They say that necessity is the mother of invention.
That means that if your need for something is strong enough, you will find a way to make it happen. And if you happen to be redneck, the process of making it happen may not be pretty. It may actually be downright ugly.
But if it works, who cares? At least that’s what a lot of people might say.
Here are 60 instances where people didn’t really care about the aesthetics of a thing, they only cared about making something work. That’s just a nice way of saying here are 60 redneck ways of creating or fixing something.
1. Touchless Dispenser
PVC piping is magical stuff. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked up how to build something and there is a PVC hack for it.
2. Remote Teaching Without A Document Camera
I’m just going to say this is resourceful and brilliant. And that it’s unlikely I would ever be able to dream to stop myself.
3. Protection from Escaping
For your small dog or any pet who’s also an escape artist. It does look a little silly, but that spoon keeps them where you want them.
4. Looks a level to me.
Honestly, there’s not that much that’s redneck about this. It’s the exact concept that a level is made from.
5. Fixed the gate problem.
That’s awesome that the gate is fixed, and they had a way to hold a closed. What did they use to fix the seatbelt?
6. Bike modifications.
Riding barefoot can eventually land you in an emergency, but the kid that did this does deserve a few props for ingenuity. Those pedals can be hard on bare feet.
7. Reverse parking sensor.
Getting one of these installed aftermarket can be quite expensive. This is a really cheap alternative, and it’s probably fun listening to it squeak when it makes contact.
8. When you ask a welder to fix something for you.
I guess when your car is a beater this isn’t so bad. It’s actually pretty awesome.
9. Master lock 100.
If you already have all the makings, why go spend money on a brand-new padlock? I’m just wondering if that wrench already had a hole in the handle, or if one had to be drilled.
10. At least 10 books on Amazon.
I think the cheapest iPad stand on Amazon is probably around $10. Or you can use a fork from your kitchen.
11. Moving day.
Fun with English. You can raze a barn. In this case, this crew of Amish men are raising the barn and moving it.
12. Moving violation.
This person is riding a lawn chair that’s taped to an electric skateboard. He’s also vaping while blasting his music. I wonder how fast it goes.
13. Natural pest control.
I get migraines from any kind of fumes that are sprayed out of an aerosol can. I probably wouldn’t get a headache from this. But this is a chicken perched on a squeegee. It is catching spiders, but I think I’d prefer the migraine.
14. It works but it’s stupid.
This is how someone decided to keep their apartment warm when their a landlord turned down the heat. This could have been costly in so many ways.
15. Swiss Army knife concept.
I think I want to be a welder. Think of all the cool things he could well together, like this hammer and wrench.
16. Buoyancy
They were trying to prove a point, and I think they did. They made this raft out of bags of potato chips because they felt they had too much air in them. Seems they are right!
17. Who needs plexiglass?
This is a Chinese restaurant that has protected the kitchen using plastic sheeting, cardboard, and duct tape. New covid era norms.
18. Redneck engineering.
This looks like something straight out of Mad Max. Can you imagine seeing that drive on by you on the road?
19. Driving stick.
What are you going to do when the steering wheel breaks on your riding mower before you finish the lawn? You come up with a redneck quick-fix.
20. Your move, NASA
Hot summer nights. Two kids, one above the other. One fan. One pair of pants. Brilliant.
21. Distance is good.
What an excellent way to teach your child baseball—using a fishing rod. Dad doesn’t have to worry about the bat hitting him in the family jewels.
22. Good idea, but not too safe.
If you don’t have a rubber mallet, but you do have a hammer and elastic bands, this might seem to be a good idea. Until the rubber bands snap and come back and hit you in the face.
23. Just ditch them back together.
So apparently somebody wrecked not one but two Prius cars. What did he do? Welded the good parts of two cars back together and ended up with a six door car.
24. Candlepower.
This is definitely a case of fashion before function. I guess it doesn’t matter if he can see anything when he’s driving, because everybody will see him first.
25. Or properly secure it?
Have you ever had something fly at you while driving on the highway? It’s terrifying. The sign is stupid. Properly secure your load.
26. Covid has changed everything.
I guess if you drive a taxi or Uber for a living, allowing your passengers to cook to death in the backseat is bad for business. This driver got creative.
27. Grandpa: 1 Trash Panda: 0
Let’s see how long that lasts. It will probably take the raccoons only a few days to figure it out, the little buggers.
28. I don’t drive stick.
But it doesn’t take a genius to figure out this is some sort of theft deterrent. You’re not going anywhere if you can’t put the car in gear.
29. If it works…
Sometimes it’s better not to go with the temporary solution first. Because the temporary solution ends up being a permanent solution.
30. Expensive replacement.
First off, I hope these windows weren’t “boarded up” in preparation for a storm. Secondly, plywood would’ve been much cheaper because printer ink is very expensive.
31. This probably won’t work for everyone.
If you don’t have a battery that fits, you can use an adapter. But how many have the ability to create a wooden dowel the size of the required battery?
32. Okay, but…
There’s probably a good reason why it costs around $3K to move a mobile. One that will cost you much more in the long run when things go wrong at $19.95.
33. Probably more expensive.
Somebody ran out of washers, so they just drill holes in a couple of pennies to make do. It probably would’ve been cheaper to buy the washers.
34. Whatever’s handy.
If you do a tear down in your home and find something like this, there are two things. One you have an idea of how old this renovation was, and to you learn there’s a fire hazard in your wall.
35. Anti-tailgating device.
This is pretty ingenious. If anyone is that tight on your bumper they’re going to see that ranch and back off, afraid that it will fly off and hit them.
36. Moving the woodpile
I’m sure there are better ways to do this. Ways that won’t kill your car. And possibly kill you as you drive it to a new spot.
37. No one was using it anyway.
How many of us have a treadmill gathering dust in the basement because no one is using it anymore? If you need a large belt sander, consider this.
38. Nothing says redneck like…
This! If you want a cap for your pickup, buying one would be the better choice. Using a ton of Flex Seal and repurposing the tailgate as a door is doable—but stupid.
39. When the switch is in another room.
I guess this would work if you’re willing to make holes in the wall. Or, you could call an electrician.
40. Um, no!
Apparently that’s German and translates into emergency stop. And I would think cutting wires like that would be a very bad idea.
41. Oh, dear God!
It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at. That toilet is in the kitchen cabinet.
42. Or not.
Honestly, how could anybody think this was a good idea? This isn’t a redneck solution, it’s stupidity.
43. No foundation? No problem.
Because a pile of tires is extremely sturdy. They’d never wobble and would make excellent shock absorbers in case of an earthquake.
44. When the Crap Gets Clumping, You Get Jumping!
Is this really a good idea? Once I’ve pressed that down I want to know I have control over the force that brings it back up. And what might possibly come with it.
45. This doesn’t look smart.
I’m sure there are better ways to protect your car from flooding. That does not look very sturdy to me.
46. Ingenious.
What you do when you have no shower curtain? Well, if you are born and bred Canadian, there is a hockey stick in your house.
47. Heated pool.
If that topples over it will also melt pool. Or you can have a swim up barbecue.
48. I’m not sure what that’s for.
But for some reason this restaurant kitchen needed a large bucket of water, but their hose broke. Fortunately, a redneck works in the kitchen.
49. Steampunk garbage bin.
Seriously, that’s what this looks like. Their bin broke and they fixed it with cable ties. But it looks like some Frankenstein surgery.
50. Deal with it.
You really do drive a minivan. Even when you’ve jacked it up and added some serious suspension.
51. When the mechanic quotes too much.
In a lot of places, this would be illegal. But in several states you can use a baked being can to fix your exhaust.
52. It’s not what you think.
You may think somebody is silly enough to think this will provide them with hot water. This is just a redneck way of keeping the tap from freezing.
53. Pest control.
If you saw your neighbor hooking a hose up to their tailpipe, you’d likely have cause for concern. Fortunately, what they were trying to kill were voles.
54. Redneck ride.
This is a telephone post on wheels. And he eventually picks up several passengers.
55. The flip-flop kid.
When you can’t afford a proper holster. I know nothing about guns or how to carry them, but I can’t imagine carrying your gun in a flip-flop is a good idea.
56. I don’t like Ferris wheels to begin with.
After seeing this, there’s a very good chance I would never get on one again. Do they have no safety inspections there? Is life that cheap?
57. Who needs steel plates?
This is a true lumberjack. Or I guess you could say he is lumber jacked. However be prepared to pick up a fierce splinters from your gym equipment.
58. Unbelievable.
And I’m hoping this would not pass the safety inspection anywhere. In a critical situation, where you had to brake fast, would you even have the time to pull that switch?
59. No running beside the pool.
This adds a whole new meaning to those words we often heard as a child. In this case, you could fall and badly burn yourself, due to the redneck pool heater.
60. Covid-19 innovations.
We will finish as we began. Another touchless hand sanitizer dispenser made from PVC. You just need to push the pedal with your foot.
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