Completing a task always feels satisfying. However, just because you got the job done, doesn’t mean that you got it done right. Whether it’s due to laziness, distractions, or just plain incompetency, some finished projects simply don’t turn out the way that they were meant to. Check out this list of 52 people who messed things up so bad that we all have questions and the next time that you have a job to do, make sure you do it right!
1. Deadpoo
Although this person clearly messed up the title of the movie, at least everyone that was going to see Deadpool probably still found the right theatre to go into. You have to wonder though, did they do this on purpose? I wouldn’t be surprised either way.
2. Almost
Based on the sketch plans, this pantry and cabinet set was clearly painted wrong. However, this may be one of those rare times when the mistake actually makes the finished product look even better. It’s all a matter of opinion, of course.
3. Sliding Door Company
If you name your business the Sliding Door Company, you might want to install sliding doors at the entrance to your office. Not only would it make sense, but it would be the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your work to prospective clients as they enter your building.
4. Tiny Speed Bump
Speed bumps are meant to slow down drivers in the neighborhood. That way, there will be fewer accidents involving children playing in the streets. However, I’m so sure a tiny speed bump that you can drive around is going to make much of a difference.
5. Surprise
This daughter was probably better off not leaving any delivery instructions at all. The box looks non-descript enough and besides the blatantly obvious delivery tag, nothing about this package screams “party supplies” at all.
6. His Or Her?
When you’re busy and have a lot to do, the small details can sometimes slide through the cracks. I’m sure this drugstore worker didn’t mean to put the birthday girl cards in the “His Birthday” section, but then again, there are always the ones who like to create a little chaos.
7. Wet Floor
Wet Floor signs can be helpful in bathrooms and on other surfaces that get slippery when they are wet. However, something tells me that this carpeted hallway isn’t going to give anyone problems even though it may have gotten a bit damp.
8. Turning Heads
Alright, there’s no way this one was an accident. But honestly, I kind of like it. Finally, they’re reserving seating for the wild and reckless elderly folk who want to turn things on their heads when they take a seat.
9. Almost
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more lazy solution to a problem than this. It seems like that brick may have actually been able to at least plug the hole, but the person who did this was so lazy they didn’t even try to make it flush with the rest of the bricks.
10. What Are You Looking At?
Either this camera is looking for thieves dropping down in parachutes, or someone installed it wrong. Thieves are getting more and more creative these days, but I’m still going to have to go with the latter option.
11. Not Quite Right
Discerning your left from your right is something that you should have learned how to do as a child. However, I guess some people stayed home sick that day in kindergarten when this lesson was being taught. Oh well, it should be fine.
12. Good Try
Some things aren’t as easy as they look. Take putting the toilet paper roll onto the hanger for example. Wait, nevermind, that one is as easy as it looks. I’m not sure what happened here.
13. Watch Your Step
When there’s a fire in a building, everyone needs to get out as soon as possible. However, I’m no so sure that dropping 10 feet onto the asphalt street below is the best solution. How about a ladder, guys?
14. Do Not Do What?
This just goes to show how important every single word is in a sentence. They forgot just one word and now the entire message is useless. I can think of a million things that I shouldn’t do in a bathroom, but I’m not sure which one of those things is the thing they don’t want me to do.
15. Whoops
It can be easy to forget to pick things up after a long day of work. Unfortunately, for this worker, their mistake is quite literally set in stone for the boss the see. There’s no talking your way out of this one, bud.
16. Wait… What?
The message on this shirt is great. However, the execution of the design isn’t. I know that it’s meant to be read as “Don’t worry, be happy.” But all I’m seeing is a sweater that stresses me out.
17. Who Needs Paint?
Paint is expensive. And if you’ve been tasked with repainting the crosswalk lines, there may be some ways that you can cut corners to save some cash. I just hope for the pedestrians’ sake that whatever these guys are tacking down to the street won’t blow away.
18. Waterfall
Sure there’s a bit of a design flaw here, but at least it’s not dangerous. Oh wait, is that an electrical socket I see on the wall? Nevermind, this is dangerous.
19. Boneless Watermelon
Okay, we know that this boneless sticker doesn’t belong on the watermelon. But in the defense of the worker who put it there, they’re not wrong. There are definitely no bones in that melon.
20. Chilly Paper
If the Red Hot Chili Peppers weren’t such a famous band, then this typo would be a bigger deal. If the worker at this music shop had mistyped an unknown band’s name, on the other hand, that band’s name could have been forever changed.
21. If You Say So
You’d think that the College of Architecture and Planning would have been about to make a sign that actually fits over the door. But who knows, maybe they planned it to look this way. I’m not buying it.
22. Missed A Spot
In defense of the person who mowed this lawn, a cone is meant to alert people to potential hazards. So it’s not something that you tend to move around when you see it. Based on the height of that grass, it looks like that cone has been there for a while.
23. It’s A Miracle
This store recreated one of Jesus’s most famous miracles. Whether they did it on purpose or not is unknown. However, I think we can all agree that this miracle was the coolest of them all.
24. They Tried
Flooding seemed to be a scenario that the city thought about before finishing this park. I mean, they installed a drain and everything. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell them how gravity works.
25. Long Yellow Things
Even though this worker mislabeled the bananas, they still weren’t actually wrong. Bananas are, in fact, long yellow things. If anything, this employee deserves a raise for creativity.
26. Cut In Half
I’m not even sure how this happens. You have to place each tile one at a time, so it seems like a mistake that you’d notice before you finished the entire wall. I guess not.
27. Wait…
This one could slide by some of the less geographically-inclined folks out there, but for most of us, we clearly see the outline of Africa, not Asia. I wonder how many of these shirts they printed before realizing their mistake.
28. Cockeyed
Finally, we come across a mistake that I can actually understand. It’s not super clear which way those eyes are supposed to be sewed on. The funny part is that they decided to still sell it like that anyway.
29. Do Not Stack
Alright, this one is an example of sheer laziness. Clearly, these boxes aren’t meant to be stacked on top of each other like that. But when you just don’t care, anything is possible.
30. Is It, Though?
I love the fact that this fortune actually has to do with correctly completing a job–because it clearly wasn’t in this case. That makes me think that the worker might have done it on purpose, just for a laugh. If not, then this is some of the sweetest irony that I’ve ever tasted.
31. SOTP
How hard is it to spell stop? I mean, it’s only four letters and there was an example of how to spell it right there on a big red sign. At least people will still understand what they need to do–there shouldn’t be any car accidents due to this mistake.
32. Poor Placement
Which came first, the bench or the drain? I have to imagine that the drain was already there and the bench was placed in that spot during the dry season. At least it’ll work for half of the year.
33. Duh
Don’t you hate it when you get all of the measurements right, but you just forget to include all of them? That seems to be what happened here. The drawers line up perfectly–if only it weren’t for the darn handles.
34. Don’t Care
Sometimes, you just don’t care. And when a pile of dog poo happened to be in the path of the street painter, they just kept on painting. As long as no one moves it, maybe no one will notice.
35. Start Over
The frustrating thing about this is that it was only two pieces. They had a 50/50 shot of getting it right. Unfortunately, they chose wrong and are going to have to take it down and start again.
36. Hypocritical Sign
It sure seems like those cyclists would have already had plenty of room if it weren’t for that giant orange sign. The whole thing seems a bit hypocritical if you ask me. They might as well put up another one that just says, “Watch For Signs.”
37. St. Bunny
I actually kind of like this mistake. It combines the religious side of Easter with the secular side. Compromise is often the best solution.
38. Who Needs An Editor?
This one really is a case of having only one job. An editor’s job is simply to edit. Apparently, they didn’t.
39. Yikes
I’m pretty sure that most schools don’t require their students to brings knives to class–I’m glad that mine didn’t. I’m just going to hope that this display was meant for culinary school students only.
40. Fork In The Road
There is now quite literally a fork in the road. Either someone was making the best dad joke of all time, or there actually was a fork lying in the street when the street painters came through. I’m hoping for the former.
41. No Privacy
Man, they did such a good job installing these toilets. Unfortunately, they’re going to have to rip them out and start again. Only the brave would sit on a toilet that had no stall around it.
42. Take A Seat
This is why you should always look before sitting down on a public toilet seat. That could cause a real mess if someone wasn’t paying attention. Let’s hope that they got that one fixed quickly.
43. Thumb Drive Cake
When this cake was ordered, the customer brought in a thumb drive that carried the picture meant for the top of the cake. The cake decorator must have missed that part of their conversation. At least the image turned out nice and clean-looking.
44. All The Single Ladies
This may be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen at a grocery store. I can’t tell if it was a mistake or intentional. Either way, it’s hilarious.
45. Plenty Of Paper Towels
Five paper towel dispensers is far too many. You don’t even need one for each sink. You really only need one, maybe two at the most, to offer a sufficient amount of hand-drying material.
46. That’s Confusing
If I were shopping here, I would probably be standing outside this door for hours trying to figure out how to get in. Let’s hope that they had another correctly-labeled door somewhere.
47. Road to Nowhere
I can’t imagine that building an escalator is quick work. Someone–at some point during the building process–must have realized that it was heading straight into a wall. People never cease to amaze me.
48. On A First Name Basis
I just hope that this guy’s name is actually Firstname Lastname. It’s a long shot, but I’ve heard some crazy names in my time–and this one would not be the craziest.
49. Happy Birthday Dick
You know, the cake decorator was just following instructions. You really can’t blame them for writing what they did. If you didn’t want that on your cake, then you shouldn’t have written it down.
50. Nice Work
What’s funny is that they didn’t even need to add that extra piece of fencing on the side. The whole thing would have looked fine with just the two pieces to the left. Oh well, it’s not my fence.
51. Cutting Costs
Who needs to pay extra to get their logo the menus? I mean, people already know where they are at. They don’t need to menu to remind them.
52. That Looks Safe
I hope that you are an experienced biker if you are riding in this bike lane. It requires you to think fast have above-average bunnyhopping skills. Best of luck to you.
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