There are old school dads, strict dads, hip dads, awkward dads, and funny dads. But one thing that stays the same is the “dad jokes” that we love to love. And no, we’re not only talking about the “Hi, hungry. It’s me, Dad.” kind of puns, but also their over-the-top humor and references fresh from a generation we barely knew.
Bring your drum sting for this one because you won’t be using it just once. Here are 70+ dads doing what dads do best — telling jokes worthy of taking the cake.
1) Watch Out! That One Didn’t Go Over Well…
Oh the wrath a dad joke can bring! I hope this dad had some backup Disney princess toys stashed somewhere!
“This little girl asked for Frozen gifts this Christmas..”
2) Godzilla Attacks!!
Well, not really, it’s just a dad joke. Great picture editing skills though. Godzilla looks real!
“My Dad Just Moved To Tokyo. I Asked For A Picture Of The View From His Apartment…”
3) Pop Goes the Dad
How funny. This dad is just poking his head through that hole in the roof! Way to make renovation more fun, dad.
“my dads renovating his kitchen and he called me out of my room to help him but when i came out…”
4) We Are Burritos
This time the joke’s on the dad! They are matching burritos. This is so cute!! Look at them both crashed out. Time for sleep!
5) Did This Dad Just Bring Lingerie To School?
Well Ryan, I can see where you are coming from. This is embarrassing! Come on dad! #dadjoke
“Never ask your dad to bring you stuff at school”
6) “Never Forget”
This is the ultimate dad joke. He will never let it that old phone go!! At least he upgraded though, way to go, dad!
“After A Multi-year Battle I Finally Convinced My Dad To Upgrade His Old Nokia 3310 To An Iphone. The Custom Phone Case He Ordered For It Arrived Today..”
7) All the Secrets
Only a dad could come up with these labels for his file cabinet. I have to admit though, this did make me chuckle!
“Dad’s Office”
8) The Circle of Life
You’ve got to give it to any dad that is this committed to an epic photo. Look at that blue and red makeup! I almost can’t tell the difference between this dad and the scene in
The Lion King (1994).
“My Girlfriend’s Dad Sent Me This Picture Of Himself Today”
9) Dad Joke, Or… ?
So… is this a dad joke, a bad joke, or is this dad for real? Let’s just say that it was a dad joke, and be happy about the engagement. Yay!
“My dad had other ideas..”
10) Pac Man Pancakes!
This is an excellent dad joke! How adorable that video games are still on this dad’s mind. He looks like just a big kid and a super fun dad!
“My Dad Was Looking At Me Like This For Like 5 Minutes Until I Looked Down At His Plate”
11) My Pumpkin Got Braces, I’m A Dentist!
I love it! This dad was committed to his brace-face pumpkin patient. Nicely done, even if it is pretty silly!
“My friend’s dad is a dentist. This is his pumpkin for Halloween.”
12) Photo Editing Skills: Advanced!
Now this dad is committed. Crazy! Look at all of the dog stuff. This dad really went all the way. Is that dog food by the wall?
“My Dad said my dog took over my room after I left for College. He sent me this…”
13) You Wanna See A Bra Pic?
Dad’s are serious about their daughters. This dad had a good sense of humor, while still making his feelings known! Good job dad!
“A girl got a text from a boy asking to see her in her bra, dad replied.”
14) Do I Have Something On My Face?
Yes, I think you do have a skin condition. This is a true dad joke! He looks like a fun guy!
“My dad put strawberries on his face and asked if he had an acne problem”
15) “World Sandwich”!!
Ba-dum-ching! What a sweet dad, wanting to feel connected to his son. This is a wonderfully creative idea, even if this dad is a ham!
“My dad and I created a “World Sandwich” from Cordoba, Spain to the exact opposite side of the world in Hamilton, New Zealand.”
16) Mr.-Bean—BOO!
This looks like this dad’s morphed version of peek-a-boo. Like his kid outgrew it, so he developed the game into something weirder! Dad joke.
“My Dad keeps placing this around to scare me”
17) Living Proof Of Dad Jokes
This photo is great! This is exactly what a dad joke is like. At least the dad is always really happy though, so that’s a win.
“Exact photo description of a dad joke in action”
18) It’s A Flashy Christmas!
Anything to keep your holiday merrier! Seeing your doctor show up dressed like this, really would make the day
special! I secretly love it.
“My dad is an OB/GYN, and was on-call for Christmas. This is how he went to round on patients this morning.”
19) Dogs On Duty
Aww, you have to admit that this is a cute photo. But it might get a little less cute if you haven’t had power for two days!
“My apartment lost power for two days. I complained to my dad, and minutes later, I got a text: “They’re on the case!” “
20) A Dad Joke To Stay Afloat
Aww, what happened to
Unsinkable 1? This dad does have a good sense of humor. Get ready for a fun day out on the water!
“My dad has a good sense of humour”
21) Your Need For Speed
Talk about an embarrassing dad joke! I am sure she isn’t that bad, come on now! Maybe in 20 years, she will think this is a funny picture, who knows!
“So my friend has her first driving lesson with her Dad.”
22) Relaxin With The Cat
Hahaha, ha! Okay, I did laugh at this dad joke. Look at this cat’s legs! Good joke, dad.
“Was in my room studying when my dad sent me this photo.”
23) Berry Toilet Bomb… Oops!
Not exactly a dad joke, but this is still painfully funny! It kind of looks like berry sherbet? Gross.
Thanks for cleaning to toilets, but now I’m out a bath bomb, oh well!
“When your dad thinks your bath bomb is a toilet cleaner’
24) Cat Cash
How funny that the cat just held the money until Christopher got home! Also, it’s kind of dad-jokey that this dad used a sticky note and then wrote on the sticky note why he used it!
“Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridge…a little confused, i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised. Thanks dad!’
25) “Skelfie”
This dad got the selfie pose down perfectly! This is a true dad joke, but what a fun dad decorating for Halloween and checking out Snapchat!
“My dad simultaneously discovered Snapchat and started decorating for Halloween… this is the result.”
26) Dad’s Stuck In The Computer Again…
This might be kind of a mean dad joke. How old is the daughter? Great photo editing skills though, it looks so real!
“My daughter had a nightmare about me getting sucked into the computer, after she watched Tron. This is what she will wake up to”
27) Hair Extension Beard
It’s creepy how this guy already has some facial hair, so on first glance this “hair extension beard” seems like it might be real!
“My uncle and dad found my cousin’s hair extensions, and sent the whole family glamour shots.”
28) It’s Punny!
“Ozzy Pawsbourne The Prince Of Barkness”. This is a true dog daddy joke! I wonder what kind of dog it is?
“My friends wife let him name their new puppy.”
29) Dad Joke Alert!
Come on now, don’t joke about that! At least everyone is laughing. At this point, I bet most of these men have made their own dad jokes!
“My dad and his morbid sense of humor make their way to the family reunion”
30) Santa’s Taking A Bathroom Break
This has some serious dad joke juju. Is that Santa relieving himself down the stairs?! AT least it looks easy to move!
“My dad’s proudest Christmas decoration.”
31) Spider Cat
I think it’s the lyrics that make this a true dad joke. You’ve got to give it to this dad though, I take this to mean that he watches Spiderman a lot with his kids!
“Walked on my husband walking the cat across the ceiling while singing “Spider Cat, Spider Cat, Does Whatever a Spider Cat Does” “
32) A Literal and Punny Picture
Yes, this is a literal picture of a bottle of Pride cleaner and a bottle of Joy dish soap. But what about his actual kid? Thanks, dad!
“My dad asked if we wanted to see a picture of his pride and joy”
33) You Know He Planned Ahead For This One
There are other ways to say you are tired of waiting, you know. The note reads: “
Old Man Trapped in Locked, Over-Heated Car by vindictive, heartless daughter”.
“My dad likes to get up to hijinks when left alone’
34) Dad Feeding
Well, I don’t really know what to say about this one. Yes, this does qualify for a dad joke in my book, but no, I don’t really know how to respond.
“This is why I can’t take my Dad to nice places…”
35) An Ode To The Snowball
For dad, there are some things in life that are really worth celebrating. One is making the perfect spherical snowball. I bet making this was one heck of a creative outlet!
“My dad made a good snowball I guess, he’s really proud, he even made this photo his profile picture..’
36) Dad Dresses Chunky Kid As Tomato
A true dad joke, through and through. Photo reads: “
Look At My Prize Tomato”. What a cute baby though, look at those cheeks!
“So I was a fat baby. This fact was not lost on my dad.”
37) The Rude Belly Flop
It looks like this dad is taking a swan dive! I don’t know how he can stand getting his stomach stung on the water like it looks like he is going to. Oh well, you know dads!
“My dad, the belly flop king, about to ruin my moms afternoon.”
38) I Let The Kitten Drive
Haha, look at that cat’s face! This is a great photo. Definite dad joke though, look at this dad’s face!
“My dad brought a kitten home and let it drive.”
39) The Cleaning Fairy
The description reads: “Told the kids there were fairies at the bottom of the garden & now they’re not talking to me.” An unfortunate side-effect of a dad joke! It’s a worthy effort though. Just get them some fairy dress-up gear, and all will be forgiven!
40) I’m A Highlighter
Neon beanie—check. Neon athletic shirt—check. Neon gloves—check. Neon shorts—check. Neon athletic leggings—check. Neon shoes—check. I’m a highlighter…dad joke—check.
“My dad loves neon yellow running gear. People always joke that he looks like a highlighter. So he became one.”
41) Extra Big $4.00 Check
This looks like a dad joke gone bad. We don’t need the joke in print, I’m sure this son is a great kid! The big check though, that will be something to laugh at for years to come! I hope he got his son something else too.
“Graduation Gift from Dad”
42) I’m Sexy Too
This dad has a good sense of humor! A leading picture of your daughter online can be shocking and disturbing. Way to handle yourself, dad! Also, daughter, maybe don’t post revealing pics online, be careful!
“My sister posted a picture to Facebook, my Dad responded.”
43) Dinosaur Playdate
Dad’s are so busy working to make life better for their families, it’s nice to see one let loose a little! Look at how happy this is making him. Dad joke!
“My dad thought he was home alone. I had to see why he was laughing so hard..”
44) That’s Forking Awesome
Wow, this is a really giant fork. Leave it to a dad to want to joke about it!
“My dad told me to take a picture of him with a giant fork and put it on the website I always go on.”
45) Pirate TV
This is a lame dad joke, but it’s kind of funny. It’s also a lot better than some other crude comments that could be made about the models!
“my dad said “Look, those TV models are pirates.”’
46) Peanut Butter & Jelly Thyme
This dad obviously likes to play with words. This is a definite dad joke, but like father like son or daughter!
“Dad, Stahp”
47) Don’t Lose The Birthday Kitten!
Funny, but not, but weird, but a bit creative—yep, that’s dad joke. Pros and cons for the kitten. It will probably get more attention this way, but it probably can’t move around that much!
“To not lose a baby kitten in the house, my dad does this.”
48) I’m Watching You
Well that’s one way to do it! This is embarrassing, but possible effective parenting? Either way, it definitely qualifies as a dad joke!
“I have seen a lot of blankets on reddit today so here is my dad’s gift to my younger sister. He calls it the “birth control blanket.” “
49) Cat Rings Are “Earrings”
So, this is kind of thoughtful. But from the quote below from this dad, you can see he thinks it’s funnier than anyone else will! She will still want real earrings dad, guaranteed!
“My 13 year old daughter wants a Ear rings for Christmas. I can hardly contain my excitement”
50) A Wind Song is a “Wind Song”
This will make shopping with your dad kind of embarrassing and uncomfortable! This is totally a dad joke. I can picture my own dad saying the same thing!
“”Fancy name for a fart” my dad whispered while shopping….”
51) I’m A hipster
Ha! This is more the old grandfather look than the hipster look. I bet it at least got a good laugh though.
“Ten minutes after I tell my 68 year old Dad what hipsters are, he comes back like this. He asks “Did I do it right?” ”
52) Hair “Mousse”
The text reads: “Ran out of hair gel so put some mousse in it”. This dad has a sense of humor! It’s a dad joke though, look at how funny he things it is!
53) The Smallest Pancakes
You want small pancakes? I’ll give you small pancakes! Oh wait, you like them??? Uh… Ooooo, this dad is never going to live one down!
“Burnie Burns’ Ultimate Dad Joke Backfires.”
54) Hello From Down Below!!
What’s with dad’s and toilets? I think dads are just bored, so they make dad jokes! Look at this dad’s face! He’s having a ball.
“My Dad is building an outhouse. This is what he sends me…”
55) I’m Man Enough
This is a true dad joke. I wonder how much time it took this dad to put all of these on the cart?! Based on his facial expression, I think he thinks it was worth it.
“My mom asked my dad if he was man enough to pick her up something after he got off of work, so he sent her this.”
56) Y, “Why”
I bet this dad thought this was so punny, I mean funny! And it kind of is. But it’s still a dad joke!
“So I’m putting stuff into the attic when my dad runs in screaming “why? Why? WHY?””
57) Finders Keepers
Smart dad joke, he had them fooled! I wonder if the coffee had a weird taste for from the twenty-dollar bill?
“Every time my dad visits he hides a $20 bill before he leaves. This spot is by far the best. I’ve been making coffee like this for a week before I noticed.”
58) Dad Says I Can Have Them All!
I guess the joke’s on mom for this dad joke! That’s a lot of cheese balls… I can already see them all over her!
“How shopping with Dad is better than shopping with Mom”
59) Done—They’re All Wrapped
Ha! That’s one way to avoid the stress and time of trying to wrap presents. Good on you, dad!
“My dad hates wrapping presents so he just”…
60) Have Some Salt
Well, this is pretty a pretty salty joke! Look, I just did a dad joke there. And look, I did another one by pointing it out!
“My doctor told me to increase my sodium intake. So my dad sent me a 4lb rock salt lick.”
61) The Deer Hit Me
You have to really notice the deer in the front seat to get the dad joke. Here’s what his kid had to say about it:
“Dad humor”
62) “Staged photo, all is well. It was the first day of fall.”
This dad joke didn’t quite work out! I would have been alarmed too if my dad sent me this. How would you know he was making a joke about the seasons?! It’s great to have a dad with a sense of humor though, and this dad does!
“My dad posted this on Facebook and no one got it (including myself). Everyone was thinking he fell down and hurt himself.”
63) “Nose Ring”
Contain your excitement, she is still going to want a real nose ring! I applaud your parenting though, dad. I didn’t know they made rings like this!
“My 13 year old daughter wants a nose ring for Christmas. I can hardly contain my excitement”
64) Cash & Candy, I Got All The Bling
It looks like this dad has gone on a really sweet rampage! (It looks all the dad jokes are getting to me, I just made another one!)
“While vacationing my dad discovered an discount candy store. When I said I didn’t want anything he sent me this.’
65) It Has To Do With The Bathroom
Of course a dad has one of these in his bathroom! I bet it was a dad that invented this sticky thing that goes on the toilet, too.
“my father hits me with dad jokes when my guard is the lowest.”
66) A Dog Birthday Party
It looks like colored plates, paper birthday hats, and a hamburger costume qualify as a dog birthday party! That is sweet of this dad though.
“I am living abroad and asked my parents to celebrate my dog’s birthday since I am away. My dad texted me this picture titled, “Birthday Party”.”
67) Look, I’m Superman Too
Even the original Super Man does not appreciate dad jokes! Haha, this picture is gold! How fun though that this dad got to meet Christopher Reeves!
“Many years ago my dad got to meet Christopher Reeves. The Man of Steel did not appreciate his shenanigans.”
68) When It’s Too Cold Out For The Green
When just pool or just golf isn’t enough… play “polf”! This looks like a nice stress reliever for this hard-working dad.
“Found my dad playing pool like this.’
69) I’m Made OF Money
I can’t help it, I just feel kind of happy for this guy. Look at his face with all of that cash! This dad is having a great time.
“Asked my dad what he was doing with his tax return and he sent me this”
70) Spam You Very Much
Okay, this has got to have been for the coupons. But still, Spam? Haha… a dad could totally make a joke about how it’s like cleaning out today’s current email!
“Cleaning Out Some Of My Dad’s Old Files. I Don’t Know What I Expected”
71) Nice & Toasty
How sweet! Haha, not sure how his wife will feel when she goes to take a shower though… who is going to remove the toast? Still, this is a great first dad joke!
“my wife just told me she is pregnant, and wanted a toasty shower. first dad joke executed..”
72) “Let It Go”
What’s with dads and bathroom related humor?! You can tell right off that this is a dad joke. At least he got a good laugh, that almost makes it okay!
“Let It Go. Dad Thought It Was So Funny”
73) I Bought You Something “Flashy” To “Drive”
Oh, man! I bet this dad thought he was so funny! Who are these people that make these anyway? Probably dads!
“For a brief moment I thought my dad had gotten me an amazing Christmas present…’
Think you can do better than these guys? Unfortunately for you, you can only get to be as funny as these lads when you become one of them. Share this with your family and friends, and listen to their best dad joke moments!