On a deeper note, your family can fail you. Your best friend can fail you too. And even you can fail yourself. Everyone fails. The same thing can happen when you’re texting. Literally, texts that were sent by mistake. It happens to all of us.
There can be embarrassing moments in your life and that is totally fine. On a lighter note, that could be only just sending nonsense, wrong, and harsh words to a person.
It’s the same thing with these 73 funny epic texts from family, friends, and even at work! YIKES!

1. Breaking bed
The message can be interpreted in so many different ways. Did she mean ‘best’ or ‘bad’, or it’s ‘bed’ after all? A case can be made for all the options listen.
2. I’ve got good news, bro!
This message has definitively raised his brother’s eyebrows. Let’s hope it remained their little secret.
3. Truth hurts
As the expression goes: ‘Only drunks and children tell the truth’. However, we ought to update the saying to include texting too.
4. Can or can’t, that is the question
It’s very noble to try and console a sick friend but sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This text fails did achieve one thing, though: it cheered up her friend and that’s something.
5. Borat likes beach parties
What do you get when you want a Borat themed beach party? The answer is in the photo this girl made. Never mind, it was just an unfortunate typo. Damn you autocorrect.
6. Chocolate ice cream? No thanks
We hope this won’t ruin chocolate ice cream for you. Our brains are wired to associate images we see with the concepts they represent and in this case, that’s a very disturbing image that may come to mind next time we think of chocolate ice cream.
7. Of corpse, auto-correct sucks
The guy who Tweeted this said: “My I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole.” What else is there to say after a text fail of this magnitude?
8. When you have an itch…
We’ve already established that autocorrect has a mind of its own. An evil algorithm whose sole aim is to embarrass us before our friends and loved ones.
9. Brian’s duck
We sense Mark is right and he’s never going to hear the end of it. The message he sent will remain a source of countless jests for years to come.
10. Heaven, I’m in heaven
What would be the first thing to come to your mind if your mom sent you a message that ‘daddy’s in heaven’? Nothing pleasant, we’d bet.
11. Just joking, mom
Mom’s heart must’ve skipped a beat as she was reading this message. We guess she didn’t find it to be as funny as her daughter did.
12. TTYL
‘What did he say?’ ‘What’. ‘Really, what did he say?’ ‘What!’ ‘Stop messing around and tell me what did he say!”
13. Basic Instinct
If this can’t convince you to stop using autocorrect, we don’t know what can. Your boss might get the wrong idea about your intentions if you send you a text like this.
14. Crap, not again
While not exactly a text fail, it’s hilarious nevertheless. Maybe we should think twice before installing text-to-speech apps in our cars.
15. Coupons for Muslims? I don’t think so
There’s a thin line between mushrooms and Muslims, the only difference being in the fact you can’t buy the latter at the store. Autocorrect strikes again.
16. Wild hunt
Only one click seperates manhunting from Pokemon hunting, as we can see from this grandma’s message. It sure got the kid very confused.
17. I’m gayme
You definitively wouldn’t want to text your wife and tell her you’re gay after she says she wants you to make out. This message raised the alarm for a while before he explained it was just a typo.
18. Breakups are hard, even without text fails
That must’ve heard pretty bad. She was trying to find the least painful way to break up with him but a single text fail rendered her efforts futile in less than a second.
19. “Can’t tell if my mom was trying to tell me something or rap something”
We’re pretty sure this is an encrypted message and that’s there a code that needs to be broken in order to understand its true meaning. Otherwise, it just doesn’t make any sense, does it?
20. Where should I come and kill you
Isn’t it chilling to hear your own mom tell you that she’s coming to kill you? In all probability it was just a typo… we hope.
21. Photoshop crush
Using photoshop to make yourself appeal more attactive is a dubious approach to dating, to put it mildly. Judging by the tone of this message, the crush was not impressed.
22. Whole foods
This what we call a costly misunderstanding. At least they have a consolation of having eaten healthy foods.
23. Potty mouth
Mom has a pretty strange way of saying: ‘See you in a little bit’. We’re sure she could’ve been a bit more polite.
24. Too late for regrets
Let’s be honest with ourselves, we’ve all a moment like this when we sent a text to a wrong person and regretted it literally a fraction of a second after we hit the ‘submit message’ button. Too bad you can’t delete texts in Messenger. The internet remembers everything.
25. Warehouse controversy
Yes, you’ve read that correctly, if we can call that sentence correct. You simply are safe from blunders of this kind as long as you have autocorrect turned on.
26. My first paycheck
Now, this is the type of text fail that will bring color to your face and that color is red. Just one wrong letter can cause so much damage.
27. Haddy’s daddy
It must be very strange to receive a text from a girl, telling you she wants you to call her ‘Daddy’. Just when you think you might live with it, you’re informed autocorrect made a mess again. Same old, same old.
28. Dumped
She wanted to make an impression on her boss as being extremely dedicated to her work but it ended up looking like a weird fetish. It couldn’t have been any worse.
29. (Wo)Man of letters
In the world of emails and social media someone has to keep the tradition of writing letters alive. We applaud this mom for doing just that.
30. A lost parent
Knock knock. Who’s there? Your mom.
31. Been there, done that
Hanging out online can get us so carried away we forget what we’re doing. It has happened to most us, hasn’t it?
32. All the single ladies
No, it actually makes sense. Bed, bath, and then (going to listen to) Beyonce. We suspect this was the courtesy of autocorrect.
33. Beer friends
If you were a cup of beer, I’d gladly drink you up. There are times when beer is our best friend.
34. Do you hear a phone ring?
We’ve all been there in a way. Have you ever completely forgotten someone left their phone at home and then gave them a call to remind them they left it on the couch? It’s one of those moments when you realize you aren’t as clever as you think.
35. Lost in translation
Here’s a good reason to avoid using unfamiliar acronyms when texting with your friends. You don’t want to waste away an entire day of your life on writing ‘What do you mean” and getting nowhere.
36. We only just sharted
Let this be a lesson to all of us to always double check what we’re typing to avoid autocorrect sabotaging us. Or simply get rid of autocorrect altogether.
37. I’m already online, mom
Ernie should learn some manners. Making mom interrupt her conversation with her son is so rude of him.
38. I can see the cracks
Don’t worry. There are far worse text fails than sending a screenshot of a cracked screen.
39. The children
Hold on, cowboy, you’re not Daenerys’s dragon who eats children for breakfast. Chicken’s far more tastier.
40. Coming out of the closet
Wow, it must’ve been a cold shower for her husband. Fortunately, she corrected the typo in a matter of seconds.
41. Don’t take shortcuts
His wife has every reason to be mad at him. Bad things can happen when you tamper with text shortcuts.
42. Lol
Let’s try to put ourselves in grandma’s shoes: all those abbreviations young people use today are hard to keep track of and discerning their true meaning can be even trickier. This grandma learned the meaning of ‘lol’ the hard way.
43. The truth about Valentine’s
As if the first typo was not enough, they had to repeat it. Jokes aside, texting fails suck.
44. Tap like there’s no tomorrow
Young people are so impatient. Give grandma time to get a hang of the new technology. It takes time to familiarize yourself with all those new features, you know.
45. Ain’t it perfect?
This is what you do if you want to lose a client using autocorrect. All it takes is to change a couple of letters and puf… the job’s done.
46. Lots of Love
We love how parents want to use cool texting acronyms but it ends up backfiring and making them look silly. Parents, you don’t have to use LOL to be cool, but if you do, it’s a good idea to do some research first. Just saying.
47. Hermione’s potions
Who can blame her? Reading Harry Potter is so incredibly addictive, for children and adults alike.
48. Emoji blunder
Sometimes parents feel so proud of their kids they get so caught up in their emotions to the point of forgetting what they’re doing at the moment. That’s probably what happened to this dad.
49. Who’s Walter?
If her intention was to make her husband jealous, the text certainly did the trick. Luckily, Walter doesn’t exist, except in the form of a bottle.
50. A slip of tongue
Don’t you hate the feeling when you want to describe something but can’t find the right word for it? These linguistic failures can often cause… misunderstandings.
51. Caution advised
A caring mother texts her daughter to drive carefully but it turns out differently than expected. Mom still lacks experience in dealing with autocorrect and text shortcuts.
52. There are different types of payment
Something here is telling us she will never see the end of it. Always think twice before you write a text.
In case you were having second thoughts about whether parents should use popular text and chat acronyms or not, this will end your dilemma once and for all. Short answer is: no.
54. Welcome young Skywalker, I’ve been expecting you
Mom wins again. It was never even a contest to begin with.
55. Who needs a heart when a hart can be broken?
When you’re in love, you have bigger preoccupations on your mind than typos. You’ll recover the lost letters, eventually but the most important thing is to win over the heart of the one you love.
56. Don’t worry, grandma’s fine
Here’s a prime example of how auto-correct tool can cause big problems for everyone. People who create autocorrect definitively ought to do a better job. On a more positive note, grandma probably chuckled when she heard fake news of her death. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
57. Need for speed
It goes without saying that dad was relieved when he realized they just needed new tires. Still, only he knows how he felt during those brief moments before he realized it was a mere typo.
58. Text fail you’ll want to avoid
There’s no reason to worry, her parents and brothers will forget all about that unfortunate incident. One day. Until then, it’s best to avoid them whenever possible.
59. Happy birthday!
It would’ve been easier if he just used a birthday emoji or a GIF. Nothing can go wrong with those, at least in theory.
60. Do you love peaches, dear?
Scrolling through the ever-growing list of emojis is hard enough even for young, tech-savvy people but it’s a nightmare for our grandparents who grew up in the world of jukeboxes and gramophones. We can hardly blame grandma for this emoji fail.
61. Love is blind
For a moment we got fooled too. It’s easy to imagine he got the wrong idea but that’s only because guys don’t have time to watch romance movies.
62. Another case of emoji confusion
Well, in mom’s defense, it’s hard to spot the difference between various emojis these days. Naturally, you choose the first best thing you see in the emoji list.
63. Autocorrect sabotage
Small wonder she never got any response from the person she texted. Autocorrect can make you look like a creep in no time.
64. Me and the Pope
A selfie with the Pope, whether a real one or a cardboard cutout is bound to impress anyone, right? If anything, it was interesting enough to share on Twitter for everyone to see.
65. There’s enough love for everyone
Can you imagine the looks Cesar’s workout buddies were giving each other when they received his text? It was something, for sure.
66. Space saving English
Grandma may have invented a whole new language. The economic version of English which saves space.
67. IDK conspiracy
One can only wonder what happened when she got the exact same response from his brother. Mom may have suspected it was some sort of a secret greeting young people use these days.
68. ‘E’ is for here
The very next day, they broke up. A unique example of how a single missing letter ruined a relationship.
69. It’s just business
We wonder who was the most embarrassed, the wife, the husband, or the realtor. Some things are meant to be kept far from the prying eyes of outsiders.
70. You are always on my mind
The good thing is, she probably won’t have to deal with him ever again. Text fails aren’t necessarily a bad thing.
71. A dream vacation
Either Royal Crap Ribbons is a cruise line we haven’t heard of yet, or mom made a serious typo. We leave it to you to decide what seems more plausible.
72. Clash of styles
We’re sure it’s not a swimming style. Oh, right, paddling. That’s always a good exercise.
73. Once upon a time in the West
They sure had their way of doing things back in the Old West. Shoot first, die last. Yeha.
Do you see it? Be alert next time!
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