Face it, cats may be cute and fluffy, but they come with some serious attitude. And in many cases, they are jerks.
It’s not just the general, dog-loving public that thinks this. Loving cat owners think they are jerks too.
Cats have an independent nature, and in many ways, they just put up with humans, and sometimes they just put up with other cats too.
Here are 50 images that proves that cats are jerks, one way or the other.
1. That face!
Where else are you going to sit, right? This kitten has a fav spot—it just happens to be on top of his older brother.
2. I think I broke it
Do you have cats that jump at the window screen? I guess if you do, and you live up high, you should be glad there’s a balcony below the window when they just right through.
3. Not your birthday
I wonder if there is something really tasty in that particular package. Regardless, not her BD and not her presents.
4. Back off!
Are you really testy in the morning? I am. I think I would have a problem if I had to fight my cat for my coffee.
5. They told you they weren’t real
How many parents have had to assure their kids there were no monsters under the bed? I think they would be hard to convince if they saw this.
6. Don’t mind me
I wonder how many times that cat had a paw closed in the door before the sign went up. And how many times after the sign went up.
7. World’s worst cat
I wonder how long the cat survived after learning this trick. Getting the kids to sleep and keeping them that way is a lot of work. Not to mention your own sleep deprived state.
8. Shower time
There’s nothing like a soothing, long hot shower. Until this madness starts, and your cat scares the life out of you. At least it doesn’t have a knife.
9. Let us sleep!
So, your cat has kept you awake, so you finally get up and close it out in the hall. Then the diabolical creature starts pulling the door stop back.
10. What the…?
Why are there puddles of water in front of the ice maker every morning? No, it isn’t malfunctioning. The cats are having some fun.
11. Somewhere in the neighborhood…
Someone lost a sausage. We can only hope it wasn’t still on the BBQ when this shameless heist took place.
12. I want the house to myself again!
This whole work from home thing is difficult on so many levels. And some pets aren’t happy about it. So they are torturing you with claws on the mirror—nails on a chalkboard—for minutes at a time.
13. Fine!
You don’t want me to sit on your lap, so I will teach you. I turn my back on you and will never look at you again.
14. He thinks he has a solution
How many pictures have we seen since work from home began of cats sitting on keyboards? This guy may have the answer—until his monitor topples over.
15. Hours wasted
After spending 3 hours on this heated outdoor house, the cat won’t even go in it. And frankly, he doesn’t look too happy about it.
16. Singing in the rain
Okay, singing in the shower. This guy has discovered the awesome acoustics of the shower stall. And he starts singing at 4 am until everyone is up.
17. That will teach you
Was it their singing? These people are on a road trip. They got out the car on the side of the highway to switch drivers, and as soon as they got out, the cat stood on the lock and locked them out.
18. Can no one read in peace?
What is it with cats? It seems that whether you are animate or inanimate, they won’t leave you alone when you try to read.
19. Hey! I’m down here.
This cat loves his dad. His dad loves his wife. That cat get jealous when dad pays attention to the wife and bites him.
20. Can’t you see I’m busy
You are not allowed to work. You are not allowed to play. You most certainly can’t weave. I must have your attention whenever I want it.
21. I know I asked
And thank you for coming and opening the door for me. But I’ve changed my mind—again.
22. There are no words
And I’m sorry, there are probably reasons for a cat to do this—like it hates you? But I would be finding another home for it.
23. Your stepbrother?
Jumping to the ground is just too much work, and I’m special. I’ll just step down onto his head. A much softer landing.
24. Firestarter
I think the owner of this cat has cause to worry. It steals all the lighters it sees. What evil plan is it hatching?
25. Flossing
As mom sews it makes it so easy for me to run the thread threw my teeth. Of course, mom is upset about her wet thread, but oh well.
26. I choose her
But, I don’t feel her breathing back there. Oh! She’s allergic. Hah! In a room full of non-allergic people I choose the one that needs to hold her breath around me. Go figure.
27. Just my size
I don’t care if this is expensive. It don’t care if you want to use it. It’s warm and it fits just right. And I’m getting some awesome selfies.
28. Own it
They are always calling me an asshole. I don’t know that I really deserve it—okay, yes I do. And I will own it, and take my rightful place.
29. I love my dad
And I really hate it when he leaves for work, because sometimes he’s gone so long. So this time I went with him.
30. Walk, walk, walk!
I wanna go for a walk. Okay, okay, we’ll go for a walk. Nah, I really didn’t want to. I’ll just rest right here.
31. Tasty toes?
I don’t know if this is a gesture of love or a gesture of hate. Look at the eyes. Pure intent there.
32. Testing, testing
Don’t you love it when your pets test you? This one knows it’s not allowed on the table. Between the look and the paw, it knows what its doing.
33. Are buttons the enemy?
Because this cat has one goal in mind. Rip all the buttons of that shirt. Hope the owner owns a needle and thread.
34. Some things don’t change
These are Roman roof tiles from the 2nd century. Cats have always been jerks.
35. What do you think?
Have I lost some weight? My thighs are much thinner, right? I’ve been working out and dieting.
36. No way!
I’m not sitting on that ledge. I don’t care if you did make it for me. I know you are lacking in qualifications, and I’m not taking any chances.
37. This will teach you
I know it was the last roll of TP left in civilization. But you slept in and I missed breakfast. Life is cruel, isn’t it?
38. Comfy
This place is too crowded. There is literally no clear space for me to sit. Except this one cushy spot.
39. Pay attention to me!
Whatever you are watching, it can not be more important than I am. But in case you misunderstand, I will stand right here.
40. I have a problem with these
Why aren’t these in a drawer? I think that will be better. Let me put them all on the floor first, though.
41. Uh, hello
I’m guessing the screen is open on that door. If so, it’s a clear invitation to stray cats, isn’t it?
42. Look what I bought for you!
Your hooman spent some of their hard-earned cash for this plush window seat. You want no part of it all. Jerk.
43. Oh, oh
Somewhere, someone is running around looking for their keys. This cat just came home from an evening out with them.
44. Merry Christmas!
Or so they thought. The cat had a different idea. The bought the tree, decorated the tree, and the tree lasted 12 hours before it was brought down.
45. Ouch!
Cats will definitely let you know when they are unhappy with you. This ones hooman dared to give it a flea bath and it wasn’t happy about it.
46. I’ll show you
It’s a bit hard to see the dog in the crate, but there is one there. And it growled at the cat each time the cat walked by. So now the cat is torturing it.
47. You should have shared
You wouldn’t give me a bite of what you’re having, so this is what happens. I make it impossible for you to eat or drink anything else.
48. The dog will never know
The dog will most certainly know that his food has been used as a litter box. The question is, did the cat do this on purpose?
49. False reasoning
The cat removed the bookmark from the book its hooman was reading, thinking they will now abandon the book and pay more attention to it. No, now the hooman has to start from the beginning again.
50. Look at this, mom!
I know you bought that new bed for me. You told me! But that thing won’t let me sleep on it. Do something!
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Source: Reddit