Nothing is better than leaving the hair salon or stylist feeling like a million bucks. For women, maybe it’s a new shoulder-length bob or a pixie cut–perhaps even a relaxed perm from your hairdresser. Men might leave with a nice high and tight fade or a shag cut styling from their hairstylist that has them walking out feeling like a movie star. Such a great feeling!
The people you’re about to see, however, decided to really stand out from the crowd. Are these haircuts good or bad? We’ll let you be the judge.
The people you’re about to see, however, decided to really stand out from the crowd. Are these haircuts good or bad? We’ll let you be the judge.
Here are 55 people that have haircuts that are so bad we’re not quite sure what they were thinking, but they sure made us chuckle!
Get ready for a good belly laugh.

1) The (almost) literal rat tail
Not only is this guy rocking a rat tail but he has the silhouette of an actual rat to complement the tail. We’ve got to hand it to him for creativity. We’re hoping it was just a joke?
2) The scary portrait
We don’t know who this man is that has been shaved into the back of this guy’s head but it’s slightly terrifying, to say the least. Is it someone he knows? Is it a celebrity? Is it himself? All we have to say is–yeesh.
3) Mullet with teased bangs
Oh, school photos. When we’re younger, we’re usually at the mercy of our parents. Wearing whatever they want us to and having our hair done the way they’d like. Apparently, the go-to choice here were giant teased bangs and keepin’ it long in the back.
4) Straight bowl cut
Oh, the bowl cut. They were so popular in the late 80s and early 90s for some godforsaken reason. This young girl now has documented proof that she definitely had one. It literally looks like someone put a bowl on her head and just cut. I guess it makes for easy hair care!
5) Even Justin has made mistakes
All of us have had a bad haircut or style in our lives. None of us are exempt from that–even Justin Timberlake. Just remember, at one point, he decided it was a good idea to rock some cornrows. We’re glad he let that go.
6) Helicopter hair
We’re almost a loss here with this funky hairstyle. We’re not even sure how they were able to pull it off! But, it appears that this girl really wanted her hair to take flight with a style that mimics a helicopter.
7) Hearts
This guy’s actual hairstyle really isn’t the issue here. Sure, his long flowing locks aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s his body hair that has us scratching our heads and shielding our eyes. He seems quite smitten with his look, too.
8) A treat for later?
Now, here’s a hairstyle that prompts one question after another. First off, wouldn’t this be heavy? How does he sleep with those in there? Wouldn’t they start to melt and become sticky after a while? We’re not really sure what this guy was thinking but at least he has some hair color.
9) Award-winning mullet
Wow. Just…wow. This guy is rocking the mullet of the century. Check out how long and lush that blonde hair is in the back! And for the front? He went for a straight military-style buzz cut. And the best part? He looks so confident!
10) Not quite done
We’re not sure if this was intentional or not but this guy (is this a mugshot?) has only about a quarter of his hair in cornrows while the other three-quarters are straight afro. If we had to guess, maybe he was interrupted while getting his hair braided.
11) Racing fan
Again–not a haircut but too zany not to share. What does a major car racing fan do when they have enough back hair for a dozen men? Shave in your favorite car’s number, of course! We wonder what his wife really thinks about this.
12) Krusty the Clown?
If you’re a Simpson’s fan, you might really get a kick out of this one. It appears this man walked straight into the barbershop and asked for an exact replica of Krusty the Clown’s iconic look. It’s quite the style.
13) Why? Just why?
Imagine crawling inside other’s peoples’ brains for even just a moment. It would probably be the most frightening thing ever. Take this guy, for example. For some insane reason, he wanted a guy pooping to take the focus of the back of his head. *facepalm*
14) Are these bangs?
Oh, the late 90s. What a time. If we had to guess, his favorite bands were probably Slipknot and Korn? Either way, his choice of hairstyle for his school photos is quite something. All buzzed except for the bangs, which in turn, have been secured in the iconic multiple-rubberband look that so many people liked back then.
15) Spiky
Punk rock meets “what the heck is going on here?” This guy probably goes through a lot of hair gel or mousse each time he wants to leave the house. Spikes in every direction with a little half curl in the front. Wow.
16) Strawberry fan
We’re just crossing our fingers in hopes that this was either an April Fool’s joke or a Halloween costume. But, it’s probably just a hairstyle that he wanted to wear for shock value. Not only is the strawberry-themed haircut ridiculous but he had to get his facial hair involved too.
17) Blush brush?
Although this guy’s flat top is impressive due to its sheer height, we have to say that it bears an uncanny resemblance to a makeup brush. How much time did it take to grow this out and get it to stay so perfectly stiff?
18) What is happening?
What is with involving the facial hair to be a part of an already-ridiculous look? This guy’s hair isn’t even bad. It’s the strange hairline that he’s shaved and even weirder connection the facial hair that’s throwing us for a loop.
19) Spirit animal
We’d like to know the thought process of this guy’s brain. Maybe we don’t. But either way, what happened here? He longed to have his head match the pattern of his spirit animal, the leopard? Good thing hairstyles aren’t permanent.
20) Just let it go, dude…
Male pattern baldness is a fact of life. But, for some reason, some guys like to hold on to the hair they do have for as long as humanly possible. Take this guy, for example. Balding on top, but shaved the sides and kept the hair in the middle?
21) Hmm…
I mean…when it comes down to it, this haircut doesn’t seem that crazy. But, you can’t help but think it looks like chocolate Easter egg? Maybe an almond? It’s a straight oval of hair on top with comb lines that are just a little too symmetrical.
22) Helmet?
Nice helmet, dude! Oh, wait…my bad. We’re not even sure what is actually going on here. This isn’t his natural hairline, so, was it tattooed? Is it painted? We’re so confused! And also, the most important question–why?!
23) Almost nailed it
Carving patterns and pictures into hair isn’t really anything new. In fact, they can sometimes come out looking really creative and cool-looking. This little boy was going for an Air Jordan look and came out with a cartoon-y version that didn’t quite hit the mark.
24) So much happening here
My Little Pony fans might really love this look but we’re thinking it’s a bit on the totally outrageous side. Although the pastel colors are quite lovely, how are you supposed to lay down at night with those dangling ponies in the back?
25) Tropical delight
Pineapples are delicious. They’re sweet and slightly tart. They’re refreshing. And they taste yummy when turned into a piña colada. But as a hairstyle? We’re not so sure about that. One thing is for sure–she’s certainly making a statement!
26) Mullet to the max
We’re not sure what’s scarier–this kid’s maniacal look in his eyes or the mullet with side steps. It even looks like they’ve left some tiny short little bangs in the front. The only saving grace is that this photo looks like it was taken 30 years ago when mullets were somewhat acceptable.
27) Dreadlocks gone wrong
Some might say that white guys shouldn’t try and pull off dreadlocks others don’t care (we sure don’t). This guy is marching to the beat of his own drum, that’s for sure. But, we’re not so in love with all that scalp that’s showing.
28) Out of this world
The amount of hair that is happening in this picture is pretty mind-boggling. He has so much hair in this (school?) photo that the entire fro almost doesn’t even fit in the frame. Again, thankfully, this picture appears to have been taken in the 60s or 70s when afros were present amongst all races.
29) So much emo happening
The emo haircut. So many layers. So big. So jet black. Of course, you have to have the side swept bangs that start at the opposite temple. And the look wouldn’t be complete without a lip piercing and jet black eyeliner. The early 2000s to the fullest.
30) Oreo love
You guys–she loves Oreos, okay? I mean, who doesn’t? But she really really loves Oreos. So much so that she dyed half of her head blue and stuck Oreo decals on top to represent the brand everywhere she goes. They should pay her for this type of marketing.
31) Oh, Donald
Mr. Donald Trump. The President of the United States of America. Whether you love him or you hate him, you have to admit–his haircut and style is just absolutely horrendous. What is even happening here?
32) We don’t know where to look first
The faux hawk, the side patterns, the swirly facial hair–we don’t know where to focus our attention! All we know is that the look on this guy’s face says “I’m loving this” and that’s all that matters. Confidence is key when it comes to rocking a look like this.
33) A mugshot to remember
Two massive dreadlocks. That’s it. That’s the look this man was going for. Clearly, he isn’t exactly in his right mind considering this photo was taken before being booked into the slammer. But thanks for the entertainment, man!
34) Oh my…
Here’s another style that almost leaves us at a loss for words. Buzzed in the back, little spikes on top, faux sideburns, and bangs that look like a barcode. We just want to know how on earth he came up with this idea in the first place!
35) Money on the mind
Yikes! We don’t know whether to scream or be in awe of this beyond-interesting hairstyle. His head was transformed into a Louis Vuitton purse that unzips and spills money. Actually, we don’t care how creative this is–it’s just too creepy.
36) Side mullet?
Wow, wow, wow. So long, luscious, and curly on one side and so shaved and confusing on the other. He thought this would be an awesome look for whatever photos these were and now he has this photo to look back on for the rest of his life. And for us to laugh at for the rest of eternity.
37) You have something on your head
Have you ever wanted your hair in the shape of a chameleon hugging your head tightly? Yeah, we haven’t either but, apparently, this guy did! Again, the creativity is pretty great but we aren’t really sure about a day-to-day look.
38) Another full-blown rat tail
Remember that first rat tail we showed you on slide one? Yep, it turns out he wasn’t the only one with this genius idea. Here’s another rat tail attached to a rat for you. You’re welcome and we apologize at the same time.
39) Hat fro?
By the look on this guy’s face, it appears that he’s pretty proud of himself and his eclectic hairstyle. Is it a hat? Is it an afro? It’s both! How did they get the brim to stick out so perfectly like that?
40) Mustache bangs
“Shave everything but the tiny locks of bangs in the front, please,” is what this guy must have said walking into the barbershop. It looks like he has an old-timey mustached attached the top of his head. It really is quite the look.
41) So much happening here
He just had to take a mirror selfie to make sure he showed the world his outrageous-looking haircut. It’s like he walked into the barbershop and said, “You know what a broom looks like? Yeah, let’s try that.”
42) Halo?
After scrolling through all of these haircuts we just have to wonder what the heck is going through these people’s minds. Do they really think these look great or are they just messing with us? This guy went for a real ‘halo-around-the-top’ look.
43) Orange on the top
“Go ask that guy wearing the orange beanie, oh wait…” That is not an orange hat, ladies and gentleman. That is simply a very bad decision. Such an interesting statement to make but at this point, we’re questioning everything.
44) Wait, what?
Is this girl wearing a wig on top of her hair? We’re so confused by the thickness and height of this that we’re not entirely sure what exactly is going on. In addition to the ultra-thick bangs and top, the sides are shaved which makes it look extra odd.
45) Mullet 2.0
This guy opted for a look that is a mullet but…updated. He’ll just go for a slight ponytail look in the back and shave the rest of it. At this point, we don’t know what’s happening in the world anymore.
46) No. Just, no.
We aren’t real fans of this look one bit. There’s some weird green going on in the middle. Some dreadlocks that are very unkempt. And they are sticking straight up like a pineapple but a pineapple that’s gone horribly wrong. Yucky.
47) Someone messed up
We have a feeling that this guy was hoping for a better outcome but ended up only paying for a $10 haircut that went terribly wrong. Maybe he wanted a fade but someone got a little too crazy with the clippers?
48) Straight up
We have a feeling that there are a million school photos from the early 90s that look similar to this one. We don’t know if his parents did this to this poor kid or if he begged them for this cut and they gave in. Bet they weren’t counting on the internet to exist in the future.
49) More barcode bangs
You guys, I’m not sure if I want this guy out on the streets protecting and serving us when he makes haircut choices as bad as this one. It looks like you can scan his bangs with a barcode scanner. WHY?!
50) Why? Why? Whyyyy?
This is the only time we’ve hoped that someone actually happens to be balding from the bottom up because if this was an actual hairstyle choice, we’d lose all faith in humanity.

51) Cotton candy, anyone?
We just can’t put our finger on it but for some reason, this person’s hair makes our mouths water for some cotton candy. Either that or long for our childhood troll dolls that we used to collect.
52) Sprouting plants?
What on earth could she have walked in and told the person at the salon? “I want long ass bangs and three locks of hair that stick straight up like wheat growing in a field.” What does it look like from the front?
53) Straight scary
Have you ever wanted to have a style that says “I love rams!” Apparently, this guy did. His hairstyle is quite frightening, really. We don’t like it. We don’t like it one bit. Let’s just keep scrolling to the next one…
54) Bob Ross!
Even though this hairstyle is absolutely 100% ridiculous, it’s actually freaking amazing because who doesn’t love Bob Ross? He turned a little bit of his afro into Bob Ross’ afro and he honestly deserves a round of applause.
55) Can you spare any change?
Why? How? What were you thinking? The questions are endless with this one. I guess if there’s one perk to this, she’s always prepared if she needs to feed a parking meter or grab a quick snack out of the vending machine.
I don’t know about you but our necks hurt from shaking our heads so much. Which one of these zany hairstyles did you think was the funniest? Let us know in the comments!
H/T: Reddit