Being exceptionally tall is cool in some ways. You can reach things off the top shelf, paint ceilings with ease, and never need a stepladder. But there are plenty of other problems that you’ll probably face on a day-to-day basis. Here’s the craziest thing — people who aren’t tall just can’t relate.

Most people don’t know what it’s like not to fit into cars comfortably, hit their head on doorframes, or need to crouch just to wash their hair in the shower. And they definitely don’t know what it’s like to have people say the same few phrases every time they see you: “How’s the weather up there?”, “Have you grown?” and “Do you play basketball?”

In some places, people openly goggle at you. They might even ask to take your picture. You might not get this treatment if you’re 6 foot 4, but any taller than that and people might treat you like a tourist attraction!

However, being tall isn’t all bad. Even though it’s a daily challenge, there’s plenty to enjoy about it, too. Just remember the next time someone calls you the Jolly Green Giant (you know, because you’re wearing a green shirt), put their lunch up on a high shelf.

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