Teachers have one of the hardest tasks possible, to mold young minds and provide them with the knowledge and skills that would one day enable to become successful and productive members of the community.
Students, however, aren’t always keen to learn and every teacher knows that students like to take shortcuts whenever possible. But teachers wouldn’t be teachers if they didn’t have a few tricks up their sleeve. No matter how smart some students may think they are, chances are that teachers have already seen it.
This is what happens when teachers become fed up with their students’ antics and decide to strike back. Take a look at this hilarious collection of 60 images of teachers putting students in their place.
1. I see the light at the end of the tunnel…
Let’s face it, nobody really likes to take tests. For the most part, we just want to be done with it and escape as soon as possible. Well, this math teacher is having none of it.
2. Missing homeworks
Did you ever try to explain to your teacher that you can’t submit your homework because the dog ate it? Or if that’s too cliche, you could have always said the pigeon stole it and flew away. Now we know where all those missing homeworks eventually wind up: The Bermuda Triangle.
3. Busted
Even when you think you’ll get away with texting in class, chances are that the teacher is well-aware of what you’re doing. This teacher is simply being honest about it.
4. Chemistry can be fun
There’s nothing more encouraging for students than a teacher with a genuine sense of humour. This teacher discovered a new method to spark their interest in the periodic table.
5. That’s called teacher authority
If you thought that this lecture was about the secrets of the dark side, you were wrong. He may be a microbiology teacher in a Darth Vader costume but the message he’s sending is clear: don’t even think about not paying attention in my class or face the wrath of the dark side.
6. Creative homework assignment
Teachers are pretty ingenious when it comes to finding new ways to motivate students to boost their creativity but this teacher may have gone a bit too far. Well, at least number 3 and 6 are manageable, right?
7. If you like it put a ring on it
This is what happens when you try to get cute with your teacher. At least it’s better than a blank answer and nobody could say they didn’t try.
8. There’s something phoney about this exam
No, it’s not a cell phone store but a classroom. Teachers who have been struggling to find the best anti-cheat technique for all this time will now what to do from now on.
9. Say zzzz
Don’t we all feel guilty because we dozed off in class a couple of times? Okay, the guilt kicks in only if we get caught. Luckily, this guy’s teacher didn’t take his sleeping in claass badly and decided to capture the moment for posterity.
10. Always ask why
Sometimes it’s not that bad to stand up to your teacher. It’s called critical thinking and it seems this guy passed the test.
11. Dear teacher, thank you for the memories
If you ever heard of the term ‘professional deformation’ you’d probably agree that this is a good example of how it looks like in practice. This English teacher just couldn’t resist proofreading the f-you letter from his students.
12. The world of physics with Justin Bieber
Who doesn’t hate those boring test questions which always seem so similar to one another? This physics teacher finally decided to do something about this problem. Justin Bieber proved to be the ideal solution for making physics fun.
13. Poor teddy bear
This student attempted to blackmail the teacher into giving him an A but it backfired, with horrible consequences. Well, at least he gave it a try.
14. Who doesn’t like dolphins?
Some teachers can see the funny side of their job. Even if the student who drew this may have given some wrong answers, it’s the effort that counts. Apparently, the teacher thinks so too.
15. ‘He Asked The Teacher For A Pen’
Sometimes it’s good to do things the old-fashioned way. So if there’s no pen to be found, a quill would do just fine. After all, if our ancestors could write all those amazing works of art using a quill why wouldn’t it be possible for us as well?
16. You shall (not) pass
You can’t achieve anything big in life without the right motivation, which is why teachers try so hard to keep their students motivated. This English teacher found the perfect way to do just that during finals.
17. Better late than never… but not in my class
Every teacher has to deal with students who are late to turn in assignments and there comes a time when they become fed up with it. That should explain this teacher’s behavior.
18. “Math teacher here. Got tired of kids asking me for/not returning my pencils”
Desperate time call for desperate measures. That will teach kids to return the teachers pencils, or even better make sure they have a spare one in their school bag.
19. Consequences
When nothing else works, a good teacher must strike fear into the hearts of his lazy students to motivate them to work harder. What better way to do exactly that than attaching McDonald’s job application to the failed tests?
20. Directions
Not reading test questions properly is one of the most common mistakes students make. This teacher made sure that doesn’t happen in his class ever again.
21. ‘How to study for your final’
The best way to get to your students is to speak their language. That way you’re on the same page. It’s all about communication.
22. It’s a trap
Most students aren’t aware of it but teachers have many ways to discover whether you’re paying attention in class. How many of you would have choosen ‘D’?
23. This was a bad idea…
This school principal came up with a brilliant fundraiser idea, just one dollar for a piece of tape. It’s another example showing that ideas and reality are two very different things.
24. “Found in my Physics teacher’s room”
There’s no reason why teachers shouldn’t be hip and modern just like their students. The only problem with that is it can lead to awkward situations, as in the case of this teacher’s poster.
25. The 9th planet
If you also think that revoking Pluto’s planet statue was an injustice, you’ll understand how this teacher feels about it. Justice for Pluto!
26. #You’re toast
Everyone likes hashtags and teachers are no exception. Nevertheless, someone has to tell this teacher that you can make a great career out of using social networks these days.
27. Liquid cats
It doesn’t matter if you’re a cat person or a dog person, as long as you use your pets for the benefit of science. Here’s just one example of how cats can make science fun in the classroom.
28. Legoland
Learning is so much more fun if you use a little imagination. Teachers who are yet to realize that should follow this guy’s example. There will be no attention problems in his class.
29. Christmas spirit
In case you thought that math equations and Christmas don’t mix well together, you were wrong. With a little imagination, math can be a great way to spread Chrstimas cheer.
30. Essay writing for beginners
The secret to writing a great essay is to forget about pesky little details such as grammar and spelling and just let your creativity do the work. This advice will save you a lot of time.
31. “Someone decided it would be funny to draw a penis on my homework”
Improvisation is a key to success. One of this guy’s friends drew a picture of a pennis when he wasn’t looking and he had to turn it in despite that. Luckilly for him, the teacher found a brilliant way to turn a disaster into a true success story.
32. A lesson about honesty: it works both ways
Have you ever wondered how difficult it is for teachers to grade tests? If you have, the answer is right in front of you.
33. Tell parents you enjoy being in my class – $100
Some teachers try hard to find a way to supplement their income when the economy is doing badly. Looks like this teacher has finally done it.
34. “My Math Teacher Takes Pi Day Seriously”
Math teachers can be quirky, right? On the other hand, it’s great when you’re passionate about your work.
35. When I grow up I want to be a cereal killer
The kid that took this test probably won’t win any spelling awards in the future. The English teacher, however, could make a pretty good career as a visual artist.
36. “This Chemistry Professor Who Dressed Right For The Occasion”
The best way to get your point across is to dress the part, so everyone can understand perfectly the message you’re trying to send. It worked perfectly well for this chemistry teacher.
37. Remote schooling
Professors who are serious about their work will always find a way to be present in class. This is just one of the ways to do it and also have some fun in the process.
38. “Ripped A Hole In My Math Test. What My Teacher Drew”
Just because someone’s a math teacher doesn’t mean they don’t have an artistic side to them. Only a true artist could transform a random hole in the paper into a duck’s bill.
39. Test cheating gone wrong
It must be very depressing to see your cheating attempt fail because you got the numbers all wrong. If you try to do the same you’ll get caught just like this guy.
40. Use comic sans at your peril
According to many designers, Comic Sans is officially the most hated font ever. So it’s little wonder why this college graphics teachers posted this warning for students.
41. Everyone likes bubble letters
Sooner or later, most teens go through a rebellious stage when they think pentagrams and other occult signs are cool. That doesn’t explain why this student wrote ‘Satan’ in bubble letters, though.
42. Frodo’s corridor pass
Obtaining a corridor pass from your teacher may often prove harder than walking into Mordor and as we all know, one does not simply walk into Mordor. Unless you have a wizard to help you, that is.
43. Help me, I’m on fire!
Bursting into flames may not be the best way to get your teacher’s attention. In the end, you’ll simply have to wait like everyone else. No exceptions.
44. The teacher who secretely wanted to be a ninja
Next time you’re having problems taking a biology test, remember to draw a ninja next to one of the answers and a C is guaranteed. However, it works only if your teachers likes ninjas, which is not always the case.
45. Great artists are never truly dead
Being a genius has its advantages. Mozart never had to ask to play the piano, for example. Unfortunately, we mere mortals don’t have that privilege.
46. A green teacher
Finals exams are a stressful affair and students who’re under a lot of strees may perform poorly because of it. This teacher decided to brighten up the atmosphere a little. What a treetastic idea!
47. Teachers always win
We all know who won this lightsaber duel. The red pen. A student can never outwit the teacher.
48. “My son’s teacher is proud of me”
If you’re a parent you probably know how hard it can be for kids to do a homework on their own without your help. This dad saved the day and got the credit he deserved. Though, we can’t help but wonder whether it was the only question he helped answer.
49. “My History Teacher Gets Pretty Creative With His Id”
The line between real and fictional history often gets blurred if you’re a Star Wars fan. It’s rather unforgivable when it happens to a history teacher.
50. Go to Helen Waite
Don’t be too eager to submit your paper, even if you think the teacher should read it immediately. This English teacher has had so many emergencies that it became necessary to call Helen Waite as a substitute.
51. “Physics teacher’s version of a Christmas present for a test…”
When you’re taking tests every little detail counts which is why it’s important to pay attention and take your time. We’ll be back to check your answers.
52. “Outside My Teacher’s Office”
Keep this one in mind next time you intend to show up at your teacher’s office without an appointment. No one knows how Cristopher Walken himself would react to this meme but chances are he wouldn’t be amused. He never is.
53. Yo momma needs to lose some weight
If you suck at physics there’s little to no chance you’ll get this one right. Still, you don’t need to be good at physics to know someone’s momma need to drop some pounds.
54. Teaching is hard
To all you teachers out there, we just want you to know that we feel for you. Stay strong and don’t quit, even when everything seems hopeless. They all have to graduate – eventually.
55. Who needs lasers anyway
Teachers are human beings like us and they too can get triggered, especially if you can’t go a single sentence without a typo. Sometimes there’s just too much work for the infamous red pen.
56. This teacher has had enough
No English teacher can stay indifferent to grammar disasters such as ‘I have has’ appearing in the text. It can only get worse if a student regularly falls asleep during class.
57. Some teachers are too strict
Once is learning, twice is a mistake, three times is daft… eight times is 90 minutes of Nickelback. Everyone deserves a second chance, or four second chances, if needed.
58. This teacher’s students will learn what font to avoid
Visual arts must captivate all of our senses but this font is not exactly the best way to do it. Even graphic design teachers can get it wrong sometimes.
59. Remember the Alamo
When you’re feeling sad and blue it’s best to keep your mind off the things that trouble you and focus on the bright side. If you’re a teacher however, every day may look like the Alamo.
60. In the spotlight
Kids that are popular with teachers will always be extra motivated to justify the confidence that’s put in them. When a teacher puts your selfie on the whiteboard you just know you’ve become their new favorite and that’s a big responsibility, right?
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