Trashy people are everywhere around us, and no matter how hard we try to deny this fact, chances are, we’re going to run into some trashy people one way or another. For the most part, trashy people lack any depth and meaning in life and try to compensate for it with questionable behavior. These folks can sometimes be funny and make us feel better about ourselves, but on the other hand, they can be downright disgusting and give the whole humankind a bad name.
Trashiness alert! Brace yourselves, for you’re about to see the list of 50 trashy people you won’t believe exist among us.

No comment necessary
A day like any other, nothing unusual to see here, just chillin’ out on the beach and reading Mein Kampf. He also seems unable to stop staring at her bathing suit… as trashy as it gets.

“A millionaire using a protest to loot good from a mall”
Now let’s not judge, just because someone’s a millionaire doesn’t mean they’re beyond taking the opportunity to loot and vandalize. Jake Paul was formally charged for looting a couple of weeks ago but denied the charges. Guilty or not, he sure is one trashy millionaire.

Does this make you lose your faith in humanity?
This sad and trashy story went viral a few weeks ago when the media reported that a Washington Examiner employee was caught posing with a power drill in front of a boarded-up store after which she drove off in a Mercedes. Days later she lost her intern with the Washington Examiner. Don’t you love karma?

You know someone lives a sad existence when they take pleasure in giving employees a hard time. Here’s an honest piece of advice to people who hate McDonald’s: don’t eat there.

Trial and error
They got it right… eventually. Don’t you also find it weird – and kind of ironic as well – that whoever did this followed it with a ‘Te Amo’? Seems like their motives will remain a mystery.

Is a comment needed?
Some will people will do just about anything to pay for cosmetic surgery, including prostituting their own daughter. Be that as it may, we have to say the surgery didn’t really work. If you’re trashy on the inside, chances are you’re also going to be trashy on the outside.

Shame free zone
Why wait to do it at the privacy of your own home to make out with your partner (or at least we hope she’s his partner)? Passion is a force that can overcome all other emotions – decency including.

Uhm… okay
Disgusting being the key word here. Trashy also comes to mind. On top of it all, the status gathered 42 likes. It’s a strange world we’re living in.

Can’t say we don’t agree
In the ocean of creative protest slogans out there, this one takes the prize. Here’s one reason you should watch the BBC.

“A cocaine themed 16th birthday cake”
It takes a single look at this cake to lose our appetite. If there ever was an award for the trashiest cake ever this cake should definitively get it.

“There has to be a story behind this”
Some guys can feel really awkward when they need to walk into a store and buy a condom but others don’t have that problem. After all, it pays to test the product before you buy it, just to be on the safe side.

“Friend got married today and this was on her hotel door”
Imagine getting married and enjoying your wedding day, until you open the hotel door and find a message like the one below. We already knew there are many weirdos out there but this is just gross – and trashy of course.

High maintenance cost
If we were in this guy’s shoes we’d definitively think long and hard whether it’s worth staying in a relationship such as this. He can do a lot better.

“Drunk mom bites dad at Disneyland. Dad needed a tetanus shot”
There are a couple of valuable life lessons to be learned from this story. Number one: never become an alcoholic. Number two: never date an alcoholic. Number three: if you disregard number one and number two, don’t open the door to your alcoholic partner if they’re really thrashed and are pounding on it.

Huggy bear from hell
Rumor has it that Hitler was very fond of stuffed animals and wouldn’t sleep without his favorite huggy bear. History is always a perfect source of inspiration, don’t you think?

“The murder Hornets may be at your local Walmart!!”
Have you ever heard of ‘Walmart people’? If you didn’t, let’s just say that this photo captures the very essence of the term. Or as one Reddit user put it: “There’s a big diff between people who shop at Walmart and Walmart people. This is a Walmart person. Avoid them.”

It was an honest mistake. After all, who can really tell the difference between a police car and a water service vehicle? Most of us probably don’t even know how the latter looks like. Though, if you really want to be a rebel and make your point, it pays to know how a police car doesn’t look like.

Trashy phone snatcher
Something’s telling us this may not be their first time stealing a phone and hoping to get away with it. This is 2020 and you’re not going to be able to use a stolen phone just like that.

This ain’t trashy, it’s cool. It must have taken a lot of effort to get there but the end result was worth it. And we thought we’ve already seen it all!

“Found this naked-lady-camo Mercedes on my walk today. Complete with actual F-bombs”
If you think this is trashy it means you don’t understand art. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So fancy it hurts
You may have been wondering what’s the font used to make this tattoo. It’s called “Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly” and it’s very fancy. Why would anyone actually want it for a tattoo or why would anyone get a tattoo such as this is another question altogether.

“House in my town with a stolen McDonald’s sign in their yard”
Imagine waking up one day and realize that a McDonald’s sign would look cool in your yard. It would sure make the neighbors turn green with envy. It’s the only reasonable explanation we can come up with.

“A fool and his money are easily parted”
Vicar was probably too late to realize that he had made a mistake. His husband did good out of it and couldn’t hide the fact.

“2020 is a leap year & it leaped right into some bullshit”
Let’s pay no attention to the writing and take a moment to appreciate art. If you thought that good taste and artistic talent go hand in hand, you were wrong.

“Love where I work!”
Who would’ve thought that doing whip-its can prove to be so costly. On a more serious note, doing whip-its is trashy, not to mention dangerous.

It’s not what it looks like!
Now this is the whole new level of trashiness we’re witnessing here. Nevertheless, it may be just our mind playing tricks on us, it’s totally not racism.

Words of wisdom
It may be a trashy way to motivate someone to stay in school but it sure is an effective one! Every time they see a 20 dollar bill they’re going to remember these wise words and the importance of education.

Vandalizing is so easy, you don’t need to ask questions, know anything about history, or even what exactly are you protesting against, so long as you enjoy destroying public property. It’s much easier to destroy than to build something.

“Y’all I don’t know if this is a joke or not but I was disgusted by this…”
Even if this is a joke, it can only make us cringe. If she really gets turned on by wanton destruction of property and violence, it may be a good idea to pay a visit to a shrink.

“Sad representation of America”
Real masks are for dummies. These two ladies came up with a much better solution and even though it may not be effective against COVID-19, it looks extremely fashionable.

“I have no words…. I can smell the tan from here”
If you an eye for detail, you’ve probably noticed the white arm. However, it’s not the arm that worries us. Of all the ways to make her point across she had to choose this.

Firearm safety 101
We’re sure the gun safety is on, though that’s not the problem here. Despite the fact it most likely isn’t a real gun, it doesn’t make this photo any less trashy.

An offer you can’t refuse
This exchange started on a somewhat positive note, with her introducing herself as the girl who bought ‘a couple of gs the other night’ then it got slightly weird when she asked for a ‘little favor’. Soon enough we learned of her real motive and when the guy refused her offer of sexual favors for weed, she didn’t take it well. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any trashier we read her mentioning her man and how they could’ve had a good time while he was at work. Does this really need a comment at this point?

“Arkansas Woman Competes With Florida Man”
When things don’t go your way there’s nothing left but to bite your way out of trouble. No, it didn’t happen in Florida and all we can say is that we’re as shocked as you are.

“It was loot the giant bottle of Nesquik, or loot nothing…”
He wasn’t going home empty-handed, no matter what. Honestly, who can blame him, no one can resist Nesquik!

Oh, the memories
Ten years from now, most of us will look back to 2020 as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and for the most of us, the memories of the pandemic will be limited to mask selfies (which are now commonly referred to as ‘maskies’ in case you didn’t know) and photos of empty toilet paper aisles, but this guy decided to go a step further. Original, isn’t it?

“She’s got to eat”
Survival is tough, especially amid the coronavirus pandemic when the world as we know it is changing rapidly. Now, let’s be honest with ourselves and admit we’d probably do the same as her to get our hands on a free supreme nacho.

“Influencers did it again”
Of all the evil things which had befallen the world following the rise of social media, none are worse than the new kind of creature we usually refer to as an influencer. They haunt our cities, our social media profiles, and nothing is sacred to them. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at the photo below.

The Puerto Rico controversy
A Puerto Rican flag at the halftime show? Oh, the horror! Now please someone tell this guy to stop listening to Despacito before it’s too late.

“Couple arrested after barricading themselves in apartment for allegedly stabbing someone”
The guy (assuming it’s a he) on the right would make the real Joker cringe. In the words of one Reddit user: “It’s less “what drugs are they on?” And more “ what drugs AREN’T they on?!”

Happy Father’s Day!
We get it, there’s nothing easier than being a dad, so why are people making a big deal out of Father’s Day? Sarcasm aside, why is it so hard for some people to show respect to others?

Journalism in Brazil
A good journalists always has to be on the lookout for a good story and be prepared for action at all times. This fellow may have died before she got her interview with him, so good timing was of the utmost importance.

Make love not war
Isn’t that a terrific idea, to solve the problem of racial inequality through marriage? Here’s a good candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Remember what we said about influencers a few slides back? We rest our case.

“At Least It Wasn’t Florida…”
Here’s a welcome break from all that depressing trashiness we presented you with in this slideshow. Next time you think of all those unorthodox things you can do with your vacuum cleaner, remember this guy and his ill-fated attempted to meddle with his fart.

“This lady resting on the apples at Walmart”
It’s hard to work on your feet the whole day and one simply has to sit down and catch a break during a busy shift. However, we bet there were customers who complained about a weird taste in their mouth after eating those apples.

“Also she’s 19 with 3 kids”
How do you mean you actually have a high school diploma? No felonies either? Now that’s suspicious. You’re supposed to graduate high school and not have any felonies? Sounds like Miss Perfect.

“When you fuck up an Airbnb and write a bad review”
Let’s not jump to conclusions. The ‘never again’ was maybe referring to all those things she did that night and which usually result in regret when you’re sober enough to realize what you did. Somehow she managed to come out as trashy and get owned at the same time.

“Ouch, double betrayal”
This one is like reading trashy erotica. It results in disgust, frustration, and ultimately – betrayal.
“This DailyMail headline about Demi Lovato selling her $8m home”
Here’s how you can be insensitive, sensationalist, and trashy in a single article. Did we really expect anything else from tabloid media?