We love our cats – no doubt about that! They relieve our stress, they give us happiness, and they just make our lives colorful.
However, there are times where we can’t help but ask ourselves this question, “Who’s the real boss?”
If you are a cat owner, you know why this question is very common. Cats are known to be naughty and they will test your patience – a lot!
They don’t even listen to our commands and rules. They also steal our food, knock things off the table, sit on laptops and just generally bring beautiful chaos into our lives.
Yet, we love them dearly. Check out these 70 unaffected cats who want to show that they are the real boss of us.

1) Poop outside the box
If there is think outside the box, this cat knows how to poop outside the litter-box! Though, we are thinking that maybe it doesn’t have enough litter to make it more appealing to the cat. What do you think?

2) Brush the cat’s teeth
Reddit user said that she could have stopped the cat from chewing her boyfriend’s toothbrush or take a video. Well, clearly, we know what she chose! Well, as for that cat, may she is just following the vet’s order to brush her teeth?

3) The meowter
When you are having problems with your signal, you might want to check your router. In this case, we think we know the reason why the signal was interfurred. Get it?

4) Normal is boring
Well, for this cat, having all her needs in one place – organized ain’t cool. So, she decides to dump the ENTIRE container of water and then drink it from the carpet – like a boss.

5) The cat just doesn’t care
If you have a cat and you decide to work on a puzzle like this one – well, you surely know what would happen, right? Seems that this boss cat doesn’t care if you’re halfway through the puzzle. There’s a box and he’s getting in it!

6) Price means nothing
This cat doesn’t care if he has a $80 bed. He found this plastic bag and decided to sleep in it for 2 days now, according to its owner. Well, we love how this cat is all about comfort and not the price tag.

7) Just because he can
Reddit user commented that they have five beds and ten chairs in the house. Good right? Well, their cat decided that he would rather sit on the eggs. Well, he kinda looks comfortable.

8) Late night cravings
Cat cam caught what happens at midnight and why all his milk duds went missing. Seems that this cat suffers from late night cravings and he just helps himself with all the stocks. Now, who’s the boss?

9) The missing toothbrush
This maybe the last place where you would go to find your missing toothbrush. Well, maybe the cat was trying to get revenge or maybe it’s time to change your toothbrush if your cat puts it in his litter box. Don’t you think so?

10) I sit here
This little guy’s name is Leo and apparently, he doesn’t get what litter box means yet. Though, who would even get angry? Look at that adorable face!

11) The purrfect show
We love cats and we can’t deny it! Sometimes, you just can’t help but sigh. Look at this ball of fluff as he cleans himself in front of his owner. The cat is like saying “this show is way better than the YouTube video you’re watching.”

12) Not guilty look
This cat has perfected the “not guilty” look. He looks so shocked and surprised as we do! He won’t do such a thing!

13) Found the hidden treasure
This cat loves to shred toilet paper. You know why he has the happiest face in this photo? Well, he just discovered the hidden stash of toilet paper. The cutest face of pure joy, and destruction!

14) Fridge cat shelf
Fridge hack? Maybe a cat hack? Whatever works, as long as this cat boss loves his place and is comfortable, then we’re okay with it too.

15) Checking your make up kit
When it’s too cold outside, you just can’t help but bring your beloved cat inside. However, Oscar the boss cat repaid his owner’s kind gesture with this. Well, maybe he’s just checking her make up kit? By the way, she may need a bigger make up bag.

16) Helping with the cookies
We’re guessing this sweet cat just wanted to surprise her owner. Look at those paw prints! The good news here is that the owner did bake them and they look wonderful!

17) Smell it, hooman!
Well, we don’t know what to say. Poor guy! We’re wondering why this cat is doing this. Is it something about being close to each other or vice versa?

18) Re-branded foundation
Well, this Jane Iredale foundation has just been re-branded. Seems that this cat wants to have her own cosmetics line or is just bored and saw a foundation just lying around. What do you think?

19) This room needs a change in the lighting
When a cat is bored, what do you even expect? At least the lamp ain’t broken and look, it even gave a good lighting effect on this cat’s photo!

20) We loved the gift!
Buying a shoji door? Wrong idea for this guy! For his cats, it looks like a giant present! What else can they do but to unwrap it?

21) The Shining “Kitty”
Well, we all know the iconic scene of The Shining, right? This cat may have gotten an inspiration from it. How is this even possible?

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22) Are you missing underwear?
The owner of the cat discovered that their cat has stolen a large amount of socks and men’s underwear. He posted a note saying that the owner can get it in their home and that they will be soon moving. Maybe this cat is just being too sweet!

23) Messi the photobomber?
The post says that Messi the cat photo-bombed this bridal photo shoot. We say he didn’t. He just knows that he SHOULD be the center of attraction. Who agrees?

24) Finders keepers
If you leave a warm laptop, what else can these kittens do? First the laptop, then the world, or at-least your house. Look at them so comfy!

25) Cat warmer
That surprise look in this cat’s eyes! He seems to honestly thinks it’s his personal cat butt warmer. Who can blame him? It does look warm with all the seasonings next to it, right?

26) Diesel takes control
After pulling over on a highway to switch drivers, this couple were shocked to see that their cat, Diesel locked them out. Look at that reaction, Diesel ain’t even bothered. It seems that he didn’t want to go to the wedding in the first place.

27) Who’s smarter?
The cat’s owner thought that removing his shorts before giving his cat a bath would be the right thing to do. He didn’t want it to get wet until he went inside the room and saw this. Well, this cat definitely got his revenge. Clever boss!

28) Shut up human!
Cats will not hesitate to tell you if they don’t like something – one way or another. This cat ain’t sugarcoating her message – shut up!

29) Achievement unlocked
This kitten has unlocked a new achievement. Though, it seems that this kitten hasn’t mastered the art of going down from up there. A little help maybe?

30) The flavored rice
Okay, it’s one thing that cats are bossy and another thing if they are a complete _____. You fill in the blank for this one. We’re out of words, why? Most of all, what did the owner do after taking that photo?

31) The glittered throne
This cat lives in a huge house and he can do what he pleases. Well, as he is the boss, he decided to sit in a plate of glitter cones. Looks like a throne, seems legit!

32) The cat is the priority
The boyfriend of this Reddit user was wondering why his room was getting cold. So, they found out the reason why. Well, he’s just adorable and the important thing here is that the cat is comfy.

33) Cat gets what cat wants
This cat knows what he deserves and what he craves. Look at him bringing home the sausage from unknown neighbor’s BBQ. Look at his excited face!

34) Don’t sit on the keyboard!
Okay, so we know cats are the boss because they are very intelligent. Look at this cat! When the owner said no sitting on the keyboard, sure, he sat on the screen. Clever but very naughty!

35) Cat review
We all know that our cats know the best things. So, this cat finds their kitchen tissue so comfy, we’re guessing the owner would buy more of it too. We’re glad he’s feeling great with his new bed.

36) The proud catch
When mommy goes and turns her back this cutie cat steals the leftover corn muffins from dinner. Well, look at that proud smile! Sorry, not sorry!

37) Cats will only settle for the best
Between this office char and that hard plastic one? Of course this cat boss would choose the better one. We couldn’t possible move this sweet little thing just to get the chair back, right? That’s against cat law.

38) Not in the mood
Everyone is entitled for their privacy. Just like this adorable kitten here. She is definitely not in the mood for some loving.

39) Little law breaker
Well, no matter how many warnings you put there, the cat can’t even read. Even if it can read, do you really think it will actually obey the rules? Cats are the ones who create their own rules.

40) The wet thread
Well, this one is one of our top favorites. Reddit user was confused as to why her thread was kinda wet. Turns out her cat decided to floss on her thread. Clever and a bit weird as well. Oh cats.

41) Take a selfie with my butt
This little girl just wanted to take a selfie with her cat. Well, the cat agreed but again with its own terms of course. Apparently, this is a buttfie.

42) High maintenance cat
This cat boss has chosen the perfect place to clean himself. Nope, he won’t settle for the regular chair or sofa, he’d rather have a view while cleaning himself. Surely, he is a high maintenance cat.

43) Don’t put things on my shelf!
This cat owns this shelf and the whole house too. Seems that you can’t just put anything on his property, or else. He is quite grumpy!

44) The game is over when I say so!
If you are too busy playing and neglecting the cat, then be prepared to end the game abruptly! This cat knows that she has the power to stop the game, no matter who’s winning.

45) Cat wants a magic carpet ride
This cat may seem to want to join Aladdin and Jasmine for a ride on the magic carpet. If it looks promising, why can’t a cat sit on it? Good luck on that puzzle though.

46) The perfect flip
Cats don’t just knock things off the table, they do it very carefully as if savoring every moment of it. This one is definitely special though, look at that special flip!

47) I like to see your effort human
This cat knows he’s the boss. After making his owner nervous he relaxes as he looks at his owner who just finished printing his “Missing cat” poster. Well done Bob, well done!

48) Ah, the perfect place to rest!
Oh! You’re playing? Pardon me I didn’t notice. This place is just so comfy. Let me rest here, okay?Just do what you are supposed to do guys. I’m just relaxing.

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49) More important than work
We all know how our cats love our attention, right? Most of the time, they would crave it when we’re busy. Though, it’s one of the things that makes them oh so special.

50) Well-trained human
Reddit user shares that her cat pushes her toy mouse under the stove more than 5 times a day. She then meows until she crawls under to get it. Well, good human, very good. Have a treat!

51) How dare you!?
When you’re with your cat, never ever do this. This guy is so focused on his phone that he forgot that his “boss” needed the love and affection that he deserves. Well, let’s just say he got what he deserves.

52) Catzapizza
We know how cats love boxes but the box is quite big. Oh well, cats are cats and being the boss of the household, he sure knows how to get noticed by the members of his family. He looks like he’s saying, “what are you looking at?”

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53) Cat’s pie
Well, if you’re going to bake a pie, make sure to put it in a really “safe” place. Also, that towel screams “cat’s property” all over the place. We can’t simply blame this fur baby, right?

54) Cat says no
When you are craving for snacks and your cat doesn’t want you to have any. He’s not starving you, maybe your pet or rather your boss just wants you to eat healthy snacks?

55) My crib now
If the cat decides that she likes or rather wants something. How can you even tell her no? This one right here decides to keep the newly set up crib. It doesn’t seem to care where the baby sleeps.

56) Mojo do what Mojo wants
Mojo isn’t a kitten anymore. He is a grown-up cat and he will do as he pleases. Mojo doesn’t care about your mail or any other document. It’s all about the comfort.

57) Time to buy a bigger laptop
This cat loves to sit on his owner’s laptop. Though, lately, he seems a bit uncomfortable. It’s time to buy a bigger laptop, don’t you think?

58) You sleep on the couch
This cat decided to sleep in the bed with his owner’s boyfriend. She has claimed the pillow and that side of the bed. Well, we’re guessing owner is about to sleep on the couch tonight.

59) No concept of money
Cats don’t care about money, we all know that. Though, this cat literally doesn’t care about the money. That’s a bowl full of water and well, we’re just hoping that money can still be saved.

60) Reclining bed
Hey cats! You might not know this but laptops can actually be reclining beds! Next time you try to sit on them, try doing this too.

61) Cat tail flavor
When you’re eating and your cat decides to do this. What else can you do? How can you even get angry at her even if she obviously ain’t sorry?

62) It’s also mine
The cat likes it. We can’t blame him. It has his name printed on it. Well, he also peed on the seat just to make sure.

63) A mark in history
Cats love fame. Even in medieval church floors, you’d be able to see some cat had decided to mark its territory. You’ll be remembered for sure.

64) Poor dog lost all his bed privileges
Owner bought a bed for his senior foster dog. Guess what the “boss” decided to do? Apparently, this cat also decides where the dog sleeps.

65) Not working today
When you have a deadline but your cat decides that he doesn’t want you to work. Well, the boss has spoken. Guess we are postponing the deadline, huh?

66) It’s mine now
It doesn’t matter if this belongs to the birds. It doesn’t matter who’s coming back. The cat decided that it is his now.

67) I decided I like it here
It’s kinda warm and kinda cool. It’s the perfect resting place for this cat and there is absolutely no way you’re moving him.

meow irl
68) Oh, I’m not your baby?
We can’t blame this beautiful cat. For all the time, he was told that he was the baby. So, claiming that chair is just right for him.

69) Your head is my bathroom
This cat decided that he would rather clean himself while sitting on his owner’s head. Is it comfy? Does it give him a better angle? Who knows!

70) I said stop working hooman
Look at that face. This cat is serious. He doesn’t want his human to work and he knows what he needs to do.

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