Do you have a bad tattoo that you get made of relentlessly for? Here are 75 bad tattoos that might make you feel better. Sometimes no tattoo is better any of these.
Alice in Horrorland
This is a really bad expectations versus reality. For one thing, it’s on this person’s skin permanently! The second picture looks like it was done in a moving car.

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Family tattoo
This tattoo was cute in theory. The execution however wasn’t the best. This looks like it might have been drawn by a 5-year-old.

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Dimples galore
The picture of this child was probably adorable before it was tattooed on this person. The heavy shading makes her look kind of scary and like she has dimples everywhere.

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Window to the soul
The concept for this tattoo seems like it was cool. However, they should have gotten a professional to do it.

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Pick your poison
This tattoo is hard to determine what it’s supposed to be. Is it a bottle of liquor? Poison? Who knows?

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Not-So-Smooth Criminal
This person wanted to show off their love for Michael Jackson. Maybe they were going for a more abstract drawing… or maybe the person who did this just wasn’t as good as they advertised.

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Is that a sunburn?
Getting tattoos of people can be risky and this is a great example. Too much shading on a person can make them look like they have too much make up or had too much time in the sun.

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Most comic books are filled with amazing art which people get tattooed on themselves a lot. This comic book lover was probably more than a little disappointed with this poor recreation of Wolverine and… Nightcrawler? Who knows who that’s supposed to be?

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Lord knows what?
Religious tattoos are pretty popular and this one looks like the Lord is sticking his tongue out. Not to mention his lopsided eyes.

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Just… why?
This tattoo was a bold choice for this woman. The execution of this tattoo looks decent in this picture it just seems like the placement is questionable.

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These tattoos seem very disfigured and seems questionable that the person didn’t catch it before the end of the session. The eyes are completely different sizes, they don’t have upper lips and that’s just the beginning of it!

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Branches or veins?
The branches on these trees look almost like veins. This tattoo had the potential to be beautiful but it just barely missed the mark.

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Say cheese!
This tattoo of a… tiger(?) looks like it is giving the most ridiculous smile. If it was supposed to look scary then they succeeded but not in the way they meant to.

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Amy, maybe you should go back to rehab
Another tribute tattoo gone wrong. This isn’t the worst tattoo of a person but she’s quite disfigured. Maybe the safest bet is to not get a tattoo of someone’s face?

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Spike got bangs
This tattoo of someone’s dog looks like he has bangs. Not to mention it looks like it was drawn by a small child.

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Down under
This tattoo is difficult to figure out what it’s supposed to be. It looks most like a silhouette of a kangaroo… a poorly drawn kangaroo.

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Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
When did Spongebob get so angry? He’s usually in a good mood… drawn with solid lines.

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Long live the king
This one seems like it should have been a lot easier to make better. All they had to do was trace it from the movie but it looks like this tattoo “artist” wanted to try it free hand.

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Virgin Mary
This rendition of Mary and Jesus looks pretty scary. First of all, her face looks like a skull but maybe that was on purpose? And then Jesus looks like he’s deflated with one goat leg.

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Why so ugly?
Joker tattoos must have had a burst in popularity after Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight came out. Unfortunately for this person, they got a Joker with lopsided eyes and an oddly shaped chin.

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Joker venom went too far
If this Joker was smoking some marijuana then there must have been an extra dangerous ingredient to have such a terrifying face. Joker venom is a poison from the comic books that makes people laugh themselves to death and he definitely looks like he got a dose of it.

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Fed up with your lion
This person seems to have a good sense of humor about his bad tattoo experience if he can laugh about it later. At least it’s on his back so he doesn’t have to look at it everyday.

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Did this tattoo artist think they really succeeded on this one? The snout looks like a pimply butt.

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I think more than God is judging you
There is so much going on with this tattoo that it’s hard to know where to start. Most of all, the subject matter of this tattoo is questionable but to each their own.

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Hopefully this is just a ballpoint pen
This tattoo looks like it was drawn with just a ballpoint pen… at least let’s hope so. If they punch someone, would it leave a picture of the lion on their face?

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Heart poops
This tattoo looks like a child’s drawing of Spider-Man but by the looks of the other tattoos on this person, that’s the theme they’re going with. However, it’s unfortunate that the hearts underneath him look like poops falling out.

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Love squiggles
You might think that the first requirement of a tattoo artist would be that they need steady hands, right? Unfortunately for this person, their tattooer did not have steady hands.

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This tattoo is hard to figure out. It looks like it’s supposed to be a colonial man playing football but with a weird arm/leg growth and a tail.

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Maybe you should grow your hair out again
This might have been a cool tattoo if it had been done with more skill. This man might want to consider letting his hair grow out again.

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Cross eyed
This tattoo had potential! Unfortunately, it was ruined by a cross-eyed wolf with a deformed face.

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Don’t finish
This poor person probably stopped his tattoo artist halfway through for a very good reason. We don’t know what they were going for but it must have been better than this.

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Have you seen a bird before?
The rendition of this bird was done so poorly that it’s hard to believe if the tattooer has ever seen a bird in their life. The wings don’t even look the same and they go all the up to the bird’s head.

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Tony the sad tiger
This poor tiger looks like he has seen too many horrific things in his life. Not to mention he looks like he was colored in with crayon.

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Our farther
Not only does the Jesus in this tattoo look bad, but they misspelled “father” on the bottom. Now they have a funky looking face and a typo.

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Hey, there’s a monster on your back
This crab monster must have taken forever to complete not to mention how painful it would be to have that much surface area colored in. It looks like the crab is trying to get a piggy back ride from the person.

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This tattoo looks like the artist is starting to get more skilled but isn’t quite there. For some reason the hair is really detailed but everything below the chin is just lines.

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Cute idea
This tattoo was a cute idea in theory but the fresh picture doesn’t even look that great. Maybe it was a good thing that it rubbed off so quickly.

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Anime gone wrong
This isn’t the worst tattoo in the world but the nose is definitely off center and it looks odd that the hair isn’t filled in. Maybe they aren’t finished yet.

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Futball star
Was the shading of this soccer ball really necessary? They could have left it blank and it might have looked better. Not to mention the shaky lines on the crown and the word below.

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The only thought that comes to mind is: why would anyone want this? At least it was executed well and they don’t look like little poops but this still seems like a strange choice.

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This seems like a sweet idea but tattoos of people’s faces hardly ever come out looking good. The tattoo of the woman looks like she’s judging you.

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Freddy who?
This Freddy Krueger tattoo looks like he is either really confused or witnessed an atrocity. The shading on the hat looks great but everything else looks questionable… maybe this tattoo artist had help.

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Burnt flower
Most tattoos of flowers come out looking at least decent but this one looks like the flower is either dead or burnt. The use of the dark colors on the petals seem questionable when the center of the flower is so bright.

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Businessman king lion?
The subject of this tattoo is really confusing. Below the lions head it looks like he’s wearing a button-up shirt and a tie but also it appears like there are two knives behind that? Or maybe they’re chili peppers.

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Say cheese
At least the proportions on this camera seem to make sense. However, this is another tattoo artist that needs to practice having a steady hand.

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Glowing owl
This owl looks like it’s glowing and also like the wings are sprouting form its head. It also seems like there are some words written on the wings but it’s hard to make out.

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Rose tattoo gone wrong
The lines on this rose are done pretty well but there seems to be some questionable decisions made on this. For example, the lines seem to be filled with dots and there is a weird line in the middle of it that looks like a crowbar.

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Weird combination
This tattoo seems like an odd choice of things added. The memorial tattoo combined with the Super Mario characters seems like an odd decision.

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What happened to the mouth?
Most of this tattoo looks great but it’s the mouth that throws it off. It makes her look really goofy.

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Nightmare rose
Either this tattoo is really old or the tattooer was running out of ink. You can’t even read the words because the lines are so spotty.

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This tattoo looks like a middle schoolers doodle in their notebook with bad shading done with their pencil. Maybe it’s an abstract drawing and it was done that way on purpose.

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Concerned dog
This dog looks like he’s very concerned for the person who decided to get this tattoo. The tattoo artist couldn’t even fill in the lines very well.

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Sock eater
Another questionable subject matter. Why anyone would want a tattoo of a child eating a sock seems very strange.

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This is another unfortunate tattoo that looks like the subject was sunburned. Tattoos of people are a risky business.

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The execution of this tattoo is actually done really well but…. the placement! Why would anyone want this?

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This tattoo is from the movie Mask but it seems like an odd choice. It’s not a very attractive tattoo is it?

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Dislocated jaw
This poor tiger looks like it has a dislocated jaw. Also the body seems to be too small for its head and the eyes don’t match.

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Poor Freddy
This tattoo artist seems to have missed the mark on Freddy Mercury. The altered photo on the right makes it so much funnier.

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Judging you
Another judgemental dog. This one is complete with a short snout and a human looking eye.

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Baby Mario
This tattoo is actually pretty cute. The only trouble is the squiggly lines look like the artist had shaky hands. But maybe that was done on purpose.

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Disfigured bear
The details on this bear are amazing but the artist seemed to have lost sight of the bigger picture. The eyes and nostrils on this bear seem to be a little lopsided.

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Don’t mess with this dog
The coloring on this dog seems to be a bit spotty. The outlines look very well defined but the colors could be better.

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It looks real, right?
This tattoo of a Rolex looks like a child’s drawing of a watch. This seems to be a cheap way to get a high end watch.

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Better on paper
This tattoo looks like it is a recreation of a watercolor that looked better on paper. As a tattoo you have to looks closely to see what is inside of the lightbulb.

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Cool concept
This tattoo is a pretty cool concept but the lines are pretty shaky. Not to mention the poor shading on the goggles.

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Wolf on fire
The lines on this wolf tattoo look pretty amateur. The way the fur is drawn makes it look like flames.

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Smashed face
The lion in this tattoo looks like he ran into a wall. The face looks smashed and misshapen.

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Furry face
This tattoo artist was determined to get all the fur in on this lion. They succeeded…. sort of. Let’s not get started on the eyes.

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Pretty sunset
This is another tattoo that probably looked better on paper. As a tattoo it seems to be missing something.

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Chicken wings
This tattoo was done well but this seems like a weird choice. This person must have a good sense of humor.

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This tattoo looks like the artist was falling asleep during the session. It’s hard to even tell what the end goal was on this one.

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Angry Jesus
Why is this Jesus so angry? He looks like he is ready to smite anyone that gets in his way.

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King T-rex
Yet another tattoo that looks like it was drawn by a child. Not only that but it’s missing the feet and the second half of the tail.

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Oh no…
This is a scary looking baby. It seems that there are very few tattoos of faces in the world that are done well.

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Egg head
It’s hard to tell what is going on in this tattoo. Is it Humpty Dumpty in an ash tray? Who knows?

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Let this slideshow be a lesson to double check the skill of your tattoo artist. No one wants a disfigured animal or a sunburnt person tattooed on them. Or maybe they do. Who are we to judge?
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