Long before the invention of cell phones or instant messaging, significant others had to send letters to one another. They didn’t have emojis and had to wait a long time — sometimes even months — before hearing from their beloved.
These days, of course, significant others can text one another even if they’re thousands of miles apart. It’s a thread of constant communication, which can be great for many couples.
But especially at the beginning of a relationship, that can mean a lot of really mushy texts. Who can blame them? They’re right at the start of a journey together. They’re still in the honeymoon phase, as the saying goes.
As time goes on, those initial feelings change. That doesn’t mean you’re no longer excited to spend time with your significant other! But as your relationship grows and deepens, you’ll fall in love in new ways every day.
With any luck, even though you’ve been together for a long time, you still spend time texting each other when you’re apart. These texts might be grand declarations of love or they might be records of simple gestures on a day-to-day basis. It’s all a part of your journey together.
Some people say the person they love is one of the few things that makes sense to them. Life is indeed rough, so it’s great to have someone to keep you steady!
Some of the best aspects about spending your life with one person are the little things that happen daily. For example, getting to cuddle and talk until you fall asleep every night.
Even if you’ve been together for a long time, you should still stop to thank one another for all the good things. Your significant other might not know just how much you appreciate them!
Relationships aren’t always easy. If you spend a long time together, you’re bound to have challenges and setbacks. That’s why you both have to promise to give 100 percent.
Confessing your feelings of attraction to someone is one of the most nerve-wracking parts of a relationship! But it’s wonderful when those feelings are returned.
Love comes at different times for people, even if they’re in the same relationship. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter who loved whom first. The only thing that matters is that you love one another today.
Dating as a teenager can be difficult. You’re still under your parents’ roof, so you have to abide by some of their rules. This gutsy guy found a way to be romantic even though dating was off the table — for now.
These two people summed it up — they’re the whole world to each other. Hopefully, they always love one another as fully as they did when they sent those messages.
Unrequited love is one of the hardest things for people to go through. But for this happy couple, it all worked out in the end. Take note for your next romantic drama, Hollywood!
You might think you love your significant other now, but you’ll be surprised to find that you love them even more as time goes on. You’ve shared so many experiences and learned many new things about one another!
Not everybody is a person for grand gestures, but this guy still has a way with words. Even though he says it in a goofy way, what he’s ultimately trying to say is that they’re going to be together no matter what happens.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you couldn’t sleep because you were thinking of them? If you haven’t, you will one day. Hopefully, William and Kiersten are still as happy together today as when they sent these texts.
No one is perfect, but if you’re with the right person, they’ll love you exactly as you are! And hopefully, they’ll also help you become a better person in the meantime.
Feelings of attraction strike in different ways. Some people realize it the moment they meet. Others are friends for years before they realize just how important they are to one another.
Let’s face it: if you’re in a relationship with someone for a long time, they’re going to see you when you look and feel your worst. Hopefully, they’re like this person, who thinks their significant other is still a bombshell.
21. Nothing like a text to get your heart fluttering
For many people, the first clue about their attraction to someone is realizing how much they love talking to them. It’s a feeling you might not even notice until you realize how much you miss it!
One of the hallmarks of a good relationship is caring about one another’s interests, even if it’s not something you’re into. This person got the right idea, expressing major enthusiasm for pretty feet.
23. Getting into the nitty-gritty of life together
Life isn’t all about grand gestures and romantic dinners. It also involves periods, stomach bugs, household chores, and other not-so-fun things. But even those can be ways for your relationship to get better.
24. Who doesn’t love folding laundry with their special person?
Did your parents have a code word for doing the hanky-panky? Maybe you were an adult before you realized what they were always talking about when they said they were going to “fold laundry.”
Remember when your relationship was just starting out and you sent each other cute selfies? Now you send each other slightly creepy emojis like this one.
Rainer Maria Rilke was one of the great German poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. If you don’t read poetry but apply it to your relationship, are you even a romantic?
One of the most important parts of a relationship is the ability to have fun and joke around together. These two have that part of the relationship down.
I’m hoping this person pulled over to the shoulder before reading the text (or texting back!). But their boyfriend understands them well enough to know not to mess around with their burrito order.
29. This boyfriend knows a good deal when he sees one
Michael is very invested in his girlfriend’s wellbeing and wants to make sure she has enough tampons. Hopefully, he stuck to the regular packages and then threw in a chocolate bar.
Well, to be fair, every relationship needs a little bit of both. Hopefully, you can enjoy non-sexual time together and also have a great time, uh…”folding the laundry” together.
Nothing says “love” like hiding in a bush to text your significant other back in the middle of a live game. To be fair, they’re actually risking getting killed — in the game, of course.
How could anyone resist such a thoughtful, well-worded suggestion? All this is to say, “Let’s spend time together and just talk” in case you couldn’t quite translate.
Being in a relationship is nerve-wracking because eventually, you have to meet their parents and friends. Obviously, you want to make a good impression! Wearing a shirt and pants is probably a good first step.
Couples who’ve been together for decades will probably tell you to express your gratitude to your significant other regularly. Thank them for all that they do and for just being themselves!
Communication is regularly cited as one of the most important parts of a relationship. But you have to be receptive to hearing about problems and worries, too!
The right person makes you feel happy and safe in the world, but you’ve got to let them know that! Maybe it’s time for an unprompted morning text to your significant other.
If you think about your significant other even while they’re sleeping, they might just wake up to a million texts from you while you’re hoping they wake up. We get it — it’s hard to wait.
Why do the loves of our lives have to sleep so much? Okay, they probably sleep a normal amount but it seems like a long time for us when we’re waiting to see them again.
Is there anything more exciting than realizing the person you love has the potential to be the one you spend the rest of your life with? You can see this individual’s realization in real time.
Every relationship has its ups and downs — and yes, you guys are going to fight. You have to hold on to the things that you love about your significant other in those tough moments.
None of us is perfect and plenty of us have so much baggage that we might think we don’t deserve to be loved. Get yourself a significant other who teaches you the opposite!
You’re going to see one another at your worst, which is part of a normal relatinonship. Just keep your eyes on the big picture and love each other even when you can’t love yourselves.
There are times when one person in a relationship just needs attention…but unfortunately, it doesn’t always align with a time when the other person can give it. This is obviously one of those moments.
Plenty of relationships stall because people are afraid to state their real intentions. Sure, you’ve got to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to say stuff like this, but if you’re not going to do that, what’s the point?
Whether this couple said vows to each other yet or not, they’ve already got an important part of a relationship down: each of them taking care of the other when they’re not feeling well.
Who said every date has to be about going out to a fancy restaurant or a movie? Sometimes, the best way to be in each other’s company is to have a quiet night in, just talking.
Great couples enjoy doing all sorts of things together, not just physical stuff. You should enjoy talking, playing games, going out, or just spending time side by side with your beloved.
Is there any better method to get someone to change their plans than offering to make cookies together? You get to spend time in each other’s company and of course, there are cookies. Everybody wins.
They say that being in love with someone is being able to see the wonderful things about them that other people don’t notice. This significant other has a lengthy message about his girl’s beauty — even those underappreciated pinky toes.
51. There’s nothing like waking up to messages from the person you love
This must have been a lovely thing for this person to wake up to, knowing that while they were sleeping, their significant other was dreaming of them. Well, maybe not literally!
52. The right person can change all sorts of things
Being with the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with changes all sorts of things, including your memories! It’s a no-stone-left-unturned kind of situation but in the best way possible.
Sometimes, you just can’t handle it when your significant other starts to get all cheesy and romantic! But I’m pretty sure this person is deliberately trying to get the tears flowing at this point.
Yes, it’s a dorky joke, but the cutest thing about it is they saw this bowl, came up with the pun, and then immediately thought of their significant other. It’s like they’re permanently linked in their mind with the word “adorable.”
This girl thought her boyfriend was going in a slightly different direction with his question. In reality, he just thought of her and her love for Superman and wanted to give her a pair of comfy jammies.
He’s not mincing any words. They’re not planning to hang out but rather, go on a real date. That level of intention is pretty attractive if you ask me!
Sometimes on a completely normal day, you’re suddenly struck with thankfulness for everything that you have. When that happens, it’s important to share that gratitude with the people who inspire it.
Long before the invention of cell phones or instant messaging, significant others had to send letters to one another. They didn’t have emojis and had to wait a long time — sometimes even months — before hearing from their beloved.
These days, of course, significant others can text one another even if they’re thousands of miles apart. It’s a thread of constant communication, which can be great for many couples.
But especially at the beginning of a relationship, that can mean a lot of really mushy texts. Who can blame them? They’re right at the start of a journey together. They’re still in the honeymoon phase, as the saying goes.
As time goes on, those initial feelings change. That doesn’t mean you’re no longer excited to spend time with your significant other! But as your relationship grows and deepens, you’ll fall in love in new ways every day.
With any luck, even though you’ve been together for a long time, you still spend time texting each other when you’re apart. These texts might be grand declarations of love or they might be records of simple gestures on a day-to-day basis. It’s all a part of your journey together.