Kids will be kids, but when adults try to go back to their childhood days it can be funny and sometimes down right dangerous. A favorite activity for many adults is to take children to the local playground. It is a place where the kids can spend hours enjoying all that this type of setting has to offer. For some of the adults, it seems to tweak a memory from their childhood when they used to enjoy the very same activities. They can’t help themselves but to give it a go again. Perhaps a few swings or a slide or two. This is when trouble can arise. It seems like the adult body just can’t handle the requirements of the children’s playground.

1) Swinged In
This guy thought he could fit into a baby swing. He thought wrong.

2) Firefighter Lure
This is one way to get firefighters to your rescue. She got stuck in a kids swing and needed help to get out.

3) Trapped
A little too big for this apparatus. Man gets stuck at kids playground. Not really sure how he’s going to get out of this one.

4) Whale Of A Time
This adult girl became stuck in a kids whale rocker. She couldn’t get out because it kept rocking.

5) Pushed Off Slide
This Mom gets tossed to the ground after kids come down slide. She couldn’t get off the slide fast enough.

6) Re-Tired
Mom falls through tire swing and can’t get out. Is someone going to help her?

7) Wipe Out
This guy flies off playground apparatus and wipes out over the balance beam. He’s going to be one hurting unit tonight.

8) Head Rush
This girl was stuck upside down in a rope structure. She was having major head rushes.

9) Grumpy Gramps
Grandpa was not too impressed when he slid right off the end of the slide. Better luck next time Gramps.

10) Springed In
Dad gets stuck in a spring rocker. Daughter is not strong enough to get him out. Adult assistance is required.

11) Dizzy
This guy was in the blue seat that you see. It spins around and when he got up he was so dizzy he was walking in circles and lost his balance way over there.

12) Loses Pants
The help is not too careful trying to remove this girl stuck in a swing. The one girl pulls her by her pant leg and her jeans slide down revealing her bare butt.

13) Broken Down
Dad was a little too heavy for this play vehicle. They flipped over and he got stuck.

14) Not Again
This is not the first time this guy has had to be rescued from being stuck in a playground. EMS is getting to know this guy.

15) No More Dares
Mom dared this daughter that she couldn’t get into this swing. However, getting out wasn’t part of the dare.

16) Uh_Oh
What a fine mess this guy got himself into. Firefighters are trying to think of a way to get him out without destroying the kids playground.
17) Teeter Totter Gone Wrong
These two guys thought it would be fun and easy to ride this kids teeter totter. However, it wasn’t quite as easy as they thought.

18) Didn’t Quite Fit
She thought playing in this kids swing would be a breeze. However, much to her demise it wasn’t.

19) Landed On Back
This Mom put on a show for her kids. She ran and jumped up on a apparatus at the playground and flew right off the end.

20) Having Fun
Who says playgrounds are just for kids. This Big Brother Star seems to be throughly enjoying herself.

21) No Playgrounds For Me
Mom shows son why she never plays at the playground with him. She is still recovering from this one.

22) No Monkeying Around
This woman was caught in mid air flying off the monkey bars. That’s the end of that play.

23) Playground Fail
This woman is not as good as the kids at climbing the playground apparatus. After several attempts, she still couldn’t master getting on this thing.

24) Never Again
This girl learned her lesson when she became stuck in a kids swing. It was quite the embarrassment to have firefighters come to her rescue.

25) Bad Move
Two adults playing on a teeter totter. Girl flying off the end must be thinking this was a bad move.

26) Back Flip Gone Wrong
This “big kid” decides to do a back flip off the top of the climber. Realizes it’s a mistake when he’s mid air.

27) Playground Disaster
Dad thought he would play with the kids. He becomes trapped in the baby slide.

28) Breaks Slide
Mom breaks slide at this playground. Even the dog is trying to figure out why she tried it.

29) On Her Knees
While riding the spring toy at the playground, Mom ends up breaking it. She lands on her knees and fortunately she didn’t knock her coffee over.

30) Flies Off
These two are killing themselves laughing after one of them completely flies off the teeter totter. She won’t be laughing in the morning when she can’t get out of bed.

31) Almost Makes It
This guy gets stuck mid way up this climber. However he becomes stuck and can’t pull himself up.

32) I Can Fly
This guy attempts a somersault off the top of this playground apparatus. It doesn’t turn out exactly as planned.

33) Should Have Worn Shorts
Lady in a skirt wipes out at the playground with her legs up in the air. Maybe she should have worn slacks or shorts.

34) Twister
Guy attempts to jump on this round about and wipes out. He is so contorted.

35) Zip Down
These two guys tried to zip line together. They didn’t get very far before they hit the ground.

36) Round And Out
Guy walks on this offside apparatus that moves. He didn’t last long before he fell off.

37) Life Insurance?
This is an accident waiting to happen. Hope this guy has life insurance.

38) Kids Only
Dad, the slide is only for the kids. You are way too big for that. Yup, he breaks it.

39) Dangerous Parents
Mom and Dad are having so much fun, they didn’t even notice their little one coming up behind them. Dad wipes the kid out.

40) Wrong Way
Mom tries to walk up the slide like the kids do. Apparently, the kids are better at it.

41) Too Far Back
Dad riding a spring toy. Only he goes back way too far and hits the ground. However, he doesn’t fall off!

42) Way Too High
This guys buddy swings him way too high and he flies out of the swing. He lands on his knees. He’s laughing, so obviously not hurt.

43) Falls Off
This guy literally falls off the climbing apparatus. He lands flat on his back. That one must have hurt.

44) Kiddie Pool
Hey Dad, you’re a little too big for that kiddie pool. Don’t break the kid’s toys.

45) Scary
Mom makes it to the bottom of the slide and slowly falls off. She has quite the scary look on her face.

46) Just Having Fun
Who says playgrounds are just for kids. This Dad is having a ball.

47) Hard On The Back
Dad goes down a metal slide and hurts his back. He can’t get up!

48) Not Like That
Does she even know how to go down a slide? That’s not the way to do it!

49) Face First
Dad swinging on a swing and goes back too far. He falls off the swing and lands face first in the cedar chips.

50) Bad Turn
Mom rides down long curvy slide. She doesn’t quite make it to the bottom before she falls off at the turn.

51) Crazy Guy
This guy jumps off a roof onto a massive inflatable water slide and almost misses. Luckily he landed in the water.

52) Home Made
This guy made a homemade water slide. He tests it out and ends up running right into the garbage barrel at the end of the slide. Bet he wasn’t expecting that to happen.

53) Water Bound
Dad attempts to go down the a slide on his belly. He doesn’t quite make it before the slide breaks in half and he goes headfirst into the pool.

54) Slip and Slide
Mom can’t even make it up to the top of this water slide. She falls and slides down wiping out the kids behind her.

55) Off The End
Mom goes so fast down the water slide she flies right off the end. Bet she doesn’t go down it again.

56) Extremely Dangerous
This parent decides to climb up and go down this twirly slide into the water. The entire setup collapses. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

57) Waterslide Mishap
These guys went down a water slide in unison and wiped out this poor girl. She landed on top of two of the three guys.

58) Set Up To Fail
This poor Mom went down a water slide and this was set up close to the end of it. Obviously her kids set her up.

59) Hit The Fence
This DIY water slide was built a little too close to the fence. Dad slides down right into the fence.

60) Attempts Kiddie Slide
Mom fails at going down the kiddie slide. Not only did she not make it to the bottom, she pulled the whole thing over.
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