Aside from those capturing the family there are those many precious photos that have been preserved to help take us back through history. Here you are going to fine 70 awesome photos that are mix of funny, sad bizzare and outright tragic. Be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions as you view them.

1) In The Moment
A rare photo of the very beautiful Audrey Hepburn just being herself.

2) Croquet Anyone?
Estimated that this goes back to the later 1900th century of a girlsโ croquet team.

3) The Fake City
During World WarII a fake city was built on the roof of the Boeing Factory in Seattle. This was to fool the Nazis.

4)Gently Scholars
Oxford Studies dating back to 1906 and 1907. They look so clean and proper.

5) A Fitting Tribute
The animals were important during WW1 and many of them lost their lives. A group of soldiers got together and made a tribute to all of those animals who have given their lives in duty.

6) Pilot From The Past
Helene Dutrieu was born in 1877 and lived to 1961 and she was a famous female pilot pre-war along with being into car racing and motor cycling. Quite the feats for the era she lived in.

7) The Oldest Ever Photographed
This photo dates back to 1840 and is taken of a woman named Hannah Stilley. DOB 1744. Nobody has ever been captured in a photograph that was born earlier than she was.

8) Frozen In Time
Soldiers didnโt just have to worry about the human enemy, they had to worry about the elements to. This Soviet soldier was frozen then staged like this to give a warning to enemies.

9) Rebel From The Past
This young fellow had just stolen his dadโs car. Crashed it and was taking his final puff on his cigarette prior to dealing with what was about to come.

10) The USS Shaw Explodes
Just one segment of the devastation that took place when Japan surprised Pearl Harbor. Photo dated Dec. 7 1941.

11) Ernest Hemingway Having Some Fun
Just having a little fun with his friends doing some old fashion sparring.

12)Simpson Creators
Meeting of the brains as the creators of the Simpsons gather around in 1992.

13) The Great Preparation
Japanese soldiers were being prepared for their attack on Pearl Harbor. This was taken from an old newsreel.

14) Something Weird
Back in the day of the family photos most would dress to the hilt looking forward to the family affair. In this pic itโs obvious who was holding the child did not want their face seen? Or were they concerned about the evils that the camera could bring?

15)Little Romance
This looks like it could be one of those childhood sweetheart stories. In any event it is darn cute. Better than watching them squabble.

16) School Days
If the kids think they have it tough going to school today then they just need to glance at this group making their way to school in 1959 in Italy.

17)The Not So Hidden Hand
A great deal of work would go into positioning the little ones for their photos. To the point where it would make the images almost look haunted. In this one, you can barely see the hand resting on the babeโs shoulder.

18) Photo Mask
The picture is named Portrait of a dancer. The mask has been designed to be part of the photo. It is creepy but at the same intriguing.
20) Caged Rest
During wartime, nobody felt safe at any time. Many would sleep in cages in case of a bombing they would at least have some shelter from falling debris.

21) The Real One?
There are several pics around regarding John. F.Kennedyโs assassination. But there are some that believe that this one is the real one. Look at it closely.

23)Captured In Time
Seeing the Statute of Liberty in all her glory is a common sight. But to see her in actual construction is a treat.

24)Ghostly Moms
It was not uncommon for children to have their portraits taken with ghostly Moms holding the baby.

25) Strange Puppetry
Puppet acts with ventriloquists were a big form of entertainment but sometimes the dummies were so downright ugly you couldnโt take your eyes off of them. But for them that was the point, while you were watching the dummy you wouldnโt see the actorโs lips move.

26) Tender Love
You may not see too many photos like this where the man will literally pick his lover up in arms to give her a big smooth. It is romantic though.

27) Hat Fashion
Is this hat fashion or some form of hasmat protection? In reality, this is the garb that women would use when driving. It sort of fits in with the concept that back in 1906 if a woman wasnโt wearing a hat she would be stoned.

23)Easy Transportation
Goats come in handy for a lot of things but to use them for a little goat drawn carriage is really a nifty idea.This took place in 1953 Salvador Dali.

29) Dressed Up
Wearing costumes dates back ages and the ones that were meant to look eerie really did. This is a Koskimo person dressed in a full fur garment.

30) Whose On The Stairs?
Some strange photos were found in a house yesterday. This one sends a chill down the spine with the way the lighting is hitting the youngster on the stairs.

31} Say Cheese
It would not have been manly to crack a smile. But the eyes are used to create the expression and they work well.

32) Now Thatโs Chess
Chess is enjoyed in so many different ways.But in Russia, they really knew how to play the game. This is the actual game of human chess that was popular in Russia in 1924.

33) A Rescue
A staged occurrence taken from the movie Rescue From The Eagles Nest, but it still keeps you staring at it.

34) The Levitator
Obviously an act but it looks like the levitator was able to get a member in the audience to lift right out of his seat. Yet it looks like he is being hoisted by guidewires. It is worth studying this one to see if you can decipher it.

35)Whatever Works
No matter what war it is whatever works to preserve a soldier has to be utilized. All too often it was the brave horses that served them that became the brunt of the danger.

36) The Dive
Diving costumes were not made for fashion, but every time somebody would put one on it made them look like a creature from the sea. It is enough to scare the fish.Maybe that was the point. This suit only dates back to 1911.

37) The Titanic
There are plenty of real pics of the Titanic but every one of them is worth looking at because they each hold a memory of the tragic loss.

38)Breathe Easy
Riding a horse into action on a plain field kicks up a lot of dust.A soldier doesnโt want to be coughing while in battle. The solution is to wear a mask so he can at least breath without a mouthful of sand.

39) A Classic
Charlie Chaplin was a classic and so was Helen Keller. This is a beautiful photo of their first meeting in 1919.

40)Medical Dedication
Imagine having heart transplant surgery in 1987. Look at the equipment that is on this patient and Dr. Religaโs dedication to monitoring the patient after a 23-hour operation.

41) Clean-Up Time
The canals of Venus are beautiful but they often need cleaning out and this is one of those times. Not an easy job.

42) Ride In Style
Not only does she look prim and proper the bird does too. Wonder how difficult it is to get oneself perched up like this.

43) The Blonde Bombshell
There could never be too many pictures of this beauty. This one comes from the Seven Year Itch in 1956.

44) A Parting
There is nothing positive about wartime. Troops having to leave home was just one of the many brave acts. This youngster didnโt want any part of his dad leaving. This photo is called โWait For Me Daddyโ and was taken in 1949.

45) A First
It is always nice to capture a first on an image. Just like the first woman runner for the Boston Marathon in 1967.

46) Cosmetic Surgery
Sometimes facial surgery is a necessity, and sometimes it is for beauty. In either case, if a nose job was needed in the early years this is what they could look forward to.

47) Grin and Bear It
The timing of this photo was perfect. The kitten is at a perfect age and the tooth loss fits right in. This is a picture to be treasured.

48) A Heartbreak
When times were tough people would sell anything. But imagine having to sell your children. It was the only way to keep them alive. The pain on this motherโs face is evident and looks at the bond between the children. They are obviously aware of what is going on.

49) Girl Watching
Guys will be guys and will hang out wherever they think they may find a gal. But these three donโt look as if they are having much luck.

50) Friday the 13th
For some, they feel that this day of the month is most unlucky. But not so on this day Friday the 13th 1945. These people were set free from a death train. The looks on their faces say it all.

51) Say Ah
Watching the finished films is the ultimate but watching them being made can be just as exciting. This was no each piece of photo shooting.

52) Stay Calm
Mental illness is not something that is new. Patients with mental illness at one time were all considered to be insane. In order to keep them calm and relaxed they would be wrapped like mummies.

53) Flashback
This is what the cafeteria used to look like for staff at Disneyland years back. To them then this was state of the art.

54) Wax Disaster
Wax museums were a big attention-getter. Such as Madame Tussauds where people would come from all over to see this. When they are taken apart to be stored they look so lifelike that they creep out anyone that has to be around them.

55)Tough Women
The women who fought in the war should not be overlooked. There were some tough ladies that could handle those weapons just as good as the men.

It took a shocking photo such as this to turn the way AIDS was thought about back in 1989. The pain and suffering that is seen here as this Father comforts his dying son is one that remains in the minds of all those that see it.

57) The Great Inventor
What would Basketball be like if this man hadnโt lived? Or would there even be such a sport. Nice to reflect back on him once in a while.

58) Full Of Joy
This little chunk is just full of life and obviously very proud of keeping her footing on her roller skates. I hope she was able to keep that big smile once she made her first move.

59)The Match-Up
Some of the best photos from the past are those that make a fashion statement. These two blend in so well together. Get the fur around her neck. Guess some animal wasnโt lucky enough to become her real partner.

60) Not Impressed
If this was suppose to be fun then somebody forget to tell him because he looks absolutely horrified.

61)Crude Amputation
There were not the devices or the time to do much more when a limb needed to be removed. A little chloroform and a few people to hold the patient down is what was going to be involved in this procedure.

62) A comparison
This is most intriguing to see skeletons side by side. Just more proof that although we are the same we are different too.

63) Death From Space
In 1967 Vladimir Komarov fell from space and this is the state that his remains ended up in. Pretty scary to see what that kind of drop through space created.

64) The Basics
The electronics of today are great but sometimes the simplicity of things from the past can be appealing. Just a lift of the arm and the needle on the record and done.

65) Business As Usual
You would think these guys were taking a sewing class but actually, they are dissecting bodies as part of their medical class. Wonder when they get to use some instruments?

66) Follow The Leader
Maybe this is where the term for calling little ones little monkeys came from. Look at how well behaved all these little guys are as they follow their little leader.

67) Do It Yourself
Now, this takes guts. This doctor is operating on himself. Hope he doesnโt pass out because if he does he is going to bleed to death. Is it a matter of trust or a shortage of help?

68) Time For A Slither
There is nothing wrong with exotic pets and these two seem to be quite comfortable with each other. Not everybodyโs cup of tea though.

69)The Perfect Pair
Aside from the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he looks older than his years and not impressed and neither his sidekick. This kid is a natural-born actor.

70) Being Blunt
Some men were of few words back in the old days. No time to beat around the bush. So when they needed a wife they just would put up a sign. Obviously there was a shortage as the sign is in the plural.

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