Sometimes the only thing one needs to do to cure what ails them is to take a scenic drive through the countryside. Lucky for us here in the United States, there are endless drives to go on. From the west coast to the east coast, there are thousands of destination spots to be seen.

Whether you’re into the nation’s long, bloodied-yet-progressive history, oceanside scenery, or long drives through forest walls, there is a route in America for every walk-of-life. For every road you travel on, there are things to do and places to explore that will leave you feeling like an explorer equal to Columbus. The best part about it is that one road always leads to another, so the adventures never have to end.

If you’ve been needing a vacation or just something to get you out of your slump, reawaken your love of the land by taking a jaunt through some of our nation’s most captivating places. Truly, there are thousands so, we’ve narrowed it down for you. Here are the 60 most scenic drives in America.