. Whether it was big or small, public or private, it probably had a lasting impact on you. Otherwise, you’d have forgotten about it.
Maybe you had an accident at school when you were little and all the other kids made fun of you. Perhaps a teacher mocked you in class. Or you might’ve made a fool of yourself in front of your crush. No matter what it was, you’re likely to replay that moment in your head for years to come.
But don’t worry about it too much. They say that when enough time goes by, you’ll learn to laugh at the old embarrassments. Whether that’s true or not depends on a lot of things. That cute girl who saw your underwear in sixth grade probably doesn’t even remember it. But you still do.
Even more embarrassing are those moments when, whether your fault or by sheer accident, you get caught doing something you can’t explain away. Like it or not, they happen to all of us. The only thing we can do is share our awkward experiences so we can laugh (and cry) about them together.
1. Now they know way too much about him
There’s no shame in trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but it’s kind of an intimate thing — especially those “before” photos when you’re feeling extra vulnerable. I’m sure the client was kind, but it was still awkward.
In this situation, there’s no need to approach each other. They both know they’re in the wrong and could easily bust the other. Just agree: “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Everyone who had to practice an instrument while a kid can attest that it’s a horrible experience. Sure, you want to improve, but practicing those scales over and over again is hellish.
I’m so happy this guy chose this particular way to call her out. Nothing makes you look so smooth as casually catching someone doing something awkward and playing it off.
Some moms would freak out if they discovered their kid skipping school. But not this one. She decided to play it cool and just give her child a wave to let her know she saw her.
If you’re skipping work to go do something fun, make sure it’s not anything that’s going to be broadcast. And if it is, be sure it’s not something your boss will ever watch.
I don’t need to understand why this person was trying to sneak cake out of a work party. Goodness knows I’d have done the same thing. And I’d probably have tripped, too.
A word to the wise: don’t ever stand naked in front of your windows. No matter how alone you think you are, there could always be someone watching. Or in this case, eight billion people.
There’s no doubt about it — it sounds like this guy would be a lot of fun. If there’s an adult out there building forts in department stores, I want to be friends with them. But it’s still awkward when they get caught.
Reading this tweet, you have to wonder how often this guy watches The Lion King. The way he phrases it, you’d think it’s often. But I’m not judging him for that. After all, that’s an awesome movie.
Some awkward situations can be spun with a quick explanation. But I don’t see any way you could make having someone’s face on your phone. Just give it up.
Some in-laws have the unfortunate habit of dropping by unexpectedly, which can be stressful — especially if you have kids. I don’t blame this mom for hiding, but it must’ve been awkward to get caught.
When you live in an apartment, you’re probably going to hear your neighbors at one point or another. It’s best to just embrace all the weirdness that comes from living so close.
Here’s a problem most of us don’t have anymore. But if you grew up before the turn of the millennium, you probably had your parents interrupt a phone call at some point, sometimes with awkward repercussions.
You’d think everyone in this situation would pretend that nothing happened. It’s the best way to save one another from embarrassment. But maybe the fart was just that bad.
Frankly, this mom was lucky to get off with a warning. Stealing cookies from Santa is a capital offense. A second strike would make her lose her Christmas presents.
It’s good to maintain a positive attitude in challenging situations, and this guy’s clearly looking at the silver lining. If you have a prosthetic leg that’s essentially an extra pocket, you better fill it up with skittles.
So, this tells us that this student rarely, if ever, went to class. First off, they were so lost on the exam they didn’t realize the material wasn’t from their class. Secondly, they didn’t recognize their professor. Still, they got caught.
This is the kind of story that’ll likely get told throughout their entire relationship. As embarrassing as it might’ve been at the time, it’s also incredibly sweet. I’m sure they remember the moment fondly.
This is certainly one way to handle getting caught snoozing. But even a short power nap of 20 minutes would be a relatively long prayer. She must be super pious.
It’s hard when a spouse doesn’t get along with their in-laws, but in this case, it sounds as though it might’ve been Dad’s fault. I’m guessing this wrong number text didn’t improve their relationship.
If you’re clapping along with the “Friends” theme song every time it plays, you might like the show a little too much. You better write to Netflix and ask to have it removed for your own good.
Somehow, kids always know when their parents are eating something. They can be playing happily in their room, but the moment someone’s eating a snack — especially a treat like cake — they instantly appear in the room.
There are two sides to this one. On one hand, it’s definitely an embarrassing experience for both people involved. On the other hand, it’s going to end the bad date immediately. So, is it really a loss?
Kids are often under the impression they’re way sneakier than they really are. Sure, they think they’re completely pulling the wool over your eyes. But unfortunately for them, adults know a lot more.
Every older child has blamed wrongdoing on their younger sibling…even if it’s impossible for them to have done it. Sure, the baby was secure in his crib, but you need to believe me, Mom.
Okay, there’s an explanation for this — they probably needed to test the dog for diabetes or another ailment. But it’s always going to be awkward making eye contact when there’s pee involved.
There isn’t any more context given in this tweet but I feel like there should be. Why was your butt wet in a McDonald’s, why were you using a hand dryer as the remedy, and…HOW were you achieving that?
This isn’t all that embarrassing when you look back on it as an adult. But as a kid who’s aware of other students and teachers alike? It must’ve been traumatic.
I can’t believe I have to say this but repeat after me: never — NEVER — pee on a police car, no matter how drunk you are or how much you want to. Find a bathroom or a wooded area where you can take care of business.
Some people like to doodle with their words to keep themselves interested during a boring meeting. But that’s kind of hard to explain to your boss. Maybe you can pretend your computer crashed.
As a parent, I think I’d be annoyed by this for two reasons. First, I’d be upset that my child wasn’t getting the nutrients they needed. Second, vitamins are expensive and you were wasting them.
Look, don’t flip off your mother. It’s very rude. But if you’re going to do it, make sure you’re not around any reflective surfaces. Otherwise, there’s no telling what’ll be coming your way.
I don’t know what would be the worst part of this: getting caught making this mistake or frantically trying to explain to the car owner that it was a mix-up. Quick, convince them you’re stupid and not a car thief.
A quick-thinking parent would spin a story about how the tooth fairy was overworked and needed to outsource some jobs to parents. A tired parent would say, “Screw it” and just tell their kid the truth.
Some embarrassing situations have solutions. If you think quickly, you might find a way to explain yourself out of them. But this one…well, there’s that’s not an option.
It’s normal for tensions to flare between parents and teenage children. But it gets pretty awkward when the parents hear lines like this. Something tells me there’s more drama coming.
Nothing makes you show your rear end like the trail you leave behind after a drunken night. Try as he might, he’s never going to convince his parents he was sober when he picked up half a pine tree.
We’ve all been in a situation when we have to pass gas in public. Everyone has a unique way of handling it: sneaking away to a deserted corner, suppressing it, or letting it fly without shame. Unfortunately for this person, Option 3 was their only choice.
If you’re going to skip class, make sure you go somewhere where you have no chance of being caught. So, for a high school student, that’s either off-campus or a deserted closet somewhere.
You might wonder how on earth this could happen…unless you’ve never worn pantyhose, that is. Once they start rolling, there’s no telling where they’ll stop. I do have one question, though. How did they get past her shoes?
A good school administrator would laugh this off — especially if they deserved someone flipping the bird. But judging by my experience of school administrators, I doubt they had a sense of humor about it.
Ah, puberty, the time of life that’s the most awkward for all of us. Girls are especially self-conscious with many of them feeling as though their chests are too large or too small. She’s far from the first person to get caught stuffing her bra.
Sleepwalkers do the strangest things while wandering around. Unfortunately, it often involves peeing in strange places. The refrigerator drawer is probably the worst possible option. I really hope it was empty.
This one is particularly unfortunate because assuming they lived in the U.S., this was definitely illegal. Anyone under the age of 18 can only get a tattoo by having a parent or legal guardian physically present.
Sure, this was awkward, but if you’re going to get caught playing footsie with a stranger, a drunk person is your best option. They probably won’t remember the incident when they sober up. So, you’re off the hook.
It’s not all that creepy to look up your child’s teacher in the age of social media. But kids have a way of spinning things to sound as sketchy as possible, especially when they don’t understand them. Thanks a lot, son.
If the guy was nice, he probably understood why she did this. Everyone hates blind dates and chickening out is normal. He should’ve just struck up a conversation to let her know there were no hard feelings.
This was a gutsy move in the first place. This must’ve been before the digitization of grade books. This sort of thing would never fly in 2020. Those computers will get you every time.
Every couple has been here…whether they admit it or not. You start binging on a show together and it gets so good you can’t wait any longer. Are those grounds for divorce?
I hope the boss didn’t get angry at her because frankly, those workers must be hungry all the time. They stand there for hours, smelling food the entire time, before getting a break. I’d store hash browns in my pockets, too.
Hey, hey, hey, there are still a couple of ways you could spin this. You could say the class was at the bar or it got canceled. You know what, forget it. They’d never fall for it.
This is funny, but I’m somewhat distracted by this person’s ability to eat guacamole. How big was the container and how long was the drive? Holy guacamole. (Get it?)
Of all the things that can happen when you try to sneak around as a teenager, falling off a roof is probably the worst. Not only could you break a bone, but you’ve now alerted everyone in the house to your presence.
Maybe I don’t go to enough concerts, but you mean they no longer allow glow sticks? Regardless, storing them in your bra is hysterical. Having all of them crack at once is even funnier.
I think this is the single most terrifying thing that could ever happen to a teenager trying to sneak out of the house. We’d all rather be the guy who fell off of the roof.
Look, I’ve been known to eat an entire pie when not on a diet. So, I can’t judge this lady. If my willpower was broken by the effort of starving myself, you bet your boots I’d crack a pie tin open in a parking lot.
I have questions about every part of this…from start to finish. How did this person make a mark on the kitchen ceiling? Why did they decide the best solution was the sugar from a powdered doughnut? We need answers.
Repeat after me: never take photos of strangers in public without turning off your flash. Heck, just don’t turn the flash on, ever. We live in the age of photo editing, people.
63. Glow-in-the-dark clothing: not good for sneaking around
My favorite part of this is that the glow-in-the-dark didn’t alert their parents. It just scared Heather B so much that she screamed. Next time, wear a different shirt.
This was a fairly good plan. Unfortunately, Ryan and his girlfriend forgot about his mom’s charitable spirit. This is all very “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
When your husband’s a police officer, you might start to feel a little more comfortable around cops in general. While that’s okay, never forget you’re still a civilian in their eyes.
It’s amazing to think so many adults still pick their noses — and even worse, they do it in public places. It makes you wonder how many people don’t wash their hands after they go to the bathroom. No, don’t think about that.
Something tells me that the school secretaries wouldn’t have ratted them out. After all, they probably weren’t paid well enough to care. Still, next time go to Subway.
Not every embarrassing moment of getting caught is bad. But it’s just like a typical husband to insist he’ll never love the new pet, only for him to turn into a pile of mush in private.
Dogs can’t resist unguarded food. Unfortunately for them, they’re also not very good at covering their tracks. You have to give them a break — they’re working without thumbs.
Mom probably didn’t find it very funny when she had to host an impromptu birthday party, but I’m sure she laughed about the situation years later. But this does beg the question: how good were those invitations?
I don’t know why anyone would ever do this. Basically, you’re begging to get caught and it’s going to be awkward for everyone involved. Unless you’re a Photoshop expert, of course.
I have no idea why there would be a beer cap in the mayonnaise, but honestly, they probably don’t, either. It was just bad luck that caused them to miss this tiny detail.
Kids have a way of making their parents look bad by repeating all the awkward things they’ve said at home. A word to the wise: don’t talk about certain subjects in front of your kids because they’re always listening.
If you’re going to write notes on your hand, make sure the hand won’t be coming into contact with a rubber surface for an extended period of time. Heat, time, and the right material = you’re busted.
Stop and think for a moment about the most embarrassing experience of your life. Whether it was big or small, public or private, it probably had a lasting impact on you. Otherwise, you’d have forgotten about it.
Maybe you had an accident at school when you were little and all the other kids made fun of you. Perhaps a teacher mocked you in class. Or you might’ve made a fool of yourself in front of your crush. No matter what it was, you’re likely to replay that moment in your head for years to come.
But don’t worry about it too much. They say that when enough time goes by, you’ll learn to laugh at the old embarrassments. Whether that’s true or not depends on a lot of things. That cute girl who saw your underwear in sixth grade probably doesn’t even remember it. But you still do.
Even more embarrassing are those moments when, whether your fault or by sheer accident, you get caught doing something you can’t explain away. Like it or not, they happen to all of us. The only thing we can do is share our awkward experiences so we can laugh (and cry) about them together.