Children are unique creatures. They are pure of heart and have no filter. Kids can be brutally honest.
And that brutal honesty usually ends with hilarity. But these kids don’t even realize how hilarious they are. Being honest, silly, and downright weird just comes naturally to them.
Thankfully, there are parents out there who realize this and those parents capture their kids’ hilariousness with photos to share with the rest of the world. And we are grateful because these pictures are just too funny.
Here are 72 kids who are completely unaware of how funny they are:
1) When You Need To Take A Nap
Behold one of the geniuses of tomorrow. This kid is at Imagination Level 100. This 2-year-old wanted to take a nap so she drew a pillow with chalk.
This sweet boy wanted to lend a helping hand. So, he told this man that his pants were falling down. He didn’t want the man to get embarrased.
A man woke up to find this in his house. He thought it was being haunted. It was just a kid who found his mom’s wig.
These kids were supposed to dress up as elves for school. This kid didn’t exactly hear that right. He dressed up as Elvis.
This one made me laugh out loud. This kid dressed up as a fart for Halloween. He even had a horn to toot.
This mom raised her kid to be honest. If she had the principal’s job, she’d quit and get a job she’d enjoy. She’s just being honest.
This is a card a girl made for her dad. They are Star Wars fans. “Dad, I am your daughter.”
This kid was born to be a sworn protector. He was asked to keep an eye on his sister. His mom found him like this.
9) Just Get Her The Damn Cat
This kid wants a cat. This is her Christmas list. Just get her the damn cat already.
This little girl practiced holding dolls before her sister was born. She was shocked when she held the real thing. Real babies are a lot heavier.
This kid wants you to take care of the Earth. And to keep it clean. Afterall, it’s not Uranus.
This kid looks like she’s having a rough go at life. That’s because she has a new baby sister. Her mom thinks that she looks like a mom that regrets all her life decisions in this photo.
This 11-year-old likes to draw middle aged Batman. Middle aged Batmn drinks a lot of beer and has a beer belly. He also likes chilling at the beach.
14) Uck
This kid was asked to write words that end in uck. I love how she just wrote f word. She didn’t want to get in trouble if she wrote it.
We always tell children that they can be anything they want when they grow up. And these kids went wild with it. One wants to be a red-frosted doughnut, another wants to be a cat… dream big kids!
This kid was amazed by child safety locks. He tried to open and couldn’t. Now he wants to know how the lock knew he was a child.
This girl just learned that she has a new sibiling in the house. And she’s not having it. She out. And she’s taking her blankie with her.
This mom has some pretty quirky kids. Her daughter is convinced that she’s the girl in the picture frame. Her son is in the background kissing himself in the mirror… adorable.
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy… parents play a lot of tricks on their kids. This 9-year-old outsmarted them all. He expirimented on his own parents.
This kid had to circle the word that best represented his dog. He chose circle. That’s because his dog is round.
This little kid was asked to feed the cat. She thought the cat might want an orange. The cat did not want the orange.
What would you do if you had 100 friends? This kid said he would turn the phone off. Otherwise it would be ringing off the hook.
This kid has been picking out her own clothes. She looks pretty rad. She also likes watching her brother get on the bus with a nice cup.
24) Princess Party and a Puppy
Here we have a party of princesses. And a dog. She didn’t to be a princess, she wanted to be a dog.
This kid likes to play “Operation.” But it doesn’t end well. It ends with a mandatory game of funeral.
26) President Getty Images
Do you know who the first president was? It was Getty Images. President Getty Images.
27) Best School Photo Ever
This kid is going to grow up to be really cool. He’s already killing it. Check out his school photo!
This is just sooo unsettling. It’s a 3-year-old dressed as the clown from
IT. Meet Pennywise the Kid.
29) Butterfly Butt Cheeks
Never ask your nieces and nephews to make you art. This piece made by children is called “Butterflies.” It was made with butt cheeks.
There are rules in the Barbie Dream House. No shoes in the house. They must be removed before Barbie and Ken enter the home.
31) Homework Makes Them Angry
This kid had to explain a time that he felt angry. He was angry when he found this home work in his backpack. But, he did it anyway.
This is a kid who likes to get weird. This was one of her favorite things to do as a kid. Weird and hilarious.
This isn’t a child’s drawing of people being hung. Don’t be alarmed. They are snorkeling.
This is what happens when a kid tries to open his dad’s tablet. He can’t because it has a password so he has a meltdown. This meltdown was fortunately caught on camera.
Judging by this kid’s handwriting, she seems a little young to be naming angles. But who knows…. kids are super smart these days. Either way, she decided to follow her own rules with this assignment.
This kid had to unscramble some words. She got it right. Except she was using some words she heard mom and dad use.
This kid likes to play hide-and-go-seek. He’s just not that very good at it. Apparently he thinks his feet are invisible.
This kid dropped his book. So, he’s trying to pick it up. While standing on it.
39) Numbers in Kindergarten
I thought kids just play and draw and learn social skills in kindergarten? At least this kid is keeping it real. Screw your numbers and explanations, this aint’ first grade.
This little girl loves her dinosaurs. But her parents got her a doll house for Christmas. Now its a dinosaur playhouse.
This is a drawing of someone’s daughter yelling at the sun. She hates the sun. That’s why she’s yelling at it.
This 6-year-old “ran away.” His parents said he could come home if he needed anything. He came back for the cat.
43) Reactions to Dog Peeing On The Couch
This kid’s dog peed on the couch. So the 6-year-old documented the whole thing in drawings. The last one is her mom’s reaction.
44) Your Pancrease Hates You
This kid wrote her mom a card when she was in the hospital with pancreatitis. The card is about how her mom’s pancreas hates her. But she is learning to love.
This kid figured out the cat door. Now she thinks she’s the cat. She goes in and out all day.
You know you have an emergency when you have a marine/cop panicking. That’s because his kids took control. Bubbles… everywhere.
This kid was meeting his aunt’s boyfriend. So he had to look intimidating. This was the outfit he chose.
This is hilarious. This is what a mom got when she recieved her daughter’s team pictures. A few meltdowns in the bunch.
This was this 6-year-old boy’s first dance. He got caught giving roses to different girls. Whoooooopsss!
This 2-year-old found an uncanny likeness between the superhero Black Cat and his grandmother. So he asked his mom if it was the same person. Close… but no.
Every morning these two have a fight. They fight over who is going to warm their butt on the vent. Today the baby won so the dog is pouting.
Not sure what’s the scariest part about this photo. The fact that he likes to blow stuff up and explosions. Or the creepy drawing of himself.
The instructor said that this kid could “gently” kiss the dolphin. But this kid couldn’t help himself. He was in love. So he just went for it.
This girl didn’t want to get to bed. So she decieded to hide. This is where she tried to remain unseen.
55) Past, Present, Future
This kid is a realist. He knows what’s up. And he’s not afraid of the future.
56) Chicken Cures Saddness
When a 5-year-old gets sad she knows how to cheer herself up. And how you ask? With chicken.
This 4-year-old thinks he’s a ninja. So his mom took before and after pictures. He thinks he’s completely invisible.
This kid is a thinker. That’s how he figures out stuff. He just thinks.
Every family has that one kid. That one kid that has to be different. This is that kid.
60) Going To The Dark Side
This kid met Darth Vader and was real excited about it. He was ready to jump over to the Dark Side real quick. His dad is concerned.
This kid is angry at breakfast. He’s not a morning person. That’s why he is his mom’s spirit animal.
62) When You Really Love Your Fish
This little boy really loves his pet fish. So much so that he just wanted to snuggle with him at night. It didn’t end well.
Mom took her daughter to a Van Gogh exhibit. This is what her daughter did. She wanted to make her own work of art.
Here is a 13-year-old that had a fit. It’s a slammed door situation. And now a fingers under the door situation.
65) A Serious Superhero Party
This kid was invited to a party to learn his “superhero” moves. It was a jujitsu lesson party. He came with his A game.
66) It’s the dog.
The look on the dog’s face is just priceless. If only he could talk. He’d probably tell the whole story- the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
67) Missing good
It’s nice how this kid is working hard to get the dog back. The only issue? Well, the family doesn’t have one.
68) How?
This is why you don’t let kids out of your sight. You’ll never know where they’ll get their heads trapped. But seriously, how did he manage to get his head in that spot?
69) Instant regret
This kid learned a very valuable lesson this day. He’ll probably stop insisting on ordering his own food after this.
70) What a mess!
It’s always a good thing to let kids explore. Just make sure they don’t end up like this. Otherwise, you’ll need to spend the next hours getting him and his clothes clean.
71) Yummy- not
Honestly, that does look tasty. You can’t blame the kid for taking a bite of this candy-looking soap.
72) A different ‘hue’
Well, he’s not wrong. Lots of kids love the man for playing Wolverine.
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