Maps can be useful when it comes to locating a town or learning about an area. However, some maps are less useful than others.
Here are 50 maps that are great for a laugh but probably not so helpful when it comes to getting from point A to point B.
There are a lot of maps that show what states are famous for. Usually, it’s not a bunch of faces. We hope you like your state’s celebrity. There are no refunds.
If you turn North America and South America on their side, you get a duck. Maybe this is the way the map should really be.
Well, the US does always win the Super Bowl. We guess this proves that you have to play to win.
It turns out that if you squirt or get out a marker, the continents are actually a cat. As for Australia, it’s now a ball that cat has been playing with. Hey, we always knew cats ruled the earth. Now there’s proof.
Usually, maps focus on what states are famous for. In this case, it’s based on what (or who) they hate.
Miley is great. Cyprus is great. However, if we never have to see the two together again like this, that would be great.
Have you ever wondered what the world would look like if it were nothing but South America? Now you know.
When you’re in Antarctica, even the southern portion (wherever that may be) is going to feel like the north. That could lead to some very confusing directions.
It can be challenging to know where every country on the planet is. This is a map of all of the places Americans thought were Iran.
Well, now we know what France really thinks about Belgium. We hope they’re at least sharing some of the electricity from the nuclear plant.
Sometimes, you just want to go see the world. Other times, you only have half a tank of gas. Here’s the solution.
Some say that people in the United Kingdom like to drink. This map of bars (better known as pubs to the locals) makes it hard to argue against.
Are you a potato person or a tomato person? Choose wisely. Apparently, you would have to live on the border between the two lands to have both.
#14 At least we can spell Iceland
This map of Iceland makes an ordinary spelling test seem like a piece of cake. Never mind spelling them; how do you pronounce any of those towns?
Now, this is getting into the good stuff. Who doesn’t like Halloween candy?
Italians know their food. They also seem to be acutely aware of everyone else’s food as well.
Australia may be furrier than you realize. And you thought they were only known for crocodiles and koalas.
This is what our maps would look like if Antarctica were placed at the center. It’s actually kind of beautiful.
Here is a map of something that couldn’t possibly have happened. I hope everyone now feels better informed.
No, France isn’t full of mean people. That tiny dot just happens to be the city of Nice.
Every state is famous for something. Here are the brands that each state is most famous for.
#22 When you’re technically bigger than a planet
This is a depiction of Australia and Pluto. Maybe Earth really is bigger than we give it credit for.
Have you ever wondered how many times the population of Canada can fit into the United States? Well, now you know
It’s actually kind of interesting and beautiful, if you can get over the fact that it also looks like the printer is slowly failing and running out of ink.
Some places just get all of the cool stuff. The only cool stuff Canada gets is snow. Snow is super cool. In fact, it’s below freezing.
Now, that’s punny. How many countries can say that? We’re guessing there aren’t many.
Someone decided to measure parts of Canada to see how Canadian they were. This was the result.
This is just a map of the popularity of cats versus dogs.
Luke gets it:
“I’m just here to make puns about Mew York and Catlifornia. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.”
Have you ever looked at a map and thought, “this needs a dinosaur”? You’re in luck.
We all have those days when we feel like we just can’t blend into the crowd. Minnesota has that feeling every time they go to grab a cup of coffee.
Warning! These are locations where they really might not have seen the yellow light at the intersection.
Here is a map of what part of the country to go to when you’re hungry. You’re welcome.
There is always one place that has to be different. In this case, it’s Poland.
#34 Very important information
Admit it, you just compared the color of your jeans to the part of the map you’re from. Well, do they match up?
If you ever have trouble locating Kentucky on a map, just use this nifty trick. All you have to do is find the chef.
#36 When reality interjects
Holding hands around the world is a really sweet idea. However, there’s this little thing called the ocean.
Clearly, if there are Indonesians, then there must be Outdonesians. Right?
Just in case you were having trouble, we found this handy map to dogs. The treat detector is an especially important area of the canine topography.
Just in case you have ever wanted to own a kangaroo, here are the states it’s legal in. However, we still don’t recommend owning a kangaroo. When they kick, it hurts!
If only that one county didn’t have to show off and be twice as big as the rest. Oh well.
#41 Distance from the coast
Are you unsure of how far you are from the coast? This heatmap will help you to figure out if you’re just a short distance away or really far from any beaches.
Map humor can be funny, really. We just hope Turkey thinks so too.
Usually, we use maps to find the shortest route to a destination. Occasionally, we use them to find the scenic route. This, however, is taking it a step too far.
Just in case you still haven’t figured out which Springfield the one in the Simpsons is based on, now you can go and visit them all to find out for yourself. Are you ready for a road trip?
We already knew that about the green area. This may win the prize for pointless maps.
For some reason, electrical consumption was extremely low in 1507. We wonder, could it be because it wasn’t invented yet?
This is a very nice tattoo for a mortal being. However, if you happen to be immortal, you might regret it someday.
Do you say dang? We might be able to tell based on what state you live in.
Maybe it’s a map of the water drains. Hey, you never know.
There weren’t many air bases in the second century (zero, exactly). However, that didn’t stop someone from making a map for them anyway.
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Maps can be useful when it comes to locating a town or learning about an area. However, some maps are less useful than others.
Here are 50 maps that are great for a laugh but probably not so helpful when it comes to getting from point A to point B.