Growing up and becoming an adult is scary, we know. Suddenly, we are faced with tons of responsibilities that we have never had to think about before. It can be easy to want to revert back to childhood, hide from the world and never deal with anything ever again.
That being said, there are some things that we, as adults, have to do. For example, cooking! Cleaning! Working! These are all basic skills that we eventually need to learn in order to live healthy and successful lives.
Here are 70+ basic skills every person should have when they finally reach adulthood.
1. Basic housekeeping skills
Do you know how to make your bed? Or do your laundry? How about mopping the floor? These are all basic housekeeping skills you need to be aware of!
2. Maintaining a cleaning schedule
Any kind of cleaning schedule can be really helpful. Whether it’s laundry every Tuesday or something more broad, like a big spring cleaning session every April. Anything that will keep you on track!
No one is saying you need to be a 5 star chef, but knowing how to cook something —
anything — is essential. It’s a skill that will definitely show itself in your every day life.
4. Knowledge of healthy food
Again, no one is asking you to be a nutritionist, but it is important to up your veggie intake and have
some idea of what is beneficial for your health and what is not!
We can almost guarantee that at some point in your life, you will need to sew. Whether it’s a loose button on your shirt, or a torn up bed sheet. Learning how to work a needle and thread is important!
You don’t need to be a professional woodworker or plumber, but knowing the very basics can save you a ton of money… And time! Plus, fixing stuff yourself is satisfying!
7. How to unclog a toilet
Ah, the moment that everyone dreads… And for good reason! It’s not particularly glamorous, and it’s definitely a little bit embarrassing, but it will so come in handy whether you’re at home or at the office.
Knowing how to deep clean a fridge is often an overlooked skill. We never really think that we need to get in there and clean out all the grime, but we definitely do!
9. Understanding all of your other kitchen appliances
That bread maker or oven might seem intimidating, but you want to put them to their full use. Make sure you really understand all of their settings and what they can do.
10. How to use a calendar
Having a schedule can be an absolute lifesaver. Use Google Calendar or any other app or physical planner that you like to keep your life in order and to make sure you show up to things on time.
You don’t have to go and become a bestselling author any time soon, but knowing the basics of writing will take you a long way.
So you know how to write.. But do you know how to type up an email? Let us tell you it is a completely different beast and can actually make or break you. It’s such a skill, there are even courses you can take on it!
Remember, these are basic skills we’re talking about! It’s important to not only know how to read, but what to read. Educate yourself by picking books or articles that can teach you things!
Public speaking goes hand-in-hand with reading and writing, and rightfully so, it scares a lot of people. It is such an amazing skill to have though — to be able to express yourself and spread a message to others. If you can sign up for a class and face your fears, do it!
Communication, especially as an adult, is an absolute must. No if’s, and’s, or but’s! You’ll need it to be on the same page with your partner, friends, colleagues and family.
Simply knowing how an iPhone works goes a long way. There’s so many things you’ll be able to do!
You may not
like texting, but it is a form of communication and you are going to have to do it. Sure, you can do a phone call when it’s possible but if we’re being realistic, it ain’t always possible.
18. How to backup your files
You should be backing up everything every day. Photos on your phone, files on your computer, you name it. Have a hard drive and learn how to use the iCloud if you’re an Apple user. If you lose something that isn’t backed up, you’ll never get it back.
19. Protect your passwords
Make sure you have any kind of security an app offers you for your password, like two factor authentication. We promise it’ll come in handy!
20. Choose good passwords
Yes, we know you’ve been using the same password your whole life and that is exactly why it’s time to change it. Always choose something you’ve never used before and make sure it includes capitalization, numers and symbols! Once you get hacked, it’s all over — so let’s avoid it!
The days of trusting Wikipedia for everything are over because let’s be honest, it was never the most reliable source. Find a good few sites that are more credible and always do your research.
As an adult, it is important to stay informed and understand what’s happening all around the world, not just in your home! Find a few good, trustworthy sites and try to check up on them once a day, even if it is just for 5-10 minutes.
Sounds a bit vague, but it’s important to be cautious and keep yourself safe. Say no to unsafe situations, don’t drink and drive, and always trust your intuition. Things like that can help save your life!
24. Be prepared for an emergency
This is a major part of being an adult! You never know what is going to happen, whether it’s a natural disaster or a big fire. Always prepare the best that you can in case a situation like that arises.
It’s crucial to know some basic first aid in case something happens to you or anyone you know. Knowing how to do things like put pressure on a wound and bandage a cut can save you a lot of time as you wait for the doctor to arrive.
26. How to survive without power
The electric went out and now you don’t know how to do anything… Well you should know how to survive without electricity, especially in dire situations. Have a basic understanding of camping, eating and entertaining without power so that you’re prepared next time the lights go out.
So important! You never know when your phone will die. The scariest feeling ever is being somewhere in an isolated area and having no cell service, therefore having no way of getting yourself out. Always understand how to read a physical map just in case.
Again, finding yourself on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere with a broken car is not ideal. Get comfortable with lifting up the hood and fixing simple problems. Some of the basic knowledge will also keep you from getting ripped off at the repair store!
29. Know how to fix a flat tire
If you own a car, this one is absolutely crucial! You are almost guaranteed to have a flat tire at some point in your life, so get ahead of it now.
30. How to write a resume
Ah, you’re an adult. Welcome to the working world! Time to write up the best resume ever and get yourself a job. Believe it or not, it is really hard to write a resume — it’s not just slapping your experience on a piece of paper. You want to make it look as appealing as possible… It can make or break you!
31. Learn how to write a cover letter
Like a resume, having a good cover letter is just as important when you’re looking for jobs. You want to make sure it’s customized for the job and company you’re applying for. There are plenty tips of how to write the most effective cover letter all over the Internet.
This is definitely an overlooked skill. No one
wants to budget! But it will save your life and make so much more sense in the long run.
If you haven’t already, open up a savings account and actually use it! Even if you’re just putting $50 from every pay check in there, it will add up and feel so fulfilling.
Not every company offers this but if yours does, take them up on it! It’s a great benefit that allows you to save up for your retirement on a tax deffered basis.
Having a budget will help with this. Also, not going crazy with your credit card. If you can’t pay off your credit card bills right away, they will add up and you’ll be in debt before you know it. If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it!
36. How to get out of debt
We get it — you went to college, or maybe some mistakes were made. Life happens! Simply learn how to get out of it… There are so many resources online nowadays with really effective tips.
37. How to make a major purchase
The time will soon come where you will want to buy a home or a car, or that expensive Cartier bracelet you’ve had your eye on. Whatever it is, do your research and know exactly how to do it in a smart way.
38. Balance your bank account
It might be silly or easy to forget, but try to write down what you buy and balance your bank account!
39. Check your bank statements
Unfortunately, it does happen where your credit card information is stolen and someone goes on a spending rampage with your money — the worst part is if you don’t check your bank statements, you might not even know it’s happening. So always make a point to check every now and then and make sure that all of the purchases line up and make sense. You can also set up alerts so that your bank alerts you every time your card is used.
Contrary to popular belief, coupons are
cool! What’s lame about saving money? If you do it right, you can be doing yourself a favor and saving quite a lot.
41. Know how to organize financial records
These are really important to keep. Track your purchases, keep your receipts, and be realistic with your budget and where you are at financially.
Once you’ve accomplished all of the aforementioned skills and you are finally in a financially comfortable place, you should consider investing your money! It’s a great way to, well, make more.
43. How to get a tax professional
Do your parents still do your taxes for you every spring? Well that ain’t the way to do it! Instead, you are going to want to get a tax professional to help you with your refunds. Using your research skill, you can find someone right for you.
Effective negotiation is another must-have skill. Learning how to make offers and put out feelers for better deals can end up saving you a whole lot of cash.
You want to know how to calculate the correct percentage of a bill so that you know exactly what to tip. You can decide if you want to tip 15%, 18%, 20%, etc, based off the service. But most servers depend on their tips, so it’s not something you should be guessing on whim!
46. How to understand your calling
Figure out what it is that drives you to do everything that you do and remember it. Stick to it.
47. Understanding your passion and mission
Figure out what your mission statement for life, or your family, or your career is. Let that be the thing you return to. Also always keep your passions in sight and don’t steer too far from them — they are what matters the most!
Always try to figure out what your priorities are. What in your life deserves the most attention… To be put first? And anything that is not a priority — be okay with saying “no” to it.
49. Understand your values
Your values are similar to your mission and passion. They are meant to guide you and can be anything from honesty to communication.
Yes, you want to focus on whatever projects you have that have an immediate deadline, but you also want to focus on the big picture — what you want to get out of your life.
51. How to have a sense of humor
Yes, you’ll be in with the younger, “cooler” kids if you know a good joke from a bad joke, but it is also important to have a sense of humor when dealing with more serious things. Being able to see the bright side during a difficult time will always help relieve stress.
Knowing basic things like bringing the host of the party a small gift or letting a senior take the seat on public transit will help you get far.
Some of don’t like talking about politics and that is completely fair, but it’s necessary for an adult to exercise their right to vote. You have a say in your future, so raise your voice!
54. Educate yourself on the candidates
And before going to vote, make sure you know how to research all of your options and really think it through based on your values. Don’t just vote for whoever is hot among your friends — have your own opinion.
55. How to listen in a partnership
When you’re in a partnership, it’s a big deal! You are responsible for that person and how they feel, and one of the most important parts of that is being able to listen and communicate.
Your partner broke up with you. Now what? Sure, you can sulk in your sweatpants and eat pints of ice cream but then eventually, because you are an adult, you will have to find a way to move on and accept that it simply was not meant to be.
57. How to spot an unhealthy relationship
It’s not always easy to be self-aware, but when in a relationship, you should know how to pick up a few signs or red flags. If someone is making you feel bad, then you should be able to pinpoint it as potentially toxic.
58. Valuing and expressing respect
In order to grow stronger and happier, there has to be a mutual respect in every relationship, romantic or not.
59. Valuing and expressing love
You can spoil your loved ones with materialistic things, but the real way to express love is through things that money can’t buy, like quality time.
60. How to accept compliments
It’s easy to not really love yourself or seem self-deprecating. Hopefully once you’re an adult though, you can finally realize just how cool you are and believe it when someone tells you that. Confidence!
61. How to accept criticism
Conversely, it is just as important to know how to accept criticism. It isn’t always easy, but the way you handle constructive feedback says a lot.
62. Emotional intelligence
Being able to process and understand emotions is proving to be a vital skill, both in the workplace and in social situations. It is something that can be learned throughout life.
63. How to write thank you notes
It’s so important to say thank you. There will be many opportunities to do this throughout life as well — after a job interview, after a special event, etc. It’s also just important to express your gratitude to someone.
Being able to think about something critically and how to solve problems is of course, essential. You’d think that’d be obvious but sadly, there are some people who don’t have this skill.
No one
likes being on top of their exercise and diet game 24/7, and that is why it is essential to behold the skill of self-discipline… The realization that you can’t reach your goal by doing nothing — you’re going to have to depend on yourself and work for it.
Self-care is just as important as self-discipline. Conversely, you can’t be working yourself into the ground every day. Your work is only going to be as good as your rest, and we all deserve rest! Book that manicure or that spa day, and also make sure you get enough sleep.
67. How to find happiness
Realize that you probably won’t get happiness from things you can buy, but by staying true to your values and prioritizing the things that matter the most to you. More happiness means a potentially longer life, literally!
Synthesizing is the ability to combine parts of a whole in a new and unique way. It is a very important critical thinking skill to possess!
Meditating is an underrated skill that can honestly provide some of the best benefits. It can help clear your mind, keep you focused, and give you energy… Even if you just do it 5 minutes a day.
It’s easy to get caught up in life… You might derail yourself with emails, or by answering texts, or going out when you don’t want to. For example, if someone invites you for a night out but in your heart you know you don’t want to go because you have to be up early, then say no! It’s hard, but so much better in the long run and a true part of being an adult.
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