When coronavirus completely turned our worlds upsidedown, there was one thing that united us and brought us out of our despair. In the darkness of our current dystopian reality, there was a light. And that light is Netflix’s docuseries, “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness.” It is the perfect sh*t storm to distract us from the grim state of affairs of the world. And it managed to do this by out weirding the weirdness that we’re all living in right now.
And that’s a pretty tall order to fill. How could it be possible for anything to be weirder than the fact that we’re in some screwed up science fiction movie? Well, “Tiger King” and its insane cast of characters have made that possible for us.
There’s murder, meth, magic, country music videos that are so bad they’re good, tigers ripping people’s arms off, gay polygamy, and, of course, that b*tch Carole Baskin. I’m not sure the creators of “Tiger King” will ever know what their creation has truly meant to us in such a turbulent time. “Tiger King is a gift.
What’s even more amazing than the series itself are the incredible memes and posts people are creating to honor the series. The following memes were hand-selected and only those that made us laugh out loud were selected for this slideshow. Enjoy <3
Here are 55 hilarious ‘Tiger King’ memes everyone needs right now:
You can never go wrong with putting two amazing things together. “The Office” and “Tiger King” may be one of the greatest combos of all time. This is also very accurate.
While we’re grateful for the things we do have and are learning in quarantine, this is basically where we’re all at right now. It’s horrible. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
“Tiger King” has been a blessing. The midst of all this madness, it is serving as the perfect distraction. A little something to take our minds of the fact that we are currently government mandated to stay in our homes and not work.
Quarantine can be rough. Especially if you have roomates or are in some kind of partnership where you’re living with others. A fight is likely to breakout at some point.
“Tiger King” has set the bar for relationships everywhere. You never really loved someone unless you talked about their testicles at their funeral. Then proceed to exploit their grieving mother.
We try to be impartial while watching Netflix documentaries. But in the case of Carole Baskin, people seem to be making an exception. They really think she did it.
Unless this guy is a speed reader, he ain’t reading. Those Florida officers seemed like they did a speed investigation on Carole’s husband’s disappearance. It looked something like this.
Carole Baskin thought this documentary was going to be a win for her. She says it was pitched to her as a big cat version of “Blackfish.” It didn’t exactly turn out the way she hoped it would.
“Tiger King” was a wild ride. Lots of us had an emotional experience while watching it. Some of us ended up looking like this.
-THOSE POOR ANIMALS everyone needs to go to jail -Carol Baskin is a hypocrite and definitely killed her husband -OMG Travis -Doc Antle whoever the fuck is legitimately a sexual predator#TigerKingpic.twitter.com/F2166v6jSw
Some people think teachers have it easy. Though people have never tried to teach or home school. Some parents are definitely learning. Godspeed parents!
When coronavirus completely turned our worlds upsidedown, there was one thing that united us and brought us out of our despair. In the darkness of our current dystopian reality, there was a light. And that light is Netflix’s docuseries, “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness.” It is the perfect sh*t storm to distract us from the grim state of affairs of the world. And it managed to do this by out weirding the weirdness that we’re all living in right now.
And that’s a pretty tall order to fill. How could it be possible for anything to be weirder than the fact that we’re in some screwed up science fiction movie? Well, “Tiger King” and its insane cast of characters have made that possible for us.
There’s murder, meth, magic, country music videos that are so bad they’re good, tigers ripping people’s arms off, gay polygamy, and, of course, that b*tch Carole Baskin. I’m not sure the creators of “Tiger King” will ever know what their creation has truly meant to us in such a turbulent time. “Tiger King is a gift.
What’s even more amazing than the series itself are the incredible memes and posts people are creating to honor the series. The following memes were hand-selected and only those that made us laugh out loud were selected for this slideshow. Enjoy <3
Here are 55 hilarious ‘Tiger King’ memes everyone needs right now: