There are a lot of talented artists all over the world waiting to be discovered. One thing not appreciated enough, is the artists that are capable of amazing things, that may have experienced a few set backs in life. Whether it’s health conditions, accidents, or something they were born with, these disabled artists are just as capable as anyone else at creating amazing things, if not better. Here are 50 examples of artists with disabilities that make creativity look easy.
1. Doug Jackson has Cerebral Palsy
Though Doug Jackson has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy that confines him to a wheelchair, he doesn’t let this illness define him. He is passionate about painting and continues to do it no matter the difficulty.
2. Mariusz Kedzierski was born without arms
Despite being born with no arms, Mariusz Kedzierski is still passionate about art. So passionate that he has taught himself how to get by despite his disability.
3. Uttam Kumar Bhardwaj taught himself to paint with his feet
Uttam could be considered specially abled. Though he paints with his feet, he has won multiple awrds and distinctions for his work.
4. Stephen Wiltshire was born with autism
Stephen is famous for creating amazing, in depth, large portraits of city skylines. But the real feat? He’s doing it all from memory.
5. This painter is functionally blind
Though he is aware of light and dark, he is very much blind. He is so successful in painting thanks to a textured paint that he’s able to feel, and create a picture based off that.
6. Iris Grace is diagnosed with autism
Iris’s mother wasn’t sure how to get her autistic daughter to interact and engage in everyday life. Then they introduced her to painting and everything changed. Not only did she have a creative outletto bring her out of her shell, but she is very, very talented.
7. Doug Landis is paralyzed
In high school, Doug was in an awful accident, a wrestling match that left him with a broken neck. The injury resulted in paralysis from the neck down, but that hasn’t stopped him from . creating. He is able to hold a pencil in his mouth to create realistic works of art.
8. This artist was born without the use of her hands
Though this artist was born without the function of her hands, she has taught herself many things. Art being one of the most important ones. Using only her feet, or her mouth she is able to complete stunning works of art.
9. Huang Guofu lost both of his arms
In a terrible electric shock accident, Huang lost his arms and the young age of four. Since then he has taught himself how to get along without them, but the most incredible thing he has learned is how to create art using only his feet and mouth.
10. Paul Smith had Cerebral Palsy
Looking at the art created by Paul Smith you immediately notice that it’s very unique, using different characters on a typewriter isn’t a common medium. You appreciate it even more knowing that he suffered from cerebral palsy and created every piece typing with one finger.
11. Rakan Abdulaziz Kurdi has minimal use of his arms
Though the movement in his arms is limited, Rakan can create realistic portraits and images like any abled bodied artist. A lot of his work rivals some of the best.
12. Peter Longstaff was born without arms
Happiness is the key. If you don’t focus on your disability, and focus on all the things you have, your quality of life will improve ten-fold. Peter focuses on the positives every day and has learned to be happy by creating art with his feet.
13. Sheitan Tenet lost his drawing arm
This tattoo artist may have lost his drawing hand, but that didn’t stop him from becoming a famed tattoo artist. His steam punk themed prosthesis, is actually a tattoo gun that allows his to keep pursuing his dream.
14. Victorine Floyd Fludd is completely blind
Though art can be a very visual experience, this photographer is blind. The talented Victorine Floyd Fludd creates stunning images despite never truly seeing them herself.
15. Fateme Hamami is 85% paralyzed
Though Fateme has Cerebral Palsy, it doesn’t stop her from creating the most interesting lifelike paintings. Though considered disabled, her creative ability is truly a gift.
16. Desmond Blair was born without hands
Ask almost artist and they’ll say that their skill is in their hands, but not for Desmond Blair. He was born without hands and creates stunning realistic images by improvising and suing his arms.
17. Annette Gabbedey was born without fingers
It’s a strange thing to think about, being born with hands but not fingers, but Annette Babbedy has learned to make it work. This incredible artist works with jewelery, creating amazing pieces that you would have never guessed could have been made with out proper use of hands.
18. Tommy Hollenstein is wheelchair bound
After a mountain bike accident, Tommy was bound to a wheelchair for the the rest of his life. However, he decided to make the most of it and learn to create. He doesn’t use brushes or sponges, or even his hands for that matter. This man utilizes the power of his wheelchair to create beautiful paintings.
19. Zuly Sanguino has no hands
Zuly Sanguino has always loved painting and art, so when she lost her hands she wasn’t going to let that stop her from doing hat she loved. Zuly now creates her own masterpieces, teaching herself to use what she has and to never give up on her passion.
20. Henry Fraser is paralyzed
Henry Fraser may be paralyzed, but that doesn’t stop him from painting. Using his mouth he is able to create stunning works of wild life on a canvas board- and make it look easy.
21. Mariam Pare has limited function in her hands and arms
Looking at the paintings alone, you would have never guessed someone painted it with their mouth. But that’s exactly what Mariam Pare has done.Famous for her incredibly life like illustrations and paintings, she does not let her disability keep her down or keep her from creating.
22. Yang has been diagnosed with ALS
Though ALS can be a very debilitating disease, Yang has learned to make the most of it. Using his face for support to hold his paper cutting tools, Yang makes beautiful intricate paper creations.
23. Steve Chambers was born with no muscles in his arms
Though his arms may have no muscles, thanks to a rare birth condition, Steve Chambers is living his best life. The paintings that he creates using only his mouth are so stunning that’s it’s hard to imagine just how difficult it must have been never using your hands.
24. James Dunn doesn’t have the use of his hands
James Dunn was a 23 year old photographer diagnosed with ALS. This illness makes it hard to control your limbs, which in turn makes getting the perfect shot rather difficult. But James never lets his disability get him down and is always looking for the positive in every situation.
25. Dhiraj Satavilkar’s disability is that he has no arms
We’ve seen all sorts of artists using their feet or mouths to paint masterpieces, but have you thought about sculpting? Dhiraj is a talented Indian man who has taught himself to sculpt despite not having any arms.
26.Brian Tagalog was born with no arms
Another artist with no arms makes due with what he was given in the best way. He may not have arms, but he has feet and if you can teach your hands to makes something, why can’y you teach your feet? Brian went on to be a crazy talented tattoo artitst, creating beautiful ink portraits with his feet.
27. Leeann Beetham has no use of her hands
Using only the muscles in her mouth, Leeann Beetham is able to create these stunning works of art on canvas.
28. Keith Jansz is paralyzed
After breaking his neck in a car crash, Keith Jansz has gone on to making himself a name in the art world. Using only his mouth to create, he draws beautiful realistic wild animals.
29. Pema Tshering has Cerebral Palsy
Not painting, not drawing, not sculpting, but a master at whatever he does. It’s fascinating to watch an artist at work, especially when they’re using their feet like hands, and hammering plaster into shapes.
30. This photographer, Pete Eckert, is blind
Pete Echert is a stunning photographer, but you’ll be shocked to know that he picked up the hobby after he lost his vision. He learns by discussing with people in galleries what the images look like.
31. This gentleman lost his arms serving in the military
Though he didn’t lose his life, he sacrificed his arms for our country. Now he’s an artist teaching himself to paint despite his disability.
32. Sargy Mann slowly went blind
Sargy was an artist for as long as he can remember. Frequently painting (and known for) his landscapes, he started losing his sight around the age of thirty. That never slowed him down, but it changed the way he saw things and how he made his work. By the end of his life, his painting could be described as more abstract.
33. Doh Minh Tam lost the use of his arms
These Vietnamese veteran creates some amazing works of art- all with his mouth, despite losing his limbs in an accident. With the help of an extended paint brush, he is able to create the most intricate and detailed scenes and change his defeatist attitude into a positive one thanks to his hobby.
34. Brendan Patrick lost his eyesight
Thanks to a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, Brendan Patrick lost his sight at a young age. He never let that hold him back though. Brendan always had a passion for art and always will- no matter what life throws at him.
35. Helen Roe is completely deaf and non-verbal
Though she may be deaf and non-verbal, there’s no denying that Helen Roe is a talented old lady. Despite not talking much about her work, it’s safe to say that it can speak for itself.
36. River Lehrer
River was born with Spina Bifida and now lives her life advocating for the disabled through her art. She is a painter, writer, teacher, and speaker and most of what she creates depicts disability culture or how other people view disability.
37. Jeff DeLow is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair
This man, who also uses his mouth to paint has come up with his own way of oing things. Despite being paralyzed, Jeff DeLow is able to create amazing masterpieces but holding the brush in his mouth, with the canvas balanced on his lap.
38. Maria Iliou is on the autism spectrum
Despite being considered autistic, Maria Iliou is a very talented artist. She’s not held back by her disability at all and actually acts as an advocate in New York where she resides.
39. Willow Bascom has lupus
When Willow Bascom was diagnosed with Lupus, she didn’t let it stop her. Growing up in Panama and and Saudi Arabia she was inspired by everything about around her and channeled it into her art when her diagnosis went into remission.
40. Alice Shonfield
Though Alice has suffered multiple strokes and lived withthe after affects of each she still finds it in herself to create. Alice is an incredible sculptor, working mostly with beautiful Italian Marble, but she is also an advocate for those with disabilities like herself.
41. Keith Salmon is blind
Keith Salmon is a true inspiration that anyone can do anything. Not only is he an exceptional fine artist, he also rock climbs in his spare time. Keep in mind that Keith is blind and does all these things without the luxury of eyesight.
42. Lisa Fittipaldi is blind
This talented blind artist does more than just create amazing paintings, she also writes about it. Lisa Fittipaldi wrote a book about her incredible experience learning to paint after losing her sight.
43. Matt Sesow is missing a hand
When Matt was a child he lost his dominant hand in an accident, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his passions. Now, he paints scenes influenced by his injury, with a twist.
44. Michael Monaco is a quadriplegic
Michael has lost the ability to use his arms and legs but that doesn’t keep him from expressing his creativity. Some of Michael’s work has been featured in shows and exhibitions around the world.
45. Simon Mark Smith lost the lower half of his arms
Simon Mark Smith is a talented artist who creates art without the use of his lower arms. He is so talented despite his disability, he has gone on to teaches art and digital photography.
46. Dennis Francesconi is permanently paralyzed
David was in a terrible accident that left him paralyzed permanently. However he never lost his sense of hard work and determination and became an artist with the ability to paint with his mouth. He then went on to obtain an Associate of Arts Degree with full honors.
47. Erich Stegmann lost the use of his arms to polio
Erich Stegmann was actually the first person to become president of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World. After losing his arms to polio at a young age he never lost his creative spirit and formed the organization for others like him.
Erich Stegmann
48. Richard Wawro is autistic
Autism never stopped this artist from creating amazing works of art. Richard, who is from the U.K, started drawing at the age of 3, and could fill an entire chalkboard with scenes and images, knowing that early on he would do something great.
49. Jessy Park was diagnosed with autism
Jessica Park is an inspiration. This autistic artist from Massachusetts starts with a small sketch, and slowly builds on it until she has created her own masterpiece or copied a photograph.
50. Ping Lian Yeak
Ping Lian is an autistic savant- which means he is very capable, in certain areas. When it comes to art Ping is a natural and he has been doing it since he was young.
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