
Everyone has stuck their foot in their mouth as the saying goes. It happens. Whether you thought you could relax around someone or accidentally phrased something in the weirdest way possible, we’ve all had those moments where we wished we could take words back.

It’s even more awkward when you’re the recipient of the awkward information. Well, maybe not MORE awkward, but it’s still uncomfortable. You have to figure out how to react in a polite way that hides your shock. At least, that’s the reaction that most of us have! We aren’t comfortable telling someone to walk back the weirdness and find a more appropriate topic.

Maybe it’s because we know what it’s like to say something that’s catastrophically awkward. Of course, some people just don’t care. They might not realize that some topics aren’t appropriate for every conversation. Or perhaps they don’t realize how uncomfortable they’re making the people around them.

Then there are people like your dad or your grandma who no longer have a filter and don’t care that they’re embarrassing you. In those cases, hope they don’t share too much info and then try to forget the awkwardness you’ve heard!