7-Year-Old Boy Donates His Kidney To Save His Dying Mother
What an amazing boy... He asked doctors to let him die so that he could save his dying mother.
Jenny Brown

When we typically hear the words “children” and “sacrifices” used in the same sentence, it’s usually the parent that comes to mind. Moms and Dads give up everything have for their kids. They devote time away from work to help their children with extracurriculars, they invest money in their child’s education, and they are available to help at a moment’s notice.

But the following is one special story where the roles happen to be reversed. A 7-year-old boy makes the biggest sacrifice for his mother. He not only helped saved a life, but he touched the hearts of millions all across the world.

By the end of reading this story, I was left in tears. It’s that moving.

Chen Xiaotian was only 5-year-sold when he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.


While his mother, Zhou Lu, carefully looked at him and gave him all the support she could. It didn’t last long. A few months later, she was diagnosed with a kidney disease.


The two slept side-by-side at the hospital for years. Zhou needed dialysis, while Chen needed constant attention.



Doctors believed Chen would recover, but then his cancer returned.


The cancer eventually blinded and paralyzed Chen, but his mother never gave up hope.


However, Zhou was facing issues of her own. Her kidney began to weaken, and it was evident that only a kidney transplant could save her.



That’s when the doctors intervened. They talked with Zhou’s mother. “They told me that my grandson would not survive,” she told Daily Mail, “but his kidneys could help his mother, and also save two other lives as well.”

PICTURED: Grandma Lu Yuanxiu, 57 A Chinese mum who nursed her dying son for two years even though she was seriously ill herself has been cured after doctors used the boy's kidney when he died to save her life. The tragic story started when Chen Xiaotian from Jinzhou city in Hubei province in central China was diagnosed as having a malignant brain tumour aged just five. He was treated and given an operation and for a few months it seemed that everything was well, but then the tumour returned with a vengeance and doctors told his parents there was little chance he would survive. In addition his mother Zhou Lu, 34, had been diagnosed as suffering from kidney failure that left her permanently ill and in need of dialysis treatment. Despite her illness however she continued to care for her son, taking him for regular treatment at the hospital as he gradually worsened. Eventually he became blind and shortly before he died had become bedridden and virtually paralysed, with his mother and grandmother having to do everything to care for him. Grandma Lu Yuanxiu, 57, said: "The doctors approached me rather than his mother because of the sensitive nature of the issue. They told me that my grandson not survive but his kidneys could help his mother and also save to other lives as well. "I discussed it with Zhou and she refused point-blank, she absolutely didn't want to hear any talk of that happening." But the Gran had enlisted the help of her grandson who had told his mother: "I want to save your life." In tears, his mother had agreed to the doctor's proposal saying that what changed her mind was the thought that if her son was to die, part of him would live on in her. Doctors confirmed that the tissue match was perfect and when he died on April 2, he was quickly moved to the operating theatre where his kidneys and liver were removed donated to his mother and two other people. The second kidney went to a 21-year-old girl and his liver to a 27-year-old man. Hospital spokesman Yi Tai said all three transplants were a complete success and that the youngster's death had allowed three others not only to live, but to have the hope of normal lives. He said: "The medical team held a brief moment of prayer and silence for the poor child before the transplant, I think its fair to say there were very few dry eyes."

Zhou refused. “She absolutely didn’t want to hear any talk of that happening.”


But when 7-year-old Chen heard his mother’s dilemma, he immediately demanded Zhou take his kidney. “Mom, I want to save your life,” he begged.



After debate and long discussions, a heartbroken Zhou agreed. Her only consolation was that her little boy would live on as a part of her.


Days later, Chen passed away. Doctors rushed him to the operating room where they would remove his kidneys and liver.


Before the procedure, the medical team paid a moment of silence to honor the little boy.


Chen’s kidney was a perfect match for Zhou, and she made a healthy recovery. Doctors claim it was a miracle.


Zhou’s not the only life that Chen saved. His right kidney went to a 21-year-old woman and his liver went to a 27-year-old man. Three lives have been saved thanks to this little angel with a big heart.

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