Getting arrested is pretty rough, to put it mildly. No matter what crime you’ve committed (or heck, what crime you haven’t committed) you probably aren’t going to look your best when it’s time to take your mugshot.
Most people look pretty roughed up when they appear before the prison camera. Maybe they got in an altercation with police and have bruises to show it. Maybe they’ve been up for long hours and they look like they can barely stay awake. Or maybe they’ve been using drugs or alcohol and they look …well, wasted. The point is, mugshots aren’t exactly glamour photos.
And then there are the people who take their mugshots to the next level. Their mugshots are so bizarre or creepy, they go viral just because the internet finds them that weird. It could be for making a strange face, having a disturbing tattoo, or wearing something that makes everyone ask, “What on earth is going on?”
So, buckle up (it’s against the law not to wear a seatbelt) and enjoy this slideshow of the 60 most outrageous mugshots on the internet. And of course, stay in school kids and don’t do drugs — you might find yourself on our next slideshow.
Sure, the first thing you notice about this guy is his teeth, but I also really want to know the story behind the hairnet. Does he work in a cafeteria? Is it to protect his curls while he sleeps? We may never know.
I don’t know what is going on in this picture or what this woman was getting arrested for, but that expression is just…actually, I have no words beyond, “What the heck?”
Either this guy was caught huffing paint or he was arrested at a Halloween party while dressed at the tin man. Either way, he seems pretty stoked about it.
Is it a surprise to any of us that this guy was arrested in Florida? We don’t know what his crime was, but I feel pretty confident guessing his thoughts on his country. Come to think of it, I can also guess his opinion of face tattoos.
Maybe this guy was arrested in the middle of a haircut. I can’t imagine why else he would have only half his face shaved unless it’s a REALLY bad fashion statement.
Maybe this guy is trying to make up for the fact that there’s no hair on his head by plastering it all to his chin. Hope he didn’t get arrested on a full moon.
This doesn’t seem like the best shirt to wear if there is even the slightest chance you might get in trouble with the law. Judging by his expression, he may have been imbibing himself.
Once you land in jail, you’ve basically already made your first impression. But you still have the chance to make a more lasting one. For example, this guy fell asleep while holding his sign stating he was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
Did this guy go out that day EXPECTING to get arrested? Or was it just pure chance that he was wearing a shirt with his previous mugshot when he next tangled with the police?
Speaking as a lady, I’m here to tell you: no, we do not. In fact, it’s kind of scary. You could pay for tattoo removal or just grow a real mustache over that thing.
I get it, posing for a mugshot can be awkward. You might not know exactly what face to make. You might not want to smile, right? So, how about a pirate impression?
I have a lot of questions about what the heck is all over this guy’s face, but unfortunately, no answers are forthcoming. I’m just going to guess he was in costume because it’s the least disturbing option.
This guy might be wearing a “mask” (sort of) but unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to protect his identity. If anything, it does the exact opposite. He’ll be easy to spot in a crowd.
To be honest, I don’t know what’s going on here, but it does kind of look like he has sprinkles all over his chin. Arrested for overly zealous cupcake eating?
Do you want to immediately strike fear into the hearts of every person in prison? Make this terrifying face. It also helps if your hair is shaved like a clown’s.
18. “Sir, please stop singing for just one second”
Apparently, this guy was arrested for suspicious behavior at a dollar store, which included creeping out female customers. So ..he’s got a lot going on.
Isn’t it fun to live in a time when you can do your hair however you want as a way of expressing your creativity? Just don’t abuse it like this guy who decided to give himself some bizarre pigtails.
Micah Musser was 18 when he was arrested on trespassing charges, but we somehow doubt that he did it on his own. His neck is absolutely covered with hickeys, and I’m assuming they’re not from a vacuum cleaner.
This guy’s hair looks almost unreal, and we can’t help but notice that it looks like a bunch of little snakes. Percy Jackson, move over — we’ve found the heir of Medusa.
No one knows the full story of why this guy insisted his pet macaw, Baby, appear with him in his mugshot. The only logical conclusion is that the bird was an accomplice.
24. When you get arrested in the middle of your haircut
This man couldn’t decide between a close-cropped style and some flowing, curly locks, so he decided to go for both styles in the weirdest way possible.
This woman was arrested on charges of blocking traffic, chasing children, and threatening a police officer…all while wearing this cow costume. My only question is…um, why?
A lot is going on with this person from the jewelry to the makeup to the tattoos. But the really unsettling part is those black eyes, courtesy of some terrifying contacts or the horrific trend of tattooing the eyes.
This lady was arrested at her wedding and opted not to remove her bridal gear before taking her mugshot. She did get to say her vows before the cops showed up, though.
This guy was arrested in West Virginia for huffing paint, which didn’t exactly come off in time for him to pose for his mugshot. I’d say that’s some pretty conclusive evidence unless he has a REALLY good explanation.
This lady was arrested a few years back and gained attention for her crazy hair. Thankfully, she’s now turned her life around and works in law enforcement.
You’d think that when you were brought into jail, you would want to be on your best behavior. This guy doesn’t ascribe to that theory. Instead, he decided to be as creepy as possible.
William Bottoms Jr. is serving time after being convicted of two murders in the second degree. But his appearance is so distinct, his lawyer asked the jury if it affected their decision.
This woman was arrested after she got into an altercation with another person and reportedly poured hot grease on them. Unfortunately, she lost some eyelashes in the process.
Angelo Martinez’s mugshot looks absolutely brutal. His crime? Trying to jack a car, which unfortunately was filled with football players. They promptly beat him to a pulp and called the police.
Brandy Lerma was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated with an unsecured child in the car. Lerma decided to go with this face for her mugshot.
Meet Kevin Gibson, the man who’s gone viral twice for two distinct mugshots. Each one features a similar hairstyle, or rather two hairstyles, with half a beard and half a head of hair.
Riley Dee Lewis was charged with assault after he allegedly pursued several joggers with a large, sharp tool used for trimming trees. Lewis apparently decided this look would make him seem less crazy.
Ronald Goines was charged with attempted murder in the first degree after allegedly shooting two men during an armed robbery. Goines decided to make this face during his mugshot. Bad decisions all around.
This is the worst possible shirt to wear on a day when you get arrested. In fact, you’re probably more likely to get arrested if you are wearing this shirt, don’t you think?
Okay, this guy’s mugshot isn’t necessarily all that outrageous, but his story certainly is. He was arrested for allegedly driving around naked with an “electronic device” on his private parts, trying to get people to look. Interesting hobby.
This guy had the terrible idea to try to kick down an apartment door the day after Christmas 2016. The resident of the apartment immediately struck him in the face with a piece of firewood and called the police.
When you see someone with injuries in a mugshot, you might think they were roughed up by police or sustained some bruises in a struggle during their arrest. But this guy actually injured himself, smashing a beer bottle over his head and sustaining a cut that required 16 stitches.
It’s really awkward to have the word “REDRUM” tattooed on your body (“murder” backwards) when you get arrested. Admittedly, Daryl Guillot didn’t get arrested on charges of murder — just regular old carjacking.
It’s even more awkward when your tattoo and your charges actually match. Jeffrey Chapman was charged with first-degree murderer. It doesn’t exactly look good that he has a tattoo with the word …well, “murder”.
What do you do when you get in a tangle with police at a Festival of Colors? Definitely don’t throw colored cornstarch at them. It might land you with charges of disorderly conduct and criminal mischief.
You’d think that after three arrests, posing for a mugshot wouldn’t come as such a surprise. But that wasn’t the case for Mailene Diaz who pulled this face after being arrested for trespassing and possession of drug paraphernalia.
This guy has got being creepy down to a science: Satan tattoos, a forked tongue, and gang numbers (allegedly) on his neck. Oh, also getting life in prison on charges of murdering a friend.
Getting arrested is kind of embarrassing, right? This woman’s solution was to hide behind her own curly hair and refuse to come out. It’s actually a great impression of Cousin It.
This guy reportedly claimed that his mustache was a only marker and not, as it seems, a tattoo. However, he didn’t explain why he had a marker mustache, period.
His mugshot is pretty goofy, but his story is, if possible, even weirder. After Ronaldo Silva was arrested in full drag on charges of drug trafficking, he attempted to sneak past prison guards but was caught because he was unsteady on his high heels.
Wear earrings if you want to, but padlocks are a bit extreme. Not to mention, they’re bound to be uncomfortable, considering they’re actually pretty heavy.
What should you not wear while getting arrested for driving while intoxicated? I’d say a hat made out of beer cans, a wearable flash, or a shirt that proclaims, “Drunk as sh*t.”
This wasn’t a lesson my mother taught me, but I feel like it’s common sense not to fight a dude who is in jail with a giant bandage across his chin. Call it a gut feeling.
60 of the creepiest and most outrageous mugshots ever
Cedric Jackson
Getting arrested is pretty rough, to put it mildly. No matter what crime you’ve committed (or heck, what crime you haven’t committed) you probably aren’t going to look your best when it’s time to take your mugshot.
Most people look pretty roughed up when they appear before the prison camera. Maybe they got in an altercation with police and have bruises to show it. Maybe they’ve been up for long hours and they look like they can barely stay awake. Or maybe they’ve been using drugs or alcohol and they look …well, wasted. The point is, mugshots aren’t exactly glamour photos.
And then there are the people who take their mugshots to the next level. Their mugshots are so bizarre or creepy, they go viral just because the internet finds them that weird. It could be for making a strange face, having a disturbing tattoo, or wearing something that makes everyone ask, “What on earth is going on?”
So, buckle up (it’s against the law not to wear a seatbelt) and enjoy this slideshow of the 60 most outrageous mugshots on the internet. And of course, stay in school kids and don’t do drugs — you might find yourself on our next slideshow.