Every dog is unique, and every dog is special. In fact, youโll agree that all dogs are precious. They may have different personalities, but each one is special. No wonder theyโre called manโs best friend.
Our dogs are a part of our family. Some people donโt get this, but dogs become a member of our family, which means we will take the responsibility of training them and, of course, taking care of them.
Our furry family members make our lives complete. They make us laugh and sometimes even make us cry, but today, weโll focus on how dogs can make us fall in love with them with one single photo.
Be ready to say โawwwโ or even smile through the whole collection. Can you pick which one is your favorite?
Here are 71 photos of dogs that will capture our hearts.
1. All for me?
His eyes went wide once he saw an entire aisle of treats. Those eyes might be wide and overwhelmed but they are looking straight at his owner. Those are also begging eyes, hoping to take them all home. He looks like a kid in a candy store, or a dog in a treat aisle.

2. Water dog
When his owner was sick he made sure to take care of him as much as he could. He even knew the importance of staying hydrated when a human is sick. This cutie pie makes the perfect nurse.

3. Stay warm
This little baby must have looked cold because this adorable pooch made sure to keep him warm with a blanket. He is looking out for his fellow little one, the little ones do have to stick together. What a sweet dog.

4. Hello!
This doggy loves when his owner gets home and he wants to show it. He gives the greatest hello ever, with a giant hug. That owner knows it coming, like it does everyday, and prepares for the catch and all the face licks.

5. Protecting mama and baby
This adorable pup might not understand words but she knows her mom. Once her mom became pregnant, instead of laying on her bed like she usually does, she sleeps right on mom. She is even giving the baby some love with her paws over the stomach.

6. New friends
When he moved into a new house, he meet his neighborโs dogs before he actually met his neighbor. These good boys are a wonderful first hello to the neighborhood. They want to let him know that they are willing to play anytime.

7. Blu
Blu was rescued from a shelter to a new family. How could anyone walk past this adorable little guy and not have their heart instantly melt? His two-colored eyes just draws everyone in.

8. Sleeping buddies
These little puppies play together and sleep together. They even cuddle as close as they can with their paws over the pup in front of them. They must have worn themselves out to fall asleep in the grass.

9. Not the ears
He does not mind bath time, but only if his ears do not get wet. His owner knows this by now and makes sure to put a hair cap over those ears. He is just too precious.

10. Rescue dog
Her mama instincts kicked in when she a kitten alone on the streets. She picked it up with her mouth and brought it home. This mama does not care that it is a kitten instead of pup, she just wants it to be safe. She has been the kittenโs adopted mom ever since.

11. Protector
Tony was living on the street when Jesus Hueche rescued him. So, when Jesus fell off his roof onto the concrete and lost consciousness, Tony would not leave his side. Tony and Jesus have both wanted to save each other. What a loyal dog.

12. Adopted ducklings
When these adorable ducklings lost their mother at the Mountfichet Castle in Essex, England, Fred stepped up. He made sure to take care of all the little ducklings by caring them around, bathing with them in the castleโs moat and watch over their safety.

13. Travel partner
Henry the Colorado Dog, Baloo the cat and their mom are travel junkies. These best friends are exploring nature together everywhere they can. Henry makes sure to keep his mom safe and warm on those cold nights in the tent.

14. Waiting
This lovable dog patiently waits for his mom to get home. Well, not really patiently because he is going to stare at that door until his favorite person walks through it! Hope he does not have to wait too long.

15. Reenactment
These buddies might not be painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but they should painted somewhere. This buddy is a sucker for a great picture and is even smiling upside down at the camera. He knows when a picture is about to be a hit on the internet.

16. Perfect chair
This is one dog that wants to show who is boss. Her mom said,
โShe has a whole farm where she can sit anywhere, yet she chooses to sit on the cat time and time again.โ

17. Hide and seek
His owner was searching for him and could not find him. He was sneaky and relaxing in the bushes. Once he was found his owner had to take a picture of this cute little guy hangout spot.

18. Happy dreams
Bentley boy must be having some great dreams because his smile is wide. Do you think he is dreaming about a perfect ball, treats, or his mom? Whatever he is dreaming about, his smile has our hearts melting.

19. Wasnโt me!
No regrets. This doggy has no problem claiming the mess he made. If it is in his reach to chew it, he will do it and make sure it goes everywhere. He knows he does not even have to clean it up after too, must be nice.

20. Babysitter
This is one great babysitter that knows how to multitask. He knows that television is a great way to keep a child occupied. So, he even became her couch to keep her comfy and entertained. He also has the blanket ready for whenever she gets sleepy.

21. Shotgun
She has the perfect passenger for her drive. This huge boy is loving life and probably cannot wait to feel the breeze blow through his fur. He is making sure that no one comes close to his mom with that protective glare.

22. Crawling pals
This Jack Russell is getting very excited that he has someone his size that can crawl with him. He is making sure to be a great crawling trainer, so they can go on crawling adventures. These two cuties are going to be double trouble.

23. Nap time
Every dog deserves a bit of a nap after playtime. He is making sure the ball stays close to him though because he is not running after it until he is ready. Also no one is going to touch his favorite toy while he closes his eyes.

24. Best friends
Rusty and Watson had only seen each other online from their parents Instagram pages. When they finally met for the first time in person it was all fun, water and cuddles. These Instagram pooches clicked immediately and they give great cuddles.

25. Log sitting
Ashe was told to sit and so Ashe did as told. Ashe is a great listener but Asheโs owner was completely befuddled when Ashe sat like a human on the log. Ashe also has pretty good balance!

26. Customer service
Holiday Inn Express has came up with the greatest idea, dogs as receptionists. Everyone becomes a bit more happier when they see a dog, so after a long travel it is a sweet respite to be greeted by a dog. It does not hurt that this dog is the cutest!

27. Tennis ball time
These beautiful dogs know when their owner is about to bring out the tennis ball. Their faces have no appearance of patience. They want that ball and they want it now, their owner needs to hurry up.

28. Moral support
He knew he could not help his dad in feeding the baby but he can give moral support. This dog is learning the exhaustion that comes with a new baby. That good boy looks as tired as actual new parents.

29. Mamaโs baby
It does not matter how hold this dog gets, it will always be her mamaโs baby. These two are staring straight into each otherโs eyes with pure love. These two were meant to find each other.

30. Hurry, Hurry!
He is so excited for his tiny human to be home that he makes sure to help him get inside quicker. He runs towards his best buddy, grabs the backpack and runs back to the house. Now that he has done the work, his little guy should get home faster.

31. Goodbyes
Goodbyes are always hard but this was a real hard one for this good girl. She saw the luggage packed and knew a goodbye was soon but did not want to accept it. She made sure to get one last hug in, before she had to be driven away.

32. New coach
He did not miss one game for his favorite basketball team, so they made him part of the team. He was given a jersey and a VIP section in the stands. He is watching closely to make sure they are playing well because if they are not he is going to have some choice barks during halftime.

33. So small
Zoey became obsessed with hew new housemate from the very beginning. The baby is only three days old but Zoey cannot stop staring. She is making sure to keep her small distance because even she can tell that the baby is super fragile.

34. His hero
When he fell into an icy pond it was his mother who jumped in after him. When they came home he knew that his mother saved him and wanted to make sure she was ok. So, he slept with her the entire night.

35. Holding hands
This is one great dog. His owner explains,
โMy service dog is trained to respond to anxiety. One of the ways he responds is by making you hold his paw.โ

36. Flat ball
This good boy might have completely destroyed the ball but he does not mind in the least. He still has plenty of fun with a flat ball. That smile on his face cannot get any bigger or happier.

37. Cuddles
Just like every baby, this little guy needs a stuffed animal to fall asleep with. That giraffe helped this cutie fall right to sleep. That cute smile shows that he is having a great sleep.

38. New coat, new me
This little guy played in a charcoal bag when his owner was not looking. Hey, everybody wants a new hair color every now and then. He is lucky that it will come off if he does not like it.

39. Saving a life
Kelsey heard cries from his owner and immediately went to him to save his life. Kelsey laid on his owner and licked his hands and face until he was found. Kelsey saved his owner from frostbite and severe hypothermia. What an amazing dog!

40. Jump, jump, jump
Baby Alexis is learning how to use her jumper and Dakota wants to join in on the fun. Dakota is watching the shadow of Alexis and trying to jump with it. Dakotaโs innocent playing is helping Alexis learn how to keep jumping. What an awesome and fun pair.

41. Last day
This manโs last wish was to see his dog one more time. What a special moment for him to have with his number one buddy. The dog is so excited to see him, he is smiling with the tongue out.

42. Donโt touch
He knows that his mom has an injury, so he gives her extra loving. No one is going to touch her leg while he is around, this sweet soul is protecting his mom. He wants his mom healed as soon as possible, so they can go back to having fun together.

43. Sleeping on the job
When your co-worker falls asleep on their job it usually upsets the workplace, but not for this co-worker. This adorable puppy fell asleep right at her desk. She might not have gotten any work done but she is adorable.

44. Are you home yet?
This doggy is ready for his owner to come home. The hours are just too long without him, so he is going to pass his time waiting at the door. This poor little guy is too short to keep his watch, so he gets up on his hind legs. That is dedication.

45. Neighbors
When he smelled a dog nearby he just had to stick his head out and find out. This curious dog just wanted to make a new friend! Now that they have met, he is expecting a daily visit.

46. Ten seconds too late
These dogs understand what their owner tells them, they just donโt listen.
โ10 seconds after I explained that they arenโt allowed in the water,โ the owner posted.

47. Too sleepy
You know this dog must be exhausted to not even finish his dinner. His owner took him out for the day and completely wore him out. The best part for him is that when he wakes up he will already be near his food.

48. Garden dog
When this pit needs a relaxing moment to himself, he rests in the shrubbery. It might seem odd to everyone else but it makes him completely joyful. It is one spot that no one will ever steal from him, that is for sure.

49. Sick day
When this dog mom does not feel well, she has entire army of dogs to take care of her. They are very protective of their mom and they are going to make sure no one bothers her. If you want to get to her, you will have to through those three.

50. Parkour
Parkour is not only for humans anymore, this husky is up to the challenge. By the looks of it, he is already better than some people. With all four legs on the wall it is almost like the husky is defying gravity.

51. Eddie the therapy dog
Eddie is a therapy dog at a pediatric intensive care unit, who brings joy to all the children in the unit. He can be found carrying his own bag of toys around the hospital hallways. He does not need to be told to go to all the rooms, he wants to on his own. What a sweet boy.

52. Juice time
Duncan is a therapy dog for his diabetic owner. When Duncan senses that his ownerโs blood sugar is low, he goes straight to the apple juice. He brings a small juice pack to his owner to let him know it is time to get his blood sugar up. What a life saver.

53. Jumping allowed
This owner is not going by the no jumping rule. His reason is,
โMost people teach their dogs not to jump. Personally, I love coming home from work to a good hug.โ

54. Lifeguard on duty
A Schnauzer did not trust this little girl by herself in the ocean. He stayed by her side in the ocean and tried its best to protect her from the waves. He might have been worried but the little girl was having a great time.

55. Friend for life
When you bring a dog into your family, you will have a loyal friend for life. This woman knows exactly that as her dog gives her the biggest hug. Most dogs have bigger hearts than some people.

56. Beauty
This owner openly admits that her dog is prettier than her. I will even admit that this dog is prettier than me. She must get away with a lot because that is one face you cannot stay mad at.

57. Rainy days
This little cutie does not like the rain, so her owners bought her her own little personal raincoat. She gets to be outside but not get any of her fur wet. She gets to stay cute as a button, maybe even cuter with that raincoat.

58. Tiny but fierce
She might be extra extra tiny but she can hold her own. This little baby can fit in the palm of your hand. Her tiny size makes her extra cute.

59. Park days
It is the simple things in life that make everyone the most happy. This little guy gets his joy when he gets to go to the park. If the park makes him smile like that every time, I would take him everyday.

60. Hugs all day
Louboutina is famous for her hugs. She loves to hug as many people as she can. When people see her on the streets of New York City they all stop to get a hug. Who could blame them, her hugs look amazing?

61. Wolfhound
Wolfhounds might be half wolf but this one has the cuddle love of his half dog side. All he wants to do is give hugs to his mama. He is so huge that he gets to give her a full body hug!

62. Lap dog
No matter how big your dog gets, they will always be a lap dog when they want to be. This dog is never happier than when he is in his owners arms. That smile makes the weight and fur on their clothes worth it.

63. Jedi powers
Jedi makes sure to always save Luke. Luke is the little boy who suffers from diabetes. When Luke was in critical condition during the night, Jedi ran to Lukeโs motherโs room to awake her to save Luke. Jedi truly has Jedi powers.

64. Donโt speak
His owner was talking too much and scaring away all the squirrels. He was on the hunt and needed him to quiet down. The best way to do that was a paw to the mouth!

65. Baby cuddles
Dad is not the only one in the house to comfort the baby when she is sick, so can the family dog. When babies are sick it is hard on everyone, even their dog. His face is pure sadness and hope that the baby will get well soon.

66. Dumbo dog
Elephants are not the only animals that can be born with bigger ears than most. It does not seem to bother this little guy, he knows it just made him cuter. This good boy deserves all the cuddles and toys.

67. Gifts
Dogs do not have money but they still want to show their love to their owner through gifts. This dog gets creative by giving his owner a shoe every time he gets home. What a sweet and funny gesture.

68. Wolf pack
It only took one trip to the dog park for this husky to make new friends. He had to show his owner all the new friends he made. The huskies are looking at the owner as if they want to stay together forever.

69. Goofball Sammy
Sammy has a favorite ball and this is it. She is so happy when she has it she cannot even keep her tongue in her mouth. It might make her look silly but that does not matter when she is that happy.

70. Love at first sight
When her owners brought home their new baby boy, it was love at first sight for her. She watches over him, will follow anyone who is holding the baby, and even whimper when the baby cries. Their attachment is going to be a beautiful bond as the baby boy grows.

71. Guard dog
This guard dog is sleeping on the job. He might not be the best guard dog but at least he is not eating all the food next to him. This might be the first dog that likes sleep more than sneaking food!

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