If you’ve ever forgotten to put on sunscreen when visiting the pool or the beach, you’ve probably been the victim of a nasty sunburn. We’ve all been there. And of course, with the popular push for more natural products these days, people are giving coconut oil a try.
A word to the wise: don’t use coconut oil. It won’t offer any protection from UV rays. In fact, you may end up with the worst sunburn of your life.
No, the best course of action is to get sunscreen with proper UV protection. Your skin will thank you!
Sun damage is problematic for more reasons than one. When you don’t wear sunscreen, you increase your risk of skin cancer. Depending on how bad your sunburn is, you may even need to go to the hospital — people have gotten second-degree burns from the sun before!
Do you want to know the most amazing thing? If you remember your grade school science classes, you know the sun is 92.96 million miles away from earth. Yet, it can still wreak havoc on our skin and cause pain. So, take my word for it and slap another layer of sunscreen on.
I’m not sure why this guy’s bare butt is out, but that’s not what the eye is drawn to. You just can’t help but stare at that sunburn, which must be absolute agony.
This couple was probably hoping to enjoy a sunny day at the pool or beach but things got a little TOO sunny. Now, their expressions are ones of pure regret.
3. Well, we know what her bathing suit looked like
It’s amazing the amount of detail a sunburn can capture even though the sun is so far away. Just look at this woman’s stylish bathing suit tie — or the imprint of it, at least.
The most obvious guess here is that this guy fell asleep in the sun with one hand on his chest. The result was this painful and strange-looking sunburn.
Having extremely fair skin can be torture when spending a lot of time in the sun. This redhead is paying for the hours she stayed outside with this painful burn.
While this poor guy isn’t wearing a tank top, it kind of looks like it at first glance! No, he’s just showing off two different skin tones — before-sun skin and after-sun skin.
Does anyone want to take bets on what this sunburn is from? Ice cream, cereal, or soup are all legitimate guesses — though hopefully, no one tries to eat soup on a hot day.
This guy might be laughing off his odd new look but take note everyone — a hat and sunglasses are not enough to protect you from the sun. You need actual sunscreen!
This guy might be goofing off about his sunburn, but he’s in for a nasty surprise. I’m pretty sure the minute his friend poked him, he let out a yell — that hurts!
This unfortunate guy fell asleep in the sun with his hand on his stomach. Now he’s got a burned hand, a burned chest, and an interesting tattoo of sorts.
Even if you put sunscreen on when hitting the beach, you might forget that your feet need protection, too. Otherwise, you end up with roasted feet like this poor girl.
Here’s another guy who’s basically the poster child for sunblock. His face is bad enough, but then you look at the contrast with his torso and it looks even worse!
Some people actually go looking to get sunburned by covering parts of their skin in a design. This guy took the opportunity to make an amateur drawing and photobomb this otherwise lovely picture.
Applying sunblock to the body is important. But at a certain point, you just need someone to lend a hand and get that tricky spot in the middle of your back. This guy serves as a warning for why you should never go to the beach alone.
This lady’s tattoo doesn’t usually have any color, but today, it’s gone from black to red and white. That’s what comes from wearing a two-piece bathing suit that cuts off your tattoo’s head.
This poor guy most likely fell asleep in the sun in a group of friends. It was an amateur mistake that he clearly paid for. He needs some sunscreen…and some better friends.
At first, you might think he’s wearing a white T-shirt. But then when you look a little closer, you realize he’s not wearing a shirt at all but a first-degree burn.
This guy might have a terrible sunburn in a ridiculous design but he doesn’t have time to be upset about it. He’s not about to let it get in the way of having a good time.
This guy decided to take his self-designed sunburn in a slightly different direction and express his love for his favorite musical group. The burn looks painful, but his broad smile doesn’t seem regretful.
27. As they said in Indiana Jones: “You chose poorly”
It’s always unfortunate to get a sunburn on your feet. It’s even worse if you’re wearing shoes. It’s probably the absolute worst if you’re wearing these shoes.
This guy’s sunburn betrayed an interesting factoid about him — he’s definitely been wearing a bikini top at some point recently. But he doesn’t seem to mind broadcasting the news.
Kim Kardashian made all her followers cringe when she shared a selfie of her awful sunburn. On the bright side, she could probably afford some really good lotion for it, right?
This guy has a pretty bad sunburn on his stomach, but he doesn’t seem to be too upset about it. Now he’s got two smiles and both of them are pretty wide.
There are some prom invites that take things just a bit too far and this one might fall under that category. Is that what teen girls go for these days?
No one looks their best in a mugshot. But this guy is making everyone cringe with his. He’s made a habit of wearing a bandana, but apparently not sunscreen.
Apparently, there’s more than one guy who’s been hanging out by the pool wearing a bikini top. It’s much more common than you think, at least if these guys are any indication.
At first glance, all you think when you see this guy is “Ouch!” But when you look a little longer, you have to ask yourself — how on earth did he manage to get sunburned on his torso but not his shoulders?
This guy is playing it off with a silly pose, Even so, that sunburn honestly looks terrible. And how did he manage to get burned on just the lower half of his back?
Sometimes, it’s hard to know just how bad a sunburn is until you get a visual reference for comparison. In this case, seeing her skin next to her shorts makes you cringe.
This guy isn’t drawing superheroes on himself — he prefers a bull design with stripes on his face. But all that detail can’t hide how bad that burn is!
When you’re putting sunscreen on your friend’s back, make sure you cover everything from top to bottom. Otherwise, your friend may end up with an interesting pattern like this one.
This tourist was spotted wearing a sundress that revealed her VERY red sunburn as she browsed the lotion aisle. We might not know who she is, but we all know what she’s going through.
This picture is said to be of an extra on a movie set who wore a helmet as part of his costume while spending long hours in the hot sun during filming. It landed him with an extremely unique sunburn.
This guy has some shoes with an interesting design, to say the least. But you don’t have to imagine them — you can see every detail branded onto his feet!
Here’s a guy who looks like he’s enjoying himself at this event, but he also looks like he forgot to bring a bottle of sunscreen along. Judging by that hand shape on his stomach, he’s been napping.
This one came with an explanation — the woman in the picture was in so much pain, she couldn’t bear to smile. She settled on making this grimace instead.
If you’ve ever forgotten to put on sunscreen when visiting the pool or the beach, you’ve probably been the victim of a nasty sunburn. We’ve all been there. And of course, with the popular push for more natural products these days, people are giving coconut oil a try.
A word to the wise: don’t use coconut oil. It won’t offer any protection from UV rays. In fact, you may end up with the worst sunburn of your life.
No, the best course of action is to get sunscreen with proper UV protection. Your skin will thank you!
Sun damage is problematic for more reasons than one. When you don’t wear sunscreen, you increase your risk of skin cancer. Depending on how bad your sunburn is, you may even need to go to the hospital — people have gotten second-degree burns from the sun before!
Do you want to know the most amazing thing? If you remember your grade school science classes, you know the sun is 92.96 million miles away from earth. Yet, it can still wreak havoc on our skin and cause pain. So, take my word for it and slap another layer of sunscreen on.