There is too much cruelty in this world. Hearing about all the hate that gets spewed out daily can be exhausting. That is why it is always great to hear about good stories! One of the best places to escape to is the #girlssupportinggirls hashtag thread on Twitter. It is comforting to read about real life occurrences where instead of being met with cattiness, women have been met with support! We have complied 50 of the best tweets from the #girlssupportinggirls thread, so every woman can scroll through and take a big sigh of relief! Cheers to women supporting women!
1. Our Stop
This girl knew that a stranger was making another girl uncomfortable. Instead of leaving it alone and considering it some one else’s problem, she stepped in! Way to look out for another girl!

2. Checking In
This best friend wanted to make sure her friend was having the best date possible. She was not going to wait by her phone for updates, she made sure she could watch her own play by play! Great disguise.

3. Bathroom Support
The greatest place to go for any woman when she is feeling down is the ladies bathroom! A ladies bathroom can turn into a therapist officer, hair salon, or make up chair at any given moment. It does not matter if its a bathroom full of strangers or your best friends, it’s a room full of support!

4. Women in the Workplace
There is nothing like women supporting women in the workplace! Instead of being met with competition, there should be more occasions of women looking out for each other and helping one another grow! Good job ladies.

5. Updates
These two girlfriends have figured out the quickest way to fill each other in on their lives. As girls grow up it gets harder and harder to stay connected on the daily. It is important to stay connected whenever you can though, and these two have figured out how to do so in the funniest way!

6. Strangers
Just because another girl is a stranger does not mean another girl cannot be caring. These two examples show how some girls went above and beyond to support another girl! It cannot be stressed enough the importance of knowing a great nail salon.

7. Job Recommendation
When this girl reached out to a stranger about her job, not only was she informed about the job qualifications but also given a job recommendation if she ever needed one! Way to go above and beyond in supporting other women.

8. Chocolate Binge
Sometimes men just do not understand what it takes to cheer up a woman. This woman works in a male dominated job, so the other two women took it upon themselves to cheer her up. They knew exactly what it would take, chocolate!

9. A Girl in Need
This woman knows that even if she cannot help in that very moment herself, she is going to stay with the woman until she gets the help she needs! That is some dedication in girls supporting girls. Hopefully if you are ever stuck in this jam, she is the stranger you ask for help!

10. Shots with Grandma
This grandma was not here to judge any of these young girls, she was there to take shots with them! Talk about the coolest grandma! This grandma even posted her picture with them on social media.

11. Shoulder to Lean on
Sometimes a girl just needs a shoulder to lean on and a friendly ear to vent to! That is what this girl found in a stranger on the subway. It was exactly what she needed and was able to get off the subway feeling better. Thank you kind stranger!

12. Show of Support
This show of support from her best friend brought this soon to be mother to tears! There is nothing better than hearing how much your friendship truly does mean to some one. So, everyone go tell your best friend how much you love them in honor of these two ladies!

13. Selfies
These young girls had one older reminiscing about her younger years. Instead of staying in memory, these younger girls made sure she knew that her “best” days were not behind her and made a new friend instead! The smile they put on her face is just amazing.

14. Twin Brothers
When this woman thought she saw a man cheating with an acquaintance of hers, she did not care that they were not close. She went and told the girl about her boyfriend possibly cheating on her! It ended up being her boyfriend’s twin brother, but she appreciated the girl looking out for her!

15. Pay it Forward
When a stranger complimented another girl about her dress, this girl made sure to pay if forward. She told her girlfriends about the compliment, who all went and started complimenting the stranger themselves! Talk about a nice night out.

16. Grandma Love
Usually grandma’s are the person that continuously compliment their grandchildren. This granddaughter makes sure it is the other way around. Not only does she call her grandma her best friend, she makes sure her grandma knows how gorgeous she is. She even asks for multiple angles of her grandma in pictures! Amazing!

17. Stalker
When these two girls thought that an unknown man was following a girl by herself, they did not ignore it. They checked in with the girl to make sure that she was safe. Thankfully, she knew the guy but good looking out by these two girls, better safe than sorry.

18. Flowers
Sometimes when a girl does something nice, she will receive kindness in return. This woman complimented another woman on her flower gardens and in doing so, the woman put a flower right in her hat! These two ladies know that kindness given is kindness received!

19. Friendship Lies
This girlfriend knew the best way she could support her friend was by keeping up her lie! These high school girls are sticking together, through thick and thin. Good luck to their parents because these girls will always support each other!

20. In Sickness
This stranger went the extra mile in helping another girl out. She bought her the supplies she would need to get through a long day being sick. It might not have been a lot but it was exactly what she needed. Two thumbs up to that woman!

21. Pepper Spray
When a woman thought a stranger was being followed by a man, she gave her the tools to handle it herself! Not only was it pepper spray, but it was pink pepper spray! Adorable and efficient.

22. Divorce Support Group
One group of girlfriends knew exactly what their newly divorced friend needed, a vacation! They even created coordinated shirts so everybody would know the reason for their trip. It was probably a great idea for the shirts, so everyone would not judge the girls for being drunk at inappropriate times in the day!

23. Flowers
When a stranger spotted another girl crying over a guy, she knew the remedy was flowers! What a perfect gift, she made sure not to cross any boundaries by getting in her business but rather just some pretty flowers and a note of support. Every woman knows how heartbreak feels and these flowers were very thoughtful to let her know she is not alone in her pain!

24. Grey’s Anatomy
When this lecture class got to boring, one girl made sure the girl behind her was not bored to tears either! There is nothing better than sneaking in some Grey’s Anatomy whenever you can and if she could not hear it, she was at least going to let her read it! Talk about girls support girls on the sly!

25. Checking In
This woman was unsure if the other woman knew she was being followed. So, she sat down and checked in the girl. Instead of leaving it there she was even willing to get off with her at her stop, even though it was not hers. More women can learn from this girl, way to step up!

26. New You
This best friend made sure that even though her friend might not feel great after her break up, that she would still look great! She bought her some new clothes and makeup to help make her feel better and maybe get out on the dating scene again. What a great friend.

27. Sound Girls
This employee wanted women to know that workplaces exist that are women friendly! Not only is her organization women friendly but all the women are there to support one another and not compete against each other. Talk about having the dream job!

28. Looking Out
This girlfriend brings supplies for all the girls she is with. There is no better friend, then a friend that is prepared for anything. Good looking out!

29. Girl Compliments
Some of the best compliments a woman can receive is by another girl. Women will give compliments about honest attributes and not superficial ones. This stranger complimenting another girls freckles, which stunned her. Every woman should be proud of every part about her, even down to her freckles!

30. Nail Salon
This girl went above and beyond for a stranger! She not only told the girl where she got her nails done, but gave her the exact address and a picture of the nail salon, so she would no exactly where to go! Every girl knows the importance of a good nail salon and she was not going to disappoint a stranger with bad advice!

31. Lash Appointment
When one of their girlfriends lashes started to fall off, these girls made sure to take care of it! They did not care where they were or who was watching, they had some eyelashes to fix! It was a group effort for these girls, but they got the job done.

32. 3 A.M. Check In
For girls, getting home in the middle of the night can be a dangerous task. These girls know that the best way to support other girls is by making sure everyone got home safe! Well done girls!

33. New Mom
Being a mother to a newborn can be one of the most trying times in a woman’s life. This sister makes sure that her sister knows she is doing a great job and is strong enough to keep going! Sometimes a coffee and a good pep talk is all a new mother needs!

34. It’s Ok to Move
This woman just needed a confirmation that it was not all in her head, the guy was being annoying! So, with a quick head nod she let her know she could sit with her instead. Way to support another girl!

35. Struggling
There will be a point in every woman’s life where she will be struggling. When this happens, it is always great to have a great support system of women that will be there to help get you through. These girls helped a girlfriend out with some food and a new outfit, just enough to keep her going! It gets better, we promise.

36. Long Night
This mother fell asleep with an entire to do list still left to do. That is when her girlfriend stepped in and finished it all for her. She woke up to packed suitcases and a letter left by her friend. The letter let her know everything that was packed and all the items she was not able to accomplish. What an amazing girlfriend!

37. Hair on Point
When a girl asked a stranger where she got her hair done at, the stranger went above and beyond with her response! Not only did she make the girl an appointment, but made sure she would receive a discount when she went. Girls supporting other girls hair!

38. Friendly Reminder
This girl received a friendly reminder from a group of strangers that her makeup was on point and she was looking fabulous! Sometimes it is easier to believe a compliment when it comes from strangers. These girls made her day and all it took was telling her how they felt. It can be that easy!

39. Lipstick
When a girl let another girl know she liked her lipstick, the girl did not just reply thank you. Instead, she pulled that lipstick right on out of her purse and let the other girl try it on. What a response to a compliment!

40. Revolving Door
When a girl made the nice gesture to hold the door open for another group of girls, their response was amazing. One by one, as they entered, they gave the girl a compliment or a simple “thank you.” So simple and so sweet.

41. Photo Shoot
One best friend wanted to make sure her friend knew how gorgeous she was that day. So, she started a photo shoot with her friend. This girl knows she has a great best friend because she even was treated with ice cream during the photo shoot!

42. Scrunchie
Most girls have a favorite hair tie or scrunchie. One girl gave hers to a stranger in need and will miss her favorite scrunchie forever! Yet, most girls know the struggle of needing a hair tie and not having one, so kudos to this stranger for stepping up and supporting another woman!

43. Friendship Goals
A good girlfriend will take photographs for you, but a great girlfriend will make sure you are looking great in those photos! This great girlfriend went that extra mile and made sure these photos were worthy of her friend. Good job amateur photographer and supporter of women!

44. Last Minute Check In
The closing time at a bar can get really sketchy for women. This girl is aware of that and makes sure to watch out for all women in the bar, not just her friends. When a man seems to pushy with a woman at the end of the night, she will step in and make sure the woman is willingly going home with a guy. Talk about a superhero for the night!

45. Slow but Happy
There is no greater feeling than being happy and in love. This girl saw that knowing smile on the face of a stranger and would not let her apologize for walking slow. She made sure to let her know that she understood. Every girl should support the happiness of other girls!

46. Broken Nail
When she broke a nail at the cinema, it was another woman that stepped in to help glue it back on! Instead of laughing at her for falling over, she came in and helped the girl out. Shout out to that girl is right!

47. Picture Perfect
When she wanted the perfect picture, it was her girlfriends that stepped in to make that happen! Cheers to girlfriends helping out in whatever way they can, even by giving a little “lift” every now and then.

48. They Saw Nothing
When a woman fell in the street, instead of embarrassing the girl, two women came over for the rescue. They not only helped her up but went on pretending as if they were all together. What a way to help a girl out during an embarrassing moment. There is no need to make life more embarrassing than it already is!

49. Bomb Lighting
These girls knew the key to Lizzo’s lyrics before they were even released, “fresh photos with the bomb lighting.” These girlfriends went the extra mile to make sure their friend had that bomb lighting. The end result was well worth the time spent!

50. Group Support
It takes a great group of girlfriends to get through life. Life, be it relationships, family, children, or careers, can be rough at times. This group of girlfriends know that and made sure they would always be there for each other no matter how time consuming life got. How? By creating a private Facebook group they could always reach each other at. Amazing!

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