Kids say all kinds of things. Some of it is funny, other stuff is heartwarming, and sometimes, itโ€™s absolutely terrifying.

As adults, we tend to only pay attention to the stimulation thatโ€™s right in front of us. We go to work, pay the bills, and try to keep our family afloat.

But children donโ€™t need to worry about all that. Theyโ€™re free to let their mind and senses wander to and from whatever it is that grabs their attention.

And sometimes, what grabs their attention may be bedded in the supernatural.

Whatever your stance is on religion, spirituality, the after-life, or ghosts, you have to admit that there are some things in this world that are simply unexplainable.

And when it is unexplainable, it can be very, very creepy.

So if youโ€™re up for it, check out these chilling examples of kids saying some unexplainably spooky things.

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