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The Odyssey Online
The Odyssey Online

As we near the end of the 2010s, 90s nostalgia is really in. And it’s no wonder. For many of us, the 90s were the decade in which we grew up. Everything about it was so unique — and sometimes bizarre — that it’s easy to idolize the whole decade.

It was a strange decade. We wore a lot of denim and experimented with candy just a little too much. What’s more, the internet was in its infancy. For the first time, people had access — even if it was limited access — to the World Wide Web.

There were so many new and exciting things going on in the 90s. We were saying goodbye to the 20th century and getting ready for a new century, sure it would be amazing.

Some of these things still seem so fresh in our memories, but in case you’ve forgotten, 1990 was almost 30 years ago. Yes, you read that right — 30. Kids who weren’t alive during that decade are now old enough to vote and get married.

Yep, there are actual adults who weren’t around to experience the 90s. But if you were, you know just how awesome growing up in the 90’s really was.

Here are 60 popular things from the 90’s you may have forgotten ever existed.

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