Have you ever seen someone who after hearing a joke ended up with a blank look on their face? You immediately knew they didn’t get the punch line. Or even worse, perhaps you’re the one who didn’t understand. Regardless, it’s usually embarrassing.
As you’ll see, these 60 people completely missed a joke. But thanks to their stories being shared across social media platforms, we all get to laugh with them…or in most cases, at them.
Seriously? While the average person would get this, apparently, this individual didn’t. If they realized the mistake later, they probably wanted to bury their head in the sand.
Either the individual who responded was a) super tired, b) hungover, or c) well, let’s just say not that bright. Then again, it could be all three.
It was nice of this person to try to correct the mistake written in the first sentence. But unfortunately, he missed the joke by a mile…maybe more.
First, this guy was right. Second, he should’ve looked closer at who posted the comment. Had he seen it was Connor O’Brien, he might’ve understood it was a joke. Of course, the third person’s remarks make that quite clear.
…it’s not even worth the effort to try to explain a joke. This would be one of those. This person doesn’t have a clue.
Not only did this joke go over this person’s head but then they became defensive in their response. Lighten up…it’s just a JOKE.
Since when does ice have a flavor? Perhaps on whatever planet this person lives, it comes in a nice variety. If not…we don’t know what to say.
Someone posted a video showing how to make a custard dish using “frozen water” to create the right consistency. This was an individual’s response. They’re beyond hope.
We’re starting to see a theme here with everyone thinking they need to correct someone’s grammar. Even a 10-year-old would get this one. Cute dog, by the way.
10. Do you know what’s not funny?
When you have to explain a joke to someone. For some reason, it takes all the fun out of telling it in the first place. Here’s a perfect example.
Just feed your dog a balloon and it’ll float to the ceiling…that’s if the rubber doesn’t kill it first. Then again, perhaps it’s nothing more than an illusion.
We wonder just how long it took for this person to get it. Well, if you look at the timestamp…a very long time. While this is gross, it’s also kind of funny…in a sick sort of way.
Not only does this individual need an eye exam but also someone to follow them around everywhere to explain jokes. Especially those that involve animals and art.
If they’d taken just a few more minutes to look at this, they might’ve got it. On the other hand, “soma ulte” has a nice ring to it.
15. They’re always the worst
Dad jokes, that is. And if you don’t believe us, here’s proof. To all dads out there…give it a rest, please. Your kids are begging you.
This is what happens when someone tries to make a joke grammatically correct. Can’t they just go with the flow and laugh? Apparently not.
But really bad answers. The scary thing…it seems as though the people who responded were being serious. And that’s the future generation? Yikes.
Do you see how these animals all have pretty much the same shape? You know, like a kangaroo. Oh, never mind. Yeah, you’re right, it’s a dog.
Here’s someone just trying to be funny. The good news…at least one person got the joke. The other one, not so much.
Say they didn’t. Please, say they didn’t. Oh, yes…they did. This goes beyond the realm of not getting a joke and more into the moronic category.
No matter how you look at this, it’s bad. This person could’ve saved themselves some embarrassment simply by not responding.
22. Don’t be so quick to judge
After all, maybe this one does. Then again, this might just be a super corny joke the person didn’t get. We’re leaning more toward the latter explanation.
23. Missed it by that much
Some people make joke-telling so hard. Come on, man. Get with the program and stop trying to start an argument.
24. Bad advice — great joke
If taken literally, this would be horrible advice for any couple. But the sad thing…the person who responded was being completely serious.
This person with their logical explanation just ruined it for everyone. For a few minutes there, people in Pennsylvania really thought the city was being invaded by a massive spider.
26. Hello…is anyone home?
Sure, he was asking a serious question but when it came time for the joking response, it went right over his head. Maybe when he gets a little older it’ll click.
Do you know what someone wrote in response to this? Are you ready? “If he didn’t want her to find out, he shouldn’t have spray painted it on his truck.”
This individual is as bright as a burnt-out light bulb. Let’s hope they never get hitched because there’s a good chance he’d ask for the wrong person’s hand in marriage.
29. Better go back to school
Instead of getting the joke…this person thinks the confederate flag originated in Norway. Obviously, geography wasn’t their strongest subject.
First, this individual didn’t get the joke. Second, they don’t know how to spell. You feel a little bit silly, now don’t you? If not, you should.
And in this case? A few misspelled words. Personally, we’d just shut down the conversation before any more awkward jokes emerge.
The best people to tell a joke to are those we have the middle name “gullible.” Although this person didn’t get it, they probably bought it hook, line, and sinker. Cool idea, though…impossible but still cool.
Did this responder really think the individual holding the thermometer thought they were having almost 100 kids? The fact they felt the need to explain…we say yes.
What if it was real? Perhaps this person hasn’t stayed current on news. Then again, it could be they’re not very smart. And the worst part? They included an LOL with their comment.
35. Funnier than the joke
Yes, this joke was funny. But even better…calling the individual an “uncultured piece of burnt toast.” That’s priceless.
36. Okay, Captain Obvious
Somewhere in this person’s life they must’ve suffered a horrible tragedy. Why else would they try to ruin a perfectly good joke?
37. No one likes a critic
Did it ever dawn on this person that the poster was making a joke? Did it? Huh, did it? Yeah, we didn’t think so.
38. Nope…not fooling anyone
Especially this dimwitted person who doesn’t know how to take a joke. What they should take is a chill pill. But they’d probably pick that recommendation apart too. Love the hashtag.
Don’t be the one…don’t play Russian roulette. And if you’re going to respond to a joke, at least try to be funny, if not funnier.
Did you see it? The joke just went whizzing right by this person. It seems this individual doesn’t know much. And they’re right, dropping a mountain on someone isn’t very nice.
Sometimes, you wish people would take a minute to digest what they see before making some ridiculous comment. Great joke.
42. Sorry, who’s acting dumb?
Come to think of it, this person might not be acting at all. This is actually a cute joke…it’s sweet and innocent. Keep up the good work.
Instead of laughing along with everyone else, we’re betting this person just graduated from college with a degree in mathematics and feels the need to let the world know.
44. Someone failed chemistry
Can you guess which one it is? That’s right, the person who posted a reply that left everyone scratching their heads.
45. Just one moron present
We’re hoping they feel really dumb after commenting about this joke. But probably not. They appear to be clueless all the way around.
Sweetheart…here’s a clue. If you see a joke like this, you might want to find a new friend. And by the way, you might also want to learn how to get jokes.
If an individual’s ever going to understand jokes, they need to learn to think outside of the box. Come on, use your imagination a little and focus on the word “IKEA.”
…we kind of like “anti-iguanas” better. It has a nice ring to it, unlike Artificial Intelligence. How boring.
49. Just another “know it all”
They just can’t get with the program. Where’s their sense of humor? And how do they know it doesn’t work…have they ever tried it? So many questions for one simple joke.
50. The icing on the cake
Do you know what makes this person’s response so great? For one thing…they think they’re better than the poster. Second, those laughing emojis.
We’re pretty sure the person who posted this joke was well aware the letter “e” was missing. But it’s always nice when someone with an eagle eye confirms it. Nice job.
52. Hitting head against the wall
What happened to the good old days when a person could make a joke…even at the expense of a company like Jeep. Some people are way too uptight.
You’d have to be a moron not to realize this was a pretty cool joke. But we have to admit…it does look a little bit like a fawn. We’d buy it.
That’s the sound of this joke going right over this person’s head at super sonic speed. This individual probably lives a very sad and lonely life unlike this guy who has plenty of friends although you can’t see them.
56. That’s one smart graphics artist
Well, more like someone who didn’t see the obvious. Who knows…perhaps Drake has a son that’s just never been in the public eye? Or it could’ve just been a photoshop joke. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
57. What’s the point in trying?
Not only did this person totally miss the joke but considering this is a cartoon, who’s to say it’s not a magic ball? After all, that person wasn’t the author. But if they feel better calling it a bowling ball then so be it.
Perhaps people are supposed to pee in the balls. Or it could be this person is as dull as a butter knife. Just saying.
It’s a flying bus. What, they haven’t ever seen a flying bus before. Or a joke for that matter? Apparently not.
60. Hate it when that happens
Dang, he’ll lose an entire demographic. That’s really going to hurt him being re-elected for sure. Heavy sigh.