Dogs are always fun to be with. And if you’re also a pet owner, you know that they also make us curious about many things.
We can’t deny that we always wonder about what they feel and how they think. On the other hand, there are also times where we just kind of understand them just by their gesture. We even assume at times.
So we’ve collected some of the hilarious dog thoughts and if you’ve been with your dogs for a long time, you could surely relate to these too well. If not, these might help you understand your dogs more.
1. Rectify
Some dogs love visitors in their house, others don’t. This dog is clearly a member of the former group. He wants his pets from every visitor in the home.
2. Haunted Bowl
We do so much for our dogs that tends to go unappreciated. This is a perfect example right here. This dog’s owner fills his bowl with water, and he thinks that it’s haunted. If they weren’t so cute, it would be frustrating.
3. Nighttime ritual
As far as dogs are concerned, their humans should give them a pat or kiss every morning. They should do the same thing at night. It’s just the right thing to do.
4. 207 on the nose
The next time you give your dog a belly rub, causing him to kick his legs in the air, you know what’s going on. You just reached the magic number. Great job.
5. Single Pat
Dogs live to serve their owners. When this dog failed to make his owner happy again, he swore to try again and do better next time. Good dog.
6. Refocus, please
“Would everyone just stop arguing. After all, there are better things to focus on. Like me, the dog.”
7. Turnabout is fair play
This pup is definitely onto something. Her thoughts sound great. There’s nothing on her list that dogs or people should remove.
8. Can’t stop now
Boy is that the truth. You give a dog an inch and they want a mile. If you stop loving them, they’ll follow you around until you finally give in.
9. Living on the wild side
Just like humans, dogs sometimes need to let loose. You know, be uninhibited. As this pup explains, that entails strutting around the house without a collar.
10. Can’t leave home
This is why your dog doesn’t want you to leave home. Just like humans, they need affirmation. And if you’re gone, who’s going to give it to them when they do this.
11. A special moment
Surely, you’ve had times when your dog just sits and stares at you. More than likely, this is what they’re thinking. And perhaps you should take a minute to realize how much you’re loved.
12. It’s still there
Apparently, there’s a single Skittle underneath the refrigerator. This dog’s owner has no idea it’s there. But the pup does and he’s doing his due diligence to check on it from time to time.
13. Entitled much?
For anyone who spoils their pup, you can bet this is stuck in their mind. Hey, they’re accustomed to being pampered. So, this kind of attitude is easy to understand.
14. Snacks only
Unless it involves chasing a ball or going for a hike, most dogs don’t care about sports. But they do like the food that humans set out. That’s the only reason they tolerate all the screaming that goes on.
15. The great protector
We’re referring to the human here. To this dog, whatever noise she heard was enough to convince her the world was coming to an end. Yep, it’s time to wake up the owner.
16. Vertical space
You know, this dog is right. If you keep stacking, a human could easily hold one or more pups in their lap. In a dog’s mind…there’s a solution for everything
17. Feeling special
Pups don’t want their humans to feel bad. But at the same time, they like to feel special. So, for all you dog owners out there, don’t take it personally.
18. They better act fast
For anyone who owns a dog, there’s one rule that all guests must abide by. Pet the pup before doing anything else. If not, evil thoughts run through their minds.
19. I’m starving
Oh, this sneaky dog. She came up with a plan to pretend she’s hungry and then goes from person to person begging for food. And with a pathetic look on her face, no one can resist.
20. So sorry
This precious pup gets two kudos. First, he tried his best to scare the hurricane away. Second, when his growling and barking didn’t work, he apologized. Well, that’s what he was thinking anyway.
21. Halloween…their favorite holiday
These pups love Halloween. It’s their job to hold buckets of candy for little monsters that ring the doorbell. They know each trick or treater is supposed to take just one piece but they refuse to enforce that rule.
22. Very humorous
In case you didn’t know, dogs are quite funny. The next time you see yours doing something odd, they’re probably thinking something like this. Just go with the flow.
23. Bet you didn’t know
This dog spills the beans. Who knew? The only problem is that now, you have to figure out what you just agreed to.
24. A match made in Heaven
So, that’s what they’re up to. The funny thing about this? A lot of people have met their mates because of their dogs. The secret is out.
25. Don’t break their heart
People do it all the time. But it seems that dogs find this offensive. You’ll just have to go to work covered in hair and hope your boss understands.
26. Making new friends
If there’s one thing that most dogs love it’s making a new friend. Even if that involves a lady bug. Thankfully, this pup’s human was there to save the day…or more like the insect’s life.
27. In hiding
The next time your remote control goes missing, stop and think. Were you watching a sad movie? And was your dog in the room?
28. Fancy feet
It doesn’t matter if you have a boy or girl dog. They all do this at one time or another. When you see your pup do this, you’ll know it’s nothing more than a case of fancy feet.
29. The final touch
For an entire day, this gorgeous pup watched as their human put together a gingerbread house. But it wasn’t until they put the last piece in place that it became a home. What was it? A miniature candy dog peering out the window.
30. The perks of being a dog
If people could talk to their dogs, they’d likely find these perks on every list. Of course, they might not be in the same order. We’re pretty sure peanut butter would come in as number one
31. It’s only a matter of time
This sweet dog is quite observant. And he’s right. It won’t be long before he’s bigger than everyone else and then, he gets to rule the entire household…as if he doesn’t already.
32. Forewarn your guests
Most dogs pay attention to things going on inside the house. So, when they notice their human preparing a lot of food, they know people are coming to visit. But if you expect to have a nice get together, make sure your guests know that head pats are a must.
33. Dogs love their friends
Does this sound familiar? It probably does. After all, to dogs, their stuffed animals are “frens” and they worry about them getting jealous.
34. Low expectations
Come to think of it, dog owners don’t expect a lot from their pets. Just a few cuddles, barking at strangers, and a goofy face now and then and they’re happy. So, it’s no wonder your pup doesn’t have high expectations for itself.
35. Genuine love
That’s what you call it when a dog does this. Think about it for a second. Sliding across a hard floor can’t feel all that good.
36. Uh, oh
This is so easy to envision. A dog lies down next to a kid working on a puzzle. He gets down to the last piece but it’s nowhere to be found. The kid looks over at the dog, which immediately turns its head while thinking this.
37. The best list ever
This pup made a list of all the things he does while his owner is at work. But it just has one thing on it. “Wait for you to get back.” Be still my heart.
38. Santa’s fake
This dog’s human is never going to convince him that Santa Claus is real. Do you know why? If a man came down the chimney, this pup would’ve gone completely psycho.
39. A perfect day
If dogs could talk, they’d all say this is what makes a perfect day. First, they get to spend one-on-one time with their human. Second, they get to feel the wind on their face. It doesn’t get any better than this.
40. They scare me
Millions of dogs agree with this pup. The flashing lights and big booms are way too scary. If you’re going to set off fireworks, do them far away from your house.
41. Trying super hard
There’s a really good chance that every dog wakes up thinking this. They have the best of intentions. But remember, they’re dogs so humans can’t expect perfection.
42. Life isn’t always fair…
…even for a dog. You know, in a pup’s mind, bringing home a stick is a big deal. To them, it’s some kind of accomplishment. But we get it, no one wants a dirty stick inside the house.
43. Best friends
Talk about feeling special. This dog’s owner let him be part of the neighbor kid’s show and tell at school. He was the highlight of everyone’s day and he loved every second of it.
44. Obey the law
This is another way that humans and dogs are alike. Both try to do the right things. So, owners need to understand this law and abide by it.
45. Forever grateful
It doesn’t take much to make a dog happy. And like humans, they have incredible memories. In this case, a pebble was all it took for this pet to form a special bond with the kid next door.
46. Peanut butter obsession
We don’t know if all dogs think this way. But then again, if you’ve ever given your pup peanut butter, you might agree. At least this guy has a delicious obsession.
47. Too close for comfort
Does this remind you of anything? Like trying to go to sleep but ending up on the edge of the bed while your dog is stretched out over the rest of it? Yeah, this is something that all dogs think about and follow through with.
48. He’s probably right
In all honesty, if this pup wasn’t involved in Zoom, the business would probably go belly up. Why else would anyone jump on a conference call? He knows he’s the star.
49. It’s annoying…
…but it happens. Out of nowhere and for no reason whatsoever, a dog starts barking. They act as though they’re prepared to fight off the biggest monster that walks in the door. Here you have it…the reason.
50. Get it right, human
It must be so frustrating to dogs when their humans don’t get it right. Like this, for example. Good grief, there’s a big difference between jumping and springing.
51. A perfect guard dog
Ah…now you understand why some people can walk right past your dog and others can’t. There’s a system. We bet a nice snack would also do the trick.
52. Nonsensical thoughts
Hey, we never said that all dog thoughts make sense. At least this one doesn’t. But this pup gets credit for recognizing interesting things about his body.
53. That wasn’t nice
All this time you thought when your dog rolled around the floor that he was just leaving hair and dirt behind. But no, he’s been covering your house with love. Now you know why dogs hate vacuum cleaners.
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