Do you have siblings? If so, then you know how hard it can be. Living with siblings in the household can be challenging and often results in a whole lot of funny or outright frustrating situations.
Sometimes our brothers and sisters make us want to rip our hair out. That’s how much we hate them. Other times, they have us laughing so hard that we feel like we’re going to puke. At the end of the day though, it is a relationship of love, and no matter what happens, they will always be family.
When times get tough, we recommend bonding with each other over some hilarious sibling memes. We’ve gathered 65 of our favorite ones to share with you today. These are memes that anyone with brothers or sisters will understand.
1. Playing the blame game
There is nothing kids love more than getting away with something that they know is their fault. Look at the smug look on this little guys face. He knows he started the the argument, yet his sibling is the one who is getting blamed.
2. Sibling rivalry
The older ones almost always end up bullying the younger ones and taking their things. However, when that continues into adulthood is when you know you have a real problem. Sibling rivalry can become more like sibling warfare.
3. Babysitting duties
Being the older sibling also means you probably get stuck with baby sitting duties. However, just because you are the designated person in charge doesn’t mean the underlings will listen to you. You might have to call Mom or Dad for backup support.
4. Bonding
Trash talking between siblings is a form of affection. It’s how you show that you care. Even though it might not exactly sound that way to any outsiders listening in.
5. When parents get mad
If one sibling makes Mom mad, every sibling often pays the price. She’ll take out her anger on everyone. Even though you are completely innocent and had nothing to do with it.
6. Lost items
Every time something gets lost, the first thing that comes to mind is maybe your brother or sister stole it. Although, they would probably call it “borrowing”. Then there is that awkward moment when you realize it wasn’t so lost after all.
7. The favorite child
There is always that one kid that parents love more than the others, and it’s definitely not you. At least, it can totally feel that way sometimes. Especially if you are the one that isn’t getting all the attention currently.
8. The brother test
Trying to work together on something is the perfect test for brothers. If it seems like you are constantly battling each other and can’t agree, it’s perfectly normal. You passed the test.
9. What should we watch?
We went through this situation all the time growing up. There was only one TV and no one could ever agree on what to watch. When it comes to TV shows and movies, sisters and brothers normally have completely opposite tastes.
10. Funny faces
When you are getting made fun of but can’t think of anything to say back, this is the result. You end up just making a ridiculous mocking face. It is what it is.
11. Accidental injury
When play fighting ensues, bad things can happen. Things get broken, or occasionally, people get injured. Although, whatever happens, Mom and Dad do not need to know about it.
12. Acting skills
As a sibling, you get great at acting. When the parents are around, you always need to be on your best behavior. You learn how to appear innocent. Although, your siblings know the real you.
13. Asking for favors
If you are the youngest sibling and ask the older family members for a favor, you are probably just going to get laughed at. Your brothers and sisters would rather have you drinking chocolate milk your whole life, or worse, they could report you to Mom and Dad.
14. Noise complaints
Parents are great at ruining a good thing. They always find something to nit-pick at and complain about. If you are finally getting along with your siblings, you’re too loud, and if you are too quiet, they yell at you for not talking with each other.
15. Sharing is caring
“Save some for your brother,” they said. “Give him half.” Sharing is caring right? You hesitantly complied, and of course, made sure to divvy up the portions equitably.
16. Knuckle up or shut up
If you aren’t willing to stand up for yourself, who will? No one else is going to fight your fight for you. So, you just try to look as big as possible and get on with. You might not win the fight, but you will win your siblings’ respect.
17. Looking out for one another
The elder sibling knows how to deal with the parents the best. They’ve been through all of the same trials and tribulations before. They can help you navigate the murky waters that is dealing with the parents.
18. Familial love
While it’s true that you don’t always get along, at the end of the day, no one has your back quite like your siblings. After all, they are family, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is a love hate thing.
19. Your friends’ crushes
Everyone who has good looking siblings will definitely understand this one. Your friends all develop crushes on your brothers and sisters. It can be quite annoying.
20. Helping hands
It’s moments like these that make you really grateful for your siblings. They are there when you need them most. Although, they might make you wait awhile first while they laugh at you at you for a few minutes.
21. I’m out of here
You never realized how fast you could run until that time when your sibling almost caught you going their their stuff. You were out the door faster than a sprinting chicken. Adios, muchachos.
22. Changing standards
The first kid always gets the brunt of the excessive parental strictness. By the time number two or three pops out, the parents are often worn down enough that they let things go that they would have cracked down on in the past.
23. Household chores
There is no better time to start doing household chores than when you know you are about to get in trouble. It’s like having an ace up your sleeve. “Yeah, I know I messed up, but look, I just took out the trash!”
24. The mix up
If you’re a parent, it’s easy to mess up and say the wrong name every once and a while. Kids hate it though. They don’t understand how insanely busy you are and that you have a million thoughts going through your head right now.
25. Snitching
You have to be so careful with what you say around your siblings. You never know when they are going to stab you in the back in order to win favor with the adults. It can happen when you least expect it.
26. Food fights
One of the meanest jokes you can play on someone is to leave the ice cream in the fridge with only a couple spoonfuls left in the tub. Someone thinks they are about to get a delicious treat, but it’s a total fake out. There is nothing left.
27. Just hug it out
Hugging it out is a common method that parents use to get siblings to stop fighting. Although, neither side ever participates willingly. It is the most forced hug ever in the history of hugs.
28. Copycat
The younger ones always want to be just like their older siblings. From trying on their clothes to using their makeup when they aren’t looking, they are total copycats. It’s done out of admiration though, or maybe envy. We’re not sure.
29. Name dropping
Unfortunately, plans don’t always worked out as planned. Your sibling wasn’t supposed to tell your parents that you were the one who actually asked, but they did anyway. Oh well.
30. Old wounds
Your brothers and sisters never forget. That one thing you did years ago now that wasn’t even a big deal? Yeah, you’ll hear about again in every argument you ever have with them for the rest of your life.
31. Apology not accepted
Accidents happen. Sometimes you bump your sibling a little too hard, or take the friendly play-fighting a bit too far. Will they accept your apology though, or go run off snitching to Mom and Dad? That is the question.
32. Little things
This one is the worst — when everyone always refers to you as so and so’s little sister or brother. You will always live in the older sibling’s shadow. No one cares that you are actually a real person with a name.
33. Stupid jokes
Siblings have the best dumb jokes. They are like dad jokes, except slightly funnier. You might be surprised how quick witted some of your siblings are.
34. Toilet chips
If it’s in the cabinet, it’s fair game. That’s the rule in our household. It’s something this kid understands all too well. In fact, he was so paranoid someone was going to eat his chips that he took them into the bathroom with him.
35. Find your zen
Take deep breathes. Be like water. Find your zen. These are all very useful strategies and come in handy when you are trying not to totally flip out at a family member. Just let it go… if you can.
36. Making up
Forced making up is hard to stomach. We do it anyway, just to make our parents happy. That doesn’t mean we’re are going to like it though. It’s kind of like when Trump and Obama were forced to shake hands.
37. Gaming consoles
This meme is both random and hilarious. It touches on something we can all identify with — when a younger sibling thinks it’s their turn but you aren’t ready to take a break yet. You couldn’t care less what Mom says when you still have a boss left to beat.
38. Trust issues
When you’re trying to watch TV, all trust goes completely out the window. The stakes are high. After all, if you miss part of your show, you won’t be able to watch it On Demand until a full day later.
39. Making compromises
This girl’s parents told her she had to share half her grapes with her brother. She complied, but not exactly in the way that they expected her to. The brother got a depressing surprise when he was handed his “halves”.
40. Race to the shower
We’ve all been in this situation before. Your sibling says that they are going to take a shower and the race is on. Who can get there first? Having to wait on them to finish would suck.
41. Personal driver
If you are the first sibling to get a driver’s license, you’re in for it. Your new official title is chauffeur or cab driver. Everyone will always be asking you to drive them places.
42. Mad annoying
There is no privacy when you have siblings. If the door is open, it is practically an open invitation to be annoyed. They will do anything and everything they can to drive you crazy.
43. Lies, lies, and more lies
When the older sibling starts picking on the younger one, “I barely touched you” is a phrase you’ll hear often… normally when the younger sibling is already bawling and in tears. It’s sort of a subjective phrase, but basically, it’s a lie.
44. Borrowing clothes
Older sisters hate it when the younger ones wear their clothes. Although, it’s something every younger sister has done before. Some sisters go to extreme measures to prevent the behavior.
45. Empty fridge problems
Have you ever hid a snack as deep as possible in the furthest darkest corner of the fridge or cabinet hoping no one would find it? We know we have. In fact, we still do it, even as adults.
46. Communication
Siblings find all sorts of fun ways to communicate with one another without Mom and Dad finding out. Take for example what this girl did. It’s brilliant. It conveys her message perfectly, yet includes tons of plausible deniability.
47. Stolen seat
You got up from the seat for less than a minute, but it was more than enough time for your sibling to swoop in and steal it. It’s in that moment that you realized that you messed up. You should have called “seat security” or “seat check”.
48. Preventative measures
Growing up in the same household, you get to know your siblings really well. So well, that you can even predict what they are going to do next. This knowledge allows you to take preventative measures to stop them.
49. Loving threats
If you got a text like this from anyone else, it would be cause for serious concern. However, the fact that it is from the sister makes it completely understandable. She even followed up the threat with a loving dinner invite.
50. Borrowing things
One great thing about having siblings is that you can borrow things from them. If you lose your iPhone charger, just borrow theirs. You have to be sneaky though. If they catch you in the act, they can get quite mad.
51. Please close it?
Close the door. It is a simple request, yet very few siblings ever listen. When they entered your room unannounced, the door was closed. But when they leave, they refuse to shut it. It makes no sense.
52. Can’t resist
Try to get into the mind of a 5-year-old boy for a second. Seeing a sibling sitting there doing nothing is pretty much them asking to get hit. Why? Why not. There are some things in life that are simply irresistible.
53. Crocodile tears
The fake-crying move is classic. People use it all the time to get out of trouble. It works on parents too. All little girls and boys have attempted to put on a fake crying show at least once in their lives.
54. Get out
While technically, the sibling isn’t in the room, they are definitely too close to comfort. It’s hard to argue with someone when they act like this though. It’s like telling someone to stop looking at you.
55. Shotgun
You might have called shotgun, but your sibling doesn’t care. They are bigger than you so they get first dibs on seats. At least, that’s what happened in this situation. The older sister attempted to crush her younger brother to get him to move.
56. Choose wisely
Like a nice brother or sister, you got your sibling a drink too. That doesn’t mean you’re going to give them the best one though. You put in the effort to get the drinks, so you get to choose the one you want.
57. Fake offers
Other times, a sibling’s offer to pick up something for you while they’re out is a complete fake-out. That is what happened here. The pizza offer was just a a trick.
58. Changing your mind
You didn’t want it in the moment, but finding out your sibling was going to get it if you turned it down changes everything. Immediately, you change your mind. It’s totally understandable.
59. Talking back
Her face says everything that needs to be said. Her sibling talked back and she knows what’s coming next. After all, she has experienced their rage herself many times before, as evidenced by the neck brace.
60. Give me that
So that’s where that missing piece of clothing went! It was not lost after all. It was just hiding in your sibling’s closet and now hiding in plain site on their body.
61. Bittersweet
The passing of a sibling is a complete tragedy. No one is saying it isn’t. But there is a small silver lining. Is it too soon for a joke like this?
62. Forgive and forget
It’s pretty common that siblings argue. However, this is one of the best policies for moving on. Simply forgive, forget, and ask if they want food.
63. Getting away with it
It sucks to be your sibling right now. They are taking all the blame for the thing you did. However, you’re not going to lose any sleep over it. Sorry, not sorry.
64. It’s going to be okay
There was a little more force behind your slap than you thought there was going to be. Now, you are stuck trying to calm your sibling down before your parents find out. If they found out, it would not be good.
65. Labeling food
In a multiple family member household, labeling your food is practically a necessity. If you don’t, you are going to wake up one day and grab your box of Reese’s Puffs only to find it empty. Then what would you eat for breakfast?
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