People will try new trends and styles just for the sake of fashion. But of course, not all trends are worthy of admiration. There are clothes that leave us all cringing because of their weird and out-of-this-world designs and concepts. The funniest thing is that people actually wear these cringe-worthy fashion fails!
See the awkward, unusual and hilarious side of fashion as you read on!
1. Inspired by Lord of the Rings
It’s nice to wear clothes inspired by famous films. But, maybe not this skirt which has an awful placement of the eye of Sauron.
Can you imagine wearing this uniform at work and getting weird looks from your clients? Well, we can’t blame them, really.
3. Something’s wrong here
Her curves look really great in this dress. But her backside is not too flattering.
4. When it’s too hot outside
This shirt can be transformed when the days are just too warm. Although, I advise you not to get your hopes too high because that zipper ain’t going nowhere.
This design is perfect when seen online. But when actually worn, it does look a bit offensive, especially if you are a prude.
Uhm, I know this shirt means to inspire and encourage. The placing of the phrases make it look like it’s telling us the opposite.
7. Thought it would be cute
A dog and flowers in a shirt will surely look cute! Apparently, it’s not always pretty sight especially if the dog looks like this.
8. No sweaters for you Nana
This grandma’s Bahamas shirt is pretty. However, it is not advisable to put a shirt on top of it because it looks..well, you know what I mean.
So if men have beard, then is this model a woman? Or a fake man? Or simply someone who doesn’t understand what they are wearing.
This woman wanted a dress that has an invisible back. Obviously, her dressmaker did not understand what she wanted.
I know this cloth should feel very comfortable. But, the design on those shiny fleece pants just makes me want to cringe.
This logo surely meant well. However, those people with heads like musical notes really look like they are a group of people who are hanging themselves.
13. Reminds me of the bad days
Remember those days back in high school when you are trying to keep your skirt from staining because you have a period? Buy this skirt and you will surely recall every single embarrassing moment!
It’s good that elderly people in the nursing home are entertained and rewarded withgifts. Maybe they just need to consider the designs of their shirts before giving them away next time.
There are parents who go above and beyond the regular ways of showing people around them how much they adore their children. This father might just win Best Dad of the Year because of his undeniable adoration of his child.
When you say “adorpion”, did you mean like the words “adorable” and “scorpion” being combined in one? That’s one awful combination and somethingthat will never be true.
Crocs and ankle chains are two fashion fails that I just can’t stop cringing about. And now I see them together and I think I’m about to lose it.
They say you should get your money’s worth. I really don’t think it’s just to pay $907 for this multi-panel cargo trousers that has a weird butt design.
Before printing shirt designs, designers might want to choose the right font style. Some of them will leave the readers confused if they are lookingat an”A” or an “O” and words could mean a whole other thing!
Is this a skirt you’d wear in public? I hope not, because it really looks crappy.
The whole point of wearing socks is to keep your feet hidden and unseen. Now, what’s the point of this pair then?
Combining high heels with lots and lots of googly eyes is a design that has never ever crossed my mind. I mean who would think of such a ridiculous concept? As it turns out, someone actually did this design and I am cringing!
Aw, a Dumbo jumper for the cute kid! I just wish they did not change the letter “o” into a heart because now it looks really offensive.
So, am I looking at a secret code or something? Are we suppose to decode this to reach a treasure chest filled with shirts with words that actually make sense?
25. No dresses in the pool
Generally, going to the pool in a dress is not a great idea. Wearing a brown one is especially the worst thing you can ever think of doing!
26. Ghosts or something else?
This woman’s dress wants you to think that the design is made of tiny ghosts. However, looking at them closely makes me think of them as something else.
27. She keeps on getting weird looks
This is her shirt when her hands are on her hips. But when she walks with her arms by her side, the back of her clothes get people to think of something else, eventually leading them to give her really weird looks.
Want some boots that look like hooves? These are just the boots you need this winter!
29. Found this in Thailand
When you travel to a different country, you are bound to find really awesome things. Sometimes, you also discover really awful ones, just like this shirt that totally took me by surprise then left me in stitches.
30. Where in the world is the Eiffel Tower?
It seems like the designer of this shirt doesn’t really know where the Eiffel tower is. He guessed New York, but he wasn’t too sure so he added Sweden. In the end, he is still very wrong.
Do you know what the acronym NASA means? Well, it’s certainly not the one written on this pair of socks.
32. Did they really mean that?
Uhm, I believe they did not really meant to say this word. Probably, they were thinking about automobiles. Unfortunately, the designer did not know the right word to describe his design.
I kinda like the top, but the jeans? They remind meof the Japanese flag, and to be honest, something else that comes once a month for every woman.
This is a perfect example of contradiction. How can you be one of a kind when those three butterflies look exactly alike?
If only the Eiffel tower looked like any letter in the alphabet. Apparently it doesn’t and this cap is simply “PAIS” to me.
If this is what I get for $2,850, I wonder what $20 would get me! Probably some rag-looking socks.
The evolution of fashion has always been as dynamic as possible. But, little did I think that it will come to apoint where this item is considered wearable.
This is the perfect shirt for when you are planning to come out. You are basically giving everyone a hint through your clothing!
39. This weird fashion style
This style is simply mind-boggling. It will only make sense if you have two heads and four hands!
Someone saw this guy at the mall. Can’t blame them if they had to look twice.
It may seem like something else, but really, this is just because one crappy shirt with beads on wherever is worn under the orange jacket. A very bad combination, indeed.
This is a well-meaning jacket. But when the hood comes down, it becomes an evil club that mistreats animals. Now, this one will force anyone who wears it to keep the hood on.
43. For the women with polydactyly?
Woah, what a fine shirt for women who are empowered! But, hey, the number of fingers seems off. Yup, definitely off. Maybe this one was meant for empowered women with 11 fingers in their hands.
If you didn’t see the front of this dress, there’s a tendency that you’ll make the mistake of touching what you should not touch. This is a misleading dress, but hey, it’s nor tight to touch her anyway no matter what her dress says!
45. It never crossed their minds
The designers of this H&M shirt probably did not think that their awesome idea for this shirt can easily turn into something awful. They certainly did not think this through!
46. These suction cups underneath his feet
This guy’s shoes have little suction cups on the rubber sole. It’s not a problem when you’re walking over carpets or pavement. But when you walk on smooth floors, these suctions pop and make weird noises as you walk!
47. An interview with the President
You might think that interviewing the President of South Africa will make this woman think about her choice of clothes more. Those dotted circles on the dress she wore were simply horrifying to look at!
Do you want to see something awful? This dress will surely leave you cringing!
Okay, we get it. You wanted a shot. But next time, please be more clear with what you want, otherwise you’ll get really stinky responses!
50. Looks like something else
This is a wrestling patch on the jacket of an athlete. When I look at it, I see something not really meant for kids to see and I already know it’s about wrestling! Can you imagine what a passerby would think upon seeing this patch?
Is this person badly bruised all over? Nope, just a wrong choice of leggings.
This guy is trying out this jacket. He’s thinking if he would buy it, but if I were to give him an advice, I would definitely say “No!”
What unfortunate placement of those weird bunny ears. They look saggy and they are not meant to be placed on that part of the sweater!
No, Dora, I don’t want to go on a rainforest adventure. Nope, hard pass girl.
55. The back of the donut
Donuts are usually pretty on the top part. The bottom part does not look pretty but it always tastes good. This one though is just plain awful to look at. Looks like a really dirty hole to me, if you know what I mean.
Uhm, here’s another case of clueless designers trying to make designs based on iconic places. No, New York doesn’t have those red phone booths because they belong to London!
Can you imagine that this shirt is sold in a children’s candy store? Just wow.
58. Is this for little boys?
And here, my friend, is an innuendo that is found on a little boy’s underwear. Really?
59. A pullover for Saturday
It’s nice to have a cute pink pullover shirt for each day of the week. Oh, except for Saturdays. Not Saturdays, please.
This is a really nice print with colorful and elaborate patterns. It’s just that I have a problem with the crotch.
Did you say you want a cocktail dress? Well, if you want to look like a green burrito with a miniskirt, then this $5300 dress is for you.
Okay, why am I not surprised that these shoes are on sale? Maybe because they look like they are covered in mud-colored poop? Eew!
This is the most honest shirt slogan I have seen so far. And something that would take someone a lot of guts before they can even wear it.
Mandalas are pretty symmetrical patterns that are elaborate but very captivating. They are nice on clothes, too, just don’t put them on the crotch area.
65. What is an introvert?
The designer of this shirt doesn’t seem to know what an introvert really means. Clearly, they are not introverts themselves.
Do you know what a cowboy wears to the beach? His hat and these weird-looking slippers and boots fusion. It’s not a pretty idea at all.
67. Bad color combination
When you’re product is white just like these shoes, the last thing you’ll ever want to put on it are brown designs. They will only look like poop or mud and it is definitely unsightly!
Pandas are normally used in children’s shirts because they are cute and really nice to look at. However, the pandas on this boy’s shirt are just not being wholesome and they are not cute at all!
Why would you purposely design a white shoe that will forever have poop-colored stuff underneath it? This one just doesn’t make sense.
Poor women. They work hard to wind the race and yet, they get crappy outfits that will make them feel embarrassed than proud.
Are you looking for a look where you apprear to be really dirty and stinky? These shirts are all you need! They really look smelly and old.
These girls look so happy after joining a fun run. I just hope they are not faking smiles after realizing their shirts are awfully patterned and totally not flattering.
Okay, this one has left me speechless. It could be a great find but they did they really have to showcase it that way?
I love heels! What I don’t love are high heels with heels as heels! Did you get it? Okay, just look at the picture and you’ll see what I mean.
Oh, no! Poor MIckey Mouse just lost his head and I am seriously about to barf because of this weird jacket.
Ugh, what a cringe-worthy list that was! Your clothes are a reflection of your personality, And if you choose the worst clothes, people can sometimes find you cringe-worthy!
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Source: Bored Panda, Bored Panda, Bored Panda