Being exceptionally tall is cool in some ways. You can reach things off the top shelf, paint ceilings with ease, and never need a stepladder. But there are plenty of other problems that you’ll probably face on a day-to-day basis. Here’s the craziest thing — people who aren’t tall just can’t relate.
Most people don’t know what it’s like not to fit into cars comfortably, hit their head on doorframes, or need to crouch just to wash their hair in the shower. And they definitely don’t know what it’s like to have people say the same few phrases every time they see you: “How’s the weather up there?”, “Have you grown?” and “Do you play basketball?”
In some places, people openly goggle at you. They might even ask to take your picture. You might not get this treatment if you’re 6 foot 4, but any taller than that and people might treat you like a tourist attraction!
However, being tall isn’t all bad. Even though it’s a daily challenge, there’s plenty to enjoy about it, too. Just remember the next time someone calls you the Jolly Green Giant (you know, because you’re wearing a green shirt), put their lunch up on a high shelf.
1. You haven’t been able to comfortably take a bath since you were a child
You’ll want to watch your head when walking down the stairs. Actually, you’ll want to watch your head while you’re walking up the stairs as well. Actually, just watch your head, period.
Hugging people is hard when you’re really tall. You risk crushing their head against your chest, which is just awkward for everyone. Maybe it’s better to stick to a handshake.
There are a couple of options for taking a picture when you’re tall. You can sit, kneel, crouch, or pull off this split move, which is hard to sustain. Quick, snap the picture!
5. You’ve never been able to see your face in a normal mirror
There’s nothing like trying to use the toilet while your legs are scrunched up to your chest or sitting awkwardly in the tub. Seriously, can we all agree to make the bathrooms bigger from now on?
Good luck trying to wash your hair! Showerheads aren’t made for really tall people. If you’re lucky, you can get your chest and body wet and …well, wash your hair another day.
There’s nothing like trying to squeeze yourself into a narrow, low booth to punch some tiny little buttons. You’re just going to have to crouch down on the concrete.
These are the kind of things people who aren’t tall would never think of. For most individuals, this air freshener sprays well above their heads. For tall people, it delivers a face full of deodorizer.
Airplanes are cramped even for normal-sized people. For those with exceptional height, they’re a downright nightmare. There’s no room for your legs or your head, and no one wants to sit by you.
Good luck with trying to cook dinner. You’ll have to figure out those low countertops in your kitchen. The best you can probably do is kneel on the floor or grab a chair.
13. You’re going to get up close and personal on public transport
Everyone hates sitting next to a tall person on public transport, but if anything, tall people hate it just as much. Who wants to get their legs tangled up with a complete stranger?
“High ceilings,” my foot. They might be high for normal people, but they still present a hazard to you. Watch your head whenever you’re inside a building — you never know when you might hit it.
Normal seats aren’t big enough, tables aren’t high enough, and measuring charts aren’t long enough. Once you reach to a certain height, you actually need special accommodations.
For very tall people, it can be hard to hold a conversation. That’s because you’re a full two feet away from others, making it hard for them to hear you. They either have to get higher or you have to bend down.
Standard chairs just aren’t made for tall people. Legroom doesn’t exist for them, especially in auditoriums or stadiums where they might have to resort to sitting on the aisle and creating a tripping hazard.
Imagine being all pumped and ready to workout, only to realize you don’t fit on the treadmill! If that’s happened to you, there’s a good chance you’re a tall person. At least you’ll save on a gym membership.
Your choices in a car are pretty much limited when you’re tall. Public transportation is extremely uncomfortable, but unfortunately, so is private transportation. There’s just no winning.
No one wants to look over a stall and make eye contact with another person — or worse, accidentally look down at the individual in the next stall. But that’s the unfortunate lot of tall people.
Cars aren’t your friend when you’re tall. Your head hits the ceiling, your knees hit the steering wheel, and everything is uncomfortable — and sometimes even unsafe!
Even normal-sized people have to bend down to drink out of a water fountain, which means that tall people essentially have to fold themselves in half! There’s nothing like performing a contortionist act all for the sake of getting a drink.
“How’s the weather up there?” “Have you grown since I last saw you?” “Hey there, Jolly Green Giant!” Tall people have heard it all. You might as well start carrying business cards with all your rote answers on them.
24. You’re not trying anything on in a fitting room
The same problem with bathroom stalls also exists with fitting rooms. When your upper and lower body are completely visible, you don’t exactly want to try on anything in the store.
When everything is at eye level, you hit your head – a lot. Walking through a doorway isn’t the same for you as it is for anyone else. In fact, it might even be dangerous.
Forget trying to curl up and get a good night’s sleep — you don’t fit on the bed! You also don’t fit under normal-sized blankets, making it difficult to get comfortable.
They make Big and Tall clothing — but do they make Big and Tall chairs, too? That would be helpful the next time you’re sitting at your desk, or in a classroom, or at a table, or…
Not only does your head hit the ceiling in your car, but you can’t stretch out like most people. There’s a good chance the steering wheel is going to hit your knees, which is hazardous when driving on the road.
When you’re taller than almost anyone else, no one will be doing your French braids. Of course, you have the option of sitting down, but that’s the only way you’re getting a hair treatment.
Depending on where you get your measurements taken, not only will they probably have to break out a second measuring tape but also stand on step stools and ladders to reach you. It’s embarrassing when measuring you derails the entire store.
If you’re tall and love to travel, you might occasionally go somewhere where people, in general, tend to be on the short side. If that’s the case, you could end up being both a tourist and tourist attraction.
In many parts of the world, houses and rooms are extremely smal. In the U.K., for example, it’s rare to find a bedroom that fits a king-sized bed. If you’re used to bigger living space, you might find yourself feeling uncomfortable.
Forget traveling on an airplane, which is bad enough. Working on an airplane when you’re tall is even worse. Everything is designed to be small, which just doesn’t work well when you’re over the average height.
If you’re tall and long-limbed, you probably have a hard time finding clothes that fit. Sure, they fit your body, but they leave your arms half-bare and show off your legs from the calf down.
While some gyms have high ceilings, others are just in regular buildings. When you’re standing on a Stairmaster or another machine that lifts you up, you could hit your head during your workout.
Yes, yes, we get it, a lot of athletes are tall. But height doesn’t automatically give people an advantage when it comes to sports. In fact, not all tall individuals enjoy participating in sports nor does height give them natural physical ability.
You’re at a party, the music is pumping, and everyone is having a good time. Of course, you have to shout over the music. For you, it’s even harder, because all the short people are a good two feet away.
When you were in a classroom, your teacher always chose you to pull the map down before the geography lesson. Now it continues — whenever someone needs to reach something on a high shelf, you’re the first one they call.
You know the moment you take your spot at a concert, the people behind you will be groaning. But hey, it’s not your fault — you want to enjoy the music, too. You can’t help being tall!
Tall people are great for piggyback rides and playing chicken. But just because you’ve got the shoulders to support people doesn’t give them permission to jump on you without any warning!
If you have naturally long legs, you probably forget that not everyone has the same advantage. You’re walking around, talking to a friend, only to realize you’ve left them far behind as they try to catch up.
When the deep end of the pool is 6 feet, that’s great for most people. But it doesn’t leave a lot of room for you to enjoy the water. Make sure not to dive.
You have the same problem with your pants as you do with your shirts — everything is too short. It’s even worse if you’re also thin because any pants that are long enough end up being way too big.
Did you know that most people can sit straight under a table without having to slant their knees off to one side? No? That’s what life is like when you’re average height. Unfortunately for tall people, they have to get creative.
Whenever all your friends want to take a picture, you’re automatically at the back. It’s just the way it goes unless you want to block everyone else from view.
Maybe you want to mix things up a little bit and be at the front for once. That means that you’ll have to kneel, crouch, or sit so that everyone else can be in the picture.
To put it lightly, yes I realize I’m tall here’s a card to answer all your next questions.
“Yes I am tall. I am 6’10”. (No I’m not kidding. Yes, that is tall) No, I do not play basketball I play volleyball. Yes seeing the tops of everyone’s head is weird. Yes the weather is nice up here. This has been a great conversation”
Yes, believe it or not, if you’re out on the street, people will actually use you as shade protection. They’ll also use you as a windscreen. Yes, it’s pretty rude, but it happens.
When you have long legs that don’t fit under a table or seat on public transportation, your only other option is to put them to the side. Of course, that means that someone will inevitably trip over them.
The storm clouds come out and people open up their umbrellas. While they’re above their heads, they’re right at your eye level, putting you at risk for losing an eye to an umbrella spoke.
Being exceptionally tall is cool in some ways. You can reach things off the top shelf, paint ceilings with ease, and never need a stepladder. But there are plenty of other problems that you’ll probably face on a day-to-day basis. Here’s the craziest thing — people who aren’t tall just can’t relate.
Most people don’t know what it’s like not to fit into cars comfortably, hit their head on doorframes, or need to crouch just to wash their hair in the shower. And they definitely don’t know what it’s like to have people say the same few phrases every time they see you: “How’s the weather up there?”, “Have you grown?” and “Do you play basketball?”
In some places, people openly goggle at you. They might even ask to take your picture. You might not get this treatment if you’re 6 foot 4, but any taller than that and people might treat you like a tourist attraction!
However, being tall isn’t all bad. Even though it’s a daily challenge, there’s plenty to enjoy about it, too. Just remember the next time someone calls you the Jolly Green Giant (you know, because you’re wearing a green shirt), put their lunch up on a high shelf.